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A classification of acute dysfunctions of the vital organs and systems in cases with multiple organ failure is proposed. It is suggested to assess the function as satisfactory, compensatory sufficiency, decompensated insufficiency, or failure. Clinical laboratory criteria of such rating are offered. Experience gained in the use of this classification is presented.  相似文献   

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) complicating barbiturates therapy is not well acknowledged in the neurologic literature in spite of the fact that barbiturates are present in 17% of the cases of RSD. Two new cases detected during one year in a general neurology clinic are described. One of them did not suffer from any previous neurologic disease. A review of the literature showed that the association of RSD and barbiturates affects predominantly upper limbs and is often accompanied by other fibrosing musculoskeletal disorders. Apart from barbiturate withdrawal, corticosteroid therapy may be necessary to prevent irreversible tissue damage.  相似文献   

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy or Sudeck's atrophy is a syndrome that can usually be followed by a traumatic insult. This disorder is accompanied by signs and symptoms of vasomotor instability, trophic skin changes, and rapid development of bony demineralization. This report presents a case with reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome secondary to organophosphate intoxication induced neuropathy. The patient was threated with calcitonin well.  相似文献   

An experimental study was undertaken in dogs with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) intoxication to describe and follow the changes in the ultrasound appearance of the liver. Characteristic ultrasound features (enlarged liver, increased echogenicity with fine, tightly-packed echoes, and loss of echogenicity of the portal vein walls) were seen from day 2 of the experiment, culminating between days 2 and 7. Subsequently the liver gradually and almost completely regained its normal ultrasound appearance. Ultrasonographic findings corresponded to the severity of the clinicopathological parameters, and changed parallel with the results of liver biopsies. Histology of the biopsy samples revealed acute centrolobular lipid accumulation with necrobiosis and necrosis in the hepatocytes in the first stage of the disease. In the second stage, a secondary reparatory-inflammatory process and reparation in the interstitial tissue were seen. In some dogs, ill-defined hyperechoic foci were observed within the liver during the regenerative phase. Hepatic ultrasonography seems to be a reliable and relatively sensitive method for monitoring liver dystrophy with necrobiosis and lipid accumulation and to follow the course of steatosis in clinical cases. Ultrasound-guided biopsy can further improve the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography in liver dystrophy.  相似文献   

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is believed to involve overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and it is associated with a large number of causes, mainly with local trauma, nevertheless brachial plexitis (neuralgic amyotrophy) was reported in only four patients by previous authors. We describe a new case in this report. The reinnervation sprouting of somatic nerve fibres can have abnormal sodium channels which can acquire ectopic pacemaker activity which can be stimulated by sympathetic efferent impulses, in this way the reinnervation period after a severe plexitis can be associated with an increased risk of this complication. The neurologist must be aware of this association to guide the affected patient to a correct treatment.  相似文献   

Physical exercise is known to induce oxidative stress leading to the generation of free radicals. This increased generation of free radicals might lead to lipid peroxidation and tissue damage, more so under deficient/impaired antioxidant states. In the present study, we report the role of vitamin E and selenium (Se) during exercise-induced oxidative stress in the pulmonary tissue. Vitamin E and/or Se deficiency in female albino rats resulted in generation of free radicals as revealed by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra in the lung tissue, indicating the onset of oxidative stress. When these animals were subjected to a single bout of exhaustive exercise, there was an additional increase in the generation of oxy-free radicals, which might lead to tissue damage. However, no such signals were recorded in the lung tissue of vitamin E- and Se-supplemented animals, when subjected to a similar exercise program, suggesting that protection is offered by vitamin E and Se in combating oxidative stress.  相似文献   

We present a revised taxonomic system for disorders previously called reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and causalgia. The system resulted from a special consensus conference that was convened on this topic and is based upon the patient's history, presenting symptoms, and findings at the time of diagnosis. The disorders are grouped under the umbrella term CRPS: complex regional pain syndrome. This overall term, CRPS, requires the presence of regional pain and sensory changes following a noxious event. Further, the pain is associated with findings such as abnormal skin color, temperature change, abnormal sudomotor activity, or edema. The combination of these findings exceeds their expected magnitude in response to known physical damage during and following the inciting event. Two types of CRPS have been recognized: type I, corresponds to RSD and occurs without a definable nerve lesion, and type II, formerly called causalgia refers to cases where a definable nerve lesion is present. The term sympathetically maintained pain (SMP) was also evaluated and considered to be a variable phenomenon associated with a variety of disorders, including CRPS types I and II. These revised categories have been included in the 2nd edition of the IASP Classification of Chronic Pain Syndromes.  相似文献   

