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稻壳是稻谷碾磨过程中的副产品,约占稻谷质量的五分之一。我国年产稻谷近180Mt,获稻壳36Mt,折合标准煤18Mt。稻壳利用分两大类:一是非能源利用,例如用作饲料、隔热材料等;二为能源利用。一、稻壳使用特性 1、物理性质稻壳呈薄壳状,长约5mm,厚不到0.5mm,稻壳的80%由纤维素和木质素的复合物组成,其余20%为二氧化硅。稻壳真实密度约720kg/m~3,自然堆积密度仅83~160kg/m~3。由于堆积  相似文献   

2012年9月.国家先进生物能化示范省规划暨能源和工业座谈会在郑州举行。河南省省长郭庚茂,国家发改委副主任、国家能源局局长刘铁男出席并讲话。河南省就《河南建设先进生物质能示范省规划》编制情况等作了专题汇报。  相似文献   

1 发展农村沼气存在的问题农村推广沼气一直是以解决炊事用能为主要目的,普遍采用6~8m3的水压式沼气池,这种以解决一日三餐的炊事用能为主要目的的“能源沼气池”有很大的局限性,主要表现在:11 对大多数农户来说,要靠沼气解决全部的炊事用能是困难的,它受到发酵原料严重短缺的制约发酵原料是生产沼气的物质基础。从理论上讲,农村沼气资源十分丰富,但问题在于:1.不是所有沼气资源都能开发利用,这里既存在经济效益问题,也存在技术问题(例如以秸秆做沼气发酵原料就存在这些问题);2.从总体上讲农村的沼气资源可能是丰富的,但具体到每个农户…  相似文献   

生物质能利用现状与固化技术应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

生物质能利用现状与固化技术应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

日本东京煤气公司宣布将建设首座木质生物能电站.该电站将于2010年完工,其发电规模为1.36万kW,可满足2.3万户普通家庭的电力消费。  相似文献   

日本东京煤气公司宣布将建设首座木质生物能电站.该电站将于2010年完工,其发电规模为1.36万kW,可满足2.3万户普通家庭的电力消费。  相似文献   

日东京煤气公司宣布将建设首座木质生物能电站.该电站将于2010年完工,其发电规模为1.36万kW.可满足2.3万户普通家庭电力消费。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the current situation of the forest bio-energy development in China. This assessment is based on opinions of Chinese academic experts. Key drivers and uncertainties regarding the implementation, and the strategies for the future practices in the development of forest bio-energy were investigated. In addition, the purpose of this study was also to determine whether there is a consensus among the experts concerning forest bio-energy and if this consensus agrees with policy-makers in China. A thorough assessment was conducted using a two-round Delphi survey of sixty-one bio-energy experts in China. The results revealed the advantages, potential problems, and the experts’ recommendations for the future development. Furthermore, the experts agreed that the Chinese government plays a dominant role in the development process of forest bio-energy in the country. The experts recognized that the process of developing forest bio-energy is a challenging task both domestically and globally. At the same time they also highlighted the potential benefits of developing forest bio-energy in China during the next ten years. The outcomes of this study could be used to give advice to policy-makers and to support the implementation of the future forest bio-energy policies in China.  相似文献   

能源与内燃机有着相互依存、相互促进的密切关系,内燃机能否在21世纪再创辉煌,很大程度上受制于燃料的发展。在研究世界和中国能源状况、代用燃料开发、内燃机技术的基础上,分析与预测了本世纪我国内燃机燃料的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Torrefaction of selected agro-residues (rice straw and cotton stalk) was successfully carried out on indirectly heated, batch-type fixed-bed reactor under different reactor temperatures (200–300°C) at a fixed heating rate of 10°C/min. Our preliminary results demonstrated that the rice straw, torrefied at 275°C, exhibited higher mass yield (64%) and energy yield (84%) with better fuel properties, i.e. lower moisture content (1.2%), volatile matters (54.7%), higher fixed carbon (24.8%), and higher heating value (HHV) 18.7 MJ/kg. On the other hand, cotton stalk showed a slightly lower mass yield (56.3%) and energy yield (74.4%) compared to rice star with very high HHV 22.5 MJ/kg torrefied at a relatively lower temperature of 250°C. Interestingly, the lignocellulosic composition showed a drastic increase in the lignin content of rice straw and cotton stalk, torrefied at 275°C and 250°C, respectively, which indicates good binding ability of bio-fuel leading to improved energy density. Our present work gives an insight that the torrefied rice straw and cotton stalk could be a promising biomass feedstock for bio-energy based systems such as biomass pyrolsyis and gasification.  相似文献   

热电转换技术在内燃机节能中的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张征  陈特銮 《节能技术》2004,22(2):44-46
热电转换技术是当前研究的热点课题之一,涉及能源、热电学、材料学等领域。本文综述了热电转换技术在内燃机排气余热利用方面的研究现状,分析了发展趋势。  相似文献   

