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Six isolates of Mycoplasma synoviae, identified as WVU 1853, K1968, K1858, 92D8034, F10-2AS, and FMT, were compared for pathogenicity in broiler chickens. Specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated, in two groups of 20, with each isolate by footpad or eyedrop inoculation at 1 day of age and were examined at necropsy 7, 14, 28, and 42 days postinoculation. Specimens were taken for histopathology, culture, polymerase chain reaction assay, and hemagglutination-inhibition serology. Isolates were grouped according to pathogenicity on the basis of differences in lesion development and tissue distribution in the respiratory system, other viscera, and the skeletal system. K1968 (pathogenic) induced lesions in all sites examined in both the footpad and eyedrop inoculation groups. It was detected in all sites following footpad inoculation and in all sites except viscera following eyedrop inoculation. WVU 1853, K1858, and 92D8034 (moderately pathogenic) induced lesions and were detected in all sites following footpad inoculation. With eyedrop inoculation, lesions were identified only in upper and lower respiratory sites, and organisms were detected only in upper respiratory sites. F10-2AS (moderately pathogenic) was similar; however, footpad inoculation failed to induce visceral lesions or permit organism detection in any site. F10-2AS was detected in upper and lower respiratory tissues following eyedrop inoculation. FMT (mildly pathogenic) induced only upper respiratory lesions when either footpad or eyedrop inoculation was used, and detection was restricted to upper respiratory sites following eyedrop inoculation. These results are useful in comparative evaluations of the virulence of other M. synoviae isolates and form a basis for characterization of virulence factors of M. synoviae.  相似文献   

Certain haplotypes at the major histocompatibility (B) complex (Mhc) of the chicken provide an easily demonstrated influence on tumor formation following infections with Marek's disease virus (MDV). Recognition that there is a second histocompatibility complex of genes in the chicken, Rfp-Y, comprised of Mhc class I and class II genes, some of which are at least transcribed, evokes the question of whether this gene complex might also influence the outcome of MDV infections. To test this hypothesis, pedigree-hatched chicks in families from the original Rfp-Y-defining stock in which three Rfp-Y and two B system haplotypes are segregating were challenged with the RB1B strain of MDV. Birds with the Y3/Y3 genotype were found to have 2.3 times the risk of developing a tumor compared with birds with other Rfp-Y genotypes combined (P <0.02). Additionally, birds carrying the BR9/B11 genotype had 2.3 times the risk of tumor formation, relative to birds with the B11/B11 genotype (P <0.02). We found no evidence for an interaction between genotypes within the B and Rfp-Y systems. These data provide evidence that Rfp-Y haplotypes, as well as B haplotypes, can significantly influence the outcome of infection with MDV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the Bard BTA (bladder tumour antigen) test with voided urine cytology (VUC) in the diagnosis of recurrent bladder cancer (BC). METHODS: Urine specimens for the BTA test and VUC were collected on the same day as before cystoscopy from patients undergoing routine surveillance cystoscopy for recurrent BC. The pathologists performing VUC were blinded to the results of the BTA test. RESULTS: BC was identified by cystoscopy and biopsy in 39 of 164 study participants. The overall sensitivities of the BTA test and VUC were 54 and 28%, respectively (p < 0.05). The BTA test was more sensitive than VUC for all tumour stages and grades. For > or = T2 tumours and grade 3 tumours, respectively, the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The specificities of the BTA test and VUC were 92 and 97%, respectively. Both a false-positive BTA test and VUC were found to predict recurrence. CONCLUSION: The BTA test is equal or superior to VUC in the detection of BC in patients undergoing routine surveillance for recurrent BC.  相似文献   

Chicken carcasses from a supermarket and from a poultry abattoir were examined using methods designed to isolate as many strains of campylobacters and related organisms as possible. Strains of arcobacter, but no campylobacters, were isolated from every carcass after enrichment. Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni was isolated from all carcasses examined by direct plating and other Campylobacter-like strains were isolated from nine out of 15 abattoir carcasses by direct plating but not after enrichment. Only the Camp. jejuni subsp. jejuni strains could be identified to species level using a readily available identification scheme and/or a commercial identification kit. Examination of caecal contents from the 15 abattoir poultry yielded Camp. jejuni subsp. jejuni and Campylobacter-like strains from 15 and eight by direct plating, and from six and nine after enrichment, respectively. Four sites in the intestine of the abattoir birds (60 samples) were examined for arcobacters and only one strain was isolated. This indicates that arcobacters are probably not normal inhabitants of the poultry intestine. Poultry is a rich source of other campylobacteria besides the thermophilic Campylobacter spp.  相似文献   

