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The results from four compensatory fertilization experiments located at different distances (0.5, 2, 4 and 8 km) along a heavy metal deposition gradient extending from the Harjavalta Cu-Ni smelter in SW Finland are presented. The experiments were established in middle-age Scots pine stands growing on dryish sites of sorted glaciofluvial sediments. The soil type in all the experiments is ferric podsol. The treatments in the experiments consisted of liming, a powdered slow-release mineral mixture and stand-specific fertilization which comprised at least methylene urea and ammonium nitrate.Monitoring of deposition and soil solution and studies on soil chemical and microbiological properties, on the nutrient status of trees and needle litterfall, on fine root dynamics and on the growth of the tree stands were carried out during a 5-year period.There was a severe shortage of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the organic layer of the most polluted stands. Although the uppermost mineral soil layer had relatively high exchangeable Ca and Mg concentrations, the trees were not able to utilize these nutrient reserves presumably due to the toxic effects of Cu and Ni on the plant roots and mycorrhizas.The treatments that included limestone markedly decreased the Cu and Ni concentrations in the soil solution and soil organic layer, presumably due to immobilisation through precipitation or absorption. The Ca and Mg concentrations correspondingly increased, which certainly contributed to the partial recovery of fine root and stand growth. The powdered mineral mixture and the combination of methylene urea and ammonium nitrate had no short-term effect on the microbial biomass and activity. All the fertilizer treatments increased volume growth in the most polluted stand. The stand-specific fertilization increased needle mass in heavily polluted stands, but the response of the needle mass to fertilizer treatments was low in the less polluted stands. No clear evidence was found to support the role of nutrient status in tree resistance.  相似文献   

用不锈钢渣、水泥、粉煤灰、发泡剂与水制备不锈钢渣泡沫混凝土,测试了不锈钢渣及泡沫混凝土的化学成分、微观形貌、矿物组成、结构、游离CaO含量、易磨性、内辐射指数与外辐射指数、活性指数、主要性能指标(抗压强度、干密度和导热系数)和浸出液中重金属浓度,研究了不锈钢渣用于制备泡沫混凝土的可行性与环境风险。结果表明,不锈钢渣的主要矿物组成为Ca2SiO4及含Al和Ti, Cu, Pb, Ta等重金属的矿相,具有一定胶凝活性且易磨,内辐射指数与外辐射指数满足建筑材料放射性元素限量要求。不锈钢渣掺量为25wt%?42wt%时,泡沫混凝土的干密度为597?621 g/cm3,养护28 d后抗压强度为1.83?2.98 MPa、导热系数为0.11?0.12 W/(m?K),满足泡沫混凝土要求。不锈钢渣所含重金属主要以稳定的金属固熔体存在,浸出浓度远低于危险废物限值。  相似文献   

Two composts were tested as mulching materials in a vineyard: one was a sewage sludge and bark compost with a low heavy metal content, the other was a municipal solid waste compost with a higher concentration of metals. Both compost mulches increased organic matter content, available phosphorous and exchangeable potassium of soil and improved the porosity and water retention capacity of the soil. They also reduced soil temperature fluctuations, reduced evaporation of soil water, and influenced the levels of some nutrients measured in leaf samples. The data obtained show that the nutrients uptake was more influenced by the physical conditions of the soil (temperature, moisture) than by the availability of nutrients in the soil. The sewage sludge and bark compost did not cause any significant increase in heavy metal levels in soil and plants. In contrast, the municipal solid waste compost led to a notable accumulation of metals in the soil, in the vegetation and in the musts. Both the compost mulch materials had considerable advantages for the soil management on the grapevine rows, by reducing chemical weed control and allowing for the substitution of chemical fertilisers with no loss in vigour, yield or quality of musts.  相似文献   

