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机器人装配作业控制技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
袁军  黄心汉 《机器人》1994,16(1):56-64
机器人装配作业是机器人应用的一个重要领域,装配机器人作为自动化技术,机构学,传感器技术,材料科学,信息处理等多学科综合而成为机器人研究的热点。对于扩大机器人的应用领域,其适应性极其重要。本文简要地介绍了装配机器人结构及其工作原理以及装配机器人被动适从和主动适从的实现问题,详细地介绍了机器人装配作业控制中的动力学问题以及不确定性问题,最后指出了装配机器人控制的努力方向。  相似文献   

日本作为机器人王国,各产业中应用的机器人总数占世界的40%。其中装配机器人近年来异军突起,发展迅速。据日本产业机器人协会统计,在1982-1991年的10年中,日本用于装配作业的机器人生产台数为177,500台,居工程应用数量之首。一、由来已久:日本装配机器人发展的历史R背景日本的自动装配已有约30年的历史。60年代,是学习和引进的时期。日本仿效先进国家进行了自动装配的偿试。70年代,是开发时期。开发了移送、供给、安装等自动装配的单元技术,并用于进行批量生产的企业。装配的自动化,成为支撑日本经济增长的重要因素。70年代的…  相似文献   

本文围绕影响重载工业机器人控制性能的关键技术进展进行了综述。首先针对目前重载工业机器人运动规划中关于规划空间选取、基函数选取、运动规划最优性问题及其所对应的算法进行了分析。然后分析了重载工业机器人所存在的不同类型的柔性环节,并对其相应的控制算法进行了分类综述。最后给出了相应结论。  相似文献   

蔡自兴 《机器人》1990,12(6):1-9
柔性装配及其装配顺序是近年来在计算机辅助制造和计算机集成制造系统方面一个十分重要的研究领域.在知识表示和专家系统技术的基础上.本文首先简述了几种装配顺序的表示方法,然后提出一个基于知识的柔性装配规划系统的原型及其典型机构装配顺序的计算机模拟.本文所提出的方法,可以推广至更复杂的装配工作,并且为CAM和CIMS的控制和编程提出新的要求.  相似文献   

郗安民  刘颖 《机器人》2000,22(1):64-66
铝合金门窗已经广泛用于各种建筑中,这里介绍怎样使用工业机器人装配铝框和玻璃之间密封橡皮条的技术.其中三项关键技术在日本取得了专利.  相似文献   

关于发展我国机器人化柔性装配系统问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了使机器人技术能对国民经济起推动作用,“八六三”智能机器人主题确立了以机器人化柔性装配系统和装配机器人的开发研究及应用作为今后主题战略目标的一个重点,这很有必要。80年代后期,特别是进入90年代后,由于生产制造行业对装配技术提出了高质量、高速度、低成本并能适应多品种产品的生产要求,使机器人化柔性装配系统呈现出持续增长的趋势。此外近年来国外装配机器人的应用也十分普遍。在日本,装配机器人已占整个机器人应用数量的50~60%左右。在德国,装配机器人在实际使用的机器人中已占到第二位。在美国,1981年对装配机器人的需求量只占总需求量的3~10%,到1990年已增长到25~40%。大量的实例证明,机器人化柔性装配的特点在提高装配质量、保证产品质量的稳定、提高生产节拍和生产率等方面,都显示出极大的优越性。为了促进我国机器人化柔性装配系统的发展,  相似文献   

用Visual C++开发装配机器人微机屏幕示教盒   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章用VC++6.0开发了一个精密装配机器人微机屏幕示教盒。该示教盒是基于PC机的精密装配机器人语言编程系统平台的组成部分。用户可通过鼠标操作该屏幕示教盒实现装配机器人的在线示教编程,从而可以替代传统的用单片机制作的示教盒。  相似文献   

为了解决工业生产过程中料板的自动装配问题,提出了一种基于机器视觉的机械手定位装配检测系统,建立了实验平台。系统通过工业相机对料盘进行图像采集,将所采集的信息传送给工控机,借助图像处理程序,采用图像预处理实现了对图像的降噪,结合BLOB分析对图像特征进行了提取,获得了料盘上装配孔的位置信息,通过控制机械手动作,移动到装配位置,旋转相应角度,实现料板的自动定位装配。实验结果表明,该系统装配准确度高,误差小,满足了工业上的要求。  相似文献   

航天器大型部件在狭小空间中装配存在着视野受限、目标位置不可见等问题,传统的吊装方法无法精确调整位姿、磕碰风险极高.本文提出一种基于双目视觉定位的机器人辅助装配路径规划方法.该方法以航天器、待安装部件以及机器人等装配要素的3维模型为基础,采用双目视觉系统对航天器上安装位置的几何特征进行精确定位.利用测量结果确定机器人和航天器之间的相对位姿关系,进而构建航天器装配现场的虚拟环境,识别装配过程中的几何约束,然后利用轴对齐包围盒方法进行碰撞检测,采用随机路图法规划出一条无干涉的装配路径,最后利用离线编程技术生成机器人可执行的装配序列.以某型号航天器激光测高仪为对象开展装配试验,完成了大型部件在狭小凹舱内的无磕碰安装.结果表明该方法可以实现对螺纹孔精准定位,快速规划出无干涉装配路径,能够控制机器人安全、高效完成大型部件在狭小空间下的安装作业.  相似文献   