A case report is presented of a 15-year-old girl with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). She was referred to hospital because of left upper limb pain. Her left upper limb was cold, edematous and blue with a limited active range of movement. The serum concentration of noradrenaline was lower on the painful side than on the healthy side, and neurotropin, which has an antinociceptive effect to hyperalgesia, was clearly effective. Early diagnosis and management is essential in the treatment of RSD and administration of neurotropin is a useful and non-invasive treatment without severe adverse effects.  相似文献   

1. To investigate the nature of sympathetic dysfunction in the pathogenesis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy, the microcirculatory vasoconstrictive responses to dependency were investigated in the skin of the hand of 76 reflex sympathetic dystrophy patients with unilateral disease by means of laser Doppler flowmetry (in perfusion units) and capillary microscopy. The patients were divided into three stages according to their perception of skin temperature (stage I in the case of a stationary warmth sensation, stage II in the case of an intermittent warmth and cold sensation, and stage III in the case of a stationary cold sensation). The vasoconstrictive responses were induced by lowering of the affected hand. 2. As compared to controls, the mainly sympathetically mediated vasoconstrictive response at thermoregulatory level of the skin microcirculation, as measured by laser Doppler flowmetry, was attenuated at stage I (1.82 versus 1.41, P < 0.05), stage II (1.82 versus 1.09, P < 0.0001) and stage III (1.82 versus 1.14, P < 0.01), suggesting the involvement of sympathetic denervation at all stages of the reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. This sympathetic denervation may also account for the observed increase in thermoregulatory skin blood flow at stage I as compared to controls (152 versus 81, P < 0.01). 3. Since sympathetic denervation has been reported to cause increased sensitivity of vascular structures to catecholamines, the decrease in thermoregulatory skin blood flow at stages II (54 versus 81, P < 0.05) and III (31 versus 81, P < 0.05), both as compared to controls, may result from hypersensitivity to catecholamines of skin microvessels. 4. The sympathetically independent vasoconstrictive response at the nutritive level of skin microcirculation, as measured by capillary microscopy, was impaired only at stage III as compared to controls (1.04 versus 2.06, P < 0.05). This divergence in microvascular reactivity upon dependency of the nutritive and thermoregulatory subsystems also supports the hypothesis of sympathetic dysfunction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The authors report a case of pregnancy in a rudimentary horn diagnosed by laparotomy. The location could not be suspected by any clinical sign. This pregnancy stopped at 19 weeks of amenorrhoea. Any attempts of induction of labour failed. Laparotomy was necessary to assess the diagnosis and to allow the resection of the uterine horn. The authors present a review of literature.  相似文献   

A case of multifocal reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSDS) in a patient with the tarda form of osteogenesis imperfecta is described, followed by a review of the literature. Microfractures of the trabecular bone in these patients are proposed to be the initial stimulus in the pathogenesis of RSDS by a mechanism similar to the one involved in the pathogenesis of RSDS complicating other diseases associated with bone fragility.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of immune system function in patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). DESIGN: Survey on blood samples obtained from RSD patients and from a randomly selected control group. The lymphocyte populations (T, B, NK cells), and the activated T cells (CD25, and HLA-Dr-positive CD4 and CD8 cells) were analyzed by flow cytometry with dual-color direct immunofluorescence after whole-blood lysis. Clinical chemistry parameters were analyzed in additional serum samples. SETTING: Tertiary care center (outpatient rehabilitation clinic). SUBJECTS: Thirteen patients (nine women) with RSD and a control group of 21 healthy individuals. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The results of the flow cytometry analysis of RSD patients were related to those of the control subjects. Means were analyzed, and confidence intervals for differences of the means were calculated. The means of the clinical chemical analysis were related to local reference values. RESULTS: The flow cytometry analysis did not differ between RSD patients and healthy controls. Although in some patients an individual parameter of clinical chemical analysis differed from its reference value, all of the mean values were within reference limits. Stratification on medications with immunomodulatory effects and on probability of a definite diagnosis of RSD had no influence on the results. CONCLUSION: No association between immunologic indices and RSD was found. This finding is relevant, because recent theories stress that it is not the sympathetic nervous system but a local inflammatory reaction that is fundamental in the pathogenesis of RSD. The results of this study do not support this theory.  相似文献   

