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Maddox BR Park HS Hawreliak J Elsholz A Van Maren R Remington BA Comley A Wark JS 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10E522
A new diagnostic for measuring Bragg diffraction of petawatt-generated high-energy x rays off a laser-compressed crystal was designed and tested successfully at the Omega EP laser facility on static Mo and Ta (111) oriented single crystal samples using a 17.5 keV Mo?Kα backlighter. The Bragg diffraction imager consists of a heavily shielded enclosure and a precisely positioned beam block attached to the enclosure by an aluminum arm. Fuji image plates are used as the x-ray detectors. The diffraction from Mo and Ta (222) crystal planes was clearly detected with a high signal-to-noise. This technique will be applied to shock- and quasi-isentropically loaded single crystals on the Omega EP laser. 相似文献
Total-reflection mirror optics for high-energy x-ray microfocusing have been developed, and tested in the energy range of 30-100 keV at beamline 20XU of Synchrotron Radiation Facility SPring-8. The optical system consists of a Kirkpatrick-Baez-type [J. Opt. Soc. Am. 38, 766 (1548)] focusing optics with aspherical total-reflection mirrors for the purpose of reducing the spherical aberrations. A focused beam size of 0.35 x 0.4 microm(2) has been achieved at an x-ray energy of 80 keV, and the measured spot size was less than 1 microm in the x-ray energy region below 90 keV. 相似文献
The logarithmic image processing (LIP) model is a mathematical framework which provides algebraic and functional operations for the processing of intensity images valued in a bounded range. The LIP model has been proved to be physically consistent, most notably with some image formation models and several laws and characteristics of human brightness perception. This paper addresses the image focus measurement problem using the LIP model. The three most classical image focus measurements: the sum-modified-Laplacian, the tenengrad and the variance, which aim at estimating the degree of focus of an acquired image by emphasizing and quantifying its sharpness information, are considered and reinterpreted using the LIP framework. These reinterpretations notably make attempts at evaluating degrees of focus in terms of human brightness (sensation) from physical light stimuli. Their potential is illustrated and validated on shape-from-focus issues on both simulated data and real acquisitions in digital optical microscopy. The concept of shape-from-focus involves recovering the shape of an observed thick sample by locally maximizing a focus measurement throughout a sequence of differently focused images. Finally, it is shown that the LIP-based focus measurements clearly outperform their respective classical ones. 相似文献
Quantitative characterization of nanoparticles, e.g. accurate estimation of concentration distributions, is critical to many pharmaceutical and biological applications. We present a method that enables for the first time highly accurate size and absolute concentration measurements of polydisperse nanoparticles in solution, based on fluorescence single particle tracking, that are self‐calibrated in the sense that the detection region volume is estimated based on the tracking data. The method is evaluated using simulations and experimental data of polystyrene nanospheres in water/sucrose solution. In addition, the method is used to quantify aggregation and clearance of different types of liposomes after intravenous injection in rats, where additional and more accurate information can be obtained that was previously unavailable, which can help elucidate their usefulness as drug carriers. 相似文献
An edge detection method for the measurement of steel plate’s thermal expansion is proposed in this paper, where the shrinkage
of a steel plate is measured when temperature drops. First, images are picked up by an imaging system; a method of regional
edge detection based on grayscales’ sudden change is then applied to detect the edges of the steel plate; finally, pixel coordinates
of the edge position are transformed to physical coordinates through calibration parameters. The experiment shows that the
real-time, high precision, and non-contact measurement of the steel plate’s edge position under high temperature can be realized
using the imaging measurement method established in this paper. 相似文献
Kuendong Ha 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2000,14(5):518-529
