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Endoscopy Sphincterotomy is an important therapeutic procedure in the treatment of some biliary and pancreatic disorders. In this paper, we report our experience over this subject. In our patients the main indication to perform this procedure was common bile duct stones; they were 83% of the total cases. In those cases, 67% were residual stones after cholecystectomy by laparotomy and laparoscopy. We performed sphincterotomy in 33% of patients with gallbladders in situ. In five patients (7.57%), we made the diagnosis of Oddi's sphincter dysfunction taken in account clinical, biochemical an radiological findings. No manometric measurements were done. We found some unusual cases, such as: choledococele and Sump syndrome. In five patients we had complications, 3 of them bled and the other two developed edematous pancreatitis. All these complications were solved with medical treatment.  相似文献   

Short-lived occupational skin symptoms of irritant or urticarial nature were commonly reported among 253 attendants in a clinical study on occupational dermatitis in Danish gardeners and greenhouse workers. Aimed prick or scratch-patch testing for immediate skin and mucosal symptoms was performed in 105 persons with plants as is. 35 persons (33%) had at least 1 positive reaction and a family history of, or personal, atopy was significantly more prevalent among these compared to attendants with negative reactions. Positive histamine release tests made immunologic etiology probable in Schlumbergera cacti, Stephanotis floribunda, Euphorbia pulcherrima and Gerbera reactions. Other new species implicated in immediate-type reactions included Ficus pumila, Gardenia jasminoides, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Campanula, Columnea, Epipremnum aureum, Pelargonium and Primula vulgaris. Because of the high prevalence of short-lived skin symptoms and because contact urticaria may present itself as a dermatitis, it is recommended that one supplement patch tests with tests for immediate reactions.  相似文献   

A novel dynamic mathematical microelectrode model (a model of solvent and solute kinetics in electrolyte-filled microelectrodes) was deduced from experimental observations made on standard (single-barrelled, 3.0 M KCl-filled, approximately 10 M[ohm]) electrodes using (a) electrodiffusion, electro-osmosis, and continuity equations that were placed into the constraints of electrode geometry, and (b) handbook/textbook parameter values, only. The model proved to be able to faithfully reproduce all observed electrochemical and electrical electrode properties, i.e. even those that constituted no part of the model's experimental basis. In theoretical tests, the model shows, for the standard electrode that (a) inside the electrode, any profiles in electrical potential and electrolyte concentration are occurring at the most distal part (approximately 50 microm) of the tip region, (b) asymmetrical shifts in electrolyte concentration just inside the electrode tip opening are the true cause of the electrode's current rectification, and (c) strong transelectrode currents are producing water flows across the electrode orifice that may affect the volume of smaller and medium-sized cells. In further tests, the model shows, among other things, for non-standard electrodes that (a) decreasing the electrode electrolyte concentration will give rise to marked decreases in electrolyte leakage from the electrode, but only very minor changes in tip potential, and (b) increasing the surface charge of the electrode glass (increases in zeta potential) and/or decreasing the electrode electrolyte concentration will produce increases in electro-osmotic water transport, which may be desirable for the intracellular injection of water-soluble (electro-neutral) substances.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The indication for urgent cardiac surgical interventions in patients with active infective endocarditis has to be considered carefully following thromboembolic events, because of the high recurrence rate of such complications. In the case of brain embolisms the prognostic benefit of urgent surgery has been discussed controversially as effective anticoagulation during open heart surgery may result in secondary cerebral hemorrhages. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1978 and 1993 infective endocarditis (IE) was proven in 288 consecutive and prospectively followed patients (131 females, 157 males; mean age 53.6 +/- 8.7 [9 to 81] years). To analyze potential benefits and risks of an urgent surgical intervention early after embolic cerebral infarction, cumulated survival rates were calculated for patients with and without surgical intervention with special reference to incremental risk factors and the timing of surgery. RESULTS: In 50 patients (17.4%) the clinical course was complicated by one, and in 58 patients (20.2%) by recurrent embolic events. In 80% the first embolism occurred within 33 days following the first manifestation of typical signs and symptoms of IE. 80% of recurrent events were observed within 32 days following the initial embolism. 71% of all embolic events were cerebral. In patients with cerebral embolism corroborated by computed tomography (CCT), the clinical course was complicated by intracranial hemorrhage in 12.5% while it was only 1.5% for patients without cerebral embolism. Because of a lack of therapeutic alternatives, 22 of 49 patients with recurrent embolic events, of which at least one was cerebral, underwent urgent cardiac surgery within 4 to 366 hours after the first cerebral manifestation. The cumulated survival rate of patients operated within 72 hours after the initial cerebral embolism was significantly more favorable (p < or = 0.000) than for unoperated patients or those who were operated after more than 8 days. CONCLUSION: An embolic event during IE carries a more than 50% risk of recurrence. In patients with short duration of signs and symptoms of IE and postembolic echocardiographic demonstration of persistent vegetations the probability is > 80%. At least for those patients urgent surgical intervention to remove the source of infection and embolic hazard seems to be beneficial. Surgical intervention using the heart-lung-machine should be performed within 72 hours. Such early timing results in a significant lower rate of secondary cerebral hemorrhages (p < or = 0.00) than a postponed operation. To exclude early reperfusion hemorrhage due to spontaneous thrombus fragmentation, CCT should be repeated directly preoperatively.  相似文献   

