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本文报导了中国计量科学研究院(NIM)研制新一代“激光冷却铯原子喷泉”国家时间频率基准装置的进展,实现了从磁光阱(MOT)过渡到光学黏胶(OM)装载-冷却铯(Cs)原子,利用飞行时间(TOF)法记录到信噪比优于40的原子云荧光信号,原子经后冷却达到(10-20)uK,用光学黏胶从铯蒸气直接获得了冷原子云,并给出了对实验的讨论。 相似文献
D. B. Sullivan J. C. Bergquist J. J. Bollinger R. E. Drullinger W. M. Itano S. R. Jefferts W. D. Lee D. Meekhof T. E. Parker F. L. Walls D. J. Wineland 《Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology》2001,106(1):47-63
The development of atomic frequency standards at NIST is discussed and three of the key frequency-standard technologies of the current era are described. For each of these technologies, the most recent NIST implementation of the particular type of standard is described in greater detail. The best relative standard uncertainty achieved to date for a NIST frequency standard is 1.5×10−15. The uncertainties of the most recent NIST standards are displayed relative to the uncertainties of atomic frequency standards of several other countries. 相似文献
回顾了中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院对钙离子光频标钟跃迁绝对频率的测量工作,并对测量结果被国际计量委员会(CIPM)下属的时间频率咨询委员会(CCTF)采纳的情况进行了总结和描述。在2011~2020年间,利用实验室型光频标和可搬运光钟,采用基于飞秒光梳和卫星链路的方案溯源到国际秒定义,及基于飞秒光梳直接溯源到中国计量科学研究院铯喷泉微波钟的方案,多次测量了钙离子光频标钟跃迁绝对频率,测量不确定度从10-15量级逐步提高到10-16量级,共计4个测量结果被CCTF采纳。参与钙离子光频标钟跃迁频率国际推荐值的计算,分别于2012年、2015年、2017年和2021年先后四次更新了钙离子光频标钟跃迁频率推荐值。钙离子光频标钟跃迁于2021年被推荐为新增的“秒的次级表示”。 相似文献
We analyze a method of compressing a cloud of cold atoms by dynamic control of a far off-resonance optical lattice. We show that by reducing the lattice spacing either continuously or in discrete steps while cooling the atoms with optical molasses large compression factors can be achieved. Particle motion in the time-dependent lattice is studied numerically using a three-dimensional semiclassical model. Two experimentally realistic models are analyzed. In the first we continuously vary the lattice beam angles to compress atoms initially in a Gaussian distributed cloud with standard deviation of 250 µm into a single site of a two-dimensional lattice of area A ~ 35 × 35λ2, with λ the wavelength of the lattice beams. This results in an optical depth for an on-resonant probe beam >80 which is an increase by a factor of about 1800 compared to the uncompressed cloud. In the second approach we use a discrete set of lattice beam angles to decrease the spatial scale of the cloud by a factor of 500, and localize a few atoms to a single lattice site with an area A ? λ2. 相似文献
时间计量已经广泛地用于现代科学技术的各个方面,并且用于对其它物理量的间接测量之中,因而作为时间频率量值传递系统中的一级频标——铯束原子频率标准不确定度分析就显的尤为重要。本文介绍了用铯束原子频率标准装置测量不确定度的评定过程,并给出了计算过程及表达方式。 相似文献
报道了中国计量科学研究院(NIM)在复现国际单位制(SI)长度单位米和时间单位秒的研究进展,包括稳频激光、NIM4铯原子喷泉钟和飞秒光学频率梳.NIM4钟不确定度达4.4×10-15,NIM在研的飞秒光梳将以优于1×10-13的不确定度实现光学波长向微波频率的溯源.文中还讨论了127I2饱和吸收633nm 3次谐波稳频的HeNe激光波长比5次谐波稳频的更"准确";指出飞秒光梳是从动跟踪系统,描述它的性能指标应当是它的跟踪精度;估计了用"吸收室-原子束-原子喷泉-原子/离子存储"4种不同原理所建频标可能达到的不确定度极限.最后简略展望时间频率基准研究的新动向--光钟. 相似文献
关系。最后简要介绍NIM5铯原子喷泉钟的研究进展和2006年起NIM立题研制锶原子存储 相似文献
Kryukov P. G. Levchenko A. E. Belov A. V. Kireev A. N. Konyashchenko A. V. Sharkov A. V. Gubin M. A. Vorob'ev I. L. Ivanov G. A. Chamorovskii Yu. K. 《Measurement Techniques》2004,47(1):40-46
Supercontinuum generation in holey fibers manufactured at the University of Bath (Great Britain) and at the Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences is produced through use of a Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser. Broadening of the radiation spectrum of a Cr:forsterite femtosecond laser ( = 1250 nm) is observed in these fiber samples. The present study is part of a program intended for the creation of an optical femtosecond synthesizer stabilized relative to a methane optical frequency standard ( = 3390 nm). 相似文献
A. L. Migdall 《Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology》1989,94(6):373-378
We analyze the application of optical molasses to a thermal vapor cell to make and collect cold atoms. Such an arrangement would simplify the production of cold atoms by eliminating the difficulty of first having to produce and slow an atomic beam. We present the results of our calculations, computer models, and experimental work. As a guide for future work, general results are given to illustrate which fundamental parameters are most important in the production of cold atoms in a vapor cell. 相似文献
The results of an investigation of the characteristics of transportable voltage standards based on stabilitrons for the purpose
of using them as standards of comparison when transferring the dimension of the unit of constant voltage in accordance with
the State Standard GOST 8.027-2001 are presented. It is shown that, using the standard investigated, one can transfer the
dimensions of the unit of voltage with an overall relative error of 5·10−8 for a voltage of both 1.018 V and 10 V.
Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 34–38, January, 2006. 相似文献
Hao Yaohong 《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(21):1878-1882
The second-order, polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) effect for coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) system in long-haul transmission with single-mode fiber was analyzed in detail. The closed-form expression is presented for the time impulse response of an OFDM signal affected by second-order PMD. Analysis and simulation results show that, compared with polarization-dependent chromatic dispersion (PCD), CO-OFDM system performance is mainly influenced by depolarization rate (DR) which can moderate phase noise induced by chromatic dispersion. For a fiber link of 800 km and DR of 30 ps, the system Q value is improved by about 1.3 dB over the case of no DR. 相似文献
D.L. Hovhannisyan A.A. Hakhoumian R.M. Martirosyan E.M. Laziev A.S. Nikoghosyan G.D. Hovhannisyan 《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(12):1075-1086
We present the results of a numerical study of the generation process of difference frequency radiation (DFR) arising via the interaction of mutually orthogonal linearly- polarized few-cycle laser pulses propagating in a quasi-phase-matching (QPM) GaAs crystal. Considered the interaction of pulses having the central wavelengths of 1.98 µm, duration of 30 fs with the electric field amplitude 200 MV/m, propagating along the normal to the ?110? plane. The period Λ of the QPM GaAs crystal in numerical simulations varied from 20.89 µm to 53.23 µm. It is shown that by changing the grating period of the QPM GaAs crystal from 23.02 µm to 37.29 µm it is possible to improve the efficiency of QPM generation of DFR in the 5.48 µm – 10.12 µm spectral range at least by 8 dB in comparison with the generation of DFR in bulk crystal GaAs in the same spectral range. 相似文献
The working standard for the unit of gas flow in a vacuum VéT 49-2-2006 is described. The composition of the standard and
metrological characteristics are provided. A local verification scheme is given for the measurement provisions of gas flow
in a vacuum.
Translated From Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 3. pp. 45–48, March, 2007. 相似文献
Simulation and investigation of the effect of an isolated jump on realization of the unit of power of laser radiation and dissemination of the size of the unit are considered. Results are obtained by means of a newly developed algorithm that characterizes the behavior of the mean value of a signal and the standard deviation of a system as functions of the parameters of a jump in the power of laser radiation and the length and amplitude of the jump. If information concerning the time when a jump occurs is available, the proposed algorithm makes it possible to take into account how a jump affects the ultimate result of a measurement. 相似文献
E. De Bel P. Villon Ph. Bouillard 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2005,62(9):1105-1126
A new approach for the computation of the forced vibrations up to the medium frequency range is formulated for thin plates. It is based on the partition of unity method (PUM), first proposed by Babu?ka, and used here to solve the elastodynamic problem. The paper focuses on the introduction of local information in the basis of the PUM coming from previous approximations, in order to enhance the accuracy of the solution. The method may be iterative and generates a PUM approximation leading to smaller models compared with the finite element ones required for a same accuracy level. It shows very promising results, in terms of frequency range, accuracy and computational time. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A. E. Isaev 《Measurement Techniques》2005,48(12):1227-1234
The sensitivity of a hydrophone in the frequency band when there is a source of reflections which increases the characteristic
size of the hydrophone is considered. The effect of the width of the frequency band on the change in the characteristic size
is investigated. It is shown that the characteristic size of the hydrophone may be reduced considerably and that far-field
conditions can be ensured for measurements in a hydroacoustic basin when it is calibrated in 1/3-octave frequency bands.
Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 53–57, December 2005. 相似文献
首先介绍一种基于频带方差的语音活动检测(VAD)算法,然后在此基础上,给出一种对麦克风阵列各通道信号同时进行VAD的新算法(ICA—VAD):经ICA分离出的相对纯净的语音信号作为参考信号,其VAD结果用于指导阵列信号的语音检测。实验结果表明该方法在恶劣的噪声环境下仍可以获得准确的检测结果,且计算机模拟显示这是一种比较好的抗噪语音检测方案。 相似文献