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The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been applied to the detection of antibodies against Salmonella O-antigens in human sera. Phenol-water extracted lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from serogroups A (O-antigens 2, 12), B (4, 5, 12) and D (9, 12) were used as antigens. When compared to the tube agglutination method according to Widal employing sera from patients with verified or suspected typhoid--or paratyphoid fever and from healthy controls it was found that ELISA (i) correlated significantly with the Widal reaction, (ii) was up to 100-fold more sensitive, and (iii) showed a greater reproducibility.  相似文献   

A blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (B-ELISA), using two neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), was established and compared with the virus neutralization test (VNT) for detecting specific peste-des-petits-ruminants virus (PPRV) antibody in caprine and ovine sera. This technique was developed because VNT, the only available specific serological test for PPRV and the cross-reactive rinderpest virus (RPV), is time-consuming and unaffordable for most laboratories in regions where both peste des petits ruminants and rinderpest occur. The test depends on the blocking of the binding of the MAb to a specific epitope in the presence of positive serum. Test conditions were optimized by using peste-des-petits-ruminants and rinderpest sera that were known to be VNT positive and negative. A blocking format, in which serum is preincubated with a solid-phase PPRV antigen and then incubated with the MAb, yielded levels of sensitivity and specificity superior to those of a competitive format, in which the two reagents are added simultaneously. A threshold value of 45% inhibition, representing the mean for a negative population (n = 277) plus 2.7 standard deviations, was adopted for routine screening. A total of 605 serum samples were screened by B-ELISA and the VNT. The sensitivity and specificity of B-ELISA relative to the VNT were 90.4 and 98.9%, respectively. Of 264 field serum samples tested, 11 (4.2%) could not be assayed by the VNT because of contamination or cytotoxicity; the overall agreement quotient between results of the two tests (n = 253) was 0.91. A high correlation (r>/=0.98) was observed between B-ELISA and the VNT for endpoint titration of sera (n=57). Because B-ELISA proved to be nearlyas sensitive and specific as the VNT while being simpler and more rapid, it would be an adequate substitute for the VNT for assessing herd immune status and for epidemiologic surveillance.  相似文献   

The lio gene encodes a putative receptor tyrosine kinase, with unique motifs both in the extracellular and catalytic domains (Dura, J.-M., Préat, T., Tully, T., 1993. Identification of linotte, a new gene affecting learning and memory in Drosophila melanogaster. J. Neurogenet. 9, 1-14). We show here that a complete deletion of lio activity causes specific structural defects in the adult brain. Gal4 enhancer-trap lines used as cell markers revealed that in lio mutants central brain axons behave as if they were abnormally attracted by the midbrain area. The Lio protein is expressed in third instar larvae in a few cells at the junction of the cerebral hemispheres. These glial cells form a newly described ring structure, showing an invariable fibrous organization. In the wild-type this ring disappears at midpupation. Our results indicate that the Lio putative kinase plays a major role in the modeling of the adult brain by controlling the fate of the transient interhemispheric ring.  相似文献   

Defensins and other antimicrobial peptides act in the innate host defense of epithelial surfaces. Human beta defensin 1 (hBD-1) has recently been shown to be expressed in airway epithelial cells and so has been implicated as a primary component of antibacterial activity in human lung. We attempted to purify these molecules from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Extraction of BALF on SepPak C-18 cartridges, followed by continuous acid-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography yielded one fraction with antibacterial activity associated with factors of < 6.5 kD. N-terminal amino acid sequencing identified these peptides as human neutrophil defensins (HD) 1 through 3. No hBD-1 was detected. Together with lysozyme, it appears that HD-1 through -3 are the most prominent antimicrobial factors in BALF. The contribution of epithelial defensins such as hBD-1 to antibacterial defense of human airway in vivo remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

In the diffusion-in-gel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DIG-ELISA) the quantitation of antibodies is based on their ability to form a diffusion gradient over an antigen-coated polystyrene surface. The antigen-antibody reaction is then visualized by an enzyme-conjugated anti-immunoglobulin. The enzyme-substrate reaction is finally performed by pouring a substrate-containing gel over the polystyrene surface. In this study with bovine serum albumin as antigen and a corresponding rabbit antiserum, the diffusion time of antiserum was shown to be the most critical variable of the method, while the antigen concentration used for coating, the conjugate binding time and the enzyme-substrate reaction time had a minor influence on the quantitation of antibodies. High antibody levels were measured with greater accuracy than low levels, but the standard deviation was below 10%. It was also shown that different sera containing antibodies to Salmonella typhi O LPS, Klebsiella pneumoniae K1 and O4 LPS, Escherichia coli O2 LPS, Yersinia enterocolitica Y3 LPS, cardiolipin and pneumococcus could be quantitated with the same accuracy.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for monitoring antibodies specific to Bordetella bronchiseptica in guineapigs and rabbits was developed. In conventional and SPF colonies of guineapigs and rabbits, the ELISA was equally successful in detecting infected animals when compared to selective cultivation from the respiratory tract. The ELISA showed a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 90% in guineapigs. In rabbits the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA were 97% and 91% respectively. In rabbit sera from infected colonies, ELISA activity showed a statistically significant correlation with titres obtained in the micro-agglutination test. Since serologically unrelated strains of the bacterium exist, the monitoring of animals for B. bronchiseptica infection by ELISA should be performed with various antigens.  相似文献   

