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Current evidence suggests that endothelium-derived factors enhance human melanoma vascular invasion. Therefore, we studied human melanoma cell expression of receptors to the endothelium-derived peptide, endothelin-1 (ET-1), and determined if they respond to ET-1 with proliferation and chemokinesis. Human metastatic melanoma cell lines were found to have specific, saturable, high affinity ET-1 binding. Northern analysis and competitive inhibition studies confirmed that melanoma cells express the ETB receptor isoform. Ten nanomolar ET-1 caused an 8.2 to 25.5-fold increase in intracellular free calcium. ET-1 was found to be a weak mitogen for melanoma cells, however, melanoma cell chemokinesis was significantly increased by ET-1. These data suggest that ET-1 may be involved in providing a chemokinetic and growth factor environment that enhances perivascular proliferation and invasiveness of melanoma cells.  相似文献   

Schwann cell is a cell type that forms myelin sheath and provides trophic supports for neuronal cells by producing neurotrophic factors such as neurotrophins and neurokines in both normal and traumatic situations. It was recently reported that after lesion of sciatic nerve, mRNA for cholinergic differentiation factor (CDF)/leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is induced in nonneuronal cells in the nerve. However, the source of LIF-mRNA and the mechanism of LIF-mRNA regulation have remained largely unknown. In the present study, we searched for factors regulating the LIF-mRNA expression in cultured Schwann cells isolated from newborn rat sciatic nerve. Among various growth factors and cytokines tested, TGF beta-1 exerted the most prominent effect on the induction of LIF-mRNA in the cultured Schwann cells. The effect of TGF-beta 1 on the increase of LIF-mRNA levels was suppressed by either staurosporine or H-7 suggesting the role of PKC or PKC-like protein kinase activity in the induction of LIF-mRNA. The induction of LIF mRNA by TGF-beta 1 was suppressed in the co-culture of the Schwann cells with embryonic rat DRG neurons. The addition of ascorbic acid, which is known to promote myelination in this co-culture system, further suppressed the TGF-beta 1 induction of LIF-mRNA. These results suggest that Schwann cells respond to TGF-beta 1 in a lesion situation to produce LIF, which supports neuronal survival and regeneration. The re-establishment of neuron-Schwann cell interaction would in turn suppress the LIF production to terminate its action during the lesion situation.  相似文献   

Members of the CD44 family of cell surface hyaluronate-binding proteins have been implicated in cell migration, cell-matrix interactions and tumor progression. To determine whether these proteins might play a role in the normal functions of Schwann cells and in their tumorigenesis, we examined the patterns of CD44 expression in Schwann cells from rat peripheral nerve, rat Schwann cell tumor lines, and human schwannomas. Normal rat spinal nerves and primary Schwann cell cultures expressed standard CD44 (CD44s) but not alternatively spliced variant isoforms. In contrast, rat Schwann cell tumor lines expressed both CD44s and a number of variants, including proteins containing sequences encoded by exon v6. Furthermore, we found that these cell lines bind hyaluronate, and that their cell surface hyaluronate binding correlates with CD44 expression. All of the human schwannomas also expressed CD44 variants, especially epitopes encoded by exon v5, the border between v7 and v8, and v9-10. These data indicate that Schwann cells normally express CD44s, that Schwann cell tumors express both CD44s and particular variants of CD44, and that CD44s and possibly variants of CD44 are involved in hyaluronate recognition by Schwann cell tumors.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors model the nonmonotonic relation between body mass index (BMI) (weight (kg)/height2 (m2)) and mortality in 13,242 black and white participants in the NHANES I Epidemiologic Follow-up Study in order to estimate the BMI at which minimum mortality occurs. The BMI of minimum mortality was 27.1 for black men (95% confidence interval (CI) 24.8-29.4), 26.8 for black women (95% CI 24.7-28.9), 24.8 for white men (95% CI 23.8-25.9), and 24.3 for white women (95% CI 23.3-25.4). Each confidence interval included the group average. Analyses conducted by smoking status and after exclusion of persons with baseline illness and persons who died during the first 4 years of follow-up led to virtually identical estimates. The authors determined the range of values over which risk of all-cause mortality would increase no more than 20% in comparison with the minimum. This interval was nine BMI units wide, and it included 70% of the population. These results were confirmed by parallel analyses using quantiles. The model used allowed the estimation of parameters in the BMI-mortality relation. The resulting empirical findings from each of four race/sex groups, which are representative of the US population, demonstrate a wide range of BMIs consistent with minimum mortality and do not suggest that the optimal BMI is at the lower end of the distribution for any subgroup.  相似文献   

