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<正> 自从1868年瑞士科学家米歇尔发现核酸,至今100多年来,核酸的研究始终处于生物科学的核心,然而将核酸作为人类必需的营养素,却是近几十年的事情。1977年,美国医学博士弗兰克首创了核酸营养学和核酸代谢疗法,并通过20年的临床试验,使数以  相似文献   

核酸在营养免疫中的功能   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
贾伟 《食品科学》1997,18(5):7-10
当营养不良伴随感染时则危及免疫系统,使免疫功能低下。因为蛋白质是机体免疫系统组成的基础物质,脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素和矿物质也是必需物质,但有人认为机体自身生”成的内源性核酸,已足够需要,一般都不把外源性核酸的补给当做问题。相反对核酸在机体中的代谢物──“嘌呤硷”生成的尿酸,及形成的“尿结石”或“痛风症”却相当重视。据报导:美国人弗兰克[1]经20多年的研究证明:人体自身合成的核酸并不多,不能满足机体细胞新陈代谢的需要,常影响免疫系统的功能。他发现:20岁以后的成年人,合成核酸的能力日益衰退,所以需要从食物中提供。弗兰克还在临床上发现[2]:中、青年人虽然在膳食中使蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素、  相似文献   

冠状病毒具有一层脂质膜。虽然复制需要劫持宿主的RNA工具来合成病毒体蛋白,但必须将其包裹在脂质膜中,促其萌生以扩展感染。最近研究表明,某些必需脂肪酸可以抑制其复制活性。脂质膜通常被认为是水溶物的脂肪屏障,但它对细胞和亚细胞的功能是高度有序和组分特异性的,其对病毒外壳可能也有最佳的特异性。虽然复制中DNA、RNA和蛋白质组成不受饮食影响,但脂质膜受其影响。此外,自1960年代以来,人们就知道男性对这些必需脂肪酸和膜完整性不足的敏感性高于女性。有证据表明,花生四烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸具有抗病毒、免疫、抗炎、控制血压和消退素活性,因此,迫切需要考察它们在Covid-19预防和治疗中的地位,也需重新评估现行的膳食指导。当前,有关脑、神经、血管和免疫系统等富含膜系统对脂质需求还尚未被详细认识。毫无疑问,这些脂质在几百万年来塑造人类基因组方面具有重要意义,因此,如果这些膜脂质失衡将会使人类面临机体紊乱和感染风险,且男性比女性风险更大。  相似文献   

在传统的造纸综合废水生化处理的基础上,根据微生物营养学原理,应用BIFE-Ⅰ、BIFE-Ⅲ系列有机营养剂改善活性污泥中微生物群落的结构,调整出丝状微生物与菌胶团共生、生态系统完整的微生物群落,大大提高了生化系统对水体中有机污染物,特别是难生化降解木质素等污染物质的降解效果,出水CODCr可稳定小于150mg/L,在120mg/L左右,对有机污染物的去除率高于90%。  相似文献   

脂类在动物营养中的作用与研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
脂类是一大类营养物质,它在动物营养学中的重要作用日益得到重视,通过动物营养原理生产富含多不饱和脂肪酸的功能产品;脂类与动物免疫,疾病的关系;磷脂类饲料添加剂的作用与研制开发,对脂类在动物营养中的作用与研究进展作了详细的综述。  相似文献   

维生素C对中国对虾的营养和免疫作用及其最适剂型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论述了维生素C对中国对虾的营养作用,对对虾蜕壳的影响,以及对虾对维生素C的缺乏症;LAPP对中国对虾缺氧耐受力及免疫抵抗力的影响;各类维生素C产品在不同条件下的稳定性;不同剂型维生素C对中国对虾生长的影响。  相似文献   

蜂巢的营养及其在食品工业中的开发前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂巢是蜜蜂生活和繁殖后代的场所,含有大量的蜂蜜、蜂王浆、花粉、蜂胶和蜂蜡等物质,具有很好的抗菌、消炎和抗肿瘤等功效,是天然的保健药物。综述当前国内外对蜂巢营养研究与利用状况,展望其今后在食品工业中开发与利用前景,以期为蜂巢的深加工提供理论参考。  相似文献   

王红萍 《肉类研究》2010,(8):9-11,66
肉是营养密集的动物性食品,富含人体生长发育所必需的蛋白质,氨基酸,脂肪,维生素,矿物质及微量元素,对人体的生长发育生理机能调节及维持正常生活活动起着重要作用。  相似文献   

