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A consumer-based multivariate approach to the study of eight commercial beers (mass-produced, speciality and craft) was undertaken in New Zealand with ∼200 people. The beers spanned a wide range of sensory characteristics, from traditional lager and ale styles to high flavour impact beers with novel flavours (e.g. liquorice and rosemary) and less common styles (weisse and gose). These flavour differences were a larger driver of consumers’ hedonic/emotional/cognitive responses than alcohol content, which ranged from 0.5 to 7.2% alcohol by volume (ABV). The supplementation of hedonic and perceptual measures with emotional and cognitive variables resulted in a more detailed differentiation of products, which was further enhanced by consumer segmentation. In the rapidly evolving beer market, there is significant value in product-focused consumer research that delivers insights “beyond liking” and provide a deeper level of understanding about consumers’ product experiences. The research also contributed methodologically to the multivariate approach by considering pros and cons of study implementation aspects such as free-listing and ballot length. This will benefit future researchers in study planning and execution.  相似文献   

A multiple regression model was developed to predict the acceptability of the four tomato varieties studied (Aranka, Cherry, Beef and Pitenza). Agglomerative hierarchical clustering showed the presence of four consumer clusters. One cluster preferred small tomatoes (Aranka and Cherry) and another cluster the larger tomatoes (Beef and Pitenza). In the sensorial analysis Aranka was the preferred variety, scoring more highly in taste, odour, acidity, sweetness and hardness. In the physicochemical analysis Aranka also obtained the highest values for titratable acidity (TA) and sugars (SSC), confirming that these parameters are important in tomato flavour. Lower values for both sets of parameters were reflected by lower consumer acceptability, with Beef and Pitenza receiving the lowest score for these flavours attributes (except odour). A significant correlation between the sensorial and physicochemical parameters was also observed: odour was positively correlated with calibre, while taste, acidity, hardness and acceptability were negatively correlated with calibre, pH and SSC/TA and positively correlated with SSC and TA. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Parboiled rice produced in Ghana is of poor quality and is being overtaken by imported rice. This study sought to investigate consumer preference and relate sensory attributes with consumer acceptability of rice. The majority of consumers preferred imported raw and parboiled rice to that produced locally. Acceptability was influenced by location and gender. Individual preferences of consumers varied and four different segments of consumers with similar liking of the rice samples were identified. The largest three segments (86% of consumers) preferred the imported rice but differed in their preferences for the local rice. A niche segment (14%) mostly preferred traditional local rice. Regression models to predict consumer preference from the sensory panel scores were based on either brown colour of the cooked rice or unshelled paddy in the uncooked form. The models were suitable for three of the consumer segments representing 86% of the consumers. This suggests that while a sensory panel could be used to rapidly monitor consumer acceptability in product development, it was not valid for all consumers. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) have a range of varieties, colours and sizes. Differences in physicochemical and sensory properties influence consumer choices for beans. This study related consumer preferences to sensory and physico‐chemical properties of selected bean varieties—Jenny, Kranskop, PAN 148, AC Calmont, PAN 150 and Mkuzi—grown in Mpumalanga (MP) and Free State (FS) in South Africa. RESULTS: Significant (P < 0.05) variety, location as well as location × variety interaction effects were found for both physico‐chemical and sensory properties of beans. Jenny‐FS, Mkuzi and PAN 148‐MP beans had relatively long cooking times (>60 min). Some beans (e.g. PAN 150 and Mkuzi beans) were described as bitter, soapy and metallic with a raw‐bean flavour whereas more preferred beans (e.g. Jenny‐MP, Kranskop‐MP) were sweet, soft and with a cooked‐bean flavour. CONCLUSION Apart from small seed size, sensory characteristics such as bitter taste, soapy and metallic mouthfeel and hard texture contributed to consumers' dislike of certain bean varieties. The sweet taste, cooked‐bean flavours, soft and mushy textures of the most accepted varieties seemed to be related to beans with good hydration capacities that facilitated softening during cooking. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Nine fresh white fish species (cod, haddock, whiting, blue whiting, ling, saithe, lemon sole, plaice, dab) were investigated by sensory panels. Assessors could distinguish between species and although they would express relative preferences, they did not feel very strongly about them. Flavour was the most significant positive determinant of acceptability, texture was neutral and appearance was either neutral or negative. It is probable that most fresh white fish could be satisfactorily interchanged with one another without causing adverse consumer reaction.  相似文献   

