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Three-dimensional images of microscopic objects can be obtained by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The imaging process in a CSLM consists of sampling a specific volume in the object and storing the result in a three-dimensional memory array of a digital computer. Methods are needed to visualize these images. In this paper three methods are discussed, each suitable in a specific area of application. For purposes where realistic rendering of solid or semi-transparent objects is required, an algorithm based on simulation of a fluorescence process is most suitable. When speed is essential, as for interactive purposes, a simple procedure to generate anaglyphs can be used. Both methods have in common that they require no previous interpretation or analysis of the image. When the study of an object imaged by CSLM involves analysis in terms of a geometrical model, sophisticated graphics techniques can be used to display the results of the analysis. 相似文献
The bilateral scanning approach to confocal microscopy is characterized by the direct generation of the image on a two-dimensional (2-D) detector. This detector can be a photographic plate, a CCD detector or the human eye, the human eye permitting direct visualization of the confocal image. Unlike Nipkow-type systems, laser light sources can be used for excitation. A design called a carousel has been developed, in which the bilateral confocal scan capability can be added to an existing microscope so that rapid exchange and comparison between confocal and non-confocal imaging conditions is possible. The design permits independent adjustment of confocal sectioning properties with lateral resolutions better than, or, in the worst case equivalent to, those available in conventional microscopy. The carousel can be considered as a stationary optical path in which certain imaging conditions, such as confocality, are defined and operate on part of the imaging field. The action of the bilateral scan mirror then extends this image condition over the whole field. A number of optical arrangements for the carousel are presented which realize various forms of confocal fluorescence and reflection imaging, with point, multiple point or slit confocal detection arrangements. Through the addition of active elements to the carousel direct stereoscopic, ratio, time-resolved and other types of imaging can be achieved, with direct image formation on a CCD, eye or other 2-D detectors without the need to modify the host microscope. Depending on the photon flux available, these imaging modes can run in real-time or can use a cooled CCD at (very) low light level for image integration over an extended period. 相似文献
A scanning confocal microscope using stationary slit apertures of variable width is described. Scanning is achieved by employing an oscillating mirror galvanometer capable of scanning images at 160 frames/s. The microscope depth-of-focus is characterized for several slit widths and shown to approach diffraction-limited performance as width decreases. Reduction of flare in images taken with narrow slit widths is demonstrated. In addition, the optical sectioning capability of the system is demonstrated using polymer casts of the vasculature of rat kidney. 相似文献
By physical rotation of the sample, axial tomography enables the acquisition of otherwise inaccessible spatial information from an object. In combination with confocal microscopy, the method can fundamentally improve the effective three‐dimensional (3D) resolution. In this report we present a novel method for high resolution reconstruction of confocal axial tomographic data. The method automatically determines the relative angles of rotation, aligns the data from different rotational views and reconstructs a single high resolution 3D dataset. The reconstruction makes use of a known point spread function and is based on an unconstrained maximum likelihood deconvolution performed simultaneously from multiple (in our case three) angular views. It was applied to simulated as well as to experimental confocal datasets. The gain in resolution was quantified and the effect of choice of overrelaxation factors on the speed of convergence was investigated. A clearly improved 3D resolution was obtained by axial tomography together with reconstruction as compared with reconstruction of confocal data from only a single angular view. 相似文献
The form of the interference term image in scanning confocal and scanning conventional interference microscopes is identical in all respects including optical sectioning. This observation is used to obtain confocal images and surface profiles from conventional scanning interference microscope images. 相似文献
Previously, we have carried out extensive quantitative analysis of F?rster (or fluorescence) resonance energy transfer (FRET) data to show that polymeric IgA receptors and their ligands cluster in endocytic membranes in the process of sorting and trafficking in polarized cells. Here, we use a similar technique to assay the organization and distribution of another membrane-bound receptor: transferrin receptor (TFR) and its ligand, holo-transferrin (Tfn), while explaining the step-by-step measures to be taken for successful quantitative analysis of the FRET data. In particular, methodological issues in FRET quantitative imaging, such as spectral bleed-through and background correction, optimal selection of regions of interest, how to deal with outliers and pooling data and statistical analysis of FRET data, are addressed. Our results indicating a clustered organization of TFR-Tfn complexes fit the well-known homodimeric structure of TFR. These quantitative approaches can be adapted for other biological applications of FRET. 相似文献
The relationship between integrated fluorescence intensity and integrated absorbance was measured in Feulgen-stained pigeon erythrocyte nuclei hydrolysed for different periods of time and stained at different dye concentrations. In conventional as well as confocal quantitative fluorescence microscopy the relationship between the integrated fluorescence intensity and the integrated absorbance shows a maximum. This is due to inner filtering and re-absorption of the excitation light and emission light respectively. In conventional quantitative fluorescence microscopy the relationship is influenced by the numerical aperture of the objective lens. Under confocal observation, as measured with the BIO-RAD MRC-500 Confocal Imaging System, no influence of the numerical aperture of the objective lens on the relationship between the integrated fluorescence intensity and the integrated absorbance could be observed. 相似文献
The effects of fluorescence saturation on imaging in confocal microscopy have been studied. To include saturation it was necessary to deviate from the widely assumed linear relationship between the fluorescence and the illumination intensity. The lateral response for a point-like object, as well as the optical sectioning power, decreases depending on the degree of saturation. For very high illumination intensities the response for a saturated point object approached that of a conventional fluorescence microscope in which the fluorescence was not saturated. The decrease in the axial confocal response has been confirmed qualitatively by experiment. 相似文献