食品营养与免疫代谢关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品的营养与功能研究多集中在对机体的代谢和免疫调节作用方面,已经成为饮食与健康的焦点。肥胖、 糖尿病、高血脂以及癌症作为现代生活方式症已经成为科学家必须面对的大众健康问题。科学家曾经坚信通过免疫 和化学治疗可以攻克这些疾病,但是却发现免疫细胞激活与繁殖表现出和糖尿病、癌症相似的对葡萄糖的依赖性和 有氧糖酵解作用(瓦氏效应),这表明激活免疫细胞的同时也可能激活癌细胞,而且当免疫细胞迁移到癌症微环境 时,却表现出免疫抑制或免疫无能。显然免疫活性、细胞信号传导和代谢之间有密切联系,都经历一个依赖于营养 传感的代谢重编程和有氧糖酵解作用的过程。于是科学家提出免疫代谢一词,用来表述免疫激活作用所表现出的代谢 重编程作用,试图通过对免疫代谢的深入研究找到免疫细胞活性与瓦氏效应的控制机制和内在联系,为预防和治疗这 些疾病寻求新的方法和途径。本文将从食品营养及其功能评价的角度综述和展望食品与营养的免疫代谢作用。  相似文献   

PurposeTo investigate the behaviour of contact lens (CL) wearers in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsAn anonymized web-based questionnaire was used to assess demographics, CL history, and activity, CL wear habits and perceived risk of infection due to CL wear during the COVID-19 pandemic.ResultsA total of 737 participants with an average age of 27.4 (±9.3) years completed the online questionnaire. The vast majority of respondents were soft CL wearers and reported at least two years of CL wear. Patients concerns about the increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to CL wear (40.6 % of participants) were significantly related (χ2(1) = 11.195, p < 0.05) to CL discontinuation (46 % of participants) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This fact joins the significant changes in the frequency of CL wear during the COVID-19 pandemic (χ2(4) = 31.982, p < 0.05), with a tendency to increase occasional CL wear from 29.1 % to 61.8 %. Interestingly, the majority of respondent (87.9 %) indicated that no professional had offered them information related to CL wear and COVID-19, and that they had not sought it on their own (82.2 %).ConclusionThere is a relationship between the perceived risk of infection and CL dropout during the COVID-19 pandemic, and a tendency to change the CL frequency of wear, with an increase in occasional CL wear. During the ongoing pandemic, eye care practitioners should reinforce CL patient education to minimize the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and CL-related complications requiring clinical care.  相似文献   

在新冠疫情背景下,针对我国纺织产业在科技发展方面存在的问题,提出了纺织产业科技转型的有效策略——"一个中心、三个重点",即以科技创新能力建设为中心,以推动产业转型升级、加快智能化建设和加快可持续发展为重点.  相似文献   

裘胜 《食品与机械》2021,37(6):8-10
文章从营养角度出发,分析了新冠肺炎后疫情时期面临的营养风险,针对新冠患者提出了相应的营养管理措施,揭示营养干预辅助新冠肺炎治疗的重要意义,并对普通群众提出了实现合理营养膳食的建议。  相似文献   

COVID-19新型冠状病毒是以前从未发现的线性单链的RNA冠状病毒。COVID-19世界范围内大流行带来了无数经济、政治、社会后果,尤其是人类健康后果。饮食在新冠病毒感染风险和症状严重程度的作用正在凸显。大量证据表明,均衡健康的饮食模式可以减少COVID-19感染及重症的风险。该文就国内外饮食与新冠病毒感染风险及严重程度研究进行汇总,指出益生菌或益生元、膳食纤维、十字花科蔬菜、维生素C和膳食多酚的膳食模式是COVID-19感染及重症的保护因素;而过加工食品和高糖(果糖、葡萄糖)高脂高蛋白饮食模式是新冠病毒感染的风险因素。该文提倡的饮食模式可能为通过饮食干预预防或治疗新冠病毒感染提供指导。  相似文献   

目的 探索新冠疫情下医护人员饮食行为与体质量变化的关系,为改善医护人员营养健康提供科学依据。方法 本研究于2022年5~7月,随机选取我国东北地区12所新冠定点医院1 487名医护人员进行问卷调查,剔除无效问卷后,最终获得有效问卷1 352份。采用自编一般情况调查表、饮食行为指标、情绪化进食量表收集数据,采用方差分析、线性回归模型等统计方法进行数据分析。结果 新冠定点医院的医护工作者中,保持体质量(±3%)者485人,占比35.9%,体质量降低超过5%、体质量降低3%~5%、体质量增加3%~5%、体质量增加超过5%者分别占总人数的8.2%(111/1 352)、22.7%(307/1 352)、23.6%(319/1 352)和9.6%(130/1 352)。方差分析结果显示,医护人员饮食不规律、营养不均衡、高油饮食、高盐饮食、高糖饮食、饮料摄入、情绪化饮食等情况在不同体质量变化组间的差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05),但饮酒行为在体质量变化五组间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。多因素线性回归结果显示,饮食不规律、高糖饮食、饮料摄入、情绪化进食及月收入等是体质量变化的...  相似文献   