The Canadian Heart Health Initiative-Ontario Project (CHHIOP) investigates predisposition and capacity in Ontario public health departments to implement community-based heart health promotion activities. The research draws upon diffusion of innovations theory and recent work on ecological approaches to health promotion within which public health agencies are seen to play a central role. Mail-back surveys were completed by heart health staff in all 42 health departments in 1994 and 1996. Predisposition and capacity were measured as the importance and effectiveness ascribed to 18 organizational practices supportive of community heart health activities. Level of implementation was reported for 74 activities spanning a range of risk factors and settings. Predisposition, capacity and implementation scores increased between 1994 and 1996. The findings confirm positive correlations between predisposition and capacity and between capacity and implementation.  相似文献   

Radiographs of hand and hip joints of 15 hemodialysis patients taken annually over at least 15 years were evaluated in this retrospective study. We looked for signs of A beta 2M-amyloidosis such as lucencies, erosions, and soft tissue swelling. The femoral head-soft tissue distance (FHSTD) was used to estimate the soft tissue swelling of the hips. The number and size of lucencies, the number of erosions, and the FHSTD increased during dialysis. Both hyperparathyroidism and failure of renal allograft transplantation influenced the development of lucencies and erosions after 15 years. The FHSTD at the start of the dialysis appeared to be an independent prognostic factor for the lucencies of the hips and hands. We conclude that the radiological signs of A beta 2M-amyloidosis are influenced not only by the duration of dialysis, but also by age, failure of renal transplantation, hyperparathyroidism and the FHSTD at the start of dialysis.  相似文献   

The effects of eicosanoids and of inhibitors of eicosanoid synthesis on the migration of third-stage larvae (L3) of Oesophagostomum dentatum were studied in an in vitro migration assay procedure. The L3 were incubated with diethylcarbamazine (DEC), indomethacin (INDO) or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Incubation with these inhibitors of eicosanoid metabolism resulted in a dose-dependent reversible inhibition of migration. The antimigratory effect of DEC could be completely reversed by treatment of the L3 with the lipoxygenase (LOX)-products leukotriene (LT) B4 or LTC4. LTD4 had a less distinct but similar effect, while LTE4 failed to reverse migration inhibition. Treatment with combinations of cyclooxygenase (COX)-products (prostaglandin, PG) partially restored the migration ability of ASA-treated L3, while PGD2, PGE2, PGF2 alpha or PGI2 exerted no distinct effect on ASA-treated L3 when given separately. The suppression of L3 migration by compounds that are known as antagonists of eicosanoid synthesis and the stimulation of migration of inhibitor-treated L3 by simultaneous application of eicosanoids indicate that these lipid mediators may play a significant role in physiological processes that interact with worm motility.  相似文献   