The Industrial Assembly Challenge at the World Robot Summit was held in 2018 to showcase the state-of-the-art of autonomous manufacturing systems. The challenge included various tasks, such as bin picking, kitting, and assembly of standard industrial parts into 2D and 3D assemblies. Some of the tasks were only revealed at the competition itself, representing the challenge of ‘level 5’ automation, i.e. programming and setting up an autonomous assembly system in less than one day. We conducted a survey among the teams that participated in the challenge and investigated aspects such as team composition, development costs, system setups as well as the teams' strategies and approaches. An analysis of the survey results reveals that the competitors have been in two camps: those constructing conventional robotic work cells with off-the-shelf tools, and teams who mostly relied on custom-made end effectors and novel software approaches in combination with collaborative robots. While both camps performed reasonably well, the winning team chose a middle ground in between, combining the efficiency of established play-back programming with the autonomy gained by CAD-based object detection and force control for assembly operations.  相似文献   

The paper presents an approach to sequence planning consisting in determining assembly sequences defined in terms of mating and non-mating operations and based on a dynamic expansion of the assembly tree obtained using a knowledge base management system. The planner considers the case of a single-robot assembly workcell. The use of stability and the detailed definition of sequences also by means of several non-mating operations are shown to be powerful instruments in the control of the tree expansion. Forward assembly planning has been chosen, in order to minimize the number of stability checks. Backtracking is avoided by combining precedence relations and stability analysis. Hard and soft constrains are introduced to drive the tree expansion. Hard constraints are precedence relations and stability analysis. All operations are associated to costs, which are used as soft constraints. The operation based approach enables one to manage even non-mating operations and to easily overcome the linearity constraint. Costs enable the planner to manage the association among tools and components. The first section of the paper concerns Stability Analysis that is subdivided into Static and Dynamic Stability Analysis. The former is mainly involved in analyzing gravity effects; the latter is mainly involved in evaluate inertia effects due to manipulation. Stability Analysis is implemented in a simplified form. Fundamental assumptions are: no rotational equilibrium condition is considered; for each reaction force only direction and versus, but not magnitude, are considered; friction is neglected. The second section discusses the structure of the planner and its implementation. The planner is a rule based system. Forward chaining and hypothetical reasoning are the inference strategies used. The knowledge base and the data base of the system are presented and the advantages obtained using a rule based system are discussed. The third section shows two planning examples, showing the performance of the system in a simple case and in an industrial test case, the assembly of a microwave branching filter composed of 26 components.  相似文献   

机器人是现代化工业制造与生产的重要装备之一。随着市场需求向小批量、多品种和柔性化方向快速发展,基于多信息融合的机器人协作系统将为高端精密制造产业赋能。该研究着眼于精密电子元件装配领域,聚焦手眼系统的精准对位和精密插装技术,通过建立待插元件与非均质薄板的接触状态模型,分析其双重位移融合的力位运动特性,并结合视觉检测与跟踪技术,提出一种融合视觉、力觉和编码器信息的复合型控制算法。基于电子元件装配平台,该研究进行了元件插装对比实验和信息融合算法的装配实验,结果表明,对齐阶段的定位精度在 0.185 pixels 以内,装配阶段的接触状态判定和调节算法保障了元件与插槽的安全有效装配。  相似文献   

Roball, the Rolling Robot   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Designing a mobile robotic toy is challenging work. The robot must be appealing to children and create interesting interactions while facing the wide variety of situations that can be experienced while playing with a child, and all at a reasonable cost. In this paper we present Roball, a ball-shaped robot that moves by making its external spherical shell rotate. Such design for a mobile robotic toy shows robustness in handling unstructured environments and unconstrained interactions with children. Results show that purposeful movements of the robot, its physical structure and locomotion dynamics generate interesting new games influenced by the environment and the child.  相似文献   

Compliant manipulation tasks require the robot to follow a motion trajectory and to exert a force profile while making compliant contact with a dynamic environment. For this purpose, a generalized impedance in the task space is introduced such that the desired motion and the desired interaction force can be commanded and controlled simultaneously. Several control schemes which place different emphases on motion control or force control can be derived from the generalized impedance. The impedance-based control schemes are implemented and the performance evaluated on a common test-bed which involves the insertion of a printed circuit board into an edge connector socket. Experimental results demonstrate the superior motion and force tracking ability of the generalized impedance control method. Furthermore, safe task execution can be achieved in the presence of abnormal operating situation.  相似文献   

自行开发的柔性装配系统FAS ,将PC机、机器人、PLC和产品识别装置各单元集成于一个协调工作的自动装配系统。通过网络互连通信、信息集成 ,完成系统各单元的硬件构成和软件模块设计 ,为中小批量产品的装配提供了一个柔性化的解决方案。  相似文献   

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