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针对周期性服务需求的居家医疗与护理资源管理问题,提出一种基于插入法和节约算法的禁忌算法。该算法综合考虑客户接受服务的日期、客户的服务等级和客户访问次序,在初始解基础上进行邻域搜索,每次邻域搜索选取部分客户,搜索其所有可能的服务日期、服务等级对应的调度方案,选择成本最低的方案作为邻域搜索的最新解。邻域搜索中变换过的客户将列入禁忌表,在禁忌步长内不予变换。通过多次迭代,求解结果向最优解方向收敛。对随机生成的算例及基于标准Vehicle Routing Problem(VRP)算例构造的算例进行仿真验证,并与Rolling Horizon Myopic Planning Approach(RHMPA)算法求解结果对比,实验结果表明,该算法在一定运行时间内适合求解客户规模低于500人的案例,且求解结果优于RHMPA算法,多次求解的结果相对误差仅为0.94%。该算法为家庭护理管理和计划调度问题提供了新的算法设计优化思路,对提高当前我国相关产业的管理和调度水平具有现实意义。  相似文献   

While accepting the need for research which focuses on the social meaning of the home, this article takes issue with some of Saunders’ and Williams’ formulations for a research programme — in particular, the emphasis given to physical and design features of the home at the expense of an understanding of more fundamental gender and generational relations within the home. It attempts to uncover the assumptions lying behind those formulations, to clarify some of the conceptual confusions, and to point out some of the serious theoretical difficulties which such formulations have to resolve. It argues that theoretical advance in this area does not have to depend upon the adoption of a Weberian perspective, but must be situated within a broader theory of the production and maintenance of ideology, and this theory must be explicitly linked with theories of power and kinship. In particular, it is emphasised that power relations within the home, associated mainly with gender and age differences, need to be investigated in greater depth if the social significance of the home is to be properly understood.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in day care centers (DCCs), and other studies have shown that children attending them have an increased risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is an association between ventilation in DCCs and sick leave among nursery children. Data on child sick leave within an 11‐week period were obtained for 635 children attending 20 DCCs. Ventilation measurements included three proxies of ventilation: air exchange rate (ACR) measured with the decay method, ACR measured by the perfluorocarbon tracer gas (PFT) method, and CO2 concentration measured over a 1‐week period. All but two DCCs had balanced mechanical ventilation system, which could explain the low CO2 levels measured. The mean concentration of CO2 was 643 ppm, exceeding 1000 ppm in only one DCC. A statistically significant inverse relationship between the number of sick days and ACR measured with the decay method was found for crude and adjusted analysis, with a 12% decrease in number of sick days per hour increase in ACR measured with the decay method. This study suggests a relationship between sick leave among nursery children and ventilation in DCCs, as measured with the decay method.  相似文献   

The discourse on the meaning of home is largely centred on the Western experiences and perspectives, producing insights into the economic and psycho-social aspects of home, with less attention on the Eastern context. This paper explores the emotive meaning of home from the perspective of Malaysia, a nation of homeowners. Gurney’s view of home as an emotional “warehouse” framed this inquiry, supporting the notion of feelings associated with the dwelling being created, deposited and drawn by its occupants. This paper represents part of a larger housing study into an alternative housing tenure for Malaysia that argues that the sense of home can be independent of housing tenure. This paper reports the meaning of home as derived from 10 diarists who have been actively involved in creating the “home” and were therefore capable to describe the process of emotional appropriation of their lived space. Findings suggested that the process of assigning meaning to home was dependent on diarists’ feelings, perceptions, attachments and relations regarding their lived space. Diarists mainly associated their emotive construction of home with family-centred activities and space, which took place in both the micro-sense (within the dwelling) and the macro-sense (the neighbourhood).  相似文献   

W. J. Fisk 《Indoor air》2018,28(4):473-487
This paper reviews studies of the relationships between ventilation rates (VRs) in homes and occupant health, primarily respiratory health. Five cross‐sectional studies, seven case‐control studies, and eight intervention studies met inclusion criteria. Nearly all studies controlled for a range of potential confounders and most intervention studies included placebo conditions. Just over half of studies reported one or more statistically significant (SS) health benefits of increased VRs. Wheeze was most clearly associated with VR. No health outcomes had SS associations with VRs in the majority of statistical tests. Most studies that reported SS health benefits from increased VRs also had additional health outcomes that did not improve with increased VRs. Overall, the number of SS improvements in health with increased VRs exceeded the anticipated chance improvements by approximately a factor of seven. The magnitude of the improvements in health outcomes with increased VRs ranged from 20% to several‐fold improvements. In summary, the available research indicates a tendency for improvements in respiratory health with increased home VRs; however, health benefits do not occur consistently and other exposure control measures should be used together with ventilation. The research did not enable identification of a threshold VR below which adverse health effects occur.  相似文献   

