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油气勘探中的成功与风险并存 ,有风险就有失误的可能 ,但成功与失误不是按比例分配的 ,有成功多于失误的时期 ,也有失误多于成功的阶段。回顾勘探历程中走过的弯路 ,可促使人们去反思 :如何减少失误 ,增加成功的机遇 ,不断提高勘探成功率。渤海部分勘探实例的分析结果表明 :在勘探实践中 ,若能不断调整人们的主观认识 ,使之符合客观实际 ,多数勘探实施就会获得成功 ;若不能深入分析具体的地质条件 ,及时修正背离客观实际的主观认识 ,最终将导致总体失误或推迟油气田的发现。回顾总结过去 ,目的在于少走弯路 ,降低成本 ,使海上油气勘探能够高…  相似文献   

油气系统研究方法应用中若干问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来许多学者将“含油气系统”作为石油地质单元看待,进而又提出将其列为一个勘探阶段的勘探对象的建议.如何看待这一概念,直接涉及到其应用效果.机械套用这一概念可能导致实际勘探中无所适从,或限制勘探领域的不断扩展.从实用角度出发,将“含油气系统”定义为一种综合分析方法更为适当.盆地的油气勘探是一个渐进过程,地质认识也是在不断修正和深化.就本来的意义而言,油气勘探并非是要证明某种客观存在,而是在逐步逼近客观实际,在这种逼近过程中获益.几何空间圈出的“含油气系统”只反映了一定勘探阶段人们的一种认识,随着勘探的深入,这种认识必定被不断修正,从这种意义上看,“含油气系统”是一个伴随盆地油气勘探始终的认识升华.“含油气系统”是实用性很强的综合逻辑分析方法,其最大特点是,综合各种分析手段,形成较为完整有效的分析程序,通过综合分析方法,建立起烃源岩与储集层(及圈闭)的动态时空关系,用以预测有利勘探方向,指导勘探实践.随着盆地油气勘探的不断深化,资料的不断累积,烃源岩与储集层(及圈闭)的对应关系更具多重性,对“含油气系统”的刻划更趋实际.图1表1参9(尚尔杰摘)  相似文献   

克服油气勘探中的惯性思维   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
油气勘探中存在实践障碍与思维障碍,前者为客观地质纪录的不完整性与地质过程的难以模拟性所决定;后者为研究者主观惯性思维所制约,这就对真实揭示地下油气的赋存规律与推动油气勘探进程产生影响.油气勘探的每一次突破,都伴以理论与技术的发展,这就要求石油地质工作者不断克服思维惯性,实现思维的超越,以创新思维为油气勘探的灵魂.  相似文献   

将近150年的油气勘探历史,是一部不断实践、不断认识、由低级向高级、螺旋式发展的历史。人们从勘探油气的实践中积累认识,当积淀到一定程度就会产生认识上的飞跃,形成新的勘探思路和新的勘探技术,从而推动油气勘探进入一个新的时期。在这个新的时期,勘探领域不断  相似文献   

基于区带-远景圈闭组合的油气勘探地质风险评价方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
匡建超 《天然气工业》2007,27(11):121-124
油气勘探的地质风险评价历来就备受油气地质专家和管理层的高度重视,它对降低勘探成本,提高勘探成功率具有重大意义。基于这一出发点,参考国外的经验,依照风险树的分析思想,在充分挖掘了油气勘探地质风险因素的基础上,凝练出了5类23项风险因子,引出了区带-远景圈闭组合风险评价方法。该方法首先确定区带内远景圈闭的平均成功概率,然后赋予单个远景圈闭相对适中的成功概率,计算出整个远景圈闭的平均成功概率大小,最后确定其圈闭的风险大小。这样的研究思路和方法把单个远景圈闭成功概率与区域概率水平有机联系起来,改变了过去一步完成远景圈闭的风险评估的思想,充分考虑了区域评价标准与历史经验,提高了油气勘探地质风险的评价水平和质量,保障了勘探决策的科学性和准确性。通过在济阳坳陷古生界潜山凸起风险评价的应用,得出A带远景圈闭平均成功概率为0.8,这与客观实际吻合良好,说明区带-远景圈闭组合的油气勘探风险评价方法较为客观和科学。  相似文献   

制定科学的勘探程序,合理划分勘探阶段是油气勘探的客观要求,也是勘探管理工作必需考虑的问题。本文从含油气系统观点和方法出发,以油气藏形成与分布规律和油气田勘探的认识规律为指导,提出了勘探阶段的划分方案。含油气系统概念的提出,使沉积盆地与区带之间的勘探阶段有了明确的内涵,奠定了勘探阶段划分及研究的理论基础。含油气系统的基本要素和地质作用与区带详查有着密切的内在联系。  相似文献   

