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随着电网电压等级的不断提高,对于高电压等级设备现场只做工频耐压试验已不能满足电网安全需要,针对此情况,IEC推荐采用振荡型雷电波和振荡型操作波作为现场冲击耐压试验用波形,此外,为了对设备的整体绝缘强度进行合理判断,该标准还建议现场做冲击耐压试验的基础上同时进行局部放电检测。为了对比研究振荡型冲击与双指数冲击对绝缘作用的差异,文中首先建立了产生波形符合IEC 60060-3—2006标准要求的振荡冲击发生器及相应的局部放电检测系统,在此基础上,对比研究了GIS中典型缺陷在双指数冲击电压和振荡冲击电压下的放电特性。结果表明,振荡冲击能多次激发缺陷发生放电,更容易暴露出金属突起物缺陷。研究结果为现场实现冲击下局部放电检测奠定了试验基础。 相似文献
SF6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器研制 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文介绍西容公司新研制的一种完全无油化的SF6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器,提出了关键技术问题解决方案和产品绝缘结构的设计思路.并介绍了研制成功的110kV和220kV系列产品的结构、技术参数、性能指标、试验考核情况和产品特点. 相似文献
为模拟悬浮电位缺陷,设计了一种悬浮电位缺陷模型,并通过构建可产生符合IEC 60060-3标准要求的振荡型雷电冲击电压试验平台及相应的局部放电检测系统,对GIS中最常见的悬浮电位缺陷在振荡型雷电冲击电压下的局部放电特性进行研究,分析最大放电幅值、放电次数等随外加电压增加的变化规律。结果表明:在振荡型雷电冲击电压作用下,悬浮电位放电发生在外施电压的下降沿和上升沿处,随着外加电压的增加,放电最大幅值和放电次数均增加,且放电次数的增加幅度大于放电幅值的增加幅度。 相似文献
气体绝缘设备(GIS)局部放电产生的分解产物在气室内的扩散过程会影响其浓度分布,从而影响故障诊断的准确性。为了研究局部放电下SF6分解产物扩散特性,建立了SF6分解产物检测系统,得到了CO2、CF4和C2F6等分解产物随放电时间和缺陷位置的扩散规律。同时构建了气室三维传质模型,对比研究了分解产物在缺陷位置影响下的扩散特性。结果表明,放电缺陷位置会影响分解产物含量的空间分布。当有机绝缘材料参与放电时,CF4含量随放电时间增长而增加,CF4可以作为设备内部沿面放电的判断依据。C2F6含量随放电时间增长而增加,随扩散距离延长而减少,且产生量很大,C2F6可以作为设备内部局部放电的判断依据。 相似文献
由冲击过电压所引发的环氧绝缘沿面局部放电往往会造成严重的绝缘事故,威胁设备的运行安全。采用不同的测量方法对交流与雷电冲击叠加电压下SF6气体中环氧绝缘沿面局部放电进行测量。分析讨论冲击叠加相位和冲击电压极性对沿面局部放电激发过程的影响。基于试验结果的讨论分析和沿面局部放电基本物理过程,建立交流与冲击叠加电压下沿面局部放电激发过程的数学模型,对不同极性冲击叠加在交流电压不同相位后沿面局部放电的放电时延、放电量进行数值计算。同时,对放电所产生的沿面、空间电荷衰减过程进行定量分析,实现了电荷衰减过程中电荷记忆效应对沿面局部放电影响的量化描述。该研究结果为沿面局部放电过程的分析提供了一定的试验及理论依据。 相似文献
Toshiaki Rokunohe Toshiyuki Suzuki Tokio Yamagiwa Sadayuki Yuasa Shigemitsu Okabe 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2004,146(4):18-25
Evaluation of insulation strength for lightning surge that actually enters into substations is important in estimating insulation reliability of gas‐insulated equipment. The standard lightning impulse voltage (1.2/50 µs) is used for factory tests. However, the actual lightning surge waveforms in substations are complex and are usually superimposed with various oscillations. Insulation characteristics of SF6 gas as a function of such complex voltages have not been sufficiently clarified. This paper deals with gap breakdown characteristics in SF6 gas under submicrosecond pulses. Breakdown voltages are lower under a polarity reversal condition than under a monopolarity condition. The cause of this difference is discussed while observing discharge propagation using an image converter camera. The electrode size effect is also discussed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 146(4): 18–25, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10246 相似文献
Akifumi Inui Shin Yamada Hiroshi Murase Tsuneharu Teranishi Iwao Ohshima 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1993,113(2):1-12
Impulse insulation characteristics were investigated in a composite insulation system having a wedge gap in SF6 gas. The partial discharge inception voltages of wedge gaps with various types of film were measured and compared with the calculated breakdown voltages estimated from Paschen's curve of SF6 gas. Also discussed is how the charge accumulated on the film surface due to a partial discharge had an effect on the creepage breakdown voltage. Partial discharge inception voltages in wedge gaps were higher with higher SF6 gas pressures and with lower film permittivities. Creepage breakdown voltages depended little on gas pressures or on creepage distances. The dependency of breakdown voltages on gas pressures and the effect of polarity on the breakdown voltage differed with the types of film. This may be partly because the charge on the film due to partial discharge had an effect on the discharge propagation, and that charging of the film differed with the types of film. 相似文献