Soil Samples were collected from a field experiment conducted to evaluate the agronomic effectiveness of a reactive phosphate rock (PR), Sechura sand, relative to that of monocalcium phosphate (MCP) at different soil pHs and rates of application. The samples were analysed for P soluble in the soil solution and bicarbonate extractable P. The rate of dissolution of PR was calculated from the data on the fractionation of inorganic P. In MCP plots P in the soil solution decreased sharply with time especially at low pHs and high rates of fertiliser application. In PR plots the concentration remained with time at the same as or a slightly higher level than that was found one month after application. Solution concentration of P was lower at very high rates of PR application than at intermediate rates. In both MCP and PR plots bicarbonate extractable P decreased with increasing pH. Bicarbonate extractable P was linearly related to MCP but not to PR applied. The rate of dissolution and the proportion of PR dissolved decreased with increasing rates of PR application but the amount dissolved increased. Phosphate dissolved at high level of PR application did not seem to enhance proportionately either the concentration of P in soil solution or bicarbonate extractable P.  相似文献   

Ryegrass was grown in pots containing metal-enriched soil which was adjusted to different pH levels with acid or lime, and supplied with either ammonium sulphate or calcium nitrate as the N fertilizer.Concentrations of heavy metals in the grass tops increased with decreasing soil pH to an extent diminishing in the order: Mn, Ni, Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr.Nitrate application was the more appropriate treatment for the production of lower concentrations of heavy metals in the grass because its use by the grass increased the pH of the soil, whereas added ammonium sulphate released acid to the soil during nitrification and plant uptake of ammonium. After three successive cuttings and repeated dressings, soil pH (H2O) was 3 units higher with nitrate than with ammonium, resulting in a marked reduction in the uptake of the more pH-sensitive metals in soils where nitrate was applied  相似文献   

为了考察高炉水淬渣处理实际电镀废水中重金属离子和COD的可行性,分别研究了吸附剂投加量、pH、吸附时间以及温度等单因素对Cu2+、Zn2+或COD去除率的影响。在单因素实验的基础上,应用 Box-Behnken中心组合方法进行三因素三水平试验,建立二次多项数学模型,并验证该模型的有效性。采用响应曲面法探讨吸附剂投加量、pH、吸附时间3个因子的交互作用及其最佳水平。结果表明:在吸附剂投加量为1.4g、pH为8、吸附时间为120min的最优化条件下,电镀废水中Cu2+、Zn2+和COD去除率达到最大,分别为99.35%、98.46%和53.63%。经对最优条件进行验证,预测值与验证实验平均值接近。吸附后废水中的Cu2+和Zn2+低于GB 21900-2008电镀废水新建企业污染物排放限值要求,而COD没有满足排放要求,所以仅应用高炉水淬渣吸附技术还不足以去除电镀废水中所有有害物质,因此可利用此技术作为辅助工艺,联合其他技术共同去除电镀废水中的重金属离子和有机物,使出水水质达到国家排放标准。  相似文献   

Electrodialytic remediation of heavy metal polluted soil is a method which combines the technique of electrodialysis with the electromigration of ions in the polluted soil. Results from laboratory-scale remediation experiments of soil samples from three real contaminated sites with different heavy metals are presented. In the three cases it was possible to mobilize and reduce the amount of the pollutants in the soil. The pollutants were (1) copper and chromium, (2) mercury and (3) copper, lead and zinc. For a loamy sand polluted with copper and chromium it was possible to decontaminate the soil to an extent lower than the recommended critical values for metal concentration in soil. Parameters that were identified as important for the efficiency of the electrodialytic remediation method were pH in the soil, lime content and speciation of the heavy metal. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

主要介绍了矿渣微粉的化学和矿物组成、质量指标及基本性能;并详细对比了矿渣微粉生产的不同粉磨工艺,其中辊式立磨系统工艺简单,技经指标最好;此外,概述了矿渣微粉在水泥和混凝土工业生产中的应用及其效益情况。  相似文献   

