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所谓封闭式管理就是严格屠宰加工现场的控制,屠宰加工车间只允许生产人员、检验人员和有关管理人员进入,其他闲杂人员、检验人员和有关管理人员进入,其他闲杂人员、个体经营户绝对不准随意进入生产车间,更不能随意接触产品,这样才能保证生产有序,卫生检验不受干扰,从而生产出质量高的合格肉品,否则定点屠宰就会流于形式,同样老百姓吃不上放心肉。 相似文献
消毒是贯彻“预防为主”方针的一项重要措施,在人类经历了非典和禽流感疫情的今天,人们对消毒的作用更为重视。消毒的目的是消灭传染源散播于外界环境中的病原体,以切断传播途径,阻止疫病继续蔓延。屠宰厂的消毒范围指一切与病畜禽及其产品接触过的东西,病畜禽通过的道路和停留过的圈舍。在防疫工作中比较常用的消毒方法有机械性清除、物理消毒、化学消毒和生物学消毒4种方法。消毒剂的选用是化学消毒法的核心,正确选择和使用消毒剂对杀灭病原菌机体、迅速控制疫病传播、保障肉品加工质量和屠宰加工人员的身体健康等方面具有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
中国是生猪生产和消费大国,每年生产数亿合格生猪同时,也有大量的病害猪产生。我国已经建立和完善了针对病害猪无害化处理的法律、法规、标准体系,并且在屠宰环节已经建立了无害化处理财政补偿机制。病害猪无害化处理政策的有效施行,减少了病害生猪产品流入市场,保障了肉类食品安全。本文对生猪定点屠宰厂(场)病害猪无害化处理进行了系统的阐述,希望能促进无害化处理知识的普及,为无害化处理工作的执行提供意见参考。 相似文献
根据我国对食品安全的要求,为提高肉类产品的加工质量,必须对生猪屠宰场进行升级改造,要求我国生猪的屠宰和分割加工厂向着标准化、规模化、机械化的方向发展。 相似文献
针对我国冻干食品企业设备选型中存在的一些问题 ,强调了冻干设备选型的重要意义 ;较系统深入地讨论了原料对设备选型的影响 ;论述了国内外冻干机的主要差距并指出企业应从自己的客观情况和实际需要出发 ,因地制宜 ,合理选用设备。 相似文献
J. A. PHELAN 《International Journal of Dairy Technology》1981,34(4):152-156
The percentage of milk fat recovered as cheese varies between 85 and 93 per cent, depending on the system used, and this must be taken into account when the casein to fat ratio of milk for cheesemaking is selected. Seasonal variation in the composition of milk protein can have a significant influence on the potential cheese yield. Prolonged storage of milk may cause casein losses while heat precipitation can facilitate the incorporation of whey proteins in cheese curd. The economic consequences of seasonal variations in Ireland on the price of milk for cheesemaking are discussed. The economics of standardisation may be marginal, but it is a useful aid in achieving uniform cheese quality. 相似文献
白莉 《中国食品卫生杂志》2013,25(4)
目的 了解我国四省肉鸡屠宰厂沙门氏菌脉冲场凝胶电泳分子分型情况。方法 参照美国疾病预防控制机构PulsNet实验方法,对2010年监测四省肉鸡屠宰厂分离到的167株沙门氏菌,运用XbaⅠ酶进行酶切并完成PFGE分析,利用BioNumerics 软件对分离株的指纹图谱进行聚类分析并建立数据库。结果 167株沙门氏菌共分为18个群,包括了75个不同的带型。相同血清型具有相似带型,基本归于同一群。65株印地安纳沙门氏菌分成了38个带型,54株肠炎沙门氏菌分成了16个带型,16株奥尔巴尼沙门氏菌分成1个带型。结论 各省沙门氏菌的带型具有地区性差异, 又具有优势型别的交叉。屠宰厂存在严重的交叉污染,加强加工环节关键控制点沙门氏菌的监测和干预,从而降低肉鸡及其产品中沙门氏菌的污染,这是从源头控制污染的根本措施。 相似文献
This study investigated the changes in fat reflectance spectrum characteristics and color in lambs switched from a low to a high dietary carotenoid level for various durations before slaughter. Six treatments, feeding a high dietary carotenoid level for 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 or 75days before slaughter, were compared in individually indoor penned lambs. Each treatment used 10 Romane lambs; feeding management ensured similar growth pattern and carcass weight for all the treatment groups. There was a change in reflectance spectrum characteristics and yellowness of subcutaneous fat as early as 15days after the switch. Mean concentration of carotenoid pigments and yellowness of subcutaneous fat increased linearly with the duration of the high dietary carotenoid level. In perirenal fat, the change in reflectance spectrum characteristics was observed as early as 15days after the switch, but the response to the duration of the high dietary carotenoid level was curvilinear. 相似文献
《Meat science》2013,93(4):644-650
This study investigated the changes in fat reflectance spectrum characteristics and color in lambs switched from a low to a high dietary carotenoid level for various durations before slaughter. Six treatments, feeding a high dietary carotenoid level for 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 or 75 days before slaughter, were compared in individually indoor penned lambs. Each treatment used 10 Romane lambs; feeding management ensured similar growth pattern and carcass weight for all the treatment groups. There was a change in reflectance spectrum characteristics and yellowness of subcutaneous fat as early as 15 days after the switch. Mean concentration of carotenoid pigments and yellowness of subcutaneous fat increased linearly with the duration of the high dietary carotenoid level. In perirenal fat, the change in reflectance spectrum characteristics was observed as early as 15 days after the switch, but the response to the duration of the high dietary carotenoid level was curvilinear. 相似文献