We wished to exploit confocal microscopy for high spatial and temporal resolution vital microscopy in bone. To this end, we evolved implants with glass windows supported in titanium, which were placed in the medial proximal tibial plateau of the rabbit, and special small, self-focussing objectives (dry 10/0.25, water immersion 20/0.45, and oil immersion 45/0.65 and 120/1.0) which mated and matched to the conical window entrance section of the metal components. At intervals of up to 21 months after implant healing, these lenses were used to study live tissue using two genera of confocal microscope: multiple aperture disc, tandem scanning, microscopes for observation in reflection, and video rate confocal laser scanning microscopes for recording, mainly in the fluorescence mode. The latter allowed the study of a variety of intravenously administered substances, including fluorescein, fluorescein-dextrans, fluorescent microspheres, acridine orange, DASPMI, calcein, and tetracycline. We were able to remove blood, stain cells with fluorescent markers, and replace them into the circulation. Calcein and tetracycline bind to the mineral front in bone: this labelling was studied in progress. We observed that both substances partition and remain for long periods (at least days) in adipocytes. Further characterisation of the system used both confocal fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy methods in the study of retrieved implants. These studies showed that the subimplant cortical bone remodelled to a less compact structure with a rich microvasculature extremely close to bone. The points of attachment of bone to glass were found to involve coarse fibres, with the matrix containing large numbers of large cells: some of this tissue was cartilage and some immature bone. An amorphous, mineralised matrix was in immediate contact with glass. The results provide further confirmation of the general utility of high-scan speed confocal methodology in physiology. 相似文献
The illumination source for all high-resolution, optical sectioning, scanning microscopes is crucially important to the overall performance of the system. We examine advances that have been made in laser sources for both confocal and multiphoton microscopy where the emphasis has been on the development of potentially low-cost, easy to use sources. Growing interest in temporally and spatially resolved techniques has directed laser research towards addressing these challenges. We present the most recent developments in sources for confocal and multiphoton microscopy along with the considerations that should be made when a new source is being considered. 相似文献
随着生物医学技术的发展,组织样本经常被多种荧光标记物标记,需要通过光谱成像的方法区分出样本中不同的成分。本文在共聚焦显微镜基础上,介绍了一种由精密丝杠和步进电机控制的狭缝机构实现光谱成像的方法,讨论了狭缝缝片的具体设计和狭缝运动精度对光谱带宽和波长准确度的影响。 相似文献
C. J. R. Sheppard 《Journal of microscopy》1989,154(3):237-241
A simple analytic expression is given for the axial resolution of a confocal fluorescence microscope. The expression, which is based on the spatial frequency cut-off criterion of resolution, is valid for high aperture optics and arbitrary fluorescence wavelength. 相似文献
C. J. R. VAN DER OORD G. R. JONES D. A. SHAW I. H. MUNRO Y. K. LEVINE & H. C. GERRITSEN 《Journal of microscopy》1996,182(3):217-224
A confocal scanning light microscope coupled to the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source is described. The broad spectrum of synchrotron radiation and the application of achromatic quartz/CaF2 optics allows for confocal imaging over the wavelength range 200–700 nm. This includes UV light, which is particularly suitable for high-resolution imaging. The results of test measurements using 290-nm light indicate that a lateral resolution better than 100 nm is obtained. An additional advantage of the white synchrotron radiation is that the excitation wavelength can be chosen to match the absorption band of any fluorescent dye. The availability of UV light for confocal microscopy enables studies of naturally occurring fluorophores. The potential applications of the microscope are illustrated by the real-time imaging of hormone traffic using the naturally occurring oestrogen coumestrol. (The IUPAC name for coumestrol is 3,9-dihydroxy-6H-benzofuro[3,2-c][1]benzopyran-6-one ( Chem. Abstr. Reg. No . 479-13-0). The trivial name will be used throughout this paper.) 相似文献
Three-dimensional (3-D) imaging in confocal microscopes is considered in terms of 3-D transfer functions. This leads to an explanation of axial imaging properties. The axial response was observed in both object-scanning and beam-scanning microscopes and the influence of off-axis examination investigated. By simple processing of multi-detector signals, imaging in both the axial and transverse directions can be improved. 相似文献
E. M. M. Manders 《Journal of microscopy》1997,185(3):321-328
Multicolour confocal microscopy has proven to be a successful technique for the analysis of the spatial relationship between different biological structures in the same preparation. However, when the positions of objects are compared, e.g. co-localization and distance measurements, any positional shift that arises between the colour components is clearly unacceptable. This paper presents a simple technique for measuring with high accuracy the positional shifts that occur between the colour components of an image. Multi-labelled microbeads were scanned using two or three different detection channels. The position of each microbead was calculated separately for each detection channel. In general, the two calculated positions of the same microbead (one for each channel) are slightly different. This difference is a measure of the positional shift between the colours. This method enables the measurement of shift with a high accuracy (20 nm), and it has been applied to images from several experiments. The results of these experiments will give the reader an impression of typical contributions of different effects (such as chromatic aberration, misalignment of optical components and inaccuracy of the scanning unit) on the amount of positional shift. 相似文献
A problem in three-dimensional imaging using a confocal scanning laser microscope (CSLM) in the (epi)fluorescence mode is the darkening of the deeper layers due to absorption and scattering of both the excitation and the fluorescence light. A new method is proposed to correct for these effects. The approach, valid for weak attenuation, consists of multiplying the measured fluorescence intensity by a correction factor involving a convolution integral of the measured signal, which can be computed efficiently by the fast Fourier transform. Analytical and numerical estimates are given for the degree of attenuation under which the method is valid, and the method is applied to various test images. A real CSLM image is restored. Finally, the method is compared with a recent iterative method with regard to numerical accuracy and computational efficiency. 相似文献