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This paper studies the depth to which soil moisture can be directly estimated with microwave measurements over smooth bare fields. The analyses are based on both theoretical and experimental considerations at the frequencies of 1.4, 5.0, and 10.7 GHz. Radiative transfer calculations of microwave emissivities at these frequencies are performed with a number of moisture profiles measured for two soils. The calculated emissivities are compared with those derived from the Fresnel equation to deduce the microwave sampling depth in soils. The data acquired from the ground-level radiometric measurements during the summers of 1979-1981 are examined and compared with the theoretical retical analysis. Both theoretical and experimental analyses lead to the conclusion that the microwave sampling depth in soils is about one tenth of the wavelength of observation. It is shown that the moisture content at any depth near the surface of a smooth soil can be estimated, in principle, by a combination of a radiometric measurement and a curve generated by the Fresnel equation at an appropriate frequency, provided that the texture of the soil is known.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of radiometric data taken at 21, 2.8, and 1.67 cm during a NASA sponsored flight over agricultural fields in Phoenix, AZ. The objective of the mission was to provide comprehensive information concerning microwave responses due to a broad range of soil moisture contents. Generally, data taken over bare fields agree well with theoretical estimates from a combined multilayer radiative transfer model with simple roughness correction. With the surface moisture content ranging between <5 and >35 percent, the emissivity ranges between >0.9 and ~0.7. The response to soil moisture content at 21 cm is more senstive than that at either 2.8 or 1.67 cm. The vegetation model takes into account both the effect of dielectric coefficient and the volume scattering characteristics of the vegetation layer. At the longer wavelengths (e.g., 21 cm) radiation from soil penetrates through vegetation layers of wheat and alfalfa and provides surface moisture information. However, short wavelength radiation from soil cannot penetrate through vegetation canopies; the volume scattering characteristics of vegetation controls the overall microwave signatures.  相似文献   

Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Research   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
During the four years of the AgRISTARS Program, significant progress was made in quantifying the capabilities of microwave sensors for the remote sensing of soil moisture. In this paper we discuss the results of numerous field and aircraft experiments, analysis of spacecraft data, and modeling activities which examined the various noise factors such as roughness and vegetation that affect the interpretability of microwave emission measurements. While determining that a 21-cm wavelength radiometer was the best single sensor for soil moisture research, these studies demonstrated that a multisensor approach will provide more accurate soil moisture information for a wider range of naturally occurrring conditions.  相似文献   

Active Microwave Soil Moisture Research   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper summarizes the progress achieved in the active microwave remote sensing of soil moisture during the four years of the AgRISTARS program. Within that time period, from about 1980 to 1984, significant progress was made toward understanding 1) the fundamental dielectric properties of moist soils, 2) the influence of surface boundary conditions, and 3) the effects of intervening vegetation canopies. In addition, several simulation and image-analysis studies have identified potentially powerful approaches to implementing empirical results over large areas on a repetitive basis. This paper briefly describes the results of laboratory, truck-based, airborne, and orbital experimentation and observations.  相似文献   

The radiometric measurements over bare field and fields covered with grass, soybean, corn, and alfalfa were made with 1.4-and 5-GHz microwave radiometers during August-October 1978. The measured results are compared with radiative transfer theory treating the vegetated fields as a two-layer random medium. It is found that the presence of a vegetation cover generally gives a higher brightness temperature TB than that expected from a bare soil. The amount of this TB excess increases with increase in the vegetation biomass and in the frequency of the observed radiation. The results of radiative transfer calculations, which include a parameter characterizing ground surface roughness, generally match well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Results are presented of an experimental program to determine the functional dependence of the microwave reflectivity of nonvegetated soil surfaces upon volumetric soil moisture and matric potential. A combination evaporation-drainage field experiment was conducted on a bare Captina silt loam with reflectivity, soil moisture content, and matric potential monitored for extended time periods. Results show that for a restricted pressure range (approximately -0.05 to -0.75 bar) there is excellent linear correlation between the log of bistatic reflectivity and both volumetric moisture content and matric potential. Layering effects due to steep moisture content (and matric potential) gradients in the profile are demonstrated to have two distinct and significant effects on the reflectivity response. At near saturation of rough surfaces a very thin dry surface layer appears to modify the effective roughness. This leads to a saturation of reflectivity at high moisture contents. As the surface proceeds to dry further, deeper layers produce coherent interference patterns in the reflectivity response, particularly at the higher frequencies.  相似文献   