Ninety-nine strains of Arcobacter spp., isolated from 10 chicken carcasses purchased from a supermarket and 15 chicken carcasses collected from a poultry abattoir, were speciated using a variety of phenotypic identification methods. All were tested using API Campy test strips and the 16-test (Preston) identification scheme developed for campylobacters. Fifty strains were selected for examination using a more comprehensive probabilistic identification scheme, and the identity of representative strains confirmed by protein profiling using SDS-PAGE. All 25 carcasses yielded Arcobacter butzleri. Three supermarket and 10 abattoir carcasses also carried A. cryaerophilus, and two abattoir carcasses carried A. skirrowii. The API Campy scheme proved unsatisfactory for identifying these strains: only 20 of 99 strains were accurately identified, all of which were A. cryaerophilus, the only Arcobacter sp. included in the database. Moreover, 76 of 99 strains were misidentified. The 16-test scheme identified all the arcobacter strains as A. cryaerophilus, since neither A. butzleri nor A. skirrowii had been described when the scheme was developed. The computer-assisted probabilistic scheme succeeded in identifying all but one strain, the identity of which was clarified by the use of SDS-PAGE. To our knowledge this is the first time that arcobacters other than A. butzleri have been reported in poultry meat or any other food of animal origin. Their high prevalence in poultry products may be of significance to public health.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We conducted this study to examine differences in characteristics of immunoreactivity for free PSA and alpha(1)-antichymotrypsin complex PSA (ACT-PSA) as well as in compositions and concentrations of PSA reference materials among commercially available PSA kits. METHODS: Fractionated serum samples using a Sephacryl S-200 column were measured by Tandem-R, Delfia-PSA, Ab bead PSA, ACS-PSA, Markit-M and gamma-seminoprotein (gamma-Sm) kits. The calibrators of Tandem-R, Delfia-PSA, Ab bead PSA and Markit-M were fractionated by the same method and measured by Tandem-R. The calibrators of Delfia-PSA, Ab bead PSA and Markit-M and control serums of ACS-PSA were measured by Tandem-R. RESULTS: Although the characteristic of immunoreactivity of Tandem-R, Delfia-PSA, and Ab bead PSA were found to be similar, they were not shown identical. ACS-PSA was proved to recognize free PSA greater than above three PSA kits, while Markit-M could scarcely detect free PSA. gamma-Sm recognized only free PSA. The calibrators of Tandem-R, Delfia-PSA, Ab bead PSA and Markit-M were proved to be only free PSA. The linear correlation was obtained between Tandem-R and Delfia-PSA or Ab bead PSA or Markit-M. The ratio of Delfia-PSA to Tandem-R, Ab bead PSA to Tandem-R and Markit-M to Tandem-R was 0.66, 0.93 and 2.2, respectively. With regard to relation of ACS-PSA and Tandem-R, two ratios of 0.22 and 0.25 were obtained between the two kits according to the different concentrations of control sera. CONCLUSION: The present studies suggest that the difference in PSA values among the commercial PSA kits results from (1) different characteristics of immunoreactivity for ACT-PSA and free PSA among PSA kits, (2) compositions of PSA calibrators among the kits, and (3) different concentrations of PSA calibrators among the kits.  相似文献   

Previous research has identified cecal and intestinal contents as sources for Campylobacter contamination of broiler carcasses in the processing plant. During the present study, we evaluated the crop contents of preharvest market-age broilers as a potential reservoir of field-derived Campylobacter in the processing plant. Crops were collected aseptically from 40 randomly selected market-age broilers in each of nine commercial broiler flocks. Ceca were collected from broilers in six of the same flocks for comparison with the crop samples. The presence of Campylobacter in the crops and ceca was determined by enrichment culture in Bolton broth followed by culture on Campy-Ceflex plates. Campylobacter was isolated from the crop contents of broilers in seven of the nine flocks and from the cecal contents in three of six flocks. The incidence of Campylobacter-positive crop samples among all birds evaluated (224/359; 62%) was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than the number of positive cecal samples (9/240; 4%). The results indicate that the incidence of Campylobacter contamination of crop contents may exceed that of the cecal contents by as much as 37-fold in some broiler flocks, and may represent a critical preprocessing control point in reducing Campylobacter entry into the processing plant.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate spent hen meal (SHM) produced in commercial rendering plants as a nutrient source in diets for broiler chickens. Utilizing previously determined nutrient composition values, including digestible amino acid and TMEn content, diets were formulated to include 0, 5, 10, and 15% of SHM from three different locations. In the first experiment, conducted in battery pens from 1 to 21 d posthatch, diets were formulated with digestible amino acid requirements set at 90, 95, or 100% of NRC (1994) total amino acid requirements. In the second experiment, conducted in floor pens from 1 to 49 d posthatch, diets were formulated with digestible amino acid requirements set at 95% of NRC (1994) total amino acid requirements. Samples of birds from the second experiment were processed to determine the possible influence of SHM inclusion on carcass yield. Results of the present studies indicate that SHM from commercial rendering facilities can be utilized in diets for growing broiler chickens provided adjustments are made in nutrient content and digestibility. When formulated on the basis of digestible amino acid content, levels of SHM up to 10% appear acceptable based upon body weight, feed conversion, bone ash, and carcass yield. Higher inclusion rates generally reduced performance. It is apparent that differences in nutritional quality may exist among products produced by different rendering facilities; however, evaluation of products to assess nutrient quality may be difficult under commercial conditions. As more information is generated regarding typical amino acid content and digestibility of rendered SHM, the product may be used with greater confidence in commercial diets.  相似文献   