香港的JIA酒店,由法国鬼才设计大师PhiliPpe Starck担任室内设计,已经成了香港酒店中最特殊的道风景。现在JIA也进军中国内地,在上海开设了亚洲的第二个JIA。上海JIA酒店位于南京路和泰兴路口,由一栋30年代的老房子改造而成,面积约6314平方米。  相似文献   

Protectionist policies have often relevant effects at the regional level. This paper analyzes the impact of sugar import duties on emigration in nineteenth century Italy. Both for climatic reasons and the nature of the soil, the cultivation and processing of sugar beets was geographically concentrated. Our theoretical model illustrates how a tariff that favours local producers may affect residents' incentives to migrate abroad. Using a new set historical data, the predictions of the model are tested through quasi-experimental methods which use the exogenous variation in sugar cultivation across areas to estimate the effect of interest. Results show that protectionism reduced the relative incentive to migrate away from sugar-producing areas.  相似文献   

Policies to control emissions of criteria pollutants in China may have conflicting impacts on public health, soil acidification, and climate. Two scenarios for 2020, a base case without anticipated control measures and a more realistic case including such controls, are evaluated to quantify the effects of the policies on emissions and resulting environmental outcomes. Large benefits to public health can be expected from the controls, attributed mainly to reduced emissions of primary PM and gaseous PM precursors, and thus lower ambient concentrations of PM2.5. Approximately 4% of all-cause mortality in the country can be avoided (95% confidence interval: 1-7%), particularly in eastern and north-central China, regions with large population densities and high levels of PM2.5. Surface ozone levels, however, are estimated to increase in parts of those regions, despite NOX reductions. This implies VOC-limited conditions. Even with significant reduction of SO2 and NOX emissions, the controls will not significantly mitigate risks of soil acidification, judged by the exceedance levels of critical load (CL). This is due to the decrease in primary PM emissions, with the consequent reduction in deposition of alkaline base cations. Compared to 2005, even larger CL exceedances are found for both scenarios in 2020, implying that PM control may negate any recovery from soil acidification due to SO2 reductions. Noting large uncertainties, current polices to control emissions of criteria pollutants in China will not reduce climate warming, since controlling SO2 emissions also reduces reflective secondary aerosols. Black carbon emission is an important source of uncertainty concerning the effects of Chinese control policies on global temperature change. Given these conflicts, greater consideration should be paid to reconciling varied environmental objectives, and emission control strategies should target not only criteria pollutants but also species such as VOCs and CO2.  相似文献   

Gender,Class and Home Ownership: Placing the Connections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper contributes to understandings of how gender interacts with the social class implications of home ownership. It is argued that the connections between gender, class and home ownership have only been partially elaborated, and suggested that a more specific focus on identity and the socio-spatial context facilitates a more complex portrayal of these connections. Using material from in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 60 men and women in two neighbourhoods in Vancouver, British Columbia, it will be demonstrated that, contrary to common expectations, home ownership is an important component of both middle-class masculinity and middle-class femininity. However, there is no singular or linear connection between gender, class and home. Instead, there is conflict between familial and status expressions of home, conflict that varies for men and women and according to geographical location.  相似文献   

Using the example of a study of the housing needs of disabled children, the paper suggests a new framework for exploring the links between health, disability and housing. It examines the literature of housing and disability and of health and housing and finds that the former omits health issues and the latter neglects disability. The paper suggests that a key reason why housing, disability and health have not been linked in the past is an unwillingness on the part of the independent living movement to medicalise disability. In the study, however, the adverse effects on physical and mental health of unsuitable housing emerged, quite unprompted, as a central theme. The study's findings can be generalised and go beyond the prevailing account of housing and disability in a number of ways. A new way of thinking about domestic environments and disability may mean that the definition of housing need goes beyond stair lifts and ramps to issues of poverty and health, conflict between families, neighbourhoods, and, most centrally of all, the constraints of physical and social space. The paper concludes that far from challenging the social model of disability the proposed framework supports it.  相似文献   

不知怎么,头脑中就跳出这八个字。孔子曾说他自己“三十而立,四十不惑,五十而知天命”。过了而立之年,虽然人是立起来了,有着精彩的生活,但在千年历史长河的面前常常感到一个人的渺小。有时想象自己在这条长河中飞奔,无数的身影和光怪陆离的东西在我耳边匆匆而过,猛一驻足,却只有一片孤寂,惟有天地与我默默相对。  相似文献   

This paper explores research undertaken with young home(less) people in Sydney in which I specifically pursue ideas of home and belonging in the inner city. In a context in which young home(less) people are seen to 'lack' both identity and place, the responses of young people indicate the fragility and importance of relations of space and self.  相似文献   

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