Results are presented of an experimental program to determine the impact of soil texture on radar response to soil moisture present within nonvegetated soil surfaces. These findings extend previous reports which document the experimental relationship between the radar backscattering coefficient ?° and soil moisture for bare soil [1] and soil under crop canopies [2]. In confirmation of previous results [1] and [2], the sensitivity of ?° to surface gravimetric or volumetric soil moisture is shown to be inversely related to clay content of the soil. As a result, gravimetric or volumetric moisture indicators exhibit poor performance in moisture estimation algorithms for complex multitextured soils. However, estimation algorithms incorporating some knowledge of soil water retention as a function of soil matric potential, or tension, display strong correlation with radar response, typically r ? 0.8, and are shown to be relatively independent of soil texture. These findings are shown to be consistent with soil dielectric properties [3]-[5].  相似文献   

The emissivity of a periodic surface is calculated from one minus the reflectivity by using the reciprocity principle. The reflectivity consists of the sum of all scattered power as determined from the modal theory which obeys both the principle of reciprocity and the principle of energy conservation. The theoretical results are matched to experimental data obtained from brightness temperature measurements as functions of viewing angle for soil moisture in plowed fields. The threshold phenomenon with regard to the appearing and disappearing of modes in their contributions to the scattered field amplitudes is discussed in connection with the theoretical results. It is shown that this approach for calculating the emissivity greatly reduces computational efforts by requiring substantially smaller matrix sizes.  相似文献   

Multifrequency Microwave Radiometer Measurements of Soil Moisture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ground-based microwave radiometer experiments were performed to investigate the effects of moisture, temperature, and roughness on microwave emission from bare soils. Measurements were made at frequencies of 0.6-0.9, 1.4, and 10.7 GHz using van-mounted radiometers to observe prepared soil sites in Kern County, CA. The sites were instrumented for monitoring soil characteristics and surface meteorological conditions. Brightness temperature variations of approximately 15 K at 1.4 GHz and 25 K at 10.7 GHz were observed as a result of diurnal changes in the soil temperature. Increasing the soil moisture content from 2 to 15 percent by volume resulted in brightness temperature decreases of approximately 70 K at 0.775 and 1.4 GHz, and 40 K at 10.7 GHz, depending, to a lesser extent, on polarization and viewing angle. The results show the significance of soil temperature in deriving soil moisture from microwave radiometer measurements. Comparisons of the microwave measurements with theoretical predictions using a smooth surface model show reasonable agreement and support previous results of this nature obtained with other soil types. Approximately equal sensitivity to soil moisture was observed at 0.775 and 1.4 GHz, although the sampling depth is greater at the lower frequency.  相似文献   

In this paper, results of a Monte Carlo simulation of the effect of noise on the relationship between the microwave emissivity of soil and its moisture content are presented. It is found that whenever the magnitude of the noise for the independent variable, in this case the soil moisture, is increased, both the slope of the regression and the correlation coefficient decrease. In párticular, when the noise has a magnitude equivalent to a coefficient of variation of 0.25, the slope and correlation coefficient are in good agreement with those obtained from the data of a 21-cm airborne microwave radiometer which was flown over a test site in Hand County, South Dakota. The comparison was made using a linear relationship to determine the estimated emissivity from the ground measurements of soil moisture. The linear relationship was derived from a radiative transfer model calculation of the microwave emissivities using realistic soil-moisture profiles. The effect of surface roughness was included in the relationship, and the variability of the surface roughness was also simulated by a Monte Carlo technique.  相似文献   