对我国内燃机节能减排技术路线的战略性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对扑面而来的全球低碳经济发展浪潮,作为发展中大国的中国,既有责任也有义务进一步提升我国的节能减排水平。内燃机作为动力工业的基础,承载着将能源转化为工业产值的使命,其重要的政治、经济和军事地位不可小觑。内燃机工业的节能减排工作不仅关系到我国2020年单位GDP的二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%至45%承诺的实现,更关系到我国的国家发展权。中国一汽无锡油泵油嘴研究所作为我国汽车发动机领域的开拓者和创新者,对提升我国内燃机工业节能减排水平有着义不容辞的责任。多年来,在发动机节能减排技术的开发研究工作中,该所立足国内实际情况,既开发出了满足我国市场需要的经济型排放技术,同时紧跟国际先进技术发展潮流,率先掌握了电控高压共轨燃油喷射系统这一核心技术,为我国内燃机工业作出了积极贡献。本文以该所的生动实践为案例,深入浅出地分析了汽油机、柴油机的技术特点和重点技术发展方向,并在此基础上探讨了我国柴油机欧4及以上排放技术路线。2009年,中国汽车市场年产销量双双突破1300万辆,成为世界第一。中国面临着从汽车制造大国向一个强国转变的重大机遇。只要我们耐住寂寞,奋力拼搏,加快学习借鉴国外先进经验,并结合我国国情,就一定能够走出一条科学发展之路,并屹立于世界强手之林。  相似文献   

The urban air pollution is a very complicated problem. The exhaust emissions from internal-combustion engines account for a major portion of this problem. It is realized that the content and concentrations of the exhaust emissions depend on various parameters. These parameters include engine design parameters, operational parameters, exhaust gas aftertreatment, fuel types, fuel additives and lubricants. The present review paper discusses the effect of some parameters on the emission level and characteristics from internal-combustion engines. The paper begins with an introduction of general information on the nature of emissions of exhaust gases, including the toxicity and causes of emissions for both spark-ignition and diesel engines. The paper then shifts to an up-to-date information of the published research work on the subject matter. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Low-grade energy is widespread. However, it cannot be utilized with high thermal efficiency directly. Following the principle of thermal energy cascade utilization, a thermoacoustic engine (TE) with a new regenerator that can be driven by multiple heat sources at different temperature levels is proposed. Taking a regenerator that utilizes heat sources at two temperatures as an example, theoretical research has been conducted on a traveling-wave TE with the new regenerator to predict its performance. Experimental verification is also done to demonstrate the benefits of the new regenerator. Results indicate that a TE with the new regenerator utilizing additional heat at a lower temperature experiences an increase in pressure ratio, acoustic power, efficiency, and exergy efficiency with proper heat input at an appropriate temperature at the mid-heater. A regenerator that uses multi-temperature heat sources can provide a means of recovering lower grade heat.  相似文献   

The transition from traditional energy sources to renewable has gained popularity and acceptance in recent years. This has been driven mainly by the current level of pollution, global warming, decommission of old nuclear power plants and the increasing cost of conventional energy sources. Nevertheless, one of the many steps to overcome is the seasonality or intermittency of renewable energy sources such as wind power. In recent years, new technologies have come up to address this problem, so the energy can be stored for future purposes. This paper analyses these energy storage alternatives for a specific case in the Columbia River Gorge for wind power. A hierarchical decision model is developed with criteria including political, social, environmental, technical and economical. The main conclusions highlight that the economical and technical criteria are among the most important ones for decision-makers.  相似文献   

In wave motion, the water particles are known to follow orbital paths. This orbital motion was studied and a five bladed Savonius rotor was built to extract energy from the orbiting particles. Experiments were performed on a rotor placed parallel to the incoming waves in a two-dimensional wave channel by varying the frequency of the wave generator, which produced sinusoidal waves. The rotor submergence below the mean level was varied. The flow around the rotor was studied with particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements. It was found that the rpm of the rotor (Nn) increases with an increase in wave frequency. An increase in wave height also increases the Nn values, as the kinetic energy of the particles' orbital motion increases. The optimum Nn values are obtained when the rotor is placed close to the water surface at the minimum submergence of 1.06d where ‘d’ is the rotor diameter.  相似文献   

由人类社会发展、能源结构改变的必然趋势,提出了生物动力机将成为未来动力机的发展方向之一。简述了生物技术和仿生技术在生物动力机系统开发中的基础作用;简要介绍了与生物动力机系统相关的材料科学研究方向;指出了生物动力机系统要求动力学研究的内容;提出了保障生物动力机系统安全、可靠、连续运行的控制目标。最后强调生物动力机系统的发展要求多学科相互合作、共同发展,引出了生物动力机系统相关学科群的建立。  相似文献   

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