Experiments have been carried out to investigate the chemical substrate in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) underlying the depressor responses induced by activation of the greater splanchnic nerve (GSPL) afferent fibres of the rat. In anaesthetised rats with urethane and alpha-chloralose, microinjection of bicuculline, a GABA(A) receptor antagonist, into the RVLM, attenuated largely the depressor responses elicited by electrical stimulation of the GSPL afferent fibres, while strychnine or saline had no effect. In 18 RVLM neurons (including seven identified cardiovascular neurons), iontophoresis of bicuculline also significantly blocked the inhibition evoked by stimulation of the GSPL afferent inputs. We suggest that the depressor responses induced by stimulation of the GSPL afferent fibres involve a GABA(A)-receptor-mediated mechanism in the RVLM in rats.  相似文献   

Even today psychotic depression is connected to a lot of unanswered questions. A self-questionnaire (BFD) was developed in order to evaluate cognitions corresponding to mood congruent depressive delusions. They were assumed to indicate psychotic depression and to be related to severity of the depressive syndrome. 42 depressed inpatients were examined by the BFD, the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). BFD scores were found increased in psychotic depression (p = 0.009) and correlated to BDI scores (p = 0.002). 19 re-examined patients showed a significant improvement in HAMD and BDI scores but not concerning the delusion indicating cognitions (BFD), which were significantly correlated to suicidality items of BDI and HAMD (p = 0.005). The results prove the delusion indicating nature of cognitions measured by the BFD and their correlation to severe depression. Differences in treatment response are indicated and persisting or increasing BFD scores seem to be accompanied by more severe suicidal tendency.  相似文献   

Substitutive therapy using fetal striatal grafts in animal models of Huntington disease (HD) have already demonstrated obvious beneficial effects on motor indices. Using a new phenotypic model of HD recently designed in primates, we demonstrate here complete and persistent recovery in a frontal-type cognitive task two to five months after intrastriatal allografting. The striatal allografts also reduce the occurrence of dystonia, a major abnormal movement associated with HD. These results show the capacity of fetal neurons to provide a renewed substrate for both cognitive and motor systems in the lesioned adult brain. They also support the use of neural transplantation as a potential therapy for HD.  相似文献   

L-pyroglutamyl-D-alanine amide significantly enhanced freezing response in the group of rats with massed training and reduced it in the group with spaced training. The control animals revealed a higher freezing response with the spaced training. No differences occurred between the groups in a cue test.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The Baerveldt glaucoma implant is an aqueous shunting device with large surface area that is installed through a single-quadrant conjunctival incision. A rabbit model of the Baerveldt implant was created to obtain serial histology and clinical information over 1 year. METHODS: Modified versions of the Baerveldt implant (110 or 160 mm2) were implanted in 18 normal New Zealand white rabbit eyes. The rabbits were examined periodically and their intraocular pressures (IOPs) recorded. They were killed at monthly intervals to obtain histology of the bleb capsules. RESULTS: Thin capsules were present at 1 month, which consisted of lamellar collagen deposition surrounded by a granulomatous reaction with multinucleate giant cells. Inflammatory cells (probably macrophages) were scattered on the inner bleb surface. The granulomatous reaction resolved after 4 months. Subsequently, capsule thickness and cellularity remained relatively stable, although the collagen stroma became less compact over time. Sixteen rabbit eyes had initial IOP reductions of > or = 3 mm Hg compared with fellow eyes, which persisted up to 4 weeks postoperatively. Seven eyes (39%) exhibited a hypertensive phase (IOP exceeded that of fellow eye by > or = 3 mm Hg) from 2 weeks to 3 months postoperatively. CONCLUSION: The Baerveldt explant is surrounded by a fibrous capsule that matures over time. The bleb histology in the rabbit model is similar to that described with the Molteno implant in primates and humans, except for the eventual development of a fibroblastic inner lining in the rabbit model. This contrasts with primate and human models, in which the inner lining remains an open mesh.  相似文献   

