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通过对仓山区1996~1998年熟肉制品监督抽查的结果分析,讨论分析了影响熟肉制品卫生合格率的几个主要因素,提出提高熟肉制品卫生合格率的关键措施在于改善生产销售环境和加强监督力度。而加强基层监督力量和加强从业人员岗位卫生培训应是今后进一步提高熟肉制品卫生监督有效性的关键。  相似文献   

2010年泰州市餐饮业食品安全监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解泰州市餐饮业食品安全动态,及时发现餐饮服务食品安全隐患,为监管部门有效监管提供参考。方法按照《关于委托开展江苏省2010年餐饮服务食品安全监督抽检工作的函》检测技术要求提供的检测方法和食品检验工作规范进行监测抽样,采高风险食品、餐饮具及食品原料3大类样品312份,对大肠菌群、菌落总数、沙门菌等7个微生物指标及防腐剂、色素、重金属、兽药残留等28个理化指标进行监测。结果 312份样品总体合格率为50.3%,其中食物原料大米、小麦粉、食用油全部合格;生活饮用水合格率为75.0%;猪肉(猪肝)合格率为56.2%;高风险食品合格率仅为17.3%,熟肉制品、鲜榨果蔬汁、非发酵豆制品、沙拉、凉拌菜、生食水产品、盒饭合格率分别为20.0%、15.0%、6.25%、25.0%、0、12.5%、37.5%。合格率偏低主要受菌落总数、大肠菌群两个卫生学指标的影响,7类样品合格率差异无显著性;餐饮具合格率为75.6%。结论猪肉污染严重;熟肉制品、沙拉等直接入口食品卫生状况较差,提示相关监管部门应加强加工场所卫生管理,从业人员卫生意识宣导以及原料选控、加工过程及餐具消毒等关键环节的监督管理。  相似文献   

<正> 今年夏秋季,卫生部和各省级卫生行政部门重点抽检了熟肉制品、冷食、饮料和月饼等共6,660件样品,微生物指标是这次抽检的主要指标。各类食品抽检总合格率为74.6%,其中矿泉水合格率为79.8%,果汁型饮料为88.3%,含乳饮料为78.5%,定型包装熟肉制品为80.6%,散装熟肉制品为  相似文献   

目的 掌握农村家宴的卫生现状,为卫生部门的监督管理提供依据。方法 采用问卷调查和现场检测的方法,对238家农村家宴进行卫生学调查。结果 农村家宴整体卫生水平较差,主要是加工场所布局不合理、卫生设施缺乏、生熟交叉污染、餐饮具不消毒以及民间厨师的个人卫生差等;抽检餐饮具大肠菌群合格率、砧板等表面洁净度合格率分别为44.20%和18.42%,经多因素Logistic回归分析,二者的合格情况均受多种因素的影响;蔬菜农药残留、熟肉制品微生物合格率分别为95.90%和64.52%,经尽形秩和检验显示,2~6月份其合格率有逐月降低趋势。结论 针对当前农村家宴的卫生现状,应对其加强科学的监管和指导。  相似文献   

目的了解武汉市市售熟肉制品合成色素添加情况。方法在全市范围内分层随机抽检超市、集贸市场、专卖店及餐饮店的猪肉、牛肉、家禽、混合肉制品等熟肉制品,采用高效液相色谱法检测柠檬黄、苋菜红、胭脂红、日落黄、亮蓝、新红、诱惑红、红色2G、酸性红、赤藓红、酸性橙Ⅱ等11种色素。结果在1 308份熟肉制品中,合成色素超标率为28.06%(367/1 308)。灌肠类猪肉样品色素超标率最高(54.90%,112/204);远城区及开发区熟肉制品中色素超标率较高;而在不同销售场所中,集贸市场的色素超标率最高。结论武汉市人工合成色素存在一定程度的滥用,建议有关部门对其加强监管。  相似文献   

熟肉制品是指鲜禽畜肉经过蒸煮、酱卤、炜炖、熏烤、灌肠、干制等工艺加工生产的可以直接入口的食品。主要包括酱卤肉、烧烤肉、肉灌肠、熏煮火腿、肉干、肉松等。本文通过对熟肉制品微生物指标检测情况,从熟肉制品加工点的卫生控制入手,减少制售过程中微生物的污染,以确保广大消费者能吃上卫生合格的熟肉制品。  相似文献   

