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Characterization of the binary V2O5-Bi2O3 glasses prepared by rapidly quenching the melt has been made from the studies of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, infrared absorption, differential thermal analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance, chemical analysis, density and electrical properties. Stable glasses are obtained for 95 to 75 mol % V2O5 by quenching on a stainless steel substrate, while quenching on a copper substrate extends the glass formation range from 95 to 70 mol % V2O5. The V-O bond vibration in the glasses occurs at 1020 cm–1 and the V5% ion exists in six-fold coordination as in crystalline V2O5. All the glasses appear to be in single phase. The spin concentration in the glasses is found to be independent of temperature. A second heat-treatment at 255° C develops crystalline phase in the glasses. Unlike infrared absorption, electron paramagnetic resonance, density and chemical compositions, the electrical and thermal (DTA) properties are found to be slightly sensitive to the thermal history of preparation of the glasses. The high-temperature (300 to 500 K) conduction in the glasses seems to be due to adiabatic hopping of polarons. The thermopower is observed to be independent of temperature and provides evidence for small polaron formation in the glasses. 相似文献
D. K. Modak U. K. Mandal M. Sadhukhan B. K. Chaudhuri T. Komatsu 《Journal of Materials Science》2001,36(10):2539-2545
The frequency dependent AC conductivity (ac) of some new multicomponent (1 – x) (90V2O5-10P2O5) + xBaTiO3 (x = 0.1 to 0.9) type glasses containing nanocrystalline BaTiO3 particles (observed from the transmission electron microscopic study) has been reported in the temperature range 80–400 K. The behavior of ac is broadly similar to what has been observed previously in many other amorphous semiconductors and polymers (namely nearly linear frequency dependence and weak temperature dependence). Analysis of the experimental conductivity data shows that Long's overlapping large polaron tunneling (OLPT) mechanism is the most probable mechanism of conduction for the present BaTiO3 doped glasses. The Quantum mechanical tunneling (QMT) model and the classical hopping of electrons over a barrier can, however, explain the AC conductivity data only below D/2–160 K (D is the Debye temperature). Reasonable values of the relaxation time and barrier heights related to the models have been obtained from the fits of the conductivity data. 相似文献
E. E. Khawaja M. Sakhawat Hussain M. A. Khan J. S. Hwang 《Journal of Materials Science》1986,21(8):2812-2818
Recent measurements on the V2O5-GeO2 glass system consisting of an equimolar mixture of V2O5 and GeO2 revealed that increase in electrical conductivity of these glasses upon annealing could be attributed to the increase in V4+ and V3+ content which accompanied the microstructure formation. In the present work we report a similar study on V2O5-TeO2 and V2O5-P2O5 glass systems. It was found that in tellurite glass V3+ content increased upon annealing and V4+ content remained unchanged. In phosphate glass some increase in V4+ and no significant change in V3+ contents were observed. V3+ and V4+ contents in glasses could be best estimated from optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, respectively. 相似文献
本研究制备了以V2O5、P2O5、B2O3为基体,掺杂Na2O、Li2O、CuO、Sb2O3、B2O3为辅助原料的低熔点钒磷铋系玻璃。研究了氧化物的添加对钒磷铋系玻璃的骨架网络结构、特征温度、热膨胀系数和化学稳定性的影响。实验结果表明:CuO的添加使钒磷铋系玻璃特征温度明显下降,而Na2O、Li2O、Sb2O3和B2O3的添加使钒磷铋系玻璃特征温度均有不同程度的上升。添加B2O3能够大幅度降低钒磷铋系玻璃的热膨胀系数。氧化物对钒磷铋系玻璃的耐水性影响程度为:CuO>B2O3>Sb2O3>Na2O>Li2O;耐酸性影响程度为:B2O3>CuO>Sb2O3>Na2O>Li2O;耐碱性的影响程度为:Sb2O3>Na2O>CuO>B2O3≈Li2O。配比为5%Na2O,5%Li2O,3.5%CuO,10%Sb2O3和5%B2O3制得的钒磷铋系玻璃,热膨胀系数更接近于氧化铝陶瓷基板,拥有较高的耐腐蚀性,能够用于电子浆料中。 相似文献
The reaction sequence in the BaTiO3–Nb2O5–Bi2O3 system leading to the core-shell microstructure that causes the temperature-stable dielectric response has been examined using X-ray diffraction. The starting oxides react to form bismuth oxide layer Aurivillius phases at low temperatures which, in turn, react with remnant oxides to form the tetragonal tungsten bronze phase, Ba4Bi2Ti4Nb6O30, which acts as the source of dopants responsible for core-shell formation. 相似文献
