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通过激光熔化沉积不同比例Ti与Cr的混合粉末,在TA15钛合金表面制备出Ti-Cr二元合金涂层,分析了涂层的组织、相组成、硬度及界面结合情况。结果表明,Ti与Cr在激光熔池中实现了原位合金化,沉积层内部组织致密,与基体冶金结合;随着Cr含量的增加,沉积涂层中析出TiCr2相,硬度增加;涂层在300℃下具有良好的组织及性能稳定性,经550℃保温2 h退火处理后,涂层中亚稳β-Ti发生不完全共析转变,涂层硬度增加;涂层具有良好的强韧性配合,与钛合金基体适配度高,可用于钛合金表面耐磨及抗擦伤涂层的制备。 相似文献
退火温度对激光熔化沉积TA15钛合金组织和性能的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用激光熔化沉积工艺制备TA15钛合金棒材和板材.利用OM、SEM和TEM等方法研究退火温度对棒材组织和板材性能的影响.结果表明:激光熔化沉积TA15钛合金β晶粒具有十分优异的高温稳定性,在β相区长期退火,其β晶粒尺寸几乎无变化.激光熔化沉积成形态为典型的层片状β转变组织.在两相区上部退火,形成特殊的"双态"组织,初生α呈规则长条块状,其体积分数随退火温度的升高而降低.在β相区退火获得细层片状组织.在α β两相区退火,随温度的升高,强度有下降趋势,塑性显著下降. 相似文献
激光熔化沉积TC18钛合金的低周疲劳行为 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究激光熔化沉积TC18钛合金的室温低周疲劳行为。通过双重退火热处理制度获得的TC18钛合金显微组织由细小的片层状初生α相和转变β基体组成,且晶界α相不均匀。采用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜分析了低周疲劳试样疲劳断口以及纵截面。结果表明,在低周疲劳断口可以观察到多个裂纹源。主裂纹源区与次裂纹源区具有不同的断裂形貌。当裂纹沿着晶界α相扩展时,连续的晶界α相导致平直的裂纹扩展模式,而不连续的晶界α相导致曲折的裂纹扩展路径。 相似文献
采用激光沉积修复技术对预损伤TA15钛合金锻件进行修复,研究基材、激光沉积试样、体修复试样以及面修复试样的断裂韧度.采用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜分析试样的微观组织、断裂表面以及纵截面形貌.结果 表明:基材呈现双态组织,修复区呈现网篮组织,热影响区表现为从双态组织到网篮组织的转变.激光沉积试样、体修复试样以及面修复试样... 相似文献
大亚湾核电站汽轮机转子末级叶片是采用GEC-A设计制造的MARKⅡ型叶片枞树型叶根。由于GEC-A未改进前的末级叶片在其它电厂发现过裂纹,大亚湾核电站很早就开始实施反馈性预防检查,但需要拆除末级叶片,而一次拆装检查需要8~9d,成为核电厂常规换料大修中的关键瓶径,并可能产生因拆卸而带来的机械损伤风险。因此,找到延长低压缸拆装叶片的周期的方法,将可以实现在保证核电厂汽轮机组可靠性的同时进一步提高经济性。通过多年的调研及试验,相控阵超声波原位检查技术可以满足此目的,并已在现场得到成功应用。 相似文献
0Introduction Ultrasonic testing (UT) is one of most common NDTtechniques in detecting discontinuities in structures duringmanufacturing and in service. A conventional transducerwith a single piezoelectric element has a fixed radiationfield in a given specimen, hence the focal depth and theangle of incidence could not be changed. In ultrasonicNDT, it is quite often necessary not only to change the an-gle of incidence of ultrasonic wave to cover given inspec-tion area but also to focus the i… 相似文献
A research about the ultrasonic phased array imaging principle from A-scan signal to B-scan image for non-destructive testing (NDT) was conducted in this paper, the ultrasonic phased array inspection imaging system used in industrial field was developed and the experiment was performed on the steel testing block by the system with 64 elements, 5 MHz phased array transducer. Experimental results show that the flaws could be accurately detected and the flaws size could be estimated from the B-scan images, and the B-scan images could clearly show the location of the flaws, but the quality of B-scan images needs to be enhanced by digital signal processing and controlling dynamic focusing for improving the image resolution. 相似文献
介绍了圆钢全自动相控阵超声的设备结构及其主要技术参数,结合具体的相控阵探头参数,主要从聚焦法则、周向覆盖率、轴向覆盖率3个方面,对影响相控阵超声检测漏检的关键因素进行了分析,并且从聚焦法则、轴向分辨率、检测速度等参数的设置方面给出了具体解决措施,为相关人员理解相控阵、操作类似相控阵设备提供了经验参考,同时为产品实现无缺陷交货提供了理论依据。 相似文献
以某桥梁结构中的钢管K型节点疲劳性能试验为研究背景,研究相控阵超声检测钢管节点疲劳裂纹的有效性.试验过程中采用相控阵超声检测设备跟踪和记录钢管K型节点疲劳裂纹的萌生和扩展,并与应变测试结果和节点疲劳裂纹切片结果进行对比分析.结果表明:相控阵超声检测技术能够对管节点疲劳裂纹进行准确地定量和定性分析;相控阵超声检测技术能够... 相似文献
A manual inspection of large-diameter tubular joints is difficult. As a result a scanner with three degrees of freedom (DOFs) was developed based on the scanning principle of ultrasonic phased array. The weld tracing is realized by a 2D0F motion of scanner. The pose of ultrasonic probe is controlled by the third one. The control strategy is put forward based on a programmable multi-axis controller. Four kinds of scanning modes can be implemented simultaneously employing this ultrasonic inspection system. Experiments on reference blocks of tubular joints reveal that the automatic ultrasonic phased array inspection system has the same inspection accuracy as a manual ultrasonic inspection. This system is superior to the manual ultrasonic system in terms of reliability and repeatability. The artificial defects of weld at tubular joint can be detected accurately with the presented inspection system. 相似文献