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该文应用散射振幅函数的Wishart联合分布,推导了合成孔径雷达(SAR)多视图像中4个Stokes参数的概率密度函数(PDF)。用视图数和4个Stokes参数的均值解析表达的PDF与现有的R.Touzi和A.Lopes(1996)的结果作了比较。同时,用机载SAR在几个典型区域上的多波段(P,L,C)成像数据验证了4个Stokes参数的理论统计分布,讨论了有效视图数、方差和分布斜度。实验数据与理论分布有相当好的吻合,还讨论了PDF在地表分类中的应用。  相似文献   

The multilook processing used in SAR (synthetic aperture radar) image formation to reduce the speckle noise is considered. Two multilook techniques are proposed for improving the radiometric resolution without altering the geometric resolution and the characteristics of the impulse response. These techniques are based on the formation of looks with different bandwidths. The final image is formed by giving each look a proper size and weighting, and by adding them incoherently. The looks with wide bandwidth contribute to an improvement of the overall geometric resolution, while the looks with narrow bandwidth improve the overall radiometric resolution. The equivalent number of looks is more than 2.3 times the number of independent looks and is superior to conventional multilook processing with overlapping. Finally, using the proposed techniques, an algorithm for efficient SAR and ScanSAR processing is presented, and its validity is proved by image comparison and analysis  相似文献   

Polarimetric and interferometric SAR data are frequently multilook processed for speckle reduction and data compression. The statistical characteristics of multilook data are quite different from those of single-look data. The authors investigate the statistics of their intensity and phase. Probability density function (PDF's) of the multilook phase difference, magnitude of complex product, and intensity and amplitude ratios between two components of the scattering matrix are derived, and expressed in closed forms. The PDF's depend on the complex correlation coefficient and the number of looks. Comparisons of these theoretically derived PDF's are made to measurements from NASA/JPL AIRSAR data. The results of this paper can be applied to feature classification using polarimetric SAR and to the estimation of decorrelation effects of the interferometric SAR  相似文献   

This paper examines the statistics of the phase and magnitude of multilook synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferograms toward deployment of along-track interferometry (ATI) for slow ground moving-target indication (GMTI). While the known probability density function (pdf) of the interferogram's phase (derived under the assumption of Gaussian backscatter) is shown to agree almost perfectly for a wide variety of backscatter conditions, the corresponding magnitude's pdf tends to deviate strongly in most cases. Motivated by this discrepancy, a novel distribution is derived for the interferogram's magnitude. This pdf, called the polynomial or p-distribution, matches the real data much more accurately, particularly for heterogeneous composite terrain. For extremely heterogeneous terrain, such as urban areas, both pdfs for interferometric phase and magnitude fail and are extended. Based on these statistics, a completely automatic detection scheme with constant false-alarm rates (CFARs) for slow moving targets is proposed. All involved parameters required to determine the detection thresholds are estimated from the sample data. It is demonstrated, on the basis of experimental airborne SAR data, that this detector is capable of detecting slow moving vehicles within severe ground clutter.  相似文献   

全极化合成孔径雷达多视图像的极化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文基于乘性相干斑模型,对全极化合成孔径雷达多视图像的极化特征参数(同极化比、交叉极化比和同极化相位差)进行了分析,利用实际的模拟数据对特征参数的PDF进行了拟合测试,分析了多视极化特征参数的统计特性对极化相干斑抑制算法的影响。利用极化比和相位差的特点,对地物进行分类,所得分类精度与利用最优极化分类法的分类精度具有可比性。  相似文献   

When deriving a directional ocean wave spectrum from a synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) image of the ocean surface, spectral analysis of the image data is a key step. In this paper, a quantitative comparison of spectral analysis techniques for analysis of multilook SAR image data of ocean waves is presented. Performance is rated using a spectral SNR, defined as the ratio of the desired spectral signature to the speckle noise as it appears in the SAR image spectrum. Spectral techniques considered cover all of those now in use (including SAR processor focus adjustment) as well as new experimental methods. It is shown that the spectral-phase-shift technique, introduced in this paper, is the best approach: it maximizes the spectral SNR, it allows resolution of the 180° directional ambiguity, and it applies simultaneously to all wave components present in the scene  相似文献   