A detailed and thorough parametric study of digital image correlation method is presented. A theoretical background and development of the method were introduced and the effects of various parameters on the determination of displacement outputs from the raw original and deformed image information were examined. Use of the normalized correlation coefficient, the use of 20 to 40 pixels for a searching window side, 6 variables searching, bi-cubic spline subpixel interpolations and the use of coarse-fine search are some of the key choices among the results of parametric studies. The displacement outputs can be further processed with two dimensional curve fitting for the data noise reduction as well as displacement gradient calculation. 相似文献
Rahinov I Toker Y Heber O Strasser D Rappaport M Schwalm D Zajfman D 《The Review of scientific instruments》2012,83(3):033302
A technique for mass-selective lifetime measurements of keV ions in a linear electrostatic ion beam trap is presented. The technique is based on bunching the ions using a weak RF potential and non-destructive ion detection by a pick-up electrode. This method has no mass-limitation, possesses the advantage of inherent mass-selectivity, and offers a possibility of measuring simultaneously the lifetimes of different ion species with no need for prior mass-selection. 相似文献
An industrial x-ray inspection system has recently established by our group to examine large and dense objects available in industry. It consists of an industrial x-ray generator having a tube voltage of 450?kV and a focal spot size of 1?mm, a flat-panel detector having a pixel size of 200?µm and a pixel dimension of 2048?×?2048, and a mechanical support for object’s installation. For improving the image characteristics of the system, an effective blind deblurring method based on compressed-sensing scheme is reported. Blind deblurring is the image restoration by estimating the original image and the degradation mechanism using partial information on both. Compressed-sensing is a relatively new mathematical theory for solving the inverse problems. Systematic measurements were performed and the image characteristics of the restored images were quantitatively evaluated using several image-quality indicators. The results demonstrate that the deblurring method is effective for industrial x-ray inspection systems. 相似文献
van der Linden PJ Mathon O Strohm C Sikora M 《The Review of scientific instruments》2008,79(7):075104
We have developed a versatile experimental apparatus for synchrotron x-ray measurements in pulsed high magnetic fields. The apparatus consists of a double cryostat incorporating a liquid nitrogen bath to cool the miniature pulsed coil and an independent helium flow cryostat allowing sample temperatures from 4 up to 250 K. The high duty cycle miniature pulsed coils can generate up to 38 T. During experiments at 30 T a repetition rate of 6 pulsesmin was routinely reached. Using a 4 kJ power supply, the pulse duration was between 500 mus and 1 ms. The setup was used for nuclear forward scattering measurements on 57Fe up to 25 T on the ESRF beamline ID18. In another experiment, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism was measured up to 30 T on the ESRF energy dispersive beamline ID24. 相似文献
基于彩色CCD的比色测温校正方法 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
基于彩色CCD的比色测温技术是当前高温测量领域中的研究热点之一.被测物体的发射率随辐射波长变化以及CCD光谱响应特性非理想是该方法的主要误差来源.通过对比色测温原理和CCD成像原理的分析,提出了含有发射率校正系数和CCD响应带宽校正系数的比色测温公式,以减少CCD光谱响应特性非理想和被测辐射体发射率变化带来的测量误差.提出利用黑体炉实验标定CCD响应带宽校正系数a、b,利用现场实验标定发射率校正系数c.实验表明,本方法能有效地减小测温误差,具有较强的实用性. 相似文献
Comparison of FRF measurements and mode shapes determined using optically image based, laser, and accelerometer measurements 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Christopher WarrenChristopher Niezrecki Peter AvitabilePawan Pingle 《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2011,25(6):2191-2202
Today, accelerometers and laser Doppler vibrometers are widely accepted as valid measurement tools for structural dynamic measurements. However, limitations of these transducers prevent the accurate measurement of some phenomena. For example, accelerometers typically measure motion at a limited number of discrete points and can mass load a structure. Scanning laser vibrometers have a very wide frequency range and can measure many points without mass-loading, but are sensitive to large displacements and can have lengthy acquisition times due to sequential measurements. Image-based stereo-photogrammetry techniques provide additional measurement capabilities that compliment the current array of measurement systems by providing an alternative that favors high-displacement and low-frequency vibrations typically difficult to measure with accelerometers and laser vibrometers. Within this paper, digital image correlation, three-dimensional (3D) point-tracking, 3D laser vibrometry, and accelerometer measurements are all used to measure the dynamics of a structure to compare each of the techniques. Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks, so comparative measurements are made using these approaches to show some of the strengths and weaknesses of each technique. Additionally, the displacements determined using 3D point-tracking are used to calculate frequency response functions, from which mode shapes are extracted. The image-based frequency response functions (FRFs) are compared to those obtained by collocated accelerometers. Extracted mode shapes are then compared to those of a previously validated finite element model (FEM) of the test structure and are shown to have excellent agreement between the FEM and the conventional measurement approaches when compared using the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) and Pseudo-Orthogonality Check (POC). 相似文献
Miller GL Boie RA Cowan PL Golovchenko JA Kerr RW Robinson DA 《The Review of scientific instruments》1979,50(9):1062-1069
Certain types of x-ray experiments require very precise angular positioning of crystals in the vicinity of the Bragg reflection condition. A system applicable to some measurement of this type is described which achieves a long-term angular stability of approximately 10(-7) radians, coupled with a linear angular readout. This is achieved through a novel capacitance sensing system which provides angle measurement, together with the use of an auxilliary servo loop based on the Bragg condition to ensure long-term overall angular stability. 相似文献
Individual x rays of 5.9 and 22.4 keV have been detected and energy analyzed in single pixels of a CCD image sensor. The results indicate the CCD operates as an array of tiny Si solid state detectors providing both high spatial resolution and x-ray energy discrimination. These devices will prove useful sensors at the focus of future x-ray telescopes. 相似文献
Bertilson MC Takman PA Holmberg A Vogt U Hertz HM 《The Review of scientific instruments》2007,78(2):026103
We demonstrate a laboratory-scale arrangement for rapid and accurate measurements of the absolute and local efficiency of soft x-ray micro zone plates in the water window. This in-house instrument is based on a single-line lambda = 2.88 nm liquid-jet laser-plasma source. Measurements are performed by a simultaneous comparison of first diffraction-order photon flux with the flux in a calibrated reference signal. This arrangement eliminates existing source emission fluctuations. The performance of the method is demonstrated by the result from measurements of two approximately 55 microm diameter nickel micro zone plates, showing a groove efficiency of 12.9% +/- 1.1% and 11.7% +/- 1.0%. Furthermore, we show that spatially resolved efficiency mapping is an effective tool for a detailed characterization of local zone plate properties. Thus, this laboratory-scale instrument allows rapid feedback to the fabrication process which is important for future improvements. 相似文献
A sensitive, efficient image intensifier-TV x-ray detector is described that has been optimized for a large class of diffraction studies of biological structures. All of the major components are commercially available. The system is well suited to measuring the intensity of diffraction patterns that are weak, or changing with time. Because there is no count rate limitation, it is particularly well suited for studies utilizing the high fluxes of synchrotron sources. 相似文献
V. Bullman 《Journal of microscopy》2003,211(1):95-100
The automated collection of topographic images from an optical profilometer coupled with existing image analysis software offers the unique ability to quantify three‐dimensional particle morphology. Optional software available with most optical profilers permits automated collection of adjacent topographic images of particles dispersed onto a suitable substrate. Particles are recognized in the image as a set of continuous pixels with grey‐level values above the grey level assigned to the substrate, whereas particle height or thickness is represented in the numerical differences between these grey levels. These images are loaded into remote image analysis software where macros automate image processing, and then distinguish particles for feature analysis, including standard two‐dimensional measurements (e.g. projected area, length, width, aspect ratios) and third‐dimensional measurements (e.g. maximum height, mean height). Feature measurements from each calibrated image are automatically added to cumulative databases and exported to a commercial spreadsheet or statistical program for further data processing and presentation. An example is given that demonstrates the superiority of quantitative three‐dimensional measurements by optical profilometry and image analysis in comparison with conventional two‐dimensional measurements for the characterization of pharmaceutical powders with plate‐like particles. 相似文献
