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A simple and efficient numerical technique is presented to solve the electromagnetic scattering problem of coated conducting bodies of arbitrary shape. The surface equivalence principle is used to formulate the problem in terms of a set of coupled integral equations involving equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents which represent boundary fields. The conducting structures and the dielectric materials are modeled by planar triangular patches, and the method of moments is used to solve the integral equations. Numerical results for scattering cross sections are given for various structures and compared with other available data. These results are proved accurate by a number of representative examples  相似文献   

The method of moments technique for analyzing electromagnetic scattering from an arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional homogeneous chiral body is presented based on the combined field integral equations. The body is assumed to be illuminated by a plane wave. The surface equivalence principle is used to replace the body by equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents. These currents radiating in unbounded free space produce the correct scattered field outside. The negatives of these currents produce the correct total internal field, when radiating in an unbounded chiral medium. By enforcing the continuity of the tangential components of the total electric and magnetic fields on the surface of the body, a set of coupled integral equations is obtained for the equivalent surface currents. The surface of the body is modeled using triangular patches. The triangular rooftop vector expansion functions are used for both equivalent surface currents. The coefficients of these expansion functions are obtained using the method of moments. The mixed potential formulation for a chiral medium is developed and used to obtain explicit expressions for the electric and magnetic fields produced by surface currents. Numerical results for bistatic radar cross sections are presented for three chiral scatterers - a sphere, a finite circular cylinder, and a cube.  相似文献   

An efficient and accurate numerical procedure for the analysis of the electromagnetic scattering and radiation from arbitrarily shaped, composite finite conducting and dielectric bodies is proposed. A set of coupled electric field integral equations involving surface equivalent electric and magnetic currents is used. The coupled integral equations are solved through planar triangular patch modeling and the method of moments. Two separate, mutually orthogonal vector functions for each edge connecting a pair of triangular patches have been developed. Numerical results for disk/cone and cylinder/cone structures are compared with other available data. Limited comparison with experimental data has also been made  相似文献   

A numerical method to investigate scattering from dielectric geometries of prismatic shapes has been developed. The surface integral equations are formulated by Schelkunoff's equivalence principle in terms of equivalent surface electric and magnetic currents. To solve these integral equations for the unknown currents, the object's cross-section is mapped onto a circle. In the transformed space, Fourier type entire-domain basis functions are used in the cross section and triangular subdomain basis functions are selected along the generating curve to represent the currents. A moment method is then used to reduce the integral equations to a matrix equation to compute the current coefficients. It is found that the transformation of the object's surface to a circular shape improves the convergence of the current mode in the cross-section. However, the current modes are coupled on the surface and the matrix equation includes all the modes  相似文献   

A new set of integral equations for electromagnetic scattering problems, the "hybrid" equations, is presented. The advantages of these equations for thin perfect conductors are discussed in comparison to the magnetic and electric field integral equations. Specific comparisons are made with the solution of the electric field integral equation for a finite hollow cylinder. It is demonstrated that the primary advantage of these equations is obtained by minimizing the coupling between component equations for the two surface currents.  相似文献   

A generalized E-field formulation for three-dimensional scattering from perfectly conducting bodies and generalized coupled operator equations for three-dimensional scattering from material bodies are introduced. A fictitious electric current flowing on a mathematical surface enclosed inside the body is used to simulate the scattered field, and, in the material case, a fictitious electric current flowing on a mathematical surface enclosing the body is used to simulate the diffracted field inside the body. Application of the respective boundary conditions lead to operator equations to be solved for the unknown fictitious currents, which facilitates calculation of the fields in the various regions, using the magnetic vector potential integral. The existence and uniqueness of the solution are discussed. These alternative operator equations are solvable using the method of moments. The numerical solution is simple to execute, rapidly converging, and general in that bodies of smooth but otherwise arbitrary surface, both lossless and lossy, can be handled effectively. Comparison of the results with available analytic solutions demonstrates the accuracy of the moment procedure  相似文献   

A simple moment solution is presented to the problem of electromagnetic scattering from a homogeneous chiral cylinder of arbitrary cross-section. The cylinder is assumed to be illuminated by either a TE or a TM wave. The surface equivalence principle is used to replace the cylinder by equivalent and magnetic-surface currents. These currents radiating in unbounded external medium produce the correct scattered field outside. When radiating in an unbounded chiral medium, they produce the correct total internal field. By enforcing the continuity of the tangential components of the total electric field on the surface of the cylinder, a set of coupled integral equations is obtained for the equivalent surface currents. Unlike a regular dielectric, the chiral scatterer produces both copolarized and cross-polarized scattered fields. Hence, both the electric and magnetic current each have a longitudinal and a circumferential component. These four components of the currents are obtained by using the method of moments (MoM) to solve the coupled set of integral equations. Pulses are used as expansion functions and point matching is used. The Green's dyads are used to develop explicit expressions for the electric field produced by two-dimensional surface currents radiating in an unbounded chiral medium. Some of the advantages and limitations of the method are discussed. The computed results include the internal field and the bistatic and monostatic echo widths. The results for a circular cylinder are in very good agreement with the exact eigenfunction solution  相似文献   