微波遥感技术监测土壤湿度的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
土壤湿度在全球气候环境变化中具有重要的作用,微波遥感技术具有监测这一参数的诸多优势。其原理是基于土壤水分在一定范围内和土壤介电常数密切相关。该文从主动微波遥感及被动微波遥感的算法、应用和存在问题等方面分别阐述了当前微波遥感在土壤湿度反演中的研究进展,其中重点介绍了应用较广泛的主动微波遥感中的合成孔径雷达(SAR)和被动微波遥感中的高级微波扫描仪(AMSR)。主动微波遥感中,如何减少或摆脱对地面参数测定特别是粗糙度的依赖、如何采用有效的植被散射模型去除植被影响等问题是未来关注的热点和难点。被动微波遥感中对模型的机理研究还很欠缺,需要结合辐射传输机理及波动论等加强对机理的探讨。另外主被动结合的微波遥感中,对尺度转换、数据同化等技术的研究将是未来关注的重要方向。  相似文献   

The microwave Forest Soil Moisture Experiment (FOSMEX) was performed at a deciduous forest site at the Research Centre Julich (Germany). An L- and an X-band radiometer were mounted 100 m above ground and directed to the canopy. The measurements consist of dual- and single-polarized L- and X-band data and simultaneously recorded ground moisture, temperature, and meteorological data. The canopy L-band transmissivity was estimated from a subset of the FOSMEX data, where the ground was masked with a metalized foil. For the foliage-free canopy, the reflecting foil diminished the L-band brightness by ap24 K, whereas brightness increased by ap14 K when the foil was removed from below the foliated canopy. Depending on the assumption made on the scattering albedo of the canopy, the transmissivities were between 0.2 and 0.51. Furthermore, the contribution of the foliage was quantified. Although, the evaluation revealed the semitransparency of the canopy for L-band frequencies, the brightness sensitivity with respect to ground moisture was substantially reduced for all foliation states. The effect of ground surface moisture was explored in an irrigation experiment. The L-band measurements were only affected for a few hours until the water drained through the litter layer. This emphasizes the significance of the presence of litter for soil moisture retrieval from remotely sensed L-band brightness data. The FOSMEX database serves for further testing and improving radiative transfer models used for interpreting microwave data received from future spaceborne L-band radiometers flying over areas comprising a considerable fraction of deciduous forests.  相似文献   

A buried leaky coaxial cable is used as a sensor to continuously monitor the average moisture content of irrigated soil at a desired depth. The two-phase feasibility study consists of an analytical and an experimental investigation. The modal equation in the cable is expressed in terms of the surface impedance at the inner conductor boundary and an effective surface impedance at the outer leaky conductor boundary. The effective surface impedance is related to the soil moisture content through its measured attenuation. The results of the experimental work condncted in the field are in good agreement with the analytical results. It is shown that the recorded phase difference between the test signal from the buried cable and the reference signal can be used to monitor the soil moisture content.  相似文献   

The radiative transfer theory has been used to study the thermal microwave emission from a three-layer random medium. The random medium is characterized by correlation functions that are Gaussian in the horizontal direction and exponential in the vertical direction. Gaussian quadrature methods are used to solve for the brightness temperatures. The spectral and angular dependence of the brightness temperature are illustrated numerically. In particular we compare the case of a two-layer random medium whose brightness temperature decreases with frequency with the case of a three-layer random medium whose brightness temperature increases with frequency.  相似文献   

Investigators have researched operational microwave techniques for the remote estimation of soil moisture for sometime now. Both active and passive microwave sensors respond to variations in soil moisture, but also respond to vegetation and roughness parameters. This has led to research in multisensor techniques which account for the interference. Previously, techniques have been developed which used visible and infrared bands (similar to Landsat) to compensate for the vegetation masking on the L-band passive radiometer's response to soil moisture. In contrast, this study compensates for the surface roughness effect by using microwave scatterometer data on the same L-band radiometer. It was found that the L-band radiometer's capability to estimate soil moisture over bare fields was significantly improved when surface roughness was accounted for with scatterometers.  相似文献   

The thermal treatment by millimeter waves for the soil disinfection can be one possible alternative to chemical treatments. This physical method is based on incrementing the soil temperature and its pathogens irradiating with high frequency electromagnetic waves. So the previous knowledge of the temperature distribution in the irradiated soil is essential for achieving an effective bad microorganism and weed seeds elimination. This report analyse the heating kinetic and spatial distribution of the maximum temperatures reached by the soil. It is presented a mathematic model about how are distributed the reached temperatures in the depth of the irradiated soil. This model concludes that when an orchard soil is irradiated superficially by microwaves, the microwaves have a big attenuation due to the soil dielectric properties and the water located in the pores of the most superficial layer. This fact causes a shield effect blocking the waves penetration in few centimetres. The heating by radiation is reduced to the superficial layer. The heating propagation in the depth is occurred by conduction following the Fourier equations.  相似文献   