Radar scattering from an illuminated object is often highly dependent on the target-sensor orientation. In typical synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery, the information in the multi-aspect target signatures is diffused in the image-formation process. In an effort to exploit the aspect dependence of the target signature, the authors employ a sequence of directional filters to the SAR imagery, thereby generating a sequence of subaperture images that recover the directional dependence of the target scattering. The scattering statistics are then used to design a hidden Markov model (HMM), wherein the orientation-dependent scattering statistics are exploited explicitly. This approach fuses information embodied in the orientation-dependent target signature under the assumption that. Both the target identity and orientation are unknown. Performance is assessed by considering the detection of tactical targets concealed in foliage, using measured foliage-penetrating (FOPEN) SAR data  相似文献   

赵泉华  王肖  李玉  王光辉 《通信学报》2020,41(3):91-101
针对虚警目标较多的复杂场景中,传统舰船检测算法检测结果精度偏低的问题,提出了一种基于多特征加权的SAR影像舰船检测优化方法。首先,采用标记分水岭算法对SAR幅度影像进行去陆操作;其次,利用基于对数正态分布的恒虚警率算法,得到去陆SAR影像的候选目标;再次,提取候选目标的长宽比、舰船面积和对比度3个特征;最后,提出变异系数法对3个特征进行权重分配,并结合候选目标的归一化特征矢量计算其特征置信度,再确定最佳置信度,去除候选目标中的虚警目标,优化舰船检测结果。为了验证所提方法,选取不同复杂场景的高分三号SAR影像进行舰船检测实验。实验结果表明,所提方法具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

基于极化似然比的极化SAR影像变化检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于数据获取困难等问题,目前SAR影像变化检测方法多基于幅度,而较少引入极化信息.针对此方面的不足,以极化SAR数据为研究对象,在分析多极化SAR影像极化特征及其分布模型的基础上,构建极化似然比检验模型,以此进行不同时相的多极化SAR数据地表地物变化程度分析,通过设定恒虚警率确定变化区域,最后考虑地物空间信息剔出斑点噪声引起的孤立检测结果.利用多极化SAR数据进行算法的验证,并与图像比值法进行比较,实验表明:基于极化似然比方法可以有效区分地物的变化情况,且变化检测精度要优于图像比值法.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical results are presented for ultra wide-band (UWB) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signatures of buried anti-tank and anti-personnel mines. Such are characterized by resonance-like peaks as well as valleys, across the 50-1200 MHz bandwidth considered. Consequently, frequency subbanding is used to highlight one target over another, of application to discriminating targets (mines) from clutter  相似文献   

黄勇  王建国  黄顺吉 《信号处理》2003,19(Z1):191-194
本文提出一种基于分段的变化检测方法,该方法首先实现全局最优的图像分段,再根据位置信息产生最佳的变化检测分段图像,最后根据图像灰度和纹理信息对图像进行变化检测,利用合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像进行的实验表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

提出了一种无监督SAR图像变化检测算法,利用数据聚类思想,通过进化算法寻找最小均方误差,得到变化检测结果.在原有Memetic算法基础上,针对图像自身特点,提出全新的搜索策略并根据当前检测结果动态调整局部搜索算法,实现了粗细结合的搜索过程.算法不受分布模型限制,不需要先验知识,适用性较强.将改进的算法与GA、ICSA及原MA进行比较,实验证明,该算法可以快速收敛.对真实SAR图像进行检测,可以得到较好的检测结果.  相似文献   

多视处理是合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像纹斑噪声抑制的一种基本方法。在这种方法里,用一组多视滤波器将图像的多普勒谱分成若干个子带,相邻子带之间可以有一定的重叠;首先由每个子带生成一幅子图像,然后再将这些子图像非相干平均起来。在传统的多视处理中,相邻子带重叠宽度的选择是经验性的。提出了相邻子带重叠宽度的一种最优化算法。采用图像的标准差与均值的比值作为衡量纹斑噪声强弱的一种测度,选择相邻子带重叠宽度以最小化这一测度。实验证明,在分辨率保持不变的条件下,该算法在纹斑噪声抑制方面优于传统算法。  相似文献   