范丽荣 《玻璃》2010,37(5):19-20
介绍了铬矿渣作为着色剂用于平板绿玻和绿啤酒瓶的生产中在运输、使用中应注意事项,及其污染防治。  相似文献   

On acid low-phosphorus (P) Colombian Oxisols, improved pastures with acid-soil-tolerant grass and legume varieties have increased beef production by a factor of 10 to 15 with only modest P fertilizer inputs. This indicates that the efficiency of P fertilization could be greater than is commonly expected on such strongly P-sorbing soils. To understand the effect of improved pastures on P cycling and availability, we estimated P budgets, and characterized soil P by sequential fractionation, isotopic exchange and biological activity measurements on soil samples from unfertilized native savanna, and fertilized improved grass-only (Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk) and grass-legume (B. decumbens + Pueraria phaseoloides, Kudzu) pastures established in 1978 on a medium-textured isohyperthermic, tropeptic haplustox. Comparison of calculated P budgets, based on inputs and exports, with total soil P contents showed that fertilization, as part of the improved pasture management, had resulted in a measurable increase of total P in the surface 0–20 cm soil layer of nearly 30 mg kg-1 or about 20% over the savanna level. Sequential soil P fractionation of different seasonal samplings indicated that grass-legume maintained higher organic and available inorganic P levels with less temporal variation than the two other types. The linkage of organic P and available P was also reflected in soil biological activity. Estimates of P in microbial biomass and phosphatase activity were significantly higher in grass-legume than grass-only and savanna. The improvement in soil P availability, as measured by solution P concentration, P sorption and exchangeable P, was much greater in grass-legume than in grass-only. With comparable fertilizer inputs and greater product exports, improved P availability in grass-legume cannot be due to differences in budgets but can be attributed to changes in the overall biological activity in the soil-plant system caused by the presence of legumes in the vegetation cover. Total C, organic P content and macrofaunal activity were all significantly higher in grass-legume soils. Greater turnover of organic litter in grass-legume may provide for steadier organic P inputs and, therefore, higher P cycling and availability.  相似文献   

矿渣微粉的研制及应用研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
矿渣微粉作砼掺合料,有着很好的应用价值。用试验小磨进行了不同比表面积矿粉的性能试验,同时进行了不同矿粉掺量砼的性能试验。结果表明:矿渣微粉的活性指数高,流动性好。生产矿渣微粉的最佳粉磨比表面积为450—500m^2/kg。另外用矿粉代替部分水泥后,砼28d抗压值接近甚至高于对比样;且砼流动性改善明显,1h塌落度损失少;同时还降低了砼的生产成本。所以矿渣微粉是配制高强高性能砼的优质掺合料。  相似文献   

钢渣在环境治理中的应用及其研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钢渣是炼钢中产生的固体废物,含有钙、铁、铝等元素,在环境治理中广泛应用。除可通过回收其中的金属用于混凝药剂的制备外,钢渣还由于其特殊的孔隙结构,用于处理含磷废水、染料废水及重金属废水等。作者分别介绍了钢渣去除这些污染物的处理效果和相应的作用机理,同时探讨了影响钢渣去除污染物效果的因素,包括温度、pH、污染物初始浓度、钢渣投加量、钢渣粒径等。同时还对钢渣作为环境治理材料的生态风险性进行了分析。  相似文献   

首条采用国产化筒辊磨粉磨冶炼钢渣项目在河北某钢厂建成投产,其核心工艺技术与装备采用中国第一重型机械股份公司开发研制的筒辊磨技术与装备。详细介绍了采用筒辊磨钢渣微粉生产系统主要设备技术特点、运行状况和达到的技术指标。性能考核数据显示,筒辊磨钢渣粉磨系统技术及其装备各项技术经济指标已经到达业内先进水平,竞争优势凸显。  相似文献   

Glass-ceramics with high performance and high crystallinity was produced using rare earth blast furnace slag (REBFS) as the primary raw material, along with composite nucleating agents Fe2O3 and Cr2O3. The migration pattern, distribution characteristics, and solidification properties of heavy metals in glass-ceramics were investigated by the controlled heat treatment. The findings indicated that the heat treatment temperature has a significant effect on the distribution and color of heavy metals in glass-ceramic. In the crystallized glass-ceramic, spinel acts as the crystal core for heavy metal solidification, Cr, Cu, and Mn can exist stably in the spinel by the solid solution. The glass-ceramic was expected to be used as a decorative building material.  相似文献   