A model system previously developed for the rapid detection of Salmonella typhimurium in foods was improved and extended to many other Salmonella serotypes. The original protocol, which consisted of an overnight nonselective culture followed by a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), was modified and improved. A sandwich ELISA which used polyclonal antibodies for the capture stage and a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies for the detector stage was developed. The assay recognized a wide range of Salmonella serotypes; S. enteritidis, the most important serotype in the United Kingdom had a detection limit in the ELISA of about 4 x 10(2) cells ml-1. The cultural stage prior to the ELISA was either a single nonselective broth (incubated for 28 h) or a preenrichment broth (incubated for 7 h) plus a selective broth (incubated for 21 h). Antibodies which bind to cells grown in the unfavorable conditions of a selective medium were selected. It was concluded that, in the future, the shortened protocols for the detection of Salmonella spp. in foods described here will be of considerable value.  相似文献   

A multiwell chamber assembly for chemotaxis tests was designed, which integrates the established microtiter system. A microtiter plate is covered with a plastic plate containing up to 96 holes of the diameter of the microtiter wells. Between the plates, a Nucleopore filter sheet (5 micron) and a silicon rubber gasket is placed. As a model system, human monocytes and lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factors were used. As it was observed that monocytes migrate through the membrane and settle on the bottom of the microtiter wells, an ELISA was adapted for quantitation of cells. After washing and incubation with a xenoantiserum against human monocytes, the bound antibody was quantitated using protein-A-conjugated alkaline phosphatase and p-nitrophenyl phosphate as detection system. The plates were read in a multichannel photometer. Cell numbers were determined directly from a calibration curve established before with varying numbers of monocytes. Current experience allows the following conclusions: The chemotaxis test in microtiter plates is simpler, faster and uses less material than conventional Boyden chambers. Evaluation by ELISA is much faster and more accurate than by microscopy.  相似文献   

The experimental details of ELISA for the identification and quantitation of Hb S are presented; the assay is based upon the passive adsorption of Hb S top a solid phase (polystyrene tubes) and the addition of monospecific rabbit antibodies capable of recognizing the (beta 6 Glu leads to Val) substitution in Hb S. After the addition of alkaline phosphatase-conjugated goat antibody to rabbit IgG and substrate, the yellow color produced by hydrolysis of substrate is measured spectrophotometrically. For the identification and quantitation of Hb S in unknown samples, the hemolysate is added to the Hb S-coated tubes before the addition of antibody to Hb S, thus causing an inhibition of the antigen-antibody reaction as evidenced by an absence or reduction of color formation. With this procedure, there is no cross-reactivity with normal hemoglobins, and the immunoassay has a sensitivity in detecting 50 ng quantities of the abnormal hemoglobin in a 5 microgram hemolysate. The assay can be performed on multiple samples in 1 day and offers many advantages over other techniques currently used for the identification and quantitation of Hb S and other abnormal hemoglobins in the clinical laboratory.  相似文献   

A kinetic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed and optimized for detection of antibodies to Neospora sp. in cattle. Sonicated tachyzoites of Neospora sp. isolated from an aborted bovine fetus were used as antigen. Variability in immunoblot patterns among positive sera, and the fact that all life stages of the parasites are unknown, justified use of a multiple-antigen ELISA to allow for maximum sensitivity. Immunoblot analysis revealed negligible cross-reactions between Toxoplasma gondii antigen and Neospora sp. antisera and between Neospora sp. antigen and antisera from various apicomplexan parasites. The maximum positive-to-negative Vmax (average maximum slope of the optical density over time) ratio was obtained using 200 ng/well of sonicated tachyzoite antigen and a 1:200 serum dilution. Using logistic regression to determine the optimal cutoff point between known infected and noninfected cattle, a sample-to-positive control Vmax ratio of 0.45 was found to maximize the percent correct classification, with an estimated sensitivity of 88.6% and specificity of 96.5%. Use of Neospora caninum antigen following the same protocol demonstrated no difference in ELISA interpretation. Comparison with an existing indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test showed the ELISA to be the more sensitive and specific test for serodiagnosis of Neospora infection in cattle.  相似文献   

