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Reactions of consumers to the appearance and taste of pork with and without information concerning outdoor production of pigs were tested in France, Denmark, Sweden and UK. Consumers in all four countries focussed on colour and fatness rather than marbling and drip to make their choice. Almost half of the British and Danish preferred the paler and the French the darker pork. Most people preferred the leaner pork. When information was provided in the form of labels, the vast majority of consumers preferred the pork labelled as originating from their own country as opposed to 'imported' and that labelled as pork from pigs 'raised outside' as opposed to 'inside'. There was no difference in the taste of grilled pork from indoor and outdoor production systems but pork labelled 'home produced' or 'outdoor' were more appreciated. Consumers' willingness to pay varied widely and was higher for those consumers who found more of the characteristics they sought. Consumers offered about 5% more for 'home country' and 'raised outside' labels.  相似文献   

Considering the importance that animal welfare has attained in developed countries, a personal interview of 770 regular meat buyers in the Bio-Bio and Araucanía regions of Chile was conducted to determine the importance of information regarding animal treatment prior to slaughter in the decision-making process when buying beef, to discover the willingness to pay more for this attribute and to distinguish different buyer segments. Using a conjoint analysis design, those surveyed were asked to put eight products in order according to their preference, given the following alternatives: domestic or imported beef, with or without information on animal treatment prior to slaughter and two price options. Origin and information regarding animal treatment were more important than price. Animal welfare is perceived as a desirable condition, but consumers are not willing to pay significantly more when buying meat in order to gain information about animal handling. Through a cluster analysis, four segments were distinguished in each region, with consumers who consider origin as the most important attribute predominating.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to determine the effect of breed on carcass characteristics, post-mortem pH changes and consumer sensory characteristics of broilers and indigenous chicken meat. Sixty birds from each breed were slaughtered at six weeks. The carcasses were dissected manually and the organs were weighed. Post-mortem pH and sensory evaluation were determined from the breast muscle of each bird. Broilers were heavier than the indigenous chickens. Dressing percentage was, however, higher in indigenous birds than broilers (P < 0.05). There were no breed effects on ultimate pH (P > 0.05). The consumers had a higher score for meat that was roasted than the meat that was cooked (P < 0.05). The consumers gave higher sensory scores (except for flavour and off-flavour intensity) for meat from broilers than for meat from the indigenous birds.  相似文献   

The effects of broiler catching method on breast meat quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mechanical and hand catching of broilers (n=24 per treatment for each trial) were performed to determine if differences existed in breast meat quality among catching methods. Two trials (summer and winter 2005) were conducted, and it was determined that there was greater variation in meat quality in the summer in comparison to the winter within treatments in both catching methods. Neither catching method yielded breast meat with significant quality issues. Therefore, either catching method should be acceptable for catching broilers in respect to meat quality. However, mechanical catching and crating for 2h yielded slightly better (P<0.05) quality meat than hand catching in respect to averages and individual quality problems. These slight improvements in meat quality included higher (P<0.05) 15min pH, lower (P<0.05) drip loss, and lower (P<0.05) incidence of pale meat with a rapid pH decline in the summer.  相似文献   

Effect of organic production system on broiler carcass and meat quality   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effect of organic production on broiler carcass and meat quality was assessed. Two hundred and fifty Ross male chickens were assigned to two different systems of production: conventional, housing in an indoor pen (0.12 m(2)/bird); organic, housing in an indoor pen (0.12 m(2)/bird) with access to a grass paddock (4 m(2)/bird). At 56 and 81 days of age, 20 chickens per group were slaughtered to evaluate carcass traits and the characteristics of breast and drumstick muscles (m. pectoralis major and m. peroneus longus). The organic chickens had carcasses with a higher breast and drumstick percentages and lower levels of abdominal fat. The muscles had lower pHu and water holding capacity. Instead cooking loss, lightness values, shear values, Fe, polyunsaturated fatty acids of n-3 series and TBA-RS were higher. The sensory quality of the breast muscle was better. Organic production system seems to be a good alternative method, due to better welfare conditions and good quality of the carcass and meat. A negative aspect was the higher level of TBA-RS in the muscles, probably due to greater physical activity.  相似文献   

