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张晓露  陈伟  王小芳 《化工机械》2007,34(3):144-147
采用计算流体动力学(CFD)的方法,分别计算了Kenics型静态混合器和GK型静态混合器内的流场。数值模拟的结果表明,Kenics型静态混合器内流场的湍动强度大于GK型静态混合器的,导致了Kenics型静态混合器的流体阻力和传热系数大于GK型静态混合器的。GK型静态混合器的压力降大约只是Kenics型静态混合器压力降的0.554~0.579倍,但两者的传热膜系数相差不大。GK型静态混合器具有较强的综合性能。  相似文献   

借助计算流体力学软件FLUENT5/6,对含有3个流道的螺旋式静态混合器在不同的长宽比和雷诺数下的流动特性进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明,当螺旋片长宽比为4∶1时该混合器压力降与雷诺数的1.715次方成正比;当雷诺数一定时,压力降与混合元件单元数在双对数坐标下成线性分布规律;压力降随着螺旋叶片长宽比的减小而增大;该混合器的压力降与对应结构的SK型静态混合器基本相同,大约是相同直径和管长的光滑空管压力降的10倍。  相似文献   

Mass Transfer of ozone absorbed by water in a semi-comtinuous stirred reactor is studied at the lab scale. Experimental investigation using a complete factorial scheme shows a predominant effect of agitation speed and gas flow and results in a correlation for the mass transfer coefficient, k1a. Solubility of ozone in water is estimated by evaluation of an apparent Henry's law constant for different temperatures (20* and 50*C), pH values (2 and 7) and a t constant ionic strength (0.13).  相似文献   

Mass transfer of ozone and oxygen to water was investigated both in pilot plant countercurrent bubble column and in a Rushton type laboratory stirred reactor supplied with a variable speed turbine agitator. A comparison was made for different hydrodynamic conditions with the main task of developing an engineering approach for determination of the physical volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KL oa), specific interfacial area (a), and physical masstransfer coefficient (KLO). The mass transfer characteristics of ozone and oxygen can be determined quickly in a pilot plant or laboratory apparatus, and employed to optimize the performance ofthe full scale water treatment plant.  相似文献   

New standards for drinking water disinfection require better optimization of the ozonation stage on the basis of the concentration×contact time (CT) concept, and production of ozone from pure oxygen at higher concentrations presumes application of the new type of contactors operating efficiently at lower gas/liquid volumetric ratios. One possible construction to meet these requirements is a downstream static mixer with sieve plates. At higher flow rates of liquid in this mixer, the interfacial area may reach 10,000m2/m3 at energy dissipation 1–5kW/m3. Due to the very intensive hydrodynamic regime the ozone utilization degree in the gas phase reaches 98–100% in natural lake water ozonation. Mathematical simulation of lake water ozonation in this mixer indicated that the process proceeds mostly in the diffusion or kinetic regime depending on the operating parameters. The dominating parameters besides the sieve geometry are the liquid flow rate in the holes of the sieves and the volumetric liquid/gas ratio.  相似文献   

In this study, the ozone gas-liquid mass transfer into water in a bubble column was investigated for different pH values. The ozone volumetric mass transfer coefficient and the Henry's coefficient were determined simultaneously by parameter estimation using a nonlinear optimization method. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to obtain information on the reliability and identifiability of the estimated parameters. A minor dependence of the Henry's law constant on pH was detected at the pH range 4 to 9.  相似文献   

A computer model based on the establishment of mass balance equations and on the model of fluids flow “stirred tank in series” was developed in order to calculate the ozone transfer coefficient kLa and kinetic constant kc of ozone consumption by water. On the basis of experimental data, the correlation for gas holdup εg and bubble diameter dvs, were proposed and used to calculate the specific interfacial area a. The liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient kL for ozone was evaluated from a and the kLa data.  相似文献   

Ozone is used in drinking water treatment as a biocide, as an oxidant and as a pretreatment in order to improve the performance of subsequent processes. Increasing concern over the quality of drinking water has led to a number of new stringent regulations in the control of chemical and microbiological contaminants. Disinfection deals with the concept of “CT”, which is the need to maintain a certain minimum concentration for a given time. Under ideal laboratory conditions, it is 0.4 mg O3/L for 4 min. In practice, since the method for the CT determination has not been finalized by the EPA, “T” can be the minimum detention time of 90% of total flow, and “C” can be a measured ozone residual at the outlet of cells of the contactor. New standards for micropollutants in drinking water imply an optimization of the ozonation step, by improving the ozone transfer from gas to water, and the control of the detention time as well as ozone residual within the contactor.