Type 1 Neurofibromatosis (NF1) is characterized by the formation of neurofibromas, benign tumors composed mainly of Schwann cells, which can turn malignant to form neurofibrosarcomas. Neurofibromin, the protein product of the Nf1 gene, is believed to act as a tumor suppressor, accelerating the conversion of the oncogene Ras to its inactive form. The absence of neurofibromin could therefore lead to higher Ras activity in Schwann cells, resulting in uncontrolled growth through a cascade of events not yet elucidated. We describe the abnormal expression of high levels of the Kit tyrosine kinase receptor in both NF1-derived Schwann cell lines and tissue, as compared to primary Schwann cells or schwannoma-derived cells. High levels of Kit expression in the neurofibrosarcoma-derived Schwann cells correlate with a decrease in neurofibromin expression. Using inhibitors of tyrosine kinase receptors, we found that proliferation of the neurofibrosarcoma-derived cells is dependent upon activation of a subclass of tyrosine-kinase receptors. The proliferation of these cells is not dependent upon an autocrine loop involving typical Schwann cell mitogens. Finally, the proliferation of the neurofibrosarcoma-derived Schwann cells can be increased by stimulation with Kit ligand. These data implicate Kit as one of the components leading to the Schwann cell hyperplasia observed in NF1.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro, proliferating motile myoblasts form aligned groups of cells, with a characteristic bipolar morphology, subsequently become post-mitotic, begin to express skeletal myosin and fuse. We were interested in whether members of the myosin superfamily were involved in myogenesis. We found that the myoblasts expressed multiple myosin isoforms, from at least five different classes of the myosin superfamily (classes I, II, V, VII and IX), using RT-PCR and degenerate primers to conserved regions of myosin. All of these myosin isoforms were expressed most highly in myoblasts and their expression decreased as they differentiated into mature myotubes, by RNAse protection assays, and Western analysis. However, only myosin I alpha, non-muscle myosin IIA and IIB together with actin relocalize in response to the differentiative state of the cell. In single cells, myosin I alpha was found at the leading edge, in rear microspikes and had a punctate cytoplasmic staining, and non-muscle myosin was associated with actin bundles as previously described for fibroblasts. In aligned groups of cells, all these proteins were found at the plasma membrane. Co-staining for skeletal myosin II, and myosin I alpha showed that myosin I alpha also appeared to be expressed at higher levels in post-mitotic myoblasts that had begun to express skeletal myosin prior to fusion. In early myotubes, actin and non-muscle myosin IIA and IIB remained localized at the membrane. All of the other myosin isoforms we looked at, myosin V, myosin IX and a second isoform of myosin I (mouse homologue to myr2) showed a punctate cytoplasmic staining which did not change as the myoblasts differentiated. In conclusion, although we found that myoblasts express many different isoforms of the myosin superfamily, only myosin I alpha, non-muscle myosin IIA and IIB appear to play any direct role in myogenesis.  相似文献   