Human lipoproteins after their intestinal or hepatic synthesis undergo within vascular compartment important remodeling through the agency of endothelial lipases, Lecithin: Cholesterol Acyl Transferase and lipid transfer proteins, Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) and Phospholipid Transfer Protein (PLTP). Following CETP and PLTP characteristics presentation, transfer proteins activities and role were described specifying notably mechanism and kinetic models of cholesteryl ester transfer reaction (shuttle and ternary collision complex mechanisms). Comparative study of Phospholipid Transfer Activities mediated by CETP and PLTP has shown that phospholipid transfer activities of PLTP and CETP are different and might rely on distinct mechanisms. PLTP mediated phospholipid transfers modulate cholesteryl ester transfer activity of CETP. In vivo PLTP is responsible for the net mass transfer of phospholipid from triglyceride rich lipoprotein towards HDL. Whereas PLTP has no intrinsic cholesteryl ester transfer activity, it enhances the transfer of cholesteryl ester from HDL to VLDL and LDL. Thus PLTP might be a determinant factor in modulating the CETP mediated redistribution of cholesteryl esters between pro-(LDL) and anti-(HDL) atherogenic lipoproteins.  相似文献   

To understand the developing processes of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-containing chromaffin cells and nerve fibers in the mouse adrenal gland, we examined the tissues in various postnatal stages by immunohistochemistry using a GABA antibody. From birth until postnatal week 1, GABA-immunoreactivity was seen in very few nerve fibers, and in none of the chromaffin cells. At postnatal week 2, GABA-immunoreactivity appeared weakly in clusters of chromaffin cells and strongly in relatively numerous varicose nerve fibers. The immunoreactive nerve fibers were densely distributed in the small immunonegative chromaffin cells and large ganglion cells, but only sparsely so in the weak immunoreactive chromaffin cells. At postnatal week 3, the number of the immunoreactive chromaffin cells and nerve fibers further increased compared to that at postnatal week 2. The staining pattern of GABA-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the medullas was similar to that at postnatal week 2. From postnatal week 4 until postnatal week 8, the distribution and frequency of the immunoreactive chromaffin cells and nerve fibers were also similar to those at postnatal week 3. These results suggest that the expression of GABA in the chromaffin cells and in the nerve fibers of the mouse adrenal gland may be completed by postnatal week 3.  相似文献   

We have measured single-channel currents from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) blebs (sarcoballs) of frog skeletal muscle fibres using conventional patch-clamp electrodes with excised patches. With both the pipette and bath solutions containing 50 mM Ca(gluconate)2 the slope conductance of the single channels was 39.2 pS for the most commonly seen state, with a reversal potential of -0.4 mV. The cation selectivity of this channel was investigated by replacing the bathing solution with either gluconate or HEPES salts of selected cations. The Goldman permeability ratios, calculated from the reversal potentials, were found to be P(Ca2+)/P(K+)=2.4, P(Ca2+)/ P(Na+)=2.7, P(Ca2+)/P(Tris+)=3.1, P(Ca2+)/P(Mg2+)=1.0 and P(Ca2+)/P(Ba2+)=1.1. Each value for the monovalent ions was found to be less than the corresponding value reported for the SR ryanodine receptor channel from skeletal and cardiac muscle. Single-channel activity could be recorded when the preparation was bathed in symmetrical 50 mM Mg(gluconate)2 solutions, and these channels had a similar conductance and open probability to that measured when the preparation was bathed in symmetrical Ca(gluconate)2 solution. The channel activity in symmetrical 50 mM Ca(gluconate)2 solution was insensitive to bath-applied caffeine (5 mM) and ryanodine (10 microM). The results are in agreement with the conclusion that the sarcoball Ca2+ channel is not the ryanodine receptor release channel, but possibly a form of the SR Ca2+-ATPase which is uncoupled from the catalytic events of the pump and acts as a passive ion channel.  相似文献   