A pair of orthogonal pulse vector basis functions is demonstrated for the calculation of electromagnetic scattering from arbitrarily-shaped material bodies. The basis functions are intended for use with triangular surface patch modeling applied to a method of moments (MoM) solution. For modeling the behavior of dielectric materials, several authors have used the same set of basis functions to represent equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents. This practice can result in zero-valued or very small diagonal terms in the moment matrix and an unstable numerical solution. To provide a more stable solution, we have developed orthogonally placed, pulse basis vectors: one for the electric surface current and one for the magnetic surface current. This combination ensures strongly diagonal moment matrices. The basis functions are suitable for electric field integral equation (EFIE), magnetic field integral equation (HFIE), and combined field formulations. In this work, we describe the implementations for EFIE and HFIE formulations and show example results for canonical figures.   相似文献   

An integral equation solution to the problem of transverse magnetic (TM) or transverse electric (TE) scattering by an isotropic dielectric/ferrite material cylinder in the presence of a perfectly conducting half-plane is presented. The technique is termed a method of moments (MM)/Green's function solution since the method of moments is used to determine the electric and magnetic polarization currents representing the material cylinder, while the presence of the half-plane is accounted for by including the half-plane Green's function in the kernel of the integral equations. Numerical results are presented for the echo width, material cylinder interior fields, and the surface impedance of a material slab on the surface of a half-plane.  相似文献   

A simple moment solution is given for the problem of electromagnetic scattering from multiple conducting and dielectric cylinders of arbitrary cross section. The system of conducting and dielectric cylinders is excited by a plane-wave polarized transverse magnetic to the axis of the cylinders. The equivalence principle is used to obtain three coupled integral equations for the induced electric current on the conducting cylinders and the equivalent electric and magnetic currents on the surface of dielectric cylinders. The combined field integral equation (CFIE) formulation is used. Sample numerical results are presented. The agreement with available published data is excellent.  相似文献   

A comparison of integral equations, for problems involving scattering by arbitrary-shape conducting bodies, having a unique solution in the resonance region is presented. The augmented electric and magnetic field integral equations and the combined field integral equation, in their exact and approximate versions, are considered. The integral equations and the basis and test functions used in the method of moments to solve them are reviewed. Their implementation in a computer code is analyzed, mainly the relation between the matrix properties and the CPU time and memory. Numerical results (condition number and backscattering cross section) are presented for the cube. It is shown that the combined field integral equation, and the approximate (symmetric) combined field integral equation, are the most efficient equations to use in the neighborhood of resonant frequencies, because the overdetermined augmented integral equations require an extra matrix multiplication  相似文献   

A simple moment solution is summarized for the problem of electromagnetic transmission through dielectric-filled slots in a conducting cylindrical shell of arbitrary cross section. The system is excited by a plane-wave polarized transverse electric (TE) to the axis of the shell. The equivalence principle is used to replace the shell and the dielectric by equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents radiating into an unbounded medium. Two different sets of coupled integral equations involving the surface currents are obtained by enforcing the boundary conditions on the tangential components of the total electric and magnetic fields. The method of moments is used to solve the integral equations. Pulses are used for both expansion and testing functions. Special attention is paid to circular and rectangular shells. Results for shell surface current, the internal field, and the aperture field are presented. For the case of air dielectric filling, the results computed using the electric field and/or the magnetic field formulation are in very good agreement with published data. In general, it is observed that the effect of filling a slot with a dielectric is not predictable from a simple theory  相似文献   

A new type of integral equation that is coupled with strip-electric and slot-magnetic currents is applied to the analysis of electromagnetic scattering by a periodic strip grating on a grounded dielectric/magnetic slab for an oblique incident plane wave with arbitrary polarization. In the analysis, the electric and magnetic currents are expanded into a product of a series of cosine functions and a function satisfying the edge condition. Coupled linear equations for the unknown electric and magnetic currents are obtained. From the coupled linear equations, explicit expressions for the reflection coefficients are derived by the use of a single edge-mode expansion. The validity of the method is examined by numerically calculated boundary conditions. A comparison between the calculated results from the present method and a previous method by measured ones shows that the accuracy of the method is excellent. Numerical calculations show that the method converges very rapidly with reasonable accuracy  相似文献   