All these considerations have led us to use static mixers to transfer ozone into water. This process enables us to control the ozone concentration in water and detention time. It is a very simple system, with very low maintenance requirements due to the lack of moving parts. Civil engineering is minimized. A pilot scale study is presented here. It took place at the Méry-sur-Oise water treatment plant, on a pilot plant working at 8-12 m3/h. It is composed of a static mixer for the transfer of ozone from gas to liquid, linked to an air lift to separate gas from liquid, providing ozonated water.

The optimization of transfer was achieved by studying the impact of water flow, gas flow and ozone concentration in the gas. It is possible to reach 90% of transfer in less than 15 s. Headloss (ΔP) across the mixer is a function of gas and water flows and remains economically very acceptable as 0.15 bar for 12 m3/h.

Atrazine removal was studied using a static mixer, an air lift and a contact pipe 80-m long, providing an optimum contact time phase, working as a plug flow reactor. Ozone and H2O2/O3 treatments were compared. The maximum reduction of atrazine concentrations (e.g., for an infinite contact time) is a function of the amount of transferred ozone, but H2O2 influences the kinetics of the reaction. In the presence of H2O2 with a ratio of H2O2 to O3 of 0.4 w/w, maximum elimination is reached in 2 min 30 s.

The effect of such treatments on environmental bacteria also was followed. A counting of total germs at 20°C showed a decrease of 1- to 3-logs 10 after 1 min 30 s of contact time for about 2 mg/L of transferred ozone. No significant difference between treatments with or without H2O2 was shown. The same conclusions were obtained from heterotrophic plate counts (37°C) and epifluorescence countings.  相似文献   

A perforated spinning disc ozone contactor is described with reference to its use as an absorber with simultaneous chemical reaction.

Greatly enhanced mass transfer coefficients kL are measured whilst simultaneously maintaining low ozone loss. Comparisons of kL and volumetric coefficient, kL a values, are made with more conventional packed or bubble columns.

Acetic acid, 2-propanol and 4-nitrophenol, representing a wide reactivity range, are used to elucidate the applicability of rotating contactors in effluent treatment. It has been possible to study the effects of surface activity on mass transfer with subsequent reaction and to generate design data for the next generation of rotating contactors.  相似文献   

A procedure for the determination of Henry and mass transfer coefficients in an ozone-industrial wastewater system is presented. The method is applied to the ozonation of a tomato plant industrial wastewater, developed in the slow kinetic regime. In so doing, molar balances of ozone (in gas and water phases) are used together with gas-liquid reaction kinetic theory. While Henry's coefficients obtained are similar to those corresponding to ozonation in organic-free water, significant deviations are observed regarding the mass transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

螺旋折流板冷凝器壳程传热性能的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张翠翠 《化工机械》2010,37(3):266-269
对螺旋角为25、30、40°的螺旋折流板冷凝器壳程传热性能和压降性能进行实验测试,40°螺旋角的螺旋折流板冷凝器的综合传热性能要优于25、30°螺旋折流板冷凝器的,40°有泄流槽螺旋折流板冷凝器的传热综合性能又优于不开槽螺旋折流板冷凝器的。  相似文献   

A transient back flow cell model was used to model the hydrodynamic behaviour of an impinging-jet ozone bubble column. A steady-state back flow cell model was developed to analyze the dissolved ozone concentration profiles measured in the bubble column. The column-average overall mass transfer coefficient, kLa (s?1), was found to be dependent on the superficial gas and liquid velocities, uG (m.s?1) and uL (m.s?1), respectively, as follows: kLa?=?55.58 · uG 1.26· uL 0.08 . The specific interfacial area, a (m?1), was determined as a = 3.61 × 103 · uG 0.902 · uL ?0.038 by measuring the gas hold-up (ε G?=?4.67 · uG 1.11 · uL ?0.05 ) and Sauter mean diameter, dS (mm), of the bubbles (dS?=?7.78 · uG 0.207 · uL ? 0.008 ). The local mass transfer coefficient, kL (m.s?1), was then determined to be: kL?=?15.40 · uG 0.354 · uL 0.118 .  相似文献   

Ozone transfer to water or wastewater is necessary before desirable, effective ozone reactions occur. Several factors affect ozone transfer efficiency, including water quality characteristics, contactor configuration, and applied ozone characteristics. The design model presented in this paper addresses all factors affecting ozone transfer. The model was used to compare measured transfer efficiency with predicted transfer efficiency at four full-scale wastewater ozone disinfection facilities. A relatively good prediction was obtained at each plant.