D. Sreenivasu N. Narsimlu G. S. Sastry V. Chandra Mouli 《Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics》1996,7(4):283-284
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies have been performed on the glass system (30–x) NaF-xNa2O-50B2O3-20Bi2O3 doped with CuO as a paramagnetic probe. The calculated g values indicate that Cu2+ is in a tetragonally elongated octahedral co-ordination, and the Jahn-Teller character gives rise to anisotropic hyperfine structure. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters and -bonding parameter, 2, are calculated. Varying the fluoride ion concentration and its effect on these parameters is also discussed. 相似文献
随着信息技术、激光技术和军事技术的快速发展,各种功能玻璃材料的研究受到了科研工作者的极大关注。采用两步熔融法观察了空白试样和掺加Sm2O3 的玻璃形成区,结果表明随着稀土含量的增加,形成区缩小,Sm2O3 的含量不能>15%mol;通过红外光谱仪和分光光度计研究了玻璃的结构和吸收谱线,结果显示:随 Al2O3 含量增加,[PO3-4 ]基团的振动特征吸收峰逐渐缩小直至消失,同时随稀土含量的增加出现尖锐的P—O—Sm键振动吸收峰;吸收光谱中吸收峰强度随稀土含量增加逐步增强,透过率下降。 相似文献
A. Abdel-Kader A. A. Higazy M. M. Elkholy 《Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics》1991,2(3):157-163
The infrared absorption spectra of the vitreous TeO2-P2O5 and Bi2O3-TeO2-P2O5 systems are studied in the spectral region of 4000 to 200 cm–1. Absorption bands in this range are assigned. The midband wavenumber and the absorption intensity for the attributed bands are found to be strongly and systematically dependent on glass composition. Quantitative analysis was also attempted to justify our attribution of the observed bands. 相似文献
N. Srinivasa Rao M. Purnima Shashidhar Bale K. Siva Kumar Syed Rahman 《Bulletin of Materials Science》2006,29(4):365-370
Pure and copper doped glasses with composition,x
3,have been prepared over the range 0 ≤
x ≤ 40. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of Cu2+ ions of these glasses have been recorded in the X-band at room temperature. Spin Hamiltonian parameters have been calculated.
The molecular bonding coefficients, α2 and β2, have been calculated by recording the optical absorption spectra in the wavelength range 200–1200 nm. It has been observed
that the site symmetry around Cu2+ ions is tetragonally distorted octahedral. The density and glass transition temperature variation with alkali content shows
non-linear behaviour. The IR studies show that the glassy system contains BO3 and BO4 units in the disordered manner. 相似文献
The electrical conduction through vacuum-evaporated thin films of V2O5 and V2O5/B2O3 in MIM structures has been investigated. The high-field behaviour of both types of film is in accordance with the Poole-Frenkel type of mechanism. The increase in B2O3 content in co-evaporated V2O5/B203 films results in a decrease in the conductivity of the composite films. This is attributed to the expansion of the resultant film structure due to the network-forming effect of B2O3. The covaporated thin films of V2O5/B2O3 with a molar content of B2O3 larger than 40% are observed to be unstable because of their hygroscopic nature. 相似文献
Glasses in the V2O5-PbO-GeO2 system containing 55 mol% V2O5 were found to undergo a droplet-type phase separation. The dispersed phase is rich in GeO2. The volume percent of this phase increases with increasing GeO2/PbO ratio in the glass. When the volume percent of dispersed phase is small, the direct current conductivity depends mainly on the continuous phase. When the dispersed phase reaches about 42 vol%, a second kind of phase separation appears in the continuous phase and thus alters the conductivity dramatically. Providing that the heterogeneity is taken into consideration, all the conductivities of phase-separated glasses can be explained by the theory proposed by Mott. 相似文献