A single integral equation formulation for electromagnetic scattering by three-dimensional (3-D) homogeneous dielectric objects is developed. In this formulation, a single effective electric current on the surface S of a dielectric object is used to generate the scattered fields in the interior region. The equivalent electric and magnetic currents for the exterior region are obtained by enforcing the continuity of the tangential fields across S. A single integral equation for the effective electric current is obtained by enforcing the vanishing of the total field due to the exterior equivalent currents inside S. The single integral equation is solved by the method of moments. Numerical results for a dielectric sphere obtained with this method are in good agreement with the exact results. Furthermore, the convergence speed of the iterative solution of the matrix equation in this formulation is significantly greater than that of the coupled integral equations formulation  相似文献   

Plane wave scattering by an infinite, two-dimensional wedge whose faces are characterized by impedance tensors is discussed. A combination of the moment method (MM) and physical optics (PO) is used to obtain a solution for the equivalent electric currents. The currents near the edge on each face are expanded with a set of basis functions consisting of pulse functions, defined on a meshed region, plus a function spanning the whole face. The currents outside the meshed region are taken to be the sum of physical optics currents, taken to be known, plus the whole-face basis function current. Expressing the equivalent magnetic currents in terms of the electric currents through the impedance tensors, the expansion coefficients for the electric current expansion are determined through an MM solution of the magnetic field integral equation. Sample results for wedges with isotropic and anisotropic face impedances are presented  相似文献   

This paper presents an integral equation based scheme to analyze scattering from inhomogeneous bodies with anisotropic electromagnetic properties. Both the permittivity and permeability are assumed to be generalized tensors. Requisite integral equations are derived using volume equivalence theorem with the electric and magnetic flux densities being the unknown quantities. Matrix equations are derived by discretizing these unknowns using three dimensional Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions. Reduction of the integral equation to a corresponding matrix equation is considerably more involved due to the presence of anisotropy and the use of vector basis function; methods for evaluation of the integrals involved in the construction of this matrix is elucidated in detail. The method of moments technique is augmented with the fast multipole method and a compression scheme. The latter two enable large scale analysis. Finally, several numerical results are presented and compared against analytical solutions to validate the proposed scheme. An appendix provides analytical derivations for the formulae that are used to validate numerical method, and the necessary formulae that extends the approach presented herein to the analysis of scattering bianisotropic bodies.  相似文献   

Plane wave scattering from lossy, periodic surfaces with periodicity in one direction is considered for arbitrary polarization and incidence angles. The material is assumed to be homogeneous and characterized by complex values of permittivity and permeability. Muller-type coupled integral equations are derived for the surface electric and magnetic currents. The power reflection coefficient is defined in terms of the scattered far fields. The integral equations are solved by the boundary element method (BEM) with constant elements. Arbitrary surfaces are accommodated by approximating the actual profile by means of linear segments. Other speed-up techniques are utilized to generate a numerically efficient solution. Substantial comparison is made for special cases to verify the formulation. The reflection coefficient is calculated for a variety of surface shapes. A new profile shape is presented that results in a lower reflection coefficient than the commonly used triangular shape  相似文献   

Scattering by a chiral cylinder of arbitrary cross section   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An integral equation and method-of-moments (MM) solution to the problem of scattering by an inhomogeneous chiral cylinder of arbitrary cross section is presented. The volume equivalence theorem for chiral media is developed and used to formulate a set of coupled integral equations for the electric and magnetic volume polarization currents representing the chiral cylinder. These coupled integral equations are solved using a standard pulse basis and point-matching MM solution. Numerical results, including echo width and internal fields, are presented for the scattering by chiral slabs and circular cylinders. These results are compared to exact solutions when available  相似文献   

A set of integral equations based on the surface/surface formulation are developed for analyzing electromagnetic scattering by one-dimensional periodic structures. To compare the accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of the formulation, the electric field integral equation (EFIE), magnetic field integral equation (MFIE), and combined field integral equation (CFIE) are developed for analyzing the same structure for different excitations. Due to the periodicity of the structure, the integral equations are formulated in the spectral domain using the Fourier transform of the integrodifferential operators. The generalized-biconjugate-gradient-fast Fourier transform method with subdomain basis functions is used to solve the matrix equation  相似文献   

The intentional addition of loss to a periodic structure can be used as a technique to alter its scattering characteristics. The problem of an oblique plane wave incident on an array with one-dimensional periodicity is examined. The unit cell of the array is composed of a number of thin resistive strips. The obliqueness of the incident plane wave combined with the lossy nature of the structure causes the transverse electric (TE) to zˆ and the transverse magnetic (TM) to zˆ fields to couple. To analyze the described problem, two coupled electric field integral equations that have as unknowns the equivalent surface currents on the strips in the unit cell are derived. The integral equations are discretized and solved approximately using the method of moments with subdomain basis and testing functions. The periodic Green's function is efficiently calculated using the Poisson summation formula. The interaction of the structure with the surrounding environment is described in terms of a generalized scattering matrix. Results are presented showing the TE/TM coupling behavior as strip resistance is increased for representative structures  相似文献   

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