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Quarter-micron-gate-length high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) have exhibited state-of-the-art low-noise performance at millimeter-wave frequencies, with minimum noise figures of 1.2 dB and 32 GHz and 1.8 dB at 60 GHz. At Ka-band, two-stage and three-stage HEMT low-noise amplifiers have demonstrated noise figures of 1.7 and 1.9 dB, respectively, with associated gains of 17.0 and 24.0 dB at 32 GHz. At V-band, two stage and three-stage HEMT amplifiers yielded noise figures of 3.2 and 3.6 dB, respectively, with associated gains of 12.7 and 20.0 dB and 60 GHz. The 1-dB-gain compression point of all the amplifiers is greater than +6 dBm. The results clearly show the potential of short-gate-length HEMTs for high-performance millimeter-wave receiver application  相似文献   

An MMIC transmitter for high-volume smart munition applications in Ka band is developed using 0.25 μm MESFET technology. The transmitter, consisting of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and power amplifier (PA), delivers more than 100 mW of power with an overall efficiency of 10% and a linear tuning range of more than 700 MHz around 35 GHz  相似文献   

The design considerations, fabrication process, and performance of the first K-Ka-band oscillator implemented using a self-aligned AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) are described. A large-signal time-domain-based design approach has been used which applies a SPICE-F simulator for optimization of the oscillator circuit parameters for maximum output power. The oscillator employs a 2×10-μm2 emitter AlGaAs/GaAs HBT that was fabricated using a pattern inversion technology. The HBT has a base current 1/f noise power density lower than 1×10-20 A2/Hz at 1 kHz and lower than 1×10-22 A/2/Hz at 100 kHz for a collector current of 1 mA. The oscillator, which is composed of only low-Q microstrip transmission lines, has a phase noise of -80 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz off carrier when operated at 26.6 GHz. These results indicate the applicability of the HBTs to low-phase-noise monolithic oscillators at microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies, where both Si bipolar transistors and GaAs FETs are absent  相似文献   

A self-alignment technology is proposed that allows fabrication of gates of less than 100 nm using conventional optical lithography. An offset gate structure is realized using this method. The technology is applied to high-power GaAs MESFETs consisting of many individual FETs. The uniformity of the FET characteristics is checked to show reproducibility. The input-output power characteristics of a MESFET with a 3.6-mm gate width were measured at 28 GHz. A linear gain of 4.0 dB and a saturation power of 0.8 W were obtained, demonstrating the overall effectiveness of this technology. It is shown that a 50-nm gate can be fabricated with this technology. A MESFET with a 90-nm gate length that was fabricated and evaluated at high frequency to demonstrate the technology is discussed  相似文献   

A monolithic Ka-band transmitter consisting of a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) and a power amplifier using 0.25 μm MESFET technology has been developed for high volume production. An output power of 21.5 dBm at 35.4 GHz with a tuning range of 600 MHz has been achieved. Hundreds of these monolithic transmitters have been fabricated, and an RF yield of 40% has ben achieved from the GaAs MMIC pilot line based on the total number of wafers started. The high yield obtained from this high level integration of multifunctional MMIC chips indicates the maturity of the design and processing capability of millimeter-wave (MMW) GaAs MESFET technology  相似文献   

A fully digital implementation of digital modems is the preferred option of system designers because high performance can be achieved at reasonable cost. The author explains the beneficial features inherent in fully digital demodulator implementations. Other features which are required for land mobile satellite communication systems are also discussed. Recently reported techniques for the synchronisation and detection of M-ary PSK and M-ary QAM modulation schemes are reviewed with emphasis placed on those which are well suited to digital implementation  相似文献   

Reports on an integrated photoreceiver using a flip-chip bonding technique. The integrated photoreceiver consists of a back-illuminated GaInAs/InP pin photodiode with a small junction area and a GaAs high-impedance preamplifier having a two-stage amplifier. The quantum efficiency and the cut-off frequency of the pin photodiode were 81% and 19GHz. This photoreceiver exhibited good practical performance characteristics, including a minimum detectable power of -29.8 dBm at 1 Gbit/s, and -26.9 dBm at 2 Gbit/s  相似文献   

Optimum energy extraction from an electron-beam-pumped XeF(C A) laser is achieved with a five-component rare gas halide mixture. The characterization and modeling of laser action in such a gas mixture requires a knowledge of small-signal gain and absorption coefficients not only on the blue-green XeF(CA) transition, but also in the ultraviolet (UV) region for the competing XeF(BX) and KrF(BX ) transitions. The authors report gain measurements on the XeF(CA) transition and small-signal gain and absorption coefficients at or near both the XeF(BX ) (351 and 353 nm) and KrF(BX) (248 nm) transitions. A study of the gain for the UV and visible transitions as a function of Kr and Xe partial pressure is reported, and its impact on the XeF(CA) kinetics is discussed  相似文献   

The effect of nonnormality on E{X} and R charts is reported. The effect of departure from normality can be examined by comparing the probabilities that E{X} and R lie outside their three-standard-deviation and two-standard-deviation control limits. Tukey's λ-family of symmetric distributions is used because it contains a wide spectrum of distributions with a variety of tail areas. The constants required to construct E{X} and R charts for the λ-family are computed. Control charts based on the assumption of normality give inaccurate results when the tails of the underlying distribution are thin or thick. The validity of the normality assumption is examined by using a numerical example  相似文献   