AimTo establish contact lens wear and care practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain.MethodA 58-item anonymous online survey was distributed during the period 30th April to 10th May via Qualtrics. The survey explored: a) demographic characteristics (age, sex, general health and where they were living during lockdown), b) changes in their contact lens use during lockdown, c) hygiene and contact lens compliance and d) concerns associated with contact lens wear and ways to support wearers during the pandemic.ResultsTwo hundred and sixty responses were analysed (38.8 ± 11.4 years old, 75% female). Three-quarters of participants reported that they were self-isolating or rigorously following social distancing advice. Sixty-seven percent of participants reported using their contact lenses less during the pandemic. Respondents were found to be compliant with handwashing prior to inserting and removing contact lenses (in both cases 97% doing this ‘most times’ or ‘every time’). However, only 44 % complied with the ‘20 s rule’ and 48 % used a shared towel to dry their hands. A higher proportion of hydrogen peroxide users replaced the lens case monthly compared to multi-purpose users (64% vs.49%; p < 0.001). Twenty-four percent admitted wearing lenses whilst showering and 16% did not consider ceasing lens wear if feeling unwell with flu/cold symptoms.ConclusionEye care practitioners should continue to educate contact lens wearers to ensure safe contact lens wear to minimise the chance of developing contact lens related complications during the pandemic. Modifiable factors that need particular attention in Spain include: handwashing for at least 20s before lens handling, drying hands with single use paper towels, including a rub-and-rinse step for reusable lenses, lens case cleaning and renewal, avoidance of water exposure and when to cease lens wear during the pandemic.  相似文献   

The surge in panic buying during the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic led to a temporary shortage of several staples and basic supplies in grocery stores, thus limiting the public’s access to basic needs and exacerbating stress and anxiety. The negative societal consequences of panic buying highlight the importance of understanding and planning for such behavior. This study investigates the main factors that correlate with the perceived importance and timing of panic buying decisions in the US. In doing so, we provide a breakdown of the importance of panic buying across a list of common food and non-food grocery items and show a considerable variation based on product type. We also uncover heterogeneities in the importance and timing of panic buying based on demographic and behavioral characteristics, including residence area, household size, presence of children and elderly in the household, household income, ethnicity, and specific views about COVID-19. Finally, we analyze correlations between the importance of panic buying and various motivations that are believed to underlie this behavior. Results show that the perceived importance of panic buying is most heavily associated with the need for control, belief that it is the smart thing to do, and urge to minimize number of trips to grocery stores.  相似文献   

PurposeTo characterise changes in soft contact lens wearing habits during the COVID-19 pandemic.MethodsA detailed online questionnaire was circulated to individuals aged 40–70 years, during the period April to May 2021. Data sampling took place in the United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA), Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain and Italy. Only data pertaining to individuals who were soft contact lens wearers were included. Data were extracted for questions relating to contact lens wearing habits pre- and during the COVID-19 pandemic, and expectations for future lens wear beyond the pandemic.ResultsSeven-hundred and twenty-eight individuals were identified as soft contact lens wearers of which six-hundred and nineteen wore a combination of contact lenses and spectacles. Most respondents indicated contact lens wear times had either remained the same (57.3%) or increased (9.8%) during the pandemic. The country with the greatest proportion of respondents decreasing wear time during COVID-19 was the UK (45.3%), and the least in the Netherlands (20.0%). The primary cause of decreased lens wear was attributed to leaving the home less often (70.0%), and the second most common reason due to concerns about hygiene (10.8%). Most respondents (83.9%), however, expressed a desire to return to pre-pandemic wear times once the pandemic was over.ConclusionsPractitioner concerns about contact lens market recovery ought to be assuaged by the survey outcomes which show most individuals to have maintained lens wear during the pandemic. In view of the continued lens wear, as and when restrictions ease, ECPs may wish to encourage patients to return for routine check-ups that may have been missed due to the pandemic.  相似文献   

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