The effect of country of origin (local, Switzerland, Argentina, Uruguay), finishing diet (grass, grass plus concentrate, concentrate), and price (low, medium, high) on consumer's beef choice and segmentation was evaluated in Spain, France and United Kingdom. Sensory acceptability of Uruguayan beef from different production systems was also evaluated and contrasted with consumers' beef choices. Origin was the most important characteristic for the choice of beef with preference for meat produced locally. The second most important factor was animal feed followed by price with preference for beef from grass-fed animals and lowest price. The least preferred product was beef from Uruguay, concentrate-fed animals and highest price. Sensory data showed higher acceptability scores for Uruguayan beef from grass-fed animals with or without concentrate supplementation than animals fed concentrate only. Consumer segments with distinct preferences were identified. Foreign country promotion seems to be fundamental for marketing beef in Europe, as well as the development of different marketing strategies to satisfy each consumer segment.  相似文献   

Meat and meat products currently represent an important source of protein in the human diet, and their quality varies according to intrinsic and extrinsic parameters that can sometimes be shaped to make a product more desirable. Because consumers are the final step in the production chain, it is useful to identify which factors affect their behavioral patterns. This would allow the meat sector to better satisfy consumer expectations, demands and needs. This paper focuses on features that might influence consumer behavior, preferences and their perception of meat and meat products with respect to psychological, sensory and marketing aspects. This multidisciplinary approach includes evaluating psychological issues such as attitudes, beliefs, and expectations; sensory properties such as appearance, texture, flavor and odor; and marketing-related aspects such as price and brand.  相似文献   

De-boned and homogenised light and dark meat of broilers was used to investigate the emulsification properties of meat and the chromatographic and electrophoretic characteristics of the salt-extractable proteins. The pH of broiler dark meal (6·5) was higher than that of light meat (5·9). Emulsifying capacity of light meat was less than that of dark meat even though in every case the amount of total protein and salt-soluble protein was significantly higher for the light meat. It is suggested that the greater pH of dark meat may alter or intensify certain salt-extractable fractions which are closely related to emulsifying properties. Electrophoresis of salt-extractable proteins from dark and light broiler meat revealed 9 and 10 zones, respectively. Slight differences were visible between light and dark meat patterns; fractions III-X may be associated with differences in emulsifying capacity of light and dark meat. Chromatographic analysis of salt-extractable proteins from light and dark broiler meat resulted in twelve distinct zones. Peak heights of zones VIII-XI are considerably greater in the dark meat samples. These fractions, possibly associated with actin, are related to the greater emulsifying capacity of the dark meat extracts.  相似文献   

Mechanically recovered meat (MRM) from broilers was washed with water, with or without prior chopping and with or without sieving to remove connective tissue. The resultant protein extract was mixed with salt and cooked in a one-step (directly to 80°C) or two-step (to 55°C and then to 80°C) cooking regime, to form gels. Washing broiler MRM gave stronger gels with lower cooking loss and expressible moisture than unwashed broiler MRM. These washed gels were also lighter in colour and less red. The best products were produced when some of the collagen had been removed by sieving, but not if the samples had Wrst been chopped, even though the total protein and dry matter contents were also reduced. A two-step cooking procedure enhanced gel strength. Evidence of a more porous, but dense, structure of washed broiler MRM subjected to a two-step cooking treatment was given by scanning electron microscopy and these differences could be related to the changes in gel strength and water holding.  相似文献   

通过分析中国粮食资源和肉类生产的实际情况,发现存在着肉类生产过度和结构性粮食浪费问题,导致中国每年多消耗粮食约1亿t,多产生动物排泄物数亿t,不利于中国粮食安全和环境保护.为此,建议对中国肉类生产规模和结构进行合理规划和调整,从而在保证国民适宜肉食消费的前提下,不再进一步投入即可取得增进国民健康、国家粮食安全和环境保护三方面的成效.  相似文献   