Three leading and competitive commercial products of paracetamol tablets coded as brands A, B and C (A, being the innovator product) in the country were evaluated for their in vitro properties and in vivo comparative bioavailability. The studies included chemical equivalence, hardness, disintegration time, dissolution rate and systemic availability among eight healthy volunteers. The disintegration times were 2.1 min for brand A, 5.7 min for brand B and 36.2 min for brand C. The dissolution rate (T70) were 33.0 min, 74.5 min and 56.5 min for brands A, B and C, respectively. While brand A passed all the in vitro tests as specified in the official monograph, brand B failed only the dissolution rate test and brand C failed both the disintegration and dissolution tests. These significant differences observed among the products after in vitro tests were not reflected in the in vivo availability. While the absorption rate (indicated by tmax) of brand C was significantly faster (i.e. shorter) than those of Brands A and B, the extent of absorption (indicated by AUC) was comparable among the three brands. The relative bioavailabilities (with respect to brand A) were 92 and 91% for brands B and C, respectively indicating that the products were bioequivalent. Comparison of the in vitro and in vivo data suggest that the systemic absorption of paracetamol may not be dissolution--rate limited and that using in vitro dissolution rate studies alone to establish bioequivalency of paracetamol tablets should be done with caution.  相似文献   

The major causes of leg weakness/lameness were investigated in two male commercial broiler flocks. The numbers of dead and lame birds culled from the flocks each day were recorded by the flock managers. Forty-four lame birds and 22 sound birds were examined postmortem during a period of six weeks and the proximal and distal end of each femur, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus were examined histologically. Attempts were made to isolate bacteria and viruses from the proximal end of each femur. Blood samples were examined for antibodies to chicken anaemia virus (CAV), infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and Mycoplasma species. Bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis was identified in the proximal end of the femur of eight of the 44 lame birds, and in the proximal end of the tibiotarsus of a further bird (20.4 per cent). Gram-positive bacteria were present in all the lesions. Staphylococcus aureus was recovered from 62.5 per cent of the lesions confirmed by histology. Bacterial chondronecrosis associated with S aureus has thus been identified as an important cause of leg weakness in these commercial broilers. Lesions suggestive of the condition were visible macroscopically in only 11.1 per cent of the cases subsequently diagnosed by histology and bone histology is therefore required before a diagnosis can be excluded. Angular limb deformities (13.6 per cent) and spondylolisthesis (11.4 per cent) were the most common macroscopic lesions identified as causes of lameness. The overall incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia was similar in both the lame and sound broilers, but severe lesions were found only in lame birds (4.5 per cent).  相似文献   

Swabs of crop contents of 635 broiler chickens were obtained from 9 Ontario and 12 Quebec processing plants and cultured for Salmonella to determine prevalence in broiler crops. Serotypes of positive cultures were determined to evaluate the serotype profile. The overall prevalence of contamination was low (4.3%). Prevalence was higher in broilers sampled in Quebec (5.8%) than in those sampled in Ontario (2.2%). In Quebec, there were differences in prevalence among the groups of broilers sampled at the various plants. These differences were believed to be attributable to differences in Salmonella prevalence among groups of flocks delivered to the plants due to the limited exposure of the chickens to the plant. The serotype profile of Salmonella isolated from the crops of broilers in this study was similar in several respects to profiles obtained from other surveys of Canadian broiler flocks using either environmental samples or cloacal swabs. Similarities included: predominance of Salmonella hadar and Salmonella heidelberg; several other common serotypes at a low prevalence; little Salmonella enteritidis isolated in other studies, and no S. enteritidis isolated in this study. Results of this field survey of Salmonella in crops of broilers are similar to those of Canadian studies of other internal and environmental sites of broilers. The similarity indicates that monitoring of Salmonella environments of flocks of live broiler chickens should define profiles of Salmonella contamination of the carcasses and would also aid in determination of Salmonella contamination status of broiler flocks. Such information would assist efforts to reduce Salmonella contamination in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