为进一步规范会员企业食品生产行为,防止生产过程中的各种污染,提高产品合格率,浙江余杭区肉制品质量安全协会在组织所有会员企业进行了卫生培训的基础上,根据GB14881食品安全国家标准《食品生产通用卫生规范》、GB19303《熟肉制品企业生产卫生规范》、《肉制品生产许可证审查细则》等文件,  相似文献   

为了解临沂市市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐残留量、脂类氧化和微生物污染状况,随机采集临沂大学附近超市、农贸市场、学校食堂等地熟肉制品,进行调查研究。结果表明:肉灌肠亚硝酸盐含量在2.2~9.1mg/kg,酱卤肉亚硝酸盐含量在2.4~86.2mg/kg,烧烤肉亚硝酸盐含量在1.9~43mg/kg。对过氧化值的分析表明:过氧化值的检出率为83.3%,含量在0.08~7.23g/100g。30份熟肉制品微生物合格率为63.3%,其中细菌总数与大肠菌群的合格率分别为73.3%,63.3%,不同场所的熟肉制品合格率不同,超市餐饮店农贸市场。定型包装与散装产品的合格率分别为89.47%,18.18%。  相似文献   

周少君  梁辉  黄芮 《食品科技》2016,(4):324-328
目的:探索广东省市售熟肉制品中沙门菌污染的风险,为预防食源性疾病提供科学依据。方法:结合2012年广东省熟肉制品中沙门菌的检测结果和2012年广东省居民营养与膳食监测结果,按微生物风险评估的程序,应用快速微生物半定量风险评估(swift Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment,s QMRA)软件,初步评价广东省熟肉制品中沙门菌污染的风险。结果:广东省每年预计因食用熟肉制品导致沙门菌的发病人数为908197人,发生概率为8.6×10-3。广东省市售熟肉制品存在的沙门菌污染致病风险较大,建议加强熟肉制品中沙门菌的卫生监管管理,并进一步开展食品中沙门菌的风险评估研究,以降低沙门菌的潜在危害。  相似文献   

目的 建立出口速冻方便食品中高效、易操作的微生物检验检疫监管模式。方法 采用统计过程控制(SPC)对出口速冻方便食品的生产过程进行微生物污染分析, 绘制控制图。结果 经过持续地卫生监测和监管, 食品加热后区域的微生物超标率均降低至零。结论 针对微生物分布特性采用相应的监控手段, 结合HACCP, 可实现对生产过程中微生物污染的有效控制。  相似文献   

增城市2004年市售熟肉卫生质量分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为了解增城市市售烧、卤肉制品的卫生状况并作卫生学评价,以便为进一步加强烧、卤肉市场的卫生监督管理提供参考,卫生监督人员,每月不定期对本市辖区内市场、超市烧、卤肉摊档及酒家销售的烧、卤肉制品进行随机抽样468份,样品按照国家标准规定的方法检测菌落总数、大肠菌群、致病菌及亚硝酸盐含量。468份烧、卤肉制品总体合格率为70.7%,其中菌落总数、大肠菌群及亚硝酸盐含量合格率分别为84.8%、75.4%及98.5%,未检出致病菌。监测结果表明增城市市售烧、卤肉制品的卫生质量不容乐观,细菌尤其是大肠菌群污染严重,市场与超市销售的熟肉制品合格率较低,应进一步加强对烧、卤肉制品生产、运输和销售环节的卫生监督管理。  相似文献   