Serum amyloid A (SAA), an apolipoprotein of high density lipoprotein (HDL), is a sensitive acute phase reactant. We established a sandwich type enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for human SAA utilizing a monoclonal antibody and polyclonal antibodies. This assay was sensitive enough to detect SAA at 40 pg/ml. The use of nonionic detergent, Tween-20, in reaction buffer was essential to enhance specific binding of SAA to antibodies and reduce nonspecific binding to plastic. The values by this assay showed a good agreement with those by previously established latex agglutination immunoassay. Plasma clearance of human SAA was studied in mice by injection with SAA-rich human HDL and serial SAA measurement by the present assay. Half-life of injected SAA was 55 minutes, similar to mean of the reported value of murine SAA isotypes.  相似文献   

A simplified procedure was developed for purification of listeriolysin O (LLO) of Listeria monocytogenes, consisting of hydroxylapatite adsorption chromatography followed by Sepharose S ion exchange chromatography. The LLO (58 kDa) appeared pure in terms of sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis and immunoblots with polyclonal rabbit immune sera. The purified LLO could be stored at -65 degrees C for 1 year without loss of immunoreactivity. Similarly, flat-bottom microtiter strips from two vendors that had been charged with LLO, could be stored at -65 degrees C for up to 3 months without loss of LLO. Three patients with documented listeriosis developed elevated IgG titres against LLO; 2 of the patients revealed minimally raised IgM titres, as determined with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

A novel monoclonal antibody to 6 beta-hydroxycortisol (6 beta-OHC) was generated and incorporated into an antigen-coated indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using 6 beta-OHC-protein conjugate as the steroid-coating antigen. The monoclonal antibody is specific to 6 beta-OHC and 6 beta-OHC-3-carboxymethyloxime. Cross-reactivity with other structurally related steroids such as cortisol, cortisone, and 6 beta-hydroxycortisone was less than 10%. Two different clones (clone 5C1 and 19F) of the monoclonal anti-6 beta-OHC antibody have been developed, each with slightly different sensitivity and specificity. The sensitivity of the MAb clones was not significantly improved when compared to the rabbit polyclonal antibodies in this study, but still within the accepted detection limit for 6 beta-OHC in both human and laboratory animals. The assay had a detection limit of 200 ng/ml, an intraassay variation of 6.4% and an interassay variation of 7.3%. The application of the anti-6 beta-OHC-MAb-based-ELISA was tested by measuring the urinary output of 6 beta-OHC in human before and after enzyme induction by rifampicin treatment. The mean 24-h urine output of 6 beta-OHC in human subjects was 485 +/- 100 micrograms and 1478 +/- 281 micrograms before and after rifampicin administration, respectively. In conclusion, the monoclonal anti-6 beta-OHC antibody developed in this study has the required specificity and sensitivity as an alternative method for measuring urinary 6 beta-OHC in the detection of enzyme induction or enzyme inhibition of CYP3A in humans and laboratory animals.  相似文献   

The development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on polyclonal antibodies for the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins is described. We previously reported the synthesis of haptens and generation of antibodies for detection of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Antisera were screened with seven different coating antigens (hapten-protein conjugates), including trans-3-(7,8-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-2-yl)-cis-2-methylpropeno ic acid (VII) and 5-(3,7,8-trichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-2-yl)penta-trans,trans-2,4-dien oic acid (X). All inhibition screening and optimization studies were conducted using a less toxic surrogate standard for TCDD [2,3,7-trichloro-8-methyl-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TMDD; XVII)] which responded similarly to 2,3,7,8-TCDD in the ELISA. The most sensitive assay from the screening studies [coating antigen VII-BSA, 0.1 microgram/mL, and antiserum 7598 (anti-X-LPH), 1:10,000] was further optimized and characterized. It exhibited an IC50 value of 12 pg/well (240 pg/mL), with working range from 2 to 240 pg/well (40 to 4800 pg/mL). The influence of various physical and chemical factors (time, solvent, detergent) was investigated. The optimized assay was then used to assess cross-reactivity by congeners of halogenated dioxins and related structures. DMSO up to concentrations of 37.5% decreased the IC50 value in the assay, whereas methanol to concentrations of 30% did not lead to improved IC50 values.  相似文献   