概述原产地保护制度的起源以及食品企业如何申报原产地保护,分析我国食品业原产地保护的现状以及存在的问题,并阐述原产地保护对食品业发展的意义。  相似文献   

During investigations on the effects of irradiation of chicken meat it was found that a 5 kGy dose of gamma 60Co radiation brings about a statistically significant (P<0.05) increase in free water content, and fall in water holding capacity and water retention capacity, in breast muscles of broiler chickens. The cause of deterioration of hydration properties in meat is a decrease in solubility of the protein fractions after irradiation. The relative protein extractability Y (in 0.1M phosphate buffer+1.1M KI) fell in a linear manner with increase in the radiation dose D according to the equation Y=98.494–0.838 D. The changes in sarcoplasmic fraction extractability Y in 0.03M phosphate buffer are described by the equation Y=101.615–0.515 D, and those of myofibrillar fraction by Y=100.377–1.628 D. Electrophoresis of the protein fraction (soluble in phosphate buffer+1.1M KI) on polyacrylamide gel (with SDS) indicated that the lowest extractability, as compared with untreated samples, was shown by myosin. Other protein solubilities were only slightly altered by the 5 and 10 kGy doses.  相似文献   

地方土鸡和笼养肉鸡的肉质特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测定地方土鸡(衡山三黄鸡)、笼养肉鸡(三黄鸡和AA肉鸡)等3种鸡的部分肉质指标,对地方土鸡和笼养肉鸡的肉质进行比较分析。结果表明:(1)衡山三黄鸡的总胶原蛋白含量显著高于三黄鸡和AA肉鸡(P<0.05),其热残留胶原蛋白含量则极显著高于三黄鸡和AA肉鸡(P<0.01),衡山三黄鸡的热溶性胶原蛋白含量极显著低于三黄鸡和AA肉鸡(P<0.01);(2)三黄鸡胸肌的含水量极显著高于衡山三黄鸡和AA肉鸡(P<0.01),其腿肌的含水量显著高于另外两种鸡(P<0.05);(3)AA肉鸡的肌间脂肪含量显著高于三黄鸡和衡山三黄鸡(P<0.05);(4)衡山三黄鸡肌肉的滴水损失极显著低于三黄鸡和AA肉鸡(P<0.01);衡山三黄鸡胸肌的蒸煮损失显著低于三黄鸡和AA肉鸡,而其腿肌的蒸煮损失显著高于这2种鸡(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Food selection and consumption can be affected by different intrinsic and extrinsic cues. In this study, the effect of three extrinsic cues (country of origin, price and feeding system) on consumer’s purchasing decisions making process for lamb meat in three European countries: Spain, France and United Kingdom was investigated, as well as the relative importance of each cue. Four countries were considered for evaluating the effect of the country of origin (local, Argentina, Switzerland and Uruguay), three feeding systems (grain-fed, grass-fed and grain + grass-fed) and different price levels (low, medium and high), which were simultaneously compared. Fifteen profiles combining the different levels for each of the factors considered where those obtained by means of an orthogonal design. These profiles were evaluated by 100, 99 and 92 consumers in Spain, France and United Kingdom, respectively. Moreover, consumers sensory evaluated lamb from four different feeding systems, grain-fed, grass-fed and two mixtures of grain and grass-fed. Conjoint analysis was carried out both for evaluating clusters of consumers in each country and for considering an overall evaluation of all the countries at the same time. In general, the origin of the meat was the most important factor in determining consumer’s purchasing decisions making process, the local one being the most preferred. Uruguayan origin was the least preferred, which indicates that Uruguayan public and private sectors would need to enhance their country and meat image as well as support market promotion and penetration strategies in the European market. For some consumers the feeding system was the most important factor for choosing any particular meat amongst others, being grass-fed animal the most preferred. These results are not in agreement with the consumer’s acceptability studies of lamb meat when taste the meat from different feeding systems in a blind condition (without information), showing a disconfirmation. Lamb meat price has a minor role in determining consumer’s purchasing decisions. However, one segment of consumers, composed mainly by men, considered that the price is the most important factor. These findings showed the importance of studying consumer preferences and their segmentation for developing market promotions, which should have a holistic approach including extrinsic factors in the evaluation of consumer’s purchasing decisions making process.  相似文献   