The paper presents an example calculation of ozone transfer efficiency. Also, the effect of changes to some of the factors affecting transfer efficiency is presented, such as changes in diffuser depth, plant elevation, ozone concentration, water quality (i.e., ozone demand), pH, detention time, temperature, and acombination of factors. The design model may be used to evaluate the effect of changes in plant design on transfer efficiency, but cannot provide an absolute value for transfer efficiency until difficult-to-measure parameters, such as bubble diameter, are known.  相似文献   

研究一种新型高效型板换热器 ,对型板换热器的传热特性及阻力降性能等进行了实验研究。通过研究发现 ,型板换热器的传热系数比列管式换热器的传热系数高 5 0 %~ 10 0 % ,阻力降值比传统的列管式换热器低 ,与型板内流体流速的 1 4 4次方成正比  相似文献   

Basedon the success of the first Hungarian large capacity drinking water treatment ozonation plant of Budapest that was put into operation in 1984, a similar second plant was put into operation in 1988 in Debrecen with 150,000 inhabitants. This recently built plant solves taste and odor problems and water quality development of a surface water treatment plant with a capacity of 50,000 m3/day that is operative for a longer period of time. The experiences gained at the Budapest ozonizing plant were utilized during both planning and construction. Thus, for example, the method of ozone absorption had been modified.

The in-situ repair of the Frings turbines for ozone contacting placed at the Rackeve plant of the Budapest Waterworks will be introduced, as well as a concept of a newer kind of ozone mixing.  相似文献   

化学法测定鼓泡塔中的相界面积和传质系数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文开发了一种新的物质,用Na2SO3溶液吸收空气中的O2,并伴有物理解吸C2H4来同时测定α和kL,以保证α和kL的测定在同一流体力学条件下进行,在单气泡时,将Na2SO3-O2-C2H4系统测得的αchem与通过气泡大小及上升速度经计算而得到的αgeo进行了比较,校核了αchem的准确性,并将此系统测得的kL,C2H4与化学法测得的kL,o2进行了比较,得知它们十分接近,且其关系符合Danckwerts模型。将该物系用于气泡群,测定了不同空塔气速下的α、kL和ε,并进行了数据关联,取得了相当满意的结果。通过对不同清液层高度下传质系数的测量,发现喷嘴附近的传质系数比全塔平均值高3-5倍,说明有相当比例的传质发生在喷嘴附近。  相似文献   

A single-bubble model of mass transfer in gas-liquid systems enables the estimation of transfer efficiencies under different process conditions. In particular, it can be applied to simulate the effects of bubble size, value of the mass transfer coefficient, kinetics of reactions taking place in water and depth of the contact chamber. The results of such modelling in terms of transfer efficiency are presented for physical and chemical absorption of ozone in water at different hydrodynamic conditions (bubble size, water temperature, water depth in the contact chamber, and initial ozone concentration in the bubbles). The results of computations are compared with some reference data on ozone absorption in water in industrial-scale contact chambers.  相似文献   

An ozone reactor was constructed using a tubular gas diffuser made of microporous stainless steel to significantly reduce gas bubble size and increase overall mass transfer area. Overall mass transfer coefficient, KLa [s ?1], was correlated with gas (G) and liquid (L) flow rates using KLa = ALαGβ , with A = 3.96 × 10 8 [s?1], α = 1.53, and β = 0.40, with L and G in [m 3s?1]. The reactor is essentially plug flow at high G or L. This system achieves one of the highest ozone mass transfer rates observed in the literature.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen dissolved in water corresponding to an important water quality parameter in rivers, streams, and lakes. Hydraulic structures can increase dissolved oxygen levels by creating turbulent conditions where small air bubbles are carried into the bulk of the flow. A gated conduit is a hydraulic structure that can be used efficiently in aeration and oxygen transfer. The subatmospheric pressure between the upstream and downstream of the gate is the reason for the air injection. Ozone is an unstable gas comprised of three oxygen atoms, and it can be used for water treatment. Ozone is thermodynamically unstable and spontaneously reverts back into oxygen. Ozone has been widely accepted as an effective disinfectant and a chemical oxidant. In this study a series of experiments was conducted to determine the ozone injection performance of circular conduits. Results showed that circular conduits are very effective for ozone injection.  相似文献   

This study aims at applying artificial neural network (ANN) modeling approach in designing ozone bubble columns. Three multi-layer perceptron (MLP) ANN models were developed to predict the overall mass transfer coefficient (kLa, s?1), the gas hold-up (? G , dimensionless), and the Sauter mean bubble diameter (dS , m) in different ozone bubble columns using simple inputs such as bubble column's geometry and operating conditions. The obtained results showed excellent prediction of kLa, ? G , and dS values as the coefficient of multiple determination (R2 ) values for all ANN models exceeded 0.98. The ANN models were then used to determine the local mass transfer coefficient (kL , m.s?1). A very good agreement between the modeled and the measured kL values was observed (R2 ?=?0.85).  相似文献   

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