目的 了解广西市售食品中沙门菌污染状况和特征,为减少污染和防控食源性疾病提供科学依据。方法 2012—2017年从广西14个市采集14类市售食品共60 174份,其中生鲜类食品5 712份,即食食品54 462份,按照GB 4789.4—2010《食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 沙门氏菌检验》方法进行沙门菌检验。结果 生鲜类食品中生肉及生肉制品、生水产品及其制品、速冻米面制品、鲜蛋类沙门菌检出率分别为10.3%(399/3 883)、6.2%(50/806)、0.5%(2/440)、0.0%(0/583),即食食品中熟肉制品、餐饮食品、生食蔬菜及其制品沙门菌检出率分别为0.6%(58/10 175)、0.3%(39/14 721)、1.0%(5/489),焙烤及油炸类食品、饮料、水果及其制品均为0.1%,熟蛋制品、豆制品、冷冻饮品、调味品均未检出。生肉及生肉制品共检出51种血清型,德尔卑沙门菌为优势血清型(16.2%,70/432),主要在生猪肉中检出。即食食品共检出32种血清型,德尔卑沙门菌为优势血清型(14.5%,11/76),主要在熟肉制品中检出。结论 生鲜类受沙门菌污染最严重的食品是生畜肉和生禽肉,即食食品受沙门菌污染较严重食品是凉拌类食品。应加强从农场到餐桌的食品安全防控,减少食源性疾病的发生。  相似文献   

目的 了解重庆市市售即食食品中单核细胞增生李斯特菌(以下简称单增李斯特菌)的污染情况,进行初步风险评估,为预防食源性疾病提供科学依据.方法 2016-2019年对全市39个区县的市售即食食品中的单增李斯特菌进行监测,并用半定量微生物风险评估方法,初步评估重庆市即食食品中单增李斯特菌的风险.结果 重庆市2 680份即食食...  相似文献   

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) conducted microbiological testing programs for ready-to-eat (RTE) meat and poultry products produced at approximately 1,800 federally inspected establishments. All samples were collected at production facilities and not at retail. We report results here for the years 1990 through 1999. Prevalence data for Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, or staphylococcal enterotoxins in nine different categories of RTE meat and poultry products are presented and discussed. The prevalence data have certain limitations that restrict statistical inferences, because these RTE product-testing programs are strictly regulatory in nature and not statistically designed. The cumulative 10-year Salmonella prevalences were as follows: jerky, 0.31%; cooked, uncured poultry products, 0.10%; large-diameter cooked sausages, 0.07%; small-diameter cooked sausages, 0.20%; cooked beef, roast beef, and cooked corned beef, 0.22%; salads, spreads, and patés, 0.05%; and sliced ham and luncheon meat, 0.22%. The cumulative 3-year Salmonella prevalence for dry and semidry fermented sausages was 1.43%. The cumulative 10-year L. monocytogenes prevalences were as follows: jerky, 0.52%; cooked, uncured poultry products, 2.12%; large-diameter cooked sausages, 1.31%; small-diameter cooked sausages, 3.56%; cooked beef, roast beef, and cooked corned beef, 3.09%; salads, spreads, and patés, 3.03%; and sliced ham and luncheon meat, 5.16%. The cumulative 3-year L. monocytogenes prevalence for dry and semidry fermented sausages was 3.25%. None of the RTE products tested for E. coli O157:H7 or staphylococcal enterotoxins was positive. Although FSIS and the industry have made progress in reducing pathogens in these products, additional efforts are ongoing to continually improve the safety of all RTE meat and poultry products manufactured in federally inspected establishments in the United States.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS) has a specific lethality performance standard for ready-to-eat products. To assist meat processing establishments in meeting the performance standard, USDA-FSIS developed Appendix A, which provides guidelines for cooking temperatures, times, and relative humidity. This project determined whether the USDA-FSIS performance standards for lethality were met when using parameters other than those identified in Appendix A to cook large hams and beef inside rounds. The effects of alternative lethality parameters on the reduction of Salmonella Typhimurium and coliforms and on the toxin production of Staphylococcus aureus were evaluated. Large (9- to 12-kg) cured bone-in hams (n = 80) and large (8- to 13-kg) uncured beef inside rounds (n = 80) were used in this study. The products were subjected to 1 of 10 treatments defined by combinations of final internal product temperatures (48.9, 54.4, 60.0, 65.6, or 71.1°C) and batch oven relative humidities (50 or 90 % ). For all treatments, at least a 6.5-log reduction in Salmonella Typhimurium was achieved. The coliform counts were also substantially reduced for both hams and rounds. Across all treatments for both products, S. aureus toxin production was not detected. The relative humidity did not alter the lethality effectiveness for any of the treatments. The final internal temperatures and relative humidity combinations used in this project achieved the lethality performance standard established by USDA-FSIS for fully cooked, ready-to-eat products.  相似文献   