Digital photographs of pork chops varying systematically in appearance were presented to 716 Taiwanese consumers in a study that aimed to identify the most important characteristics of fresh pork which determine consumer choice in Taiwan. Relationships between consumer segmentation in choice and socio-demographic and cultural differences were also investigated. Colour and fat cover were the most frequently chosen of the four characteristics studied. Dark red colour was preferred by 64% of consumers and lean fat cover by 44%. Marbling and drip were less important in the decision making process being used by less than a half of consumers. The four preference-based clusters of consumers showed no correlation with socio-demographic-based consumer clusters, but did show significant links with possession of a refrigerator, age at which schooling was completed, liking pork for its price and gender of consumer.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, the Total Food Quality Model is used as a frame of reference for analysing the way in which consumers perceive meat quality, drawing mainly on European studies involving beef and pork. The way in which consumers form expectations about quality at the point of purchase, based on their own experience and informational cues available in the shopping environment, is described, as well as the way in which quality is experienced in the home during and after meal preparation. The relationship between quality expectations and quality experience and its implications for consumer satisfaction and repeat purchase intent is addressed. In the second part of the paper, and building on the insights obtained on subjective quality perception, possibilities for consumer-oriented product development in the meat sector are addressed. Issues dealt with here are branding, differentiation by taste, healthiness and convenience, and by process characteristics like organic production and animal welfare.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of conventional chilling (0 to 4 °C), rapid chilling (RC, -20 °C for 30 min, followed by 0 to 4 °C), and short-duration chilling (0 to 4 °C for 30 min, followed by 25 °C) on meat quality and calpain activity of pork muscle longissimus dorsi (LD). The muscle quality characteristics pH, color, cooking loss, pressing loss and tenderness, and calpain activities were measured 0-, 3-, 12-, and 24-h postmortem. Results show that the RC resulted in a faster temperature decline of the muscle, and prevented the meat pH and Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L* value from declining during postmortem aging. RC also reduced meat cooking loss and pressing loss compared with the other two chilling methods. However, the chilling methods did not significantly affect meat shear force. During the first 24-h postmortem, there was not a noticeable change in the activity of m-calpain. But μ-calpain activity decreased regardless of chilling method. In the rapidly chilled carcasses, μ-calpain activity remained the same 3- and 12-h postmortem. However, in the short-duration chilled and conventionally chilled carcasses, the activity was visibly reduced. At 24-h postmortem, no clear zones on the gel were observed in all three treatments. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Conventional and RC methods are commonly used for pork in commercial practice nowadays. Compared with conventional chilling, the effect of RC on quality parameters of pork varies. In recent years, short-duration chilling (SC) is widely used in many Chinese pig slaughtering facilities. However, few researchers have studied the effect of SD on pork quality. Therefore, the present study investigated the effect of different chilling methods on functionalities or quality of chilled pork meat.  相似文献   

Growing concern over the environmental impacts and other credence characteristics of food has resulted in increasing interest in the quality attributes of meat products in Finland. The aim of this study was to provide information on the relative preferences of consumers for minced meat attributes. Using a choice experiment, we examined whether the meat type, method of production, fat content, price and presence of carbon footprint information have an impact on consumer choice. A low fat content was found to have a particularly positive effect on the choice of a minced meat product. The carbon footprint information had a significant impact on the meat type-specific consumer preferences: the popularity of beef products decreased and of pork products increased when the footprint information was presented to the consumers. Six heterogeneous consumer classes were identified with latent class analysis: price-conscious (23% of the respondents), fat content-conscious (23%), ideological but passive (17%), content with conventional (14%), beef-preferring (12%) and method of production -conscious consumers (11%). Consumers were generally willing to pay more for a low fat content, but the relative willingness to pay estimates were largely dependent on the consumer groups: premiums for organic and animal welfare-oriented production methods also existed. These attributes could thus represent good means for differentiating minced meat products. The impact of carbon footprint information on the willingness to pay estimates was relatively low.  相似文献   

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