Expression of the homing-associated cell adhesion molecule/HCAM (CD44) in normal/reactive and neoplastic human tissue mast cells (TMC) was determined immunohistochemically using the antibody DAKO-DF1485, which detects all isoforms of CD44. Studies were performed on 30 routinely processed specimens. Twenty of these, from bone marrow, skin, spleen, liver, lymph node and jejunal mucosa, contained infiltrates of TMC. These represented various types of generalized mastocytosis/systemic mast cell disease, including benign systemic mastocytosis. Ten specimens consisted of tissue with a marked reactive increase in TMC; most of these were lymph nodes with chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis and benign or malignant solid tumours. In all 30 specimens TMC exhibited an annular pattern of immunostaining, which was usually very strong. Both normal/reactive and neoplastic TMC exhibited consistent immunoreactivity with the antibody DAKO-DF1485, and this antibody may be of diagnostic value in the detection of atypical TMC associated with malignant mastocytosis. TMC and their neoplastic derivatives belong to a large family of mesenchymal and epithelial cells containing the principal surface receptor for hyaluronan.  相似文献   

Little is known of the peptide ligands expressed in vivo on antigen-presenting cells (APC) or of the APC lineages involved. In this study we have addressed this question using HLA-DRbeta1*0101-restricted CD4 T cell clones (TLC) specific for a synthetic peptide based on the HIV-1 gp120 V3 loop consensus sequence for the Clade B isolates predominantly found in European and North American patients. These TLC were found to respond, in a dose-dependent manner, to freshly isolated HIV-infected patient APC in the absence of exogenously added peptides. Further APC purification showed that the naturally expressed peptide ligands were present in both the APC lineages shown to be infected with the virus and were most strongly detectable on purified blood dendritic cells. Peptides based on consensus sequences of viruses isolated from one of the patients over the period when naturally expressed peptide ligands could be detected were all found to stimulate TLC proliferation. These studies, therefore, show that peptide ligands derived from natural infection are detectable on APC lineages, particularly on dendritic cells which play an important role in the immune response to viruses. Even small differences in sequence between the vaccine isolate and the natural infection, if they occur in the key residues of protective T cell epitopes, could therefore have a profound effect on the efficacy of vaccines against viruses with high rates of mutation.  相似文献   

The manner of locomotion of Schwann cells during normal development was studied by means of repeated observations and photomicrographs of individual cells at closely spaced time intervals and focal levels. In developing tadpole peripheral nerves, Schwann cells move sporadically with brief periods of rapid translation of the whole cell interspersed with longer intervals when the cell shows little or no overall movement. Highest rates of locomotion averaged 5 micrometer/minute with a duration of no greater than four to six minutes. Net rates of speed measured over at least 20 minutes were always considerably lower, with the average being 1.9 micrometer/minute. Rapid locomotion involves protrusion and growth of several pseudopodia, while the cell body remains in place, followed by attachment of these processes to an axonal surface, and finally detachment of the trailing portions of the cell as the entire cell hitches forward, "inchworm-style".  相似文献   

To understand the regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis in hepatocytes, we have used two specific inhibitors of serine-threonine protein phosphatases (PP), microcystin (MCYST) and okadaic acid (OKA) as probes to alter protein phosphorylation in hepatocytes. We have then examined the impact of these changes on the specific binding and uptake of transferrin (Tf) in hepatocytes. The measurement of PP activity in hepatocyte lysates showed that OKA and MCYST shared a common inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Our results showed that both OKA (250 nmol/L) and MCYST (500 nmol/L) significantly reduced Tf uptake at steady state (P < or = .05). The measurement of Tf internalization after 15 minutes in protein phosphatase inhibitor-pretreated cells revealed that the initial uptake was also significantly reduced. Binding studies showed that pretreatment with either of the phosphatase inhibitors did not result in significant changes in the K(d) for Tf binding to transferrin receptor (TfR). Additionally, no significant changes in the number of TfR in the plasma membrane were observed in phosphatase inhibitor-pretreated cells. The treatment of hepatocytes with nocodazole (NOC), which results in microtubule disassembly and inhibition of microtubule-based vesicle transport, caused comparable reductions in initial and steady state levels of transferrin accumulation. The changes in transferrin accumulation by both phosphatase inhibitors and nocodazole were accompanied by redistribution of the microtubule-anchored Golgi apparatus and lysosomal network from the perinuclear region to the cell periphery. Our data show that the regulation of Tf uptake by receptor-mediated endocytosis is mediated by PP2A and additionally may occur through regulation of microtubule-based vesicle transport.  相似文献   