目的 了解广西壮族自治区市售肉及肉制品中食源性致病菌污染状况,为有效开展食源性疾病防控提供科学依据。方法 2011—2016年从广西壮族自治区14个市采集5类市售肉及肉制品共10 927份,按照国家标准方法进行9种食源性致病菌检验。结果 10 927份样品的食源性致病菌总检出率为5.0%(548/10 927),食源性致病菌检出率按样品种类依次为调理肉制品(33.3%,33/99)、生畜肉(24.5%,73/298)、生禽肉(24.2%,67/277)、冷冻肉糜制品(14.4%,14/97)、熟肉制品(3.6%,361/10 156)。检出的主要致病菌为沙门菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和单核细胞增生李斯特菌。生禽肉中未检出弯曲菌和致泻大肠埃希菌,调理肉制品中未检出致泻大肠埃希菌,熟肉制品中未检出志贺菌。熟肉制品各年度检出率范围为0.9%~4.9%。结论 广西壮族自治区市售肉及肉制品受到不同程度食源性致病菌污染,且污染持续多年存在。  相似文献   

BackgroundCooked ready-to-eat (RTE) meat products are subjected to contamination of spoilage microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria and pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes. These microorganisms contaminate cooked RTE meat products after the cooking step and may further grow during shelf-life potentially leading to spoilage or foodborne diseases, respectively. In the current context of salt, fat and chemical preservatives reduction in meat products formulations, a combined strategy that considers the development of more robust formulations, active packaging and the use of non-thermal post-packaging decontamination strategies seems required to ensure shelf-stable and safe RTE cooked food products.Scope and approachThe main objective of this review was to discuss the aspects related to reformulation, active packaging and the application of non-thermal decontamination technologies at the post-packaging step of cooked RTE meat products, their advantages, limitations and main challenges for their implementation.Key findings and conclusionsIn general, post-packaging decontamination technologies aim to reduce or inactivate pathogens and spoilage microorganisms present on the surface of ready-to-eat meat products. Low-temperature plasma, high-pressure processing (HPP), pulsed electric fields, pulsed ultraviolet light and ultrasound are promising alternatives in this segment. However, the choice of the most appropriate approach for post-packaging decontamination of cooked ready-to-eat meat products depends on the type of product and the technological objectives. Meat products formulation and packaging material properties should be considered while defining a post-packaging decontamination approach. Although they are advantageous, non-thermal technologies may present certain limitations such as the increase of oxidative reactions over the shelf-life.  相似文献   

Irradiation experiments were carried out with pre-packaged sliced cooked meat products with different initial counts of Enterobacteriaceae and mesophilic aerobic bacteria. In low-sodium meat products Enterobacteriaceae could effectively be inactivated in refrigerated or frozen products by irradiation with a dose of 1 or 2 kGy respectively, provided the number of these bacteria was below 10(3) to 10(4) per g. The low-sodium meat products involved endured above treatment without being seriously affected as to sensory qualities. Shelf-life of salted cooked meat products could be prolonged by irradiating the frozen product. Irradiation with a dose of 2 kGy enabled uncooled storage of the product for a restricted period (5-7 days). Best results were obtained for meat products with a salt content in the brine phase of greater than 4.0% (w/w) and having a good hygienic quality, i.e. an initial bacterial count below 10(4)/g. Packaging in a gas atmosphere (CO2) slightly enhanced protection as compared to vacuum packaging. Off-flavours as a result of irradiation of salted cooked meat products varied from slight to strong and depended on the type of product.  相似文献   

In 2007 and 2008, a monitoring study was carried out in Poland to examine the occurrence of thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. in raw and cooked chicken products available on the retail market. A total of 912 samples were tested: 443 samples of raw chicken meat, 146 samples of giblets, and 323 ready-to-eat poultry products (150 samples of spit-roasted chicken, 56 samples of smoked chicken, and 117 samples of paté and cold meats). A high level of contamination of raw chicken meat (51.7% of samples) and chicken giblets (47.3% of samples) was detected. However, thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. were found in only 1.2% of the ready-to-eat poultry products.  相似文献   

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