Katunori Watabe Kouji Shinomiya Hideki Ueno Mitsuyoshi Onoda Hiroshi Nakayama 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2000,131(1):1-9
The effect of a barrier between a needle electrode and a plane one in an (N2/SF6) gas mixture on creeping flashover was investigated using a microsecond pulse voltage. The SF6 gas content was varied from 0% to 100%, and the gas pressure from 0.1 MPa to 0.3 MPa. The flashover voltage increased with increasing SF6 gas content for a positive needle electrode. For a negative needle electrode, excepting the total pressure of 0.1 MPa, at which similar flashover characteristics were obtained to the positive case, a considerable decrease in flashover voltage was found in the case of a mixture of a few percent SF6 in (N2/SF6) gas mixture at elevated total pressures. The corona behavior on the barrier in (N2/SF6) gas mixture was investigated by means of a high‐speed digital framing camera. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 131(1): 1–9, 2000 相似文献
在E/p 值为7.52~94.0kV(/mm·MPa)的较大范围内,采用稳态汤逊法(SST)测量了SF_6-He和SF_6-Ne的电离系数α和吸附系数η,求出了在各混合比下的SF_6-He、SF_6-Ne的临界耐电强度值(E/p)_(lim),并分析了两种混合气体的绝缘特性. 相似文献
Shinya Ohtsuka Masaki Koumura Kazuhisa Eguchi Masayuki Hikita 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2005,151(3):32-40
This paper deals with partial discharge (PD) time‐sequential properties of SF6/N2/CO2 ternary gas mixture as well as SF6 and SF6/N2 gas mixture under AC and positive DC voltage applications. The measurements were carried out by changing the gas pressure up to 0.6 MPa and applied voltage with the N‐shape characteristics of breakdown voltage versus gas pressure for each tested gas considered. We obtained experimental results of the gas pressure dependence of maximum peak value of PD current pulse as well as the relationship between the time interval of PD pulses and the peak value of PD pulse. We discuss the mechanism of increase in breakdown voltage by adding CO2 into SF6/N2 gas mixtures in terms of change of PD type from streamer to leader discharge. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 151(3): 32–40, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20073 相似文献
SF_6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器研制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍西容公司新研制的一种完全无油化的SF_6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器,提出了关键技术问题解决方案和产品绝缘结构的设计思路。并介绍了研制成功的110kV和220kV系列产品的结构、技术参数、性能指标、试验考核情况和产品特点。 相似文献
Katsunori Watabe Fumihiro Kamatani Nobumasa Kobayashi Mitsuyoshi Onoda Hiroshi Nakayama 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1998,125(4):1-8
This paper describes the effect of a barrier on creeping discharge characteristics in SF6, N2, and their mixtures. The barrier height effect on the discharge voltage was investigated under a positive pulse voltage. The discharge voltage increased with increasing barrier height in SF6 gas. On the other hand, the discharge voltage hardly changed with the barrier height in N2 gas. In order to clarify the mechanism of the initial creeping corona, it was observed by optical techniques, including an ultra-high-speed electronic imaging system (IMACON 468). The creeping corona path revealed differences in images at various barrier heights. The accumulated charge induced on the barrier by the initial corona in SF6 gas was able to suppress the development of the later creeping corona, in contrast with N2 gas. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 125(4): 1–8, 1998 相似文献