尽管大尺度粒子图像测速技术(LSPIV)在水流测速方面具有优势,但该方法得到的瞬时流场矢量正确率低,导致了时均流场重建误差大。提出了一种基于时空图像频谱的时均流场重建方法。首先利用示踪物在三维时空域中分布的相关性,通过在图像序列中设置的测速线合成时空图像;然后基于傅里叶变换的自配准性质建立时空图像纹理主方向和频谱主方向间的约束关系;最后采用由粗到精的搜索策略检测频谱主方向并估计测速线上一维运动矢量的大小。实验表明:采用此方法检测纹理图像频谱主方向可以达到0.1°的检测精度,对现场成像暗噪声类的干扰模式具有抗噪性,有效提高了时均流场重建的精确性。 相似文献
Fourmaux S Lecherbourg L Harmand M Servol M Kieffer JC 《The Review of scientific instruments》2007,78(11):113104
Recent progress in high intensity ultrafast laser systems provides the opportunity to produce laser plasma x-ray sources exhibiting broad spectrum and high average x-ray flux that are well adapted to x-ray absorption measurements. In this paper, the development of a laser based x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) beamline exhibiting high repetition rate by using the Advanced Laser Light Source (ALLS) facility 100 Hz laser system (100 mJ, 35 fs at 800 nm) is presented. This system is based on a broadband tantalum solid target soft x-ray source and a grazing incidence grating spectrometer in the 1-5 nm wavelength range. To demonstrate the high potential of this laser based XANES technique in condensed matter physics, material science, or biology, measurements realized with several samples are presented: VO2 vanadium L edge, Si3N4 nitrogen K edge, and BPDA/PPD polyimide carbon K edge. The characteristics of this laser based beamline are discussed in terms of brightness, signal to noise ratio, and compared to conventional synchrotron broadband x-ray sources which allow achieving similar measurements. Apart from the very compact size and the relative low cost, the main advantages of such a laser based soft x-ray source are the picosecond pulse duration and the perfect synchronization between this x-ray probe and a laser pulse excitation which open the way to the realization of time resolved x-ray absorption measurements with picosecond range time resolution to study the dynamics of ultrafast processes and phase transition. 相似文献
Particle size distribution and particle number concentration from diesel engines are subjects of significant environmental
concerns especially in the EU. A few years ago, the UN-ECE PMP proposed a method for measuring particle emissions in the diluted
exhaust of internal combustion engine vehicles, which has become a key method used in new dilution systems and sampling condition.
This paper describes the effects of parameters such as condensation particle counter (CPC) according to test procedures, test
fuel and vehicle test mode, including NEDC and CVS-75 mode. The main results obtained from this study can be summarized as
follows: (1) Periodic calibration of the CPC system is essential because the long-term usage of a CPC leads to an underestimation
in the measurements of small particles. (2) Particle emissions measured by the UN-ECE PMP method were found to exhibit comparable
repeatability as compared to other regulated emissions. (3) In particle number concentration emitted from different-fueled
vehicles, the sources of particle emissions in an ascending order of magnitude are as follows: DPF equipped diesel passenger
vehicles, gasoline and LPG fueled vehicles, and DPF unequipped diesel passenger vehicles. Also, we found that the particle
numbers of DPF equipped diesel passenger vehicles, gasoline and LPG-fueled vehicles can meet the EU regulation limit (<6.0×1011#/km), while DPF unequipped diesel passenger vehicles do not meet the EU limit. 相似文献
An instrument has been developed for x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements at high pressures and low temperatures. This instrument couples a nonmagnetic copper-beryllium diamond anvil cell featuring perforated diamonds with a helium flow cryostat and an electromagnet. The applied pressure can be controlled in situ using a gas membrane and calibrated using Cu K-edge x-ray absorption fine structure measurements. The performance of this instrument was tested by measuring the XMCD spectra of the Gd(5)Si(2)Ge(2) giant magnetocaloric material. 相似文献