The physical and transport properties of semiconducting glasses are highly interesting, providing useful information regarding the structure and conduction mechanism, respectively. The physical and transport properties such as density, number of ions per unit volume, hopping distance, polaron radius, d,c. conductivity and activation energy are reported. Similarly the hopping conduction mechanism is examined. The physical property (density) is used to determine the probable structure of the glass sample. The small polaron hopping model is applied to the glass system. The methods of examining the hopping conduction mechanism are discussed in the light of the small polaron model. The methods suggested by Holstein and by Sayer and Mansingh are applied to the determination of adiabatic or non-adiabatic hopping conduction. It was observed that in this system adiabatic hopping conduction is present. 相似文献
The electrical properties and internal friction in (40–x)Fe2O3·xNa20.60P2O5 glasses were measured. Two or three peak on internal friction were observed in the temperature range of –100 to 300° C at a frequency of about 1 Hz. The peak area of internal friction could be explained quantitatively by the additivity law of diffusion of Na+ ion and hopping of electrons which are carriers similar to those of dielectric loss. Activation energy, peak temperature of dielectric loss and internal friction showed almost the same value. Both relaxation phenomena have the same mechanism which is due to the diffusion of Na+ion and the hopping of electrons between Fe2+ Fe3+. The high-temperature peak is assumed to result from the interaction between protons or alkali ions and non-bridging oxygen. 相似文献
The d.c. conductivity (σ) of (a) glasses prepared by the press-quenching method and (b) glass-ceramics (crystallized glass)
produced by post-heat treatment was investigated in the system Sb2O3–CaO–V2O5 and their conduction mechanism was studied. The glasses were n-type semiconductors with σ = 2.6 × 10-6 ∼ 2.8 × 10-5 S cm-1 at 333 K for varying glass compositions. The conduction was attributed to small polaron hopping in the adiabatic regime.
The estimated carrier density was 1.7 ∼ 3.8 × 1021 cm-3 for V2O5 = 70 ∼ 80 mol% and the mobility was 3.5 × 10-9 to 6.9 × 10-8 cm2 V-1 s-1.
Crystallization raised the conductivity by a factor of 103. The crystalline product in the glass-ceramics was Ca0.17V2O5. The glass-ceramics were n-type semiconductors, and the conduction was interpreted by a superposition of the small polaron hopping in the crystalline
and glassy phases.
This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
J. Ma. Rincón C. J. R. González-Oliver P. F. James 《Journal of Materials Science》1988,23(7):2512-2516
A number of lithium silicate glasses, inside and just outside the miscibility gap, containing low percentages of V2O5, MnO2 and Cr2O3 were examined by electron microscopy techniques. Upon heat treatment in the range 450 to 550° C these glasses exhibited phase separation preceding extensive crystallization. The Li2O contents (mol%) of the base glass compositions were: 26 (C-I), 30 (C-II), 34 (C-III) and 37 (C-IV). The V2O5 and MnO2 additions were 1 mol% and the Cr2O3 addition was 0.1 mol%. Globular or sectorized domains were obtained for compositions C-I to C-III containing V2O5, for formulations C-II to C-IV containing Cr2O3 and for glass C-I containing MnO2. In nearly every case a much finer liquid-phase separation of droplet type was also detected. The results indicate that V2O5 and MnO2 widen the Li2O-SiO2 miscibility gap and that the Cr2O3 may cause fine-scale crystallization. 相似文献
Elastic moduli (Y, η), Poisson’s ratio (σ), microhardness (H) and some thermodynamical parameters such as Debye temperature (θD), diffusion constant (D
i),latent heat of melting (ΔH
m) etc of PbO-Al2O3-B2O3 glasses doped with rare earth ions viz. Pr3+, Nd3+, Sm3+, Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Ho3+, Er3+ and Yb3+, are studied as functions of temperatures (in the temperature range 30–200°C) by ultrasonic techniques. All these parameters
are found to increase with increasing atomic numberZ of the rare earth ions and found to decrease with increasing temperature of measurement. From these results (together with
IR spectra of these glasses), an attempt is made to throw some light on the mechanical strength of these glasses. 相似文献