The paper addresses the detection of changes in multitemporal polarimetric radar images, focusing on small objects and narrow linear features. The images were acquired at C- and L-band by the airborne EMISAR system. It is found that the radar intensities are better suited for change detection than the correlation coefficient and the phase difference between the co-polarized channels. In the case of linear features, there is no obvious difference between the C- and L-bands , and slight variations of the flight tracks are acceptable at look angles larger than 35 degrees. Theoretical detection thresholds are evaluated from the statistical distribution of the intensity ratio due to speckle. For the linear features and for urban environments, the observed thresholds are larger than the theoretical predictions. This is interpreted as an effect of radar intensity variations on length scales smaller than the spatial image resolution. The signature of urban areas is very sensitive to deviations between the flight tracks, and the sensitivity is larger at C-band than at L-band. On the other hand, the intensity contrast between buildings and the urban background is smaller at L-band and larger at C-band. For change detection, thresholds may have to be chosen separately for each object class because the intensity ratios of different object classes vary differently as a function of time  相似文献   

针对常规恒虚警率(CFAR)方法对低信杂比合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像舰船目标检测效果不佳的问题,提出一种结合空间信息的星载SAR图像舰船目标检测方法。该方法通过将像素的空间信息与灰度信息相结合构造联合图像,以提高目标与背景的对比度,然后对联合图像进行CFAR检测。基于不同分辨力实测星载SAR图像舰船目标检测的实验结果表明,与直接基于CFAR的方法相比,该方法对低信杂比SAR图像具有更好的检测性能。  相似文献   

The authors have studied the significance of non-Gaussian signal statistics in some synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the ocean surface. The study consisted of calculating the amplitude histogram of the returned echoes from the images and comparing these with the Rayleigh- and Kν-distributions, corresponding to the Gaussian and non-Gaussian statistics, respectively. The images used were some C-band SAR data from the Canadian airborne SAR collected during the NORCSEX'88 campaign and some ERS-1 data collected during the NORCSEX'91 campaign. The analysis of the NORCSEX'88 data included studies of the dependency of the signal statistics on incidence angle and meteorological and imaging conditions. It was found, specifically at small incidence angles, that there was a significant deviation from Gaussian statistics. It was also found that when the wind was blowing against the waves, the deviation from Gaussian statistics was more pronounced than when the wind was blowing in the same direction as the waves were propagating. The study also showed a correlation between the signal statistics and the width of the SAR image spectra. At low incidence angles, this agrees with the interpretation that non-Gaussian statistics may be related to strong widebanded scattering events. However, since non-Gaussian statistics also were observed at incidence angles as high as 50°, it is evident that the modulation of the scattering cross section by the long waves is also an important factor. In addition, the analysis of the ERS-1 data showed that to account for the width of the SAR image spectra, an azimuth smearing term, due to short scene coherence time, had to be included. This was in the present work done by modeling the short-coherence-time-smearing as a Gaussian low-pass filter. By this procedure, the authors were able to obtain realistic estimates for the average scene coherence time of the SAR scenes  相似文献   

Spatial compression of Seasat SAR imagery   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The results of a study of the techniques for spatial compression of synthetic-aperture-radar (SAR) imagery are summarized. Emphasis is on image-data volume reduction for archive and online storage applications while preserving the image resolution and radiometric fidelity. A quantitative analysis of various techniques, including vector quantization (VQ) and adaptive discrete cosine transform (ADCT), is presented. Various factors such as compression ratio, algorithm complexity, and image quality are considered in determining the optimal algorithm. The compression system requirements are established for electronic access of an online archive system based on the results of a survey of the science community. The various algorithms are presented and their results evaluated considering the effects of speckle noise and the wide dynamic range inherent in SAR imagery  相似文献   

This paper deals with the automatic extraction of the road network in dense urban areas using a few-meters-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. The first part presents the proposed method, which is an adaptation of previous work to the specific case of urban areas. The major modifications are 1) the clique potentials of the Markov random field that extracts the road network are adapted and 2) a multiscale framework is used. Results on shuttle mission and aerial SAR images with different resolutions are presented. The second part is dedicated to road extraction combining two SAR images taken with different flight directions (orthogonal and antiparallel passes), and the obtained improvement is analyzed.  相似文献   

A heterogeneity feature, calculable from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images on a per-pixel basis, but relying on global image statistics, is defined and discussed. Starting from the multiplicative speckle and texture models relating the amount of texture and speckle to the local mean and variance at every pixel, such a feature is rigorously derived from Shannon's information theory as the conditional information of local standard deviation to local mean. Thanks to robust statistical estimation, it is very little sensitive to the noise affecting SAR data, and thus capable of capturing subtle variations of texture whenever they are embedded in a heavy speckle. Experimental results carried out on two SAR images with different degrees of noisiness demonstrate that the proposed feature is likely to be useful for a variety of automated segmentation and classification tasks.  相似文献   

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