典型复杂断块油田的勘探历程及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气勘探是一个逐渐认识、不断深化的过程.本文介绍的留楚地区是一个典型的复杂小断块含油区,其勘探历程充分说明选准方向,坚持勘探是最终取得成功的根本;深入认识油气富集规律,综合评价,整体部署是优质高效勘探的关键;及时部署三维地震,精确落实圈闭是取得成功的前提;科学组织是提高勘探效益的重要保证.结合多种资料立体滚动勘探开发是进一步扩大成果的有效途径.  相似文献   

跨国油气勘探开发一般来说项目大、投资多、周期长、风险大,项目运作中难度高,更有地质认识上的困难,各国政治、法律、战争、政局、自然不可抗力等诸多不确定因素,使跨国油气勘探开发的困难增多,风险很大。为使石油企业在跨国勘探开发中取得较好的经济效益,必须分析、把握、化解和遏制各种风险,审时度势,将风险降到最低限度。分析跨国油气勘探开发的风险种类和规避风险的措施,对于进行跨国油气勘探开发的企业具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

王文君 《石油仪器》2011,25(3):88-89,92
文章通过对滨海地区近期部署探井的特点分析可以看出,对新区带、新层系、新类型的勘探力度逐渐加大。对勘探中产生的失利井的分析表明,探井失利的主要原因包括地质认识失误、储层预测误差、圈闭封堵性差、油气源或油气运移问题、油气充满度低。在对每种失利原因分析的基础上提出了降低勘探风险的措施,对提高勘探效益具有指导意义。  相似文献   

油气勘探是人类应用现有认识与技术探索未知领域、寻求油气发现的系统工程,遵循实践、认识、再实践、再认识的辩证过程。油气田的发现是人类从事油气勘探所追求的终极目标,是正确的地质认识与适宜的勘探技术耦合作用的结果。正确的认知过程是由面上的综合研究到点上的突破,再由点上的突破逐步深化扩展到整个面上。对客观地质条件和成藏规律的正确认识是勘探取得发现的基石。认识无止境,勘探可持续。适宜的勘探技术是正确认识与勘探发现的桥梁,勘探技术的适用性比先进性更重要。通过认识的深化与勘探技术的进步,可以促使油气勘探领域不断拓展和新的油气田不断被发现。  相似文献   

往复式空气压缩机常见故障及处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了往复式空气压缩机运行中常见故障,分析了产生故障的主要原因,提出了处理方法。  相似文献   

Clothianidin, a new neonicotinoid insecticide, was systematically evaluated. An analytical method using gas chromatography with electron capture detection was developed. Recoveries were between 92% and 102%, with relative standard deviations from 3% to 5% at three fortified levels. The decrease of clothianidin in tomato and soil samples under field conditions at Beijing, Shandong, and Anhui were determined. The dissipation rates of clothianidin fit first-order kinetics. Its half-lives ranged from 6.7 to 12.7 days in soil, and 7.0 to 11.9 days in tomato. On the suggested pre-harvest interval of 7 days, the distribution of clothianidin in tomato peel and flesh was studied. Most residues were found on the peel. Hence, removing the tomato peel before consumption is advisable. The stability of clothianidin fortified at 0.3 or 3 mg/kg in frozen green and red ripe tomatoes was also determined. The half-life mainly depended on the spiked levels of this pesticide.  相似文献   

中国致密砂岩气及在勘探开发上的重要意义   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
致密砂岩气藏系指聚集工业天然气的致密砂岩场晕或圈闭,根据其储集层特征、储量大小及所处区域构造位置高低,可将致密砂岩气藏分为两类:"连续型"致密砂岩气藏和"圈闭型"致密砂岩气藏,前者通常位于构造低部位,圈闭界限模糊,无统一气水界面,往往气水倒置,储源一体或近源;后者位于圈闭高处,上气下水,储量规模较小但产量相对较高。中国致密砂岩气都是煤成气,组分以烷烃气(C1 4)为主,甲烷含量最高,烷烃气具正碳同位素系列;非烃气(主要是CO2和N2)含量低。截至2010年底,中国致密砂岩气的储量和年产量分别占全国天然气储量和产量的39.2%和24.6%,预计将来比例还会提高。与页岩气、煤层气等非常规气相比,中国近期在非常规气勘探开发中应以致密砂岩气为先。  相似文献   