Studies have indicated that profiling and (dis)similarity scaling yield different perceptual product maps. Conceptually, these two procedures are different. This paper looks at a third and alternative method of producing a two-dimensional, perceptual map utilizing a projective-type method whereby individual assessors themselves are required to place products on the space according to the similarities and differences they perceive. However, visual comparison of the final results provided by each assessor is difficult and, hence, generalized Procrustes analysis is applied to compare each assessor's map for similarity with the others. In this study it was found that the perceptual map derived from projective mapping was as similar to the map derived from profiling as from dissimilarity scaling. However, consistency over repeated trials was greater for projective mapping than for the other two methods. It is suggested that projective mapping could be a potentially useful technique for linking sensory analysis and consumer research data.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical, rheological and sensory characteristics of different commercially available Frankfurters were studied. Samples presented values of Aw and pH from 0.954 to 0.972 and 5.88 to 6.43, respectively. Greater differences were observed in parameters such as fat and salt content, with values ranging from 10.83% to 21.92% and 1.85% to 3.01%, respectively. With regard to total nitrogen, all samples presented values close to 2%. Free-choice profiling and generalised procrustes analysis of the sensory data permitted differentiation between samples and provided information about the attributes responsible for the observed differences. All the frankfurters scored in the moderate range for overall acceptability. Consumers identified reasons for purchasing frankfurters when evaluating the product's packaging. The most important criterion for consumers when purchasing frankfurters was the appetising aspect of the product in the packaging's illustration.  相似文献   

The preference for pork varying in its fat cover, lean colour, marbling and drip differs among countries, but the influence of socio-demographic factors is unknown. In this study of 11,717 consumers from 22 countries, more than 80% of consumers liked pork, thought that pork quality was at least almost always good and either had not changed or had decreased their pork consumption recently. Pork was liked for a variety of reasons of which taste was cited most by consumers from all countries, except Korea, Taiwan and Yugoslavia where availability was most cited. Most socio-demographic factors and eating habits were related to choice, and mainly to choice of fat cover, but few factors were common across countries. Gender had the most consistent influence and in most, but not all, countries a greater proportion of women than men chose the leaner external fat cover but not the non-marbled pork.  相似文献   

During the past decades, sensory evaluation of food quality has evolved and grown into a discipline that covers sensory and consumer research of foods and beverages. The present review deals with those aspects of the development in which I have been personally involved and have considered inspiring and important subject matters in the field. They are consumer responses to (1) salt, (2) fat, and (3) unfamiliar foods; (4) food choice and socio-cognitive segmentation, (5) responses to food in the elderly and young; and (6) genetic origins of food preferences. Perspectives of the field and of these specific areas are discussed, and some “words of wisdom” are offered for the younger generation of sensory-consumer researchers.  相似文献   

Binomial tests are often used in sensory difference and preference testing. Two assumptions underlie this use: (1) responses are independent and (2) choice probabilities do not vary from trial to trial. In many applications, the latter assumption is violated. In this paper we account for variation in inter-trial choice probabilities using the beta distribution. The result of combining the binomial with the beta distribution is a compound distribution known as the beta-binomial. We show how to use the beta-binomial model for replicated difference and preference tests such as those used to support product claims.  相似文献   

The Normal approximation to the binomial distribution is used to obtain confidence limits for the proportion of correct responses in a simple sensory difference test and the proportion of assessors able to discriminate between two products. Improved approximations, which should be considered with small panels or when the proportion of correct responses is close to 0 or 1, are discussed. To permit comparison of the discriminating ability of different panels, or investigation of the effect of a change in the products assessed, tests of the significance of the difference between two proportions are presented, based on the Normal approximation and the x2 statistic. The methods are illustrated with some data from an investigation on fish flavour.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reaching a go/no‐go decision on a product concept early in the innovation cycle can save companies significant resources. The current research is situated within this context. Using polyphenol‐rich beverages that were at an early stage in the formulation/optimisation cycle, a number of insights were sought: (1) how acceptable to consumers were these early‐stage formulations; (2) what sensory attributes contributed to consumer liking/disliking; and (3) could the disliked sensory attribute(s) be sufficiently masked within the chosen product format? RESULTS: Beverages were formulated according to a 2 × 4 factorial design where one factor varied the polyphenol source and the other sweetness. While consumer acceptability and purchase probability increased with sucrose concentration, the beverages were of below‐average sensory quality. Bitterness was identified as a key sensory attribute to focus on in future optimisation efforts. CONCLUSION: A number of approaches exist for masking bitterness and there appeared to be little reason why at least some of the beverages could not be improved to achieve high levels of sensory quality and consumer acceptance. Further, it is suggested that disclosing information about health properties of these polyphenol‐rich beverages during consumer testing may further enhance their appeal to consumers. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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