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The Numerical Solution of Some Important Transmission-Line Problems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The generalized numerical solution of Laplace's equation in two dimensions is dealt with, subject to boundary conditions imposed by conducting surfaces and dielectrics which are permitted a limited amount of inhomogeneity. It is shown how this solution may be applied in the determination of the properties of TEM-mode transmission lines including the equivalent circuits of simple obstacles in these lines. The theory is illustrated with a number of examples, certain of which do not appear to have been previously treated theoretically in the literature. While certain of the examples serve mainly to show the power of the technique, others are given very detailed treatment with the production of much new design data.  相似文献   

The Transmission-Line Matrix Method--Theory and Applications   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper presents an overview of the transmission-line matrix (TLM) method of analysis, describing its historical background from Huygens's principle to modem computer formulations. The basic algorithm for simulating wave propagation in two- and three-dimensional transmission-live networks is derived. The introduction of boundaries, dielectric and magnetic materials, losses, and anisotropy are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the various sources of error and the limitations of the method are given, and methods for error correction or reduction, as well as improvements of numerical efficiency, are discussed. Finally, some typical applications to microwave problems are presented.  相似文献   

极坐标系中的B样条有限元法解波导本征值问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了用极坐标系中的B样条有限元法解波导本征值问题,该方法有两个突出优点:(1)避免某些含曲线边界的波导截面的剖分误差;(2)改善尖角波导的计算精度,本文首先建立了极坐标系中B样条有限元方程,然后通过对圆形,扇形,双脊加圆形和心形波导本征值问题的实际计算,表明方法的有效性和实有价值。  相似文献   

A moment procedure for solving waveguide junction problems is given using the generalized network formulation for aperture problems. As an illustration, the procedure is applied to a transverse planar junction between two uniform cylindrical waveguides. The generalized admittance network representation of the junction is first obtained. Its scattering matrix representation is then deduced from the former representation. A discussion shows that the conservation of complex power technique, which handles the same class of junctions, is, a specialization of the moment procedure.  相似文献   

The problem of designing broadband multisection stepped rectangular waveguide impedance transformers, when the input and output guides have different cutoff frequencies but propagate the same mode, is formulated in general terms for direct optimization by digital computer. The formulation is sufficiently flexible to allow nonideal junction discontinuity effects and mismatched terminations to be taken into account during optimization. Constraints placed on the width, height, or length of any section need be dictated only by considerations for dominant mode propagation and the requirement of small (but not necessarily negligible) junction discontinuities. The objective of the present formulation is a minimax equal-ripple response over a predetermined frequency band satisfying the constraints selected for the particular problem. The ripple search strategy to locate the maximum reflection coefficient within the band and the razor search strategy to minimize it, as described by Bandler and Macdonald in another paper, were employed. Constrained optimum equal-ripple solutions to examples previously published by Young, Matthaei et al. and Riblet are presented. They demonstrate the considerable improvements made possible by the present formulation with regard to performance, reduction in number of sections, and physical size. The approach used in this paper should also find application in the design of broadband microwave matching or equalizing networks consisting of noncommensurate components and for which exact synthesis techniques may be unavailable.  相似文献   

A wide range of microwave resonators are analyzed using the same three-dimensional transmission-line-matrix (TLM) computer program. The paper demonstrates the ease of application, versatility, and accuracy of the TLM method. The results presented include the dispersion characteristics of microstrip on dielectric and magnetic substrates and an example of a microstrip discontinuity. The surface-mode phenomenon of microstrip is also investigated.  相似文献   

Finite difference method for the numerical solution of electromagnetic waveguide discontinuity problems is presented. The method of boundary relaxation is applied, using finite difference techniques in the nonuniform section of the waveguide and using a modal representation of the field in the uniform sections of the waveguide. To illustrate the process some two-dimensional diffraction problems in an electromagnetic waveguide with rectangular cross section are solved.  相似文献   