镁渣是提镁冶炼生产过程中排放的固体废弃物,然而关于镁渣中精炼镁渣的系统研究报道较少。为探究精炼镁渣的理化性质,以山西某精炼镁厂产生的精炼镁渣为原料,利用高温箱式炉、X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电镜-能谱联用仪(SEM-EDS)等表征手段进行了理化性质的研究。结果表明,精炼镁渣的主要成分为氯化镁(MgCl2·6H2O),对其进行氯化镁的回收是较为可行的方案。精炼镁渣中氮化镁(Mg3N2)的存在说明在对粗镁进行熔融过程中过高的熔融温度导致精炼出的单质镁和氮气发生反应。精炼熔剂的密度调配也会直接影响精炼镁渣中镁珠分离的难易程度。对镁渣进行破碎风选可以有效地对无用杂质进行分离,也会使精炼镁渣块中包裹的镁珠更好地暴露出来,有利于资源的回收。最后,对目前中国精炼镁渣的利用途径进行了论述,得出精炼镁渣具有较好的高值化利用前景,可以实现废物资源的再利用。  相似文献   

Jan Deja   《Cement and Concrete Research》2002,32(12):1971-1979
Granulated blast furnace slag is the main component of alkali-activated slag cementitious materials (AASCs). Calcium silicate hydrates with a low Ca/Si ratio, hydrotalcite-type phase, some amounts of hydrogarnets and sodium zeolites form as main AASC hydration products. The microstructure of alkali-activated slag pastes shows a higher amount of gel pore content compared to OPC pastes and, simultaneously, significantly lower amount of capillary pores. The microstructure and phase composition of hydrated slag indicate that they can play an essential role in the immobilization of heavy metals. The properties of alkali-activated slag pastes in the presence of Zn, Cd, Cr and Pb ions were studied. The leaching TANK test was used to evaluate the level of immobilization of particular elements in mortars made containing these elements. It was found that the degree of Cd, Zn and Pb ion immobilization was very high (exceeding 99.9%). The values for Cr6+ were lower (ca. 99.0%). The strength development as well as microstructure observations are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

物元分析法对土壤重金属质量评价的研究及改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢峻铭 《江西化工》2014,(2):96-101
本文主要针对物元分析法在土壤重金属质量评价中的应用进行研究,并以东莞市12个监测点的土壤重金属监测数据为例对土壤重金属污染现状进行评价。同时,深入剖析物元分析评价法,对其方法的不足进行改进,研究结果证明,采用权重和毒性相结合的"基于加权毒性的物元分析法"是一种合理的计算方法,评价结果可靠、准确,是一种适用于土壤重金属评价的新方法。  相似文献   

根据硫铝酸盐水泥的成分特点,将钙铝渣与低品位铝矾土、石灰石、天然石膏等原料配合,在1320℃下烧制出了物理力学性能良好的贝利特硫铝酸盐水泥熟料。测试结果表明,该贝利特硫铝酸盐水泥3d和28d抗压强度分别可达28.9MPa和42.4MPa,且凝结性能正常。  相似文献   

高敏  孙巧灵 《聚氯乙烯》2007,(11):39-42
介绍了一种利用陶瓷过滤机处理电石法生产PVC时产生的电石渣的新方法,该工艺稳定,故障率低,效果良好,可得到清澈的滤液和水分较低的电石渣料。  相似文献   

钢渣作水泥膨胀剂的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章介绍了国内外膨胀的发展状况和钢渣利用情况,提出把钢渣掺入水泥中作膨胀的设想并进行了一系列实验。结果表明,用钢渣用膨胀剂,膨胀龄期较长,膨胀状况良好。水泥抗压强度随钢渣掺量的增加而有所降低,水泥安全性合格。  相似文献   

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