The effects on goats of Calotropis procera latex given by different routes of administration were investigated. The administration of latex at 1 ml/Kg body weight via the oral route or at 0.005 ml/Kg body weight/day via the intravenous or intraperitoneal route caused death of the goats between 20 minutes and 4 days. When the small dose of latex (0.005 ml/Kg body weight/day) was given by the oral route or intramuscular route no death among the goats occurred. Nervous signs, frequent urination, frothing at the mouth, dyspnoea and diarrhoea were the main features in goats given latex by the oral, intravenous or intraperitoneal route. Lameness was observed in goats given latex via the intramuscular route. Lesions were widespread congestion and haemorrhage, pulmonary cyanosis, enterohepatonephropathy, peritonitis (in goats receiving latex via i.p. route) and haemorrhagic myositis at the site of latex injection. These changes were accompanied by increases in the activities of serum GDH, LDH, ALP, GGT and AST and in the concentrations of cholesterol, urea and creatinine and decreases in the level of total protein.  相似文献   

Qualitative analyses of midfoot stabilization in triple arthrodeses utilizing bone staple versus 4.5-mm cannulated cancellous screw fixation, with and without washers, were performed in fresh cadaveric specimens. Twenty-two trials (11 matched-pair feet) were used for direct comparison. Stiffness, defined as force/displacement, was determined at each talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint. Ultimate load failure points of each specimen were also calculated. Trial results showed no statistically significant difference in stiffness or ultimate failure between these two forms of midfoot fixation for triple arthrodeses.  相似文献   

The primary focus of this study was to examine whether there is early neuropsychological impairment in presymptomatic Huntington's disease (HD). A broad neuropsychological assessment battery was administered to 24 asymptomatic gene carriers (HD+) and 31 noncarriers (HD-). The gene carriers revealed inferior cognitive functioning as compared with the noncarriers in memory and executive functions. When the gene carriers were assigned to 2 groups based on predicted years to onset (with 15 and over being HD+ late and under 15 being HD+ near), the HD+ near group performed significantly worse than the HD+ late group in all domains but ability to shift conceptually and visuospatial memory. Results suggest that early cognitive deficits are detectable prior to motor symptoms, first in memory functions and then in executive functions and perceptual motor speed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has increased steadily during the past 30 years. METHODS: Trends in the incidence and surgical intervention for AAA in Western Australia were reviewed for the interval 1985-1994. A population-based health database was used to link morbidity and mortality records of all patients aged 55 years or more who died from rupture or were admitted and treated surgically for AAA. Three groups were separated for analysis: patients with a ruptured AAA, those admitted for elective repair and those admitted as an emergency with an acute (non-ruptured) aneurysm. RESULTS: There was a decline in the incidence of both emergency and elective procedures for AAA after 1992. While the mortality rate from ruptured AAA has also fallen since 1991, the overall case fatality rate for ruptured AAA has fallen by only 1.3 per cent (from 80.7 to 79.3 per cent). CONCLUSION: The decline in mortality rate and emergency procedures may result from a fall in the incidence of ruptured AAA, due to an increasing rate of elective surgery before 1992. The decline in elective procedures from 1992 may be due to a fall in the prevalence of AAA owing to high rates of elective surgery, or to a fall in the incidence of the disease itself.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine cognitive and psychological functioning in relation to antiribosomal P protein autoantibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) who had no previous history of central nervous system disease (non-CNS SLE). METHODS: Comprehensive neuropsychological and psychological tests were administered to 51 non-CNS SLE patients, 29 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, and 27 healthy controls. RESULTS: Twenty-nine percent of the non-CNS SLE patients, 31% of the RA patients, and 11% of the control subjects were classified as cognitively impaired. Similar reductions in intelligence, attention, and fluency were detected in the non-CNS SLE and RA patients compared with controls. The non-CNS SLE patients showed a distinct deficit in learning compared with the RA and control groups. Forty-two percent of the non-CNS SLE patients demonstrated psychological distress, compared with 7% of the RA patients and 6% of the controls. In the patient groups, neither cognitive dysfunction nor psychological distress was associated with disease activity or prednisone dosage. Elevated serum levels of autoantibodies to ribosomal P protein were not associated with either psychological or cognitive abnormalities. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that certain cognitive deficits in non-CNS SLE patients may not be specific to the immunopathology of SLE. In contrast, it is possible that deficits in learning, as well as psychological distress without major psychiatric pathology, may be subtle manifestations of CNS lupus.  相似文献   

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