The implementation of a recent new hybrid integral-equation/vector finite-element method formulation applicable to inhomogeneous obstacle scattering in hollow waveguide, requiring discretization just of the obstacle, is presented. The integral equation links the given incident modes with the discontinuity-surface electric and magnetic fields. The finite-element equation is expressed in terms of the entire magnetic and surface electric field of the obstacle. Compatible vector finite-element basis function expansions are inserted, resulting in a pair of matrix equations soluble for the unknown electric and magnetic basis coefficients. Corresponding two-port scattering parameters are further derived. Test cases of posts in the$ TE_10$waveguide, with details of the matrix constructions, are described. Numerical results verified against an established commercial code are given. The ability to model inhomogeneous, lossy, and multiple scatterers is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A finite-difference Green's function method for solving time-harmonic wave guide scattering problems involving metallic obstacles of finite size by computer is described. The method is applied to the two-dimensional problem of a TE/sub 10/ mode impinging on cylindrical metallic posts of arbitrary shape in a rectangular waveguide. The equivalent susceptance of a transverse semidiaphragm computed using a 50 point approximation for the induced current distribution is found to be 1.5 percent less than the exact value. The S matrix of a thin bent window versus wavelength is also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a convenient microwave orbital angular momentum (OAM) mode generation and multiplexing method operating in the 18 GHz frequency band, based on a uniform circular array and a Butler matrix. The three OAM modes ?1, 0, and +1 were generated and verified using spatial S‐parameter measurements; the measured back‐to‐back mode isolation was greater than 17 dB in the full 17 GHz to 19 GHz range. However, the radiated OAM beam centers were slightly dislocated and varied with both frequency and the mode index, because of the non‐ideal characteristics of the Butler matrix. This resulted in mode isolation degradation and transmission distance limitations.  相似文献   

Chevyshev's procedure for determining equal-ripple rational functions with preassigned poles is extended to functions with double-valued singularities. As long as the number of elements is small, design equations for the class of transmission-line filters consisting of shunt-resonant elements spaced a quarter wavelength apart are readily obtained by identifying the unknown coefficients with those of the desired equal-ripple function. This is carried out in some detail for three and four element filters and applied to the design of broad-band stub supports and quarter-wave-spaced broad-band TR tubes. Experimental confirmation is presented.  相似文献   

The analysis and design of a triple-band equal-split Wilkinson power divider are described. The circuit proposed is well matched and isolated at three arbitrary frequencies. The design procedure for the three-section transmission-line transformer based equal-split Wilkinson power divider derived from the ideal transmission-line model is provided. Simulated and experimental results in microstrip technology are presented to verify the idea and the derived equations.  相似文献   

PML子结构方法分析波导不连续性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
按均匀性将波导沿纵向划分为不同子结构,视PML为其中一个子结构.采用有限元方法对波导各个子结构横截面进行离散,沿纵向运用精细积分算法求出各子结构的出口刚度阵,进而做子结构拼装以求解波导不连续性问题.算例的数值结果表明本文方法能够有效地分析波导不连续性问题,克服了人工边界距离波导不均匀部分必须足够远的缺点,可以求得距离波导不均匀部分较近区域处的场.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the Fourier decomposition method to compute both propagation constants and the corresponding electromagnetic field distributions of guided waves in millimeter-wave and integrated optical structures. Our approach is based on field Fourier expansions of a pair of wave equations, which have been derived to handle inhomogeneous mediums with diagonalized permittivity and permeability tensors. The tensors are represented either by a grid of homogeneous rectangles or by distribution functions defined over rectangular domains. Using the Fourier expansion, partial differential equations are converted to a matrix eigenvalue problem that correctly models this class of dielectric structures. Finally, numerical results are presented for various channel waveguides and are compared with those of other literature to validate the formulation.  相似文献   

In this study, an integral equation technique is presented in order to reconstruct the complex permittivity variation of a material loaded in a rectangular cross section waveguide. The problem is first reduced to the solution of a two-coupled integral equations in terms of S-parameters of the system, which contains the Green's function of the empty waveguide. The resulting inverse scattering problem for the unknown complex permittivity of the loading is solved by contrast source inversion (CSI) technique. The validity and reliability of the proposed method has been demonstrated with numerical applications.  相似文献   

It is shown that, if expansion terms of all the modes appearing in the Green's function for the problem are retained, the singular integral equation method can be made to apply by generating a differential equation for this integral. The solution of the differential equation is straightforward, and the inversion of the resulting integral equation then follows standard methods. The process is applied in detail to the case of the capacitive diaphragm, and the results compared to the quasi-static method with correction terms. The results are close for small guide widths, but the present method should give superior results if the guide width permits some overmoding.  相似文献   

A successive extrapolated relaxation (SER) technique has been developed to solve elliptic partial difference equations iteratively. SER is more efficient than optimized successive over-relaxation (SOR) and permits useful solutions of waveguide modes using finite difference methods.  相似文献   

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