Mycotoxins in food are increasingly a food safety hazard concern in particular in developing countries. This study was performed to determine the occurrence and determinants of aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in rice and maize and to assess health risks through dietary intake exposure among ethnic minority groups in northern Vietnam. A total of 111 rice and 102 maize samples, were tested for occurrence of fungi and mycotoxins, i.e. aflatoxins (AF’s) and fuminisin B (FB). Results showed that 107 (96.4%) rice and 84 (82.4%) maize samples were contaminated by fungi. Aspergillus flavus was found in 68 (61.3%) rice and 30 (29.4%) maize samples, Aspergilus parasiticus in 40 (36.0%) rice and 27 (26.7%) maize samples. AF’s - were detected in 27 rice (24.3%) and 27 maize samples (26.4%) at minimum and maximum levels in rice of 2.06 and 77.8 ng/g and 20.5 and 110 ng/g in maize, respectively. Nine (8.1%) rice and 24 (23.5%) maize samples contained FB at ranges of 2.3–624 ng/g in rice and 5.6–89.8 ng/g in maize. Data collected through interviews and observations in households showed that type of crop, storage duration and presence of fungi, particularly mycotoxigenic fungi were important risk factors for AF’s and FB contamination. Based on daily food consumption data, the estimated average exposure dose of aflatoxin B1(AFB1) from rice was 21.7 ng/kg bw/day for adults and 33.7 ng/kg bw/day for children. For FB, the rice based average exposure amounted to 536 ng/kg bw/day for adults and 1019 ng/kg bw/day for children. The calculated excess risk of liver cancer incidence by ingestion of cereals containing AFB1 was 1.5 per 100,000 adults and 2.3 per 100,000 children per year. The average intake of FB was calculated to be lower than the tolerable diet intake (TDI). Our findings highlight that rice and maize are contaminated with mycotoxins at levels representing actual health hazards for the ethnic minority groups consuming these stable cereals. Proper drying and storage conditions in households are likely to reduce the mycotoxin contamination.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) concentrations were determined in raw and UHT cow milk samples collected in different regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia during the autumn months of 2014. The mean AFM1 levels in the raw milk samples were (ng/kg): 6.22 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5.65 in Croatia. In all except one milk sample, AMF1 levels were below the LOQ value of 34.2 ng/kg (ELISA method). In four milk samples, AFM1 concentrations exceeded the EU MRL of 50 ng/kg. Samples were subjected to LC-MS/MS analysis which confirmed elevated values determined by ELISA. Elevated levels were in the range 56.6–132.6 ng/kg. Two positive milk samples from Bosnia and Herzegovina originated from Una Sana Canton, two from Croatia from eastern Croatia. The highest AFM1 levels of 132.6 ng/kg was measured in milk from eastern Croatia. In 214 samples of processed UHT milk from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, AFM1 ranged from 2.29 ng/kg to 21.4 ng/kg, all below the LOQ value. AFM1 exceeded the EU MRL value in only 0.62% of milk samples, indicating the sporadic use of contaminated feedstuff at farms in both countries.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,企业思想政治工作随着形势的不断变化,曾经面临着诸多新问题。企业思想政治工作正是在解决这些问题的实践中不断探索,创新思路和方法,提升效果和水平,成为企业改革、发展、进步的动力源泉。  相似文献   

《Food Control》2007,18(5):454-457
The presence of aflatoxins, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus in dried fruits was investigated. A total of 62 dried fruit samples were analyzed (24 black sultanas, 19 white sultanas and 19 dried figs). A total of 10 A. flavus isolates were found, nine in one white sultana sample (corresponding to 18% infection) and one isolate in dried figs (2%), and all of them were aflatoxin B1 and B2 producers. A. parasiticus was not found. Aflatoxins were detected in 3 of 19 (16%) white sultana samples analyzed and, the limits were not higher than 2.0 μg/kg. In dried figs 11 of 19 (58%) samples were contaminated with aflatoxins and, with exception of one sample that was contaminated with 1500 μg/kg of B1 aflatoxin, the others had less than 2.0 μg/kg. Neither aflatoxigenic or aflatoxins contaminated black sultanas.  相似文献   

The occurrence of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in chestnut products made in Italy was surveyed. Thirty-seven samples of chestnut flour and fourteen of dried chestnuts were collected from retail outlets located in northern Italy. After extraction and purification through an immunoaffinity column, aflatoxins and ochratoxin A were analysed using both HPLC-FLD and HPLC-MS/MS. The mycotoxin contamination found in this survey was widespread and remarkable. As regards aflatoxins, the incidence of aflatoxin B1 was 62.2 and 21.4% in chestnut flour and dried chestnuts, respectively; in the same products, the percentage of samples exceeding the value of 2.0 μg kg−1 for aflatoxin B1 (maximum limit fixed by EC Regulation 165/2010 in dried fruits) was 24.3% and 7.1%. A widespread and high incidence of AFG1 was also found (40.5%). The maximum values for aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxins were 67.88 and 188.78 μg kg−1, respectively (chestnut flour sample). Ochratoxin A occurred in all samples, showing very high values (mean 12.38 and 13.63 μg kg−1 for chestnut flour and dried chestnuts, respectively); the percentages of samples exceeding the limit of 10 μg kg−1 (EU limits for dried vine fruit) were 64.9 and 42.8% for chestnut flour and dried chestnuts, respectively. The maximum value was 65.84 μg kg−1 (dried chestnut sample).  相似文献   

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