Data from an ongoing national surveillance program of Campylobacter prevalence in broiler slaughter groups were related to results from a 1-year baseline study of broiler carcasses postchill. The goals were to establish the relation between Campylobacter prevalence in slaughter groups and on carcasses and to determine the effect of various chilling systems on Campylobacter prevalence. Pooled cloacal and neck skin samples from the surveillance program were analyzed after enrichment. Carcass rinse samples from the baseline study were analyzed after enrichment and by direct plating. Data from both studies were available for 614 carcasses. Direct-plating analyses indicated that the percentages of carcasses positive for Campylobacter jejuni and other Campylobacter spp. in slaughter groups with negative cloacal samples were 2 and 10%, respectively, whereas enrichment analyses indicated prevalences of 2% in both cases. Campylobacter prevalence in slaughter groups with a high degree of intestinal colonization (more than half of the pooled cloacal samples positive) was significantly higher than in slaughter groups with a low degree of colonization (76 to 85% and 30 to 50%, respectively, depending on Campylobacter spp. and analytical method). The prevalence of Campylobacter-positive carcasses postchill was at the same level as the prevalence of carcasses that originated from slaughter groups with positive neck skin samples at four of the six slaughterhouses. Only at one slaughterhouse, with an air-chilling system, was the postchill prevalence (13%) lower than that expected from slaughter group data (23%). The postchill prevalence (43%) was higher than that expected from slaughter group data (33%) at one slaughterhouse with immersion chilling. 相似文献
Dairy laboratories are responsible for measuring the quality of ingredients, intermediate products and finished products. A particular challenge in the food processing sector is that consistently high quality products must be made from raw material which varies widely in composition and to some extent in quality. Consequently, routine milk sampling and analysis form part of the quality control system in any dairy plant. Sampling and data collection begin at the milk collection point on the farm, and so the collection truck must be considered part of the informationlquality control management system. Computerized information management systems relieve the workload on the laboratory manager by assisting with tasks such as organizing the workload; tracking samples; monitoring instruments; acquiring, storing, reporting and analysing test data; and with additional functions such as Good Laboratory Practice and IS0 9000. Of particular significance to laboratories is that computer interfaces and computer technology inside analytical instruments have opened new ways of integrating on-line measurements in the process, and on-line laboratory data. With the increasing rationalization of the dairy industry there are fewer laboratories, and a laboratory often processes samples for several factories, which requires good integration. The number of samples which are submitted is increased and the cost of automation becomes justified , 相似文献
The intramuscular lipid and fatty acid profiles of the m. longissimus dorsi from 84 sheep comprising four sex-types (enire ram, vasectomised ram, wether and ewe) and seven slaughter weights (32, 36, 40, 44, 48 and 52kg) were measured. Animals were reared following the commercial practice. Specifically, they were fed pasture and a concentrate diet, and age at slaughter ranged from 180 to 390 days. Differences between entire and vasectomised rams, and between wethers and ewes in intramuscular lipid content were not significant (P>0.05). However, entire and vasectomised rams were significantly lower (P<0.05) in intramuscular lipid content than ewes and wethers. Sex related differences in 14:0 (myristic acid), t18:1, c18:1, t18:2 and c18:2 proportions were not significant (P>0.05). Ewes and wethers were similar in 16:0 (palmitic acid) and 18:0 (stearic acid) proportions, but ewes contained significantly higher 16:0 and lower 18:0 proportions than entire and vasectomised rams (P<0.01). Entire and vasectomised rams recorded the highest c18:3 proportions, wethers were intermediate whilst ewes contained the lowest proportion (P<0.01). Although neither saturated fatty acid (SFA) nor monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) proportions varied with sex-type, vasectomised rams contained significantly higher polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) proportion that the other sex-types (P<0.05). Whilst intramuscular lipid content, and 18:0 and c18:1 proportions were linearly correlated with slaughter weight (P<0.001), 14:0 and c18:3 proportions decreased quadratically with increasing slaughter weight (P<0.001). The vasectomised ram and the entire ram were similar in fatty acid profile, except the significantly higher PUFA proportion recorded by the vasectomised ram. 相似文献