Peripheral leukocyte heat shock proteins (HSP: HSP90, HSP70, and HSP23) from broiler chickens and turkey poults were induced by in vitro and in vivo high temperature exposure. Heat conditioning, via a daily 1 h exposure to 41 C, enhanced in vitro HSP expression in leukocytes from chickens heat-conditioned for 1 to 2 wk, and a similar response was found in turkey poults with 3 wk of heat conditioning causing the greatest HSP expression. In vivo heat exposure trials caused maximization of HSP expression after 1 wk of daily heat conditioning exposures in broilers, but no additional enhancement was seen in chickens heat conditioned for 2 wk. Enhancement in HSP expression was evident for periods up to 4 wk after termination of the daily heat conditioning episodes.  相似文献   

The presence of Campylobacter and Salmonella on poultry meat products remains a significant public health concern. Previous research has indicated that feed withdrawal may significantly increase Salmonella contamination of broiler crops and that crop contents may serve as an important source of Salmonella carcass contamination at commercial processing. The present study evaluated the effect of preslaughter feed withdrawal on the incidence of Campylobacter isolation in crops of market-age commercial broiler chickens prior to capture and transport to the processing plant. The incidence of Campylobacter isolation from the crop was determined immediately before and after feed withdrawal in 40 7-wk-old broiler chickens obtained from each of nine separate broiler houses. Ceca were collected from broilers in six of the same flocks for comparison with the crop samples. Feed withdrawal caused a significant (P < 0.025) increase in Campylobacter-positive crop samples in seven of the nine houses sampled. Furthermore, the total number of Campylobacter-positive crops increased significantly (P < 0.001) from 90/360 (25%) before feed removal to 224/359 (62.4%) after the feed withdrawal period. Alternatively, feed withdrawal did not significantly alter the Campylobacter isolation frequency from ceca. Similar to our previous studies with Salmonella, the present results suggest that preharvest feed withdrawal increases the frequency of Campylobacter crop contamination and, thus, provides a source of Campylobacter contamination of carcasses at commercial processing.  相似文献   

In broiler operations, various health problems develop during the final 2 wk of the growing period, resulting in increased mortality and condemnation losses. At this stage, sickly birds were found to be systemically infected by various bacteria regardless of varied clinical signs, and the purpose of this study was to carry out thorough microbiological investigations on this problem. Thirty-one 6-wk-old broilers showing signs of illness were obtained from three farms, and bacterial isolations were carried out from the blood, liver, and hock joint. Bacteria were isolated from 87, 90, and 71% of the blood, liver, and hock joint samples, respectively. Mean bacterial counts in log10 of the blood (per milliliter) and liver (per gram) were 2.15 and 2.93, respectively. Among 132 bacterial isolates, major species were Staphylococcus (60%), Corynebacterium (18%), Escherichia coli (5%), and Stomatococcus (4%). Among 79 Staphylococcus isolates, 77 were coagulase-negative. Major species of staphylococci were S. lentus (19%), S. simulans (18%), S. cohnii (13%), S. gallinarum (10%), and S. captis (7%). In addition, six species of gram-positive and five species of gram-negative organisms were isolated. Thus, the apparent systemic infections were not caused by predominant pathogenic bacterial species, and adequately described as mixed infections. There were some significant relationships between isolated bacterial species and sampling sites, suggesting that certain organisms were abundant in the environment of a particular poultry house. These results indicate that systemic infections in market age broilers are caused by mixed bacterial species and suggest that they are caused by suppressed host antibacterial systems rather than pathogenic factors of microorganisms.  相似文献   