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, characterized by pain, swelling, vasomotor instability, and trophic changes in an extremity, has been infrequently described in patients with occult malignancy. Two cases of reflex sympathetic dystrophy associated with local tumor involvement are reported. Both patients had a history of cancer in clinical remission. Despite aggressive physical therapy measures, the patients' symptoms persisted. Workup of the first patient found an apical paravertebral mass in the lung; biopsy revealed recurrent breast carcinoma. In the second case, workup found an axillary mass contiguous with the lower brachial plexus. Biopsy revealed lymphoma, a second primary malignancy. In both cases, medical treatment of the tumor was instituted, with consequent improvement of hand and shoulder function. Both patients required prolonged hospitalization and multiple procedures that might have been avoided if malignancy had been suspected. Spontaneous development of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in patients with a history of cancer should alert the physician to the possibility of occult malignancy.  相似文献   

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) can be precipitated by a variety of events. We report two cases of RSD in hemiplegic patients detected within three months of the cerebrovascular accidents. Diagnosis of RSD was based upon clinical and scintigraphic findings. Management included elevation, range of movement of the affected joints and analgesics. With treatment, the pain and swelling subsided, range of motion of joints improved and the patients were able to participate in the rehabilitation programme. A high index of suspicion, early diagnosis and aggressive treatment were found to be essential for the successful treatment of RSD.  相似文献   

Four cases of post-operative ulnar nerve mononeuropathy are reported. In all the cases a severe sensory and motor loss was strictly limited to ulnar nerve territory. The electrophysiological examination: needle examination, motor and sensory nerve conduction studies and even more somatosensory potential evoked from ulnar nerve after stimulation above elbow allowed to eliminate a lesion at the elbow and to asses the lesion at wrist, arm, axilla or plexus. Full recovery occurred once and partial recovery twice. We considered that these ulnar lesions are neuralgic amyotrophies of Parsonage and Turner according to the epidemiological, clinical, evolutive and electrophysiological data.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We determined the effect of reflex sympathetic dystrophy on lower urinary tract function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 20 consecutive patients (16 women and 4 men) with neurologically verified reflex sympathetic dystrophy was referred for voiding symptoms, including urgency, frequency, incontinence and urinary retention. No patient had had voiding symptoms before the initial trauma that induced reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Evaluation included medical history, physical examination, video urodynamic testing and cystoscopy. RESULTS: Mean patient age was 43.4 +/- 10.2 years (range 28 to 58) and mean duration of urological symptoms was 4.9 +/- 3.6 years (range 1 to 14). Urodynamic study demonstrated a mean cystometric bladder capacity of 417 +/- 182 ml. (range 120 to 700). The urodynamic diagnoses included detrusor hyperreflexia in 8 patients, detrusor areflexia in 8, sensory urgency in 3 and detrusor hyperreflexia with detrusor-external sphincter dyssynergia in 1. In 4 women genuine stress urinary incontinence was also documented urodynamically. CONCLUSIONS: Reflex sympathetic dystrophy may have a profound effect on detrusor and sphincter function.  相似文献   

Nine healthy male subjects underwent measurement of reflex sympathetic function, pressor responsiveness and baroreflex sensitivity to phenylephrine (PE) and glyceryltrinitrate (GTN) before (C1) and following six days of treatment (E6) with cortisol (F), 200 mg/day. Seven subjects had washout studies (W) performed at least two weeks following the end of treatment. The BP responses to head tilt, isometric exercise and mental arithmetic were unaltered by F, however, there was a significant diminution of the diastolic BP response to cold pressor stimulus (delta DBP: 19 +/- 3 vs 25 +/- 5 vs 27 +/- 5 mmHg; E6 vs C1 vs W, p < 0.05 C1 vs E6 and W). Baroreflex sensitivity to PE was increased (28 +/- 3 vs 19 +/- 2 ms/mmHg, E6 vs C1, p = 0.03). These data demonstrate that increased BP during F treatment is not attributable to increased SNS activity, and suggest that SNS activity may be decreased by F.  相似文献   

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