This long-term prospective study evaluates the clinical results of subsequent laminectomy in 103 consecutive patients who initially underwent chemonucleolysis (CNL) or laminectomy for lumbar disc herniation. Between 1981 and 1994, 53 patients who had received CNL initially and then underwent laminectomy and 50 patients treated initially with laminectomy underwent a repeat laminectomy. Clinical assessment at 6 weeks showed a success rate of 80.8% for post-CNL laminectomy and 78% for repeat laminectomy. At 6 months, the success rate for patients treated with CNL was 86% versus 78.7% for laminectomy. At 12 months, the overall success rate for the CNL group was 80.4% versus 83.3% for the laminectomy group, but in patients who had not obtained relief from the first procedure the success rate for the second procedure was higher for the post-CNL patients. A questionnaire was sent to all patients for 1- to 13-year follow-up review. The average follow-up period was 6.6 years for post-CNL laminectomy and 5.2 years for repeat laminectomy. The long-term success rate (81.8%) was higher in the post-CNL group compared to 64.4% in the repeat laminectomy group. Seven patients in the post-CNL group and nine in the repeat laminectomy group had undergone a third operation. When these originally successfully treated patients were reassigned after unsuccessful outcomes, the success rate for the CNL groups was 72.7%, versus 51.1% in the laminectomy group (p = 0.049). Employment rates were 80% for patients with CNL (21.8% changed jobs) and 76.3% for patients undergoing laminectomy (48.3% changed jobs) (p = 0.036). In conclusion, patients who underwent laminectomies after receiving CNL had significantly better long-term results than those who had repeat laminectomies.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of storage on the quantitation of lipoprotein (Lp)(a) in 25 serum samples. Aliquots of serum were stored for up to three years at either -20 degrees C or -70 degrees C and Lp(a) subsequently analyzed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Concentrations of Lp(a) declined during storage, and the temperatures employed elicited significantly different (P < 0.05) values within 12 mon which further diverged during three years of storage. Compared to baseline values, significant decreases (P < 0.05) in Lp(a) levels were evident after six months of storage at -20 degrees C with apparent losses (geometric mean) reaching 36.9% (95% confidence interval: 30.9%, 42.9%) after three years. Similarly, significantly lower (P < 0.05) Lp(a) values were recorded after six months of storage at -70 degrees C and at three years the decrease (geometric mean) was 19.1% (95% confidence interval: 14.3%, 24.0%). The losses, after three years, in terms of the arithmetic mean were 53.5 and 26.2% at -20 and -70 degrees C, respectively. Phenotype analysis suggested that large isoforms are more susceptible to degradation than smaller moieties. This may be related to the observation that apparent losses are reduced in samples containing over 8 mg/dL Lp(a). Nevertheless, Lp(a) levels in stored samples retained a strong correlation with the baseline values. These results must be considered specific for the storage conditions and analytical procedures employed.  相似文献   

The PanBio Leptospira immunoglobulin M (IgM) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a commercially available screening test for the diagnosis of acute leptospiral infection. The ability of the test to diagnose early or recent Leptospira interrogans infection was assessed by testing sera with known microagglutination test (MAT) titers to serovars pomona, hardjo, copenhageni, and australis. The IgM ELISA detected all 41 cases of early or recent leptospiral infection (sensitivity, 100%), with a positive ELISA result seen in many cases before MAT antibody titers reached 1:50. Thirty-eight of 41 patients showed seroconversion (fourfold or greater increase in titer by MAT, 2 of 41 patients had a single sample with elevated titer, and 1 patient from whom leptospires were isolated from a blood sample failed to show MAT titers, despite a seroconversion (negative to positive result) in the ELISA. Follow-up sera obtained from 8 of 12 patients (67%) for 3 to 48 months after the acute stage of illness showed persisting IgM antibody. However, the range of levels detected in these samples (maximum ELISA ratio, 2.0) was lower than the range seen when infection was recent. Reactivity in the IgM ELISA was observed for only 1 of 59 serum samples from asymptomatic donors (specificity, 98%) and 16 of 233 serum samples from patients with Ross River virus, brucella, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasma, Q-fever, toxoplasma, hepatitis A virus, Treponema pallidum, or Borrelia burgdorferi infection (specificity, 93%), with the majority of these patients showing lower levels of IgM in comparison to those in patients with leptospiral infection. We conclude that this ELISA is sufficiently sensitive for use as an initial screen for leptospiral infections, with subsequent confirmation of positive test results by MAT.  相似文献   

The development of a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for human metallothionein-1 is reported. Metallothionein was purified from postmortem human liver and used to raise high-titer antibodies in rabbits. The assay was specific for human metallothionein-1 (MT-1), and there was no significant cross-reaction with human metallothionein-2. The detection limit (sensitivity) of the assay was 5 ng/ml, and the added MT-1 could be fully recovered from plasma and urine. The normal reference range for MT-1 was 32 +/- 16 ng/ml in plasma and 10 +/- 6 ng MT-1 per micromole of creatinine in random samples of urine. No significant differences were found between the values for males and females. The concentration of MT-1 was greatly increased between 24 and 48 hours after surgery, indicating that the protein behaves like an acute phase reactant in human subjects.  相似文献   

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