V-1 protein is a novel member of the cdc10/SWI6 motif-containing protein superfamily several members of which have been demonstrated to play crucial roles in the regulation of intracellular signaling. In the present study we examined the distribution of V-1 mRNA in the murine central nervous system (CNS). Northern analysis revealed the expression of V-1 mRNA in various regions of the brain with the following rank order: hippocampus, cerebellum > cerebral cortex, olfactory bulb, medulla oblongata, pons > thalamus. In situ hybridization also showed that V-1 mRNA is widely distributed in various regions of the brain, with parallel expression levels to those revealed by Northern analysis. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the V-1 protein exists in various types of neurons, mainly in cell bodies but also in dendrites, axons and possibly in synaptic areas. These expression patterns of the V-1 gene in the murine CNS suggest that the V-1 protein performs some common function in different classes of neurons. We found no significant difference in the expression level of V-1 mRNA in cerebellar granule cells between the control and mutant mice of Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd). In comparison with our previous data obtained in another mutant, staggerer, we discussed the effects of target deprivation on the expression of V-1 mRNA in cerebellar granule cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the interactions of adrenal chromaffin and Schwann cells in a coculture system to observe whether denervated Schwann cells induce and support chromaffin cell differentiation in a manner analogous to nerve growth factor (NGF). Schwann cells induce both the accumulation of intense clumps of cocultured chromaffin cells on their surfaces and intense neurite outgrowth. This interaction is not blocked by antibodies to NGF or laminin. Conditioned medium from Schwann cell cultures fosters neurite outgrowth in chromaffin cells in a fashion qualitatively similar to NGF. Our data indicate that denervated Schwann cells exert a profound aggregating and differentiating effect upon chromaffin cells, inducing the expression of a neuronal phenotype via a predominantly NGF-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

In human neutrophils (PMN) the ethanolamine-containing phosphoglyceride fraction (PE), principally plasmalogen-linked PE (1-O-alk-1'-enyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine), is the major store of arachidonic acid (AA). Exogenous AA is initially incorporated into 1-acyl-linked phosphoglycerides and is believed to be transferred into the 1-ether-linked phosphoglycerides via the action of a CoA-independent transacylase (CoA-IT). We have investigated the selectivity for both the "acceptor' lysophospholipids and "donor' AA-containing phospholipid substrates in the CoA-IT reaction. Evidence suggests CoA-IT may also participate in the synthesis of platelet activating factor. The transfer of [3H]AA from endogenously labeled choline-containing phosphoglycerides (PC) to exogenously added alkenyl-lyso-PE (0-50 microM) was examined in saponin-permeabilized PMN. In these "donor' studies, we observed that [3H]AA was transferred from both alkyl- and diacyl-linked PC in a proportional manner. More detailed molecular species analysis showed that [3H]AA was deacylated from all the major AA-containing molecular species in both the alkyl and diacyl subclasses with no selectivity for either subclass. To investigate the "acceptor' selectivity, membrane fractions prelabeled with either [3H]alkyl-arachidonoyl-PE or -PC were utilized as donor substrates. Various unlabeled lysophospholipids (10 microM) were added and the generation of [3H]lyso-PE or -PC was monitored as a measure of CoA-IT activity. Significant subclass preference was observed upon addition of lyso-PE species (1-alkenyl > 1-alkyl > 1-acyl) however, little selectivity was seen with the corresponding lyso-PC species. On the other hand, lysophosphatidylserine, lysophosphatidylinositol, and lysophosphatidic acid all served as poor acceptor substrates in the reaction. These data from PMN are consistent with other evidence that the CoA-IT plays a pivotal role in the enrichment of AA into plasmalogen-linked PE.  相似文献   

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