The reduction in sensitivity of the microwave brightness temperature to soil moisture content due to vegetation cover is analyzed using airborne observations made at 1.4 and 5 GHz. The data were acquired during six flights in 1978 over a test site near Colby, Kansas. The test site consisted of bare soil, wheat stubble, and fully mature corn fields. The results for corn indicate that the radiometric sensitivity to soil moisture S decreases in magnitude with increasing frequency and with increasing angle of incidence (relative to nadir).The sensitivity reduction factor, defined in terms of the radiometric sensitivities for bare soil and canopy-covered conditions Y=1 - Scan/ Ss was found to be equal to 0.65 for normal incidence at 1.4 GHz, and increases to 0.89 at 5 GHz. These results confirm previous conclusions that the presence of vegetation cover may pose a serious problem for soil moisture detection with passive microwave sensors.  相似文献   

An experiment on remote sensing of soil moisture content was conducted over bare fields with microwave radiometers at the frequencies of 1.4, 5, and 10.7 GHz, during July-September of 1981. Three bare fields with different surface roughnesses and soil textures were prepared for the experiment. Ground-truth acquisition of soil temperatures and moisture contents for 5 layers down to the depths of 15 cm was made concurrently with radiometric measurements. The experimental results show that the effect of surface roughness is to increase the soil's brightness temperature and to reduce the slope of regression between brightness temperature and moisture content. The slopes of regression for soils with different textures are found to be comparable and the effect of soil texture is reflected in the difference of regression line intercepts at brightness-temperature axis. The result is consistent with laboratory measurement of soil's dielectric permittivity. Measurements on wet smooth bare fields give lower brightness temperatures at 5 than at 1.4 GHz. This phenomenon is not expected from current radiative transfer theory, using laboratory measurements of the relationship between dielectric permittivity and moisture content for different soil-water mixtures at frequencies of <5 GHz.  相似文献   

The tilled row structure is known to be one of the important factors affecting the observations of the microwave emission from a natural surface. Measurements of this effect were carried out with both L-and X-band radiometers mounted on a mobile truck on a bare 40 m × 45 m row tilled field. The soil moisture content during the measurements ranged from ~10 to ~30 percent by dry weight. The results of these measurements showed that the variations of the antenna temperatures with incident angle ? changed with the azimuthal angle ? measured from the row direction. In particular, at ? = 0° and ? ? 45°, the observed horizontally and vertically polarized antenna temperatures, TBH(?, ?) and TBV(?, ?), were not equal. In general, TBH(?°, ?) > TBV(?°, ?) when 0° ? ? < 45° and TBH(?°, ?) < TBV(0°, ?) when 45° < ? ? 90°. The difference between TBH(0°, ?) and TBV(0°, ?) was observed to decrease with ? approaching 45° and/or with soil moisture content. A numerical calculation based on a composite surface roughness-a small-scale RMS height variations superimposed on a large periodic row structure-was made and found to predict the observed features within the model's limit of accuracy. It was concluded that the difference between TBV(0°, ?) and TBH(0°, ?) was due to the change in the local angle of field emission within the antenna field of view caused by the large-scale row structure.  相似文献   

In order to examine the emission properties of vegetation without taking into consideration the effects of variations in the soil background, strips of metal screening were used to cover the soil surface between adjacent rows of plants. Temporal measurements were made at 2.7 and 5.1 GHz for soybean, wheat, and corn canopies. Several special experiments were conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of brightness temperature to look direction (relative to row direction), polarization configuration, and incidence angle, and to evaluate the emission contributions of defoliated stalks. In general, the results show that the canopy is highly anisotropic, the emission exhibits a strong dependence on polarization and look direction, and the scattering albedo is typically less than 0.1. Canopy transmissivity was estimated from the radiometric observations and then related empirically to the canopy's integrated water content. Using this relation in a zero-order radiative transfer model led to good agreement between the experimental observations and the model predictions.  相似文献   

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