From September 1995 to August 1996, 750 chickens from 66 farms sent to an abattoir in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, were examined for the presence of Erysipelothrix spp. Erysipelothrix spp. were isolated from 118 (15.7%) of 750 skin samples, 27 (7.3%) of 372 hypoderm samples, 12 (1.9%) of 630 throat samples, 106 (59.2%) of 179 feather samples, and none of 257 spleen samples. Of 66 farms, 55 farms (83.3%) sent Erysipelothrix-positive chickens and 11 farms (16.7%) only negative ones. Of 297 Erysipelothrix isolates, 273 isolates were identified as Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and 24 as Erysipelothrix tonsillarum. E. rhusiopathiae isolates were serotyped into nine different serovars. Of the 273 E. rhusiopathiae isolates, 33 (11.1%) were serotyped to serovar 6; 22 (7.4%) were serovar 5; 19 (6.4%) were serovar 2; 15 (5.1%) were serovar 8; 2 (0.7%) were serovar 21; 4 each (1.3% each) were serovars 1b, 9, 12, and 19; and 178 (59.9%) were untypeable. Of 24 E. tonsillarum isolates, 15 (5.1%) were serotyped to serovar 3, and 9 (3.0%) were serovar 7. These findings indicate that chickens seem to be a potential reservoir of Erysipelothrix spp. in nature and to be a source of human Erysipelothrix infection.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that neocortical electrocorticographic (ECoG) activation depends critically on cholinergic (ACh) inputs from the basal forebrain and serotonergic (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) inputs from the midbrain raphe to the neocortex. It appears that ACh and 5-HT block synchronized ECoG activity and induce cortical activation by a direct, local action in the neocortex that is not mediated by secondary systems. Concurrent blockade of cholinergic and serotonergic inputs to the cortex abolishes all ECoG activation, suggesting that: (a) together, ACh and 5-HT are essential for cortical activation to occur; and (b) other systems cannot maintain cortical activation in the absence of the cholinergic and serotonergic inputs. Nevertheless, additional neural systems (amygdala, locus coeruleus-noradrenaline (-NA), superior colliculus, orbitofrontal cortex, dopamine, histamine, glutamate) also modulate the ECoG and can produce cortical activation. In contrast to ACh and 5-HT, however, none of these systems are essential for the maintenance of cortical activation. Further, rather than producing activation via direct inputs to the neocortex, these systems appear to produce cortical activation by stimulating the cholinergic or serotonergic inputs to cortex. Thus, neocortical activation is maintained by multiple, parallel systems; cholinergic and serotonergic pathways are essential for activation and produce activation directly and locally in the neocortex, whereas additional pathways are not essential and contribute to activation indirectly by acting through these two direct activating inputs to the cortex.  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetics of methyldopa after oral and intravenous administration was studied in hypertensive and normotensive patients. After intravenous administration methyldopa plasma concentrations decayed according to a two-compartment open model. 2. For intravenous administration the overall elimination constant Ke1 was 0.56 +/- 0.03 h-1, the volume of distribution of the central compartment 0.29 +/- 0.80 1 kg-1 and the plasma clearance rate 11.2 +/- 0.6 1 h-1. 3. Plasma half-times during the beta-phase of the methyldopa plasma decay curve following intravenous and oral administration were 2.8 +/- 1.3 and 2.1 +/- 0.7 h, respectively. 4. Maximal plasma levels in hypertensive out-patients show great variation and range from 0 to 1.9 microgram ml-1. 5. No relationships were found between maximal methyldopa plasma levels in patients under treatment and control of hypertension.  相似文献   

The rearing of large numbers of broiler chickens at geographically dispersed sites means that they have to be transported by road, over various distances, to centralized processing plants for slaughter. The birds may be exposed to a variety of stressors during transit, including the thermal demands of the transport microenvironment. The thermal environments experienced by broiler chickens during routine transport in the U.K. on a large number of commercial vehicles under a wide range of external climatic conditions have been characterized using three-dimensional thermal mapping (temperature and water vapor density). Inadequate ventilation results in heterogeneous distributions of temperature and humidity and, thus, thermal loads within the vehicle, and, therefore, the existence of a "thermal core" in which the risk of heat stress is increased. Relationships between specific physiological indices of stress and quantified thermal loads have been determined in accurate transport simulations in the laboratory. The findings have been employed to establish a predictive model of the induction of heat stress during commercial transportation, as well as to define the acceptable ranges and limits for temperature and humidity within the transport containers. These principles have been utilized in developing a monitoring system to warn of impending heat stress and in improving vehicle design to facilitate the prevention of heat stress during broiler transportation.  相似文献   

Fas is a surface receptor that can transmit signals for apoptosis. Using retroviral cDNA library-based functional cloning we identified a gene, toso, that blocks Fas-mediated apoptosis. Toso expression was confined to lymphoid cells and was enhanced after cell-specific activation processes in T cells. Toso appeared limited to inhibition of apoptosis mediated by members of the TNF receptor family and was capable of inhibiting T cell self-killing induced by TCR activation processes that up-regulate Fas ligand. We mapped the effect of Toso to inhibition of caspase-8 processing, the most upstream caspase activity in Fas-mediated signaling, potentially through activation of cFLIP. Toso therefore serves as a novel regulator of Fas-mediated apoptosis and may act as a regulator of cell fate in T cells and other hematopoietic lineages.  相似文献   

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