A double-recessed 0.2-μm-gate-length pseudomorphic HEMT (PHEMT) has been demonstrated with 500 mW of output power (833 mW/mm of gate periphery), 6-dB gain, and 35% power-added efficiency (PAE) at 32 GHz. At 44 GHz, the device exhibited 494 mW of output power (823 mW/mm), 4.3-dB gain, and 30% PAE. This level of performance is attributed to excellent MBE material, optimized epitaxial layer design, and the use of individual source vias and of double recess with tight channel dimensions. Excellent 3-in-wafer uniformity was also observed: DC yield was greater than 95% and the interquartile range for all DC parameters was less than 20% of the median value (most are significantly lower)  相似文献   

Significant developments of the general optimum control theory presented in a previous paper by the authors (1988) are discussed for the specific case of multiphase matrix converters. Results hold, regardless of system configuration, input and output voltage waveforms, and loads. Applications to the most practical converter structures are illustrated, and implementation criteria of the optimum control method are derived. Simulated results confirm the flexibility and effectiveness of the approach  相似文献   

A single-ended three-stage MESFET power amplifier designed for high-volume, low-cost applications shows an average of 15-21% power added efficiency in Ka-band with 100-150 mW of power output over 30-35 GHz. Δ<S21 with power saturation, an important parameter in phased array applications, is also reported. Efficiencies as high as 28% were measured on good wafers with high on-wafer repeatability under power drive  相似文献   

The light-to-current (L-I) and light-to-voltage (L-V) differential nonlinearities in the simple network of a customary LED and an external resistor R in series are analyzed and calculated theoretically and compared with experimental data. Particular emphasis is placed on the influence of the log-arithmetic slope ν of the L-I characteristic and the bias current I upon the ratio of the corresponding nonlinearity parameters. It is thus deduced that, for a given optical power P, over superlinear portions of the L-I curve (ν>1) the L-I linearity is typically better than its corresponding L-V linearity. On the contrary, when the L-I dependence is sublinear (ν<1) the voltage driving scheme may ensure for the R-LED network, or the LED alone, a local L-V response much more linear than the L-I response, provided that appropriate (optimum) I and/or R values are chosen  相似文献   

The general concept of closest coset decoding (CCD) is presented, and a soft-decoding technique for block codes that is based on partitioning a code into a subcode and its cosets is described. The computational complexity of the CCD algorithm is significantly less than that required if a maximum-likelihood detector (MLD) is used. A set-partitioning procedure and details of the CCD algorithm for soft decoding of |u|u+v| codes are presented. Upper bounds on the bit-error-rate (BER) performance of the proposed algorithm are combined, and numerical results and computer simulation tests for the BER performance of second-order Reed-Muller codes of length 16 and 32 are presented. The algorithm is a suboptimum decoding scheme and, in the range of signal-to-noise-power-density ratios of interest, its BER performance is only a few tenths of a dB inferior to the performance of the MLD for the codes examined  相似文献   

The design, fabrication, and evaluation of a fully integrated W-band monolithic downconverter based on InGaAs pseudomorphic HEMT technology are presented. The monolithic downconverter consists of a two-stage low-noise amplifier and a single-balanced mixer. The single-balanced mixer has been designed using the HEMT gate Schottky diodes inherent to the process. Measured results of the complete downconverter show conversion gain of 5.5 dB and a double-sideband noise figure of 6.7 dB at 94 GHz. Also presented is the downconverter performance characterized over the -35°C to +65°C temperature range. The downconverter design was a first pass success and has a high circuit yield  相似文献   

The design, fabrication, and evaluation of a W-band image-rejection downconverter based on pseudomorphic InGaAs-GaAs HEMT technology are presented. The image-rejection downconverter consists of a monolithic three-stage low-noise amplifier, a monolithic image-rejection mixer, and a hybrid IF 90° coupler with an IF amplifier. The three-stage amplifier has a measured noise figure of 3.5 dB, with an associated small signal gain of 21 dB at 94 GHz while the image-rejection mixer has a measured conversion loss of 11 dB with +10 dBm LO drive at 94.15 GHz. Measured results of the complete image-rejection downconverter including the hybrid IF 90° coupler and a 10 dB gain amplifier show a conversion gain of more than 18 dB and a noise figure of 4.6 dB at 94.45 GHz  相似文献   

It is shown that m-sequences over GF(qm ) of length qnm-1 corresponding to primitive polynomials in GF[qm,x] of degree n can be generated from known m-sequences over GF(q) of length qnm-1 obtained from primitive polynomials in GF[q,x] of degree mn. A procedure for generating the m-sequences over GF(q2) from m-sequences over GF(q) was given which enables the generation of m-sequences over GF( p2n). In addition it was shown that all of the primitive polynomials in GF[q,m,x] can be obtained from a complete set of the primitive polynomials in GF[q ,x]  相似文献   

The authors present the results of the construction and testing of three cryogenic low-noise GaAs FET amplifiers, based on a National Radio Astronomy Observatory design, to be used in a detector for the axion, a hypothetical particle. The amplifiers are centered on 1.1 GHz, and 2.4 GHz, have a gain of approximately 30 dB in bandwidths of 300 MHz, 225 MHz, and 310 MHz, and have minimum noise temperatures of 7.8 K, 8 K, and 15 K, respectively  相似文献   

A technique for the measurement of device derivatives d NV/dIN of arbitrary order N described. Measurement is accomplished by injecting a test current composed of the sum of N square waves into the rest device, and then multiplying the corresponding voltage change by the product of those same square waves, followed by low-pass filtering. The algorithm is implemented in real time using a mixture of analog and digital circuitry, and its application to semiconductor laser control in high-speed optical communications is described  相似文献   

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