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基于7组聚乙烯醇纤维增强水泥基复合材料(PVA-ECC)试件的轴心受压徐变试验,研究了不同纤维掺量和加荷龄期条件下PVA-ECC的徐变性能.结果表明:在试验掺量范围内,纤维掺量越大,PVA-ECC的徐变能力越大;PVA-ECC的徐变随加荷龄期的延长而降低,晚龄期加载试件的徐变小于早龄期加载试件.结合已有混凝土徐变计算模型和本文试验结果,提出了估算PVA-ECC徐变的2种模型,其计算值与试验值吻合较好.  相似文献   

通过10组不同配合比的聚乙烯醇纤维增强水泥基复合材料(PVA FRCC)试件的收缩试验,研究了纤维体积分数、水胶比、砂胶比及不同养护环境下PVA FRCC试件的收缩性能.结果表明:PVA纤维的掺入减小了基材的收缩,但效果有限;PVA FRCC试件的收缩随水胶比的减小、砂胶比的增大及周围介质相对湿度的升高而减小.另外,根据试验结果并结合现有混凝土材料收缩计算模型,提出了PVA FRCC收缩估算模型,比较后发现,估算模型的计算值与试验值具有较高的吻合度.  相似文献   

选择氯化铵、硫酸铵、磷酸二氢铵等,通过浸渍的方法处理滤纸,干燥后分别置于不同的湿度中,研究阻燃剂吸湿性与外部环境条件及阻燃剂自身的关系。从理论上揭示了阻燃剂吸湿性本质及内在变化规律,得出阻燃剂的吸湿性与该物质形成的水溶液的饱和蒸气压有关;与该物质在水中的溶解度有关;吸湿量大小与该物质处理基材后的增重量有关。  相似文献   

Fire ventilation measures taken by fire & rescue services, including positive pressure ventilation, were investigated. Fifteen tests were performed in a three-room apartment, with an attached staircase, on the first floor of a training facility. The fire source was a 0.5 m diameter pool of heptane. The temperature and pressure in the apartment, the weight of the fire source, and the flow through openings were recorded continuously. The tests showed that the rate of burning was increased by positive pressure ventilation. Also, positive pressure ventilation increases the temperature in rooms on the leeward side of the fire and reduces temperatures in rooms on the windward side of the fire. Safety and working conditions for fire fighters are improved by positive pressure ventilation, but it jeopardises the lives of anyone that might be trapped. The importance of command and control during fire fighting operations is prominent.  相似文献   

In this paper, the flame wander of fire whirl is investigated by experimental means. Small-scale fire whirls were produced by two split cylinders, and the data of vertical velocity measured by stereo particle image velocimetry are analyzed to track the flame displacement along the horizontal direction. Medium-scale fire whirls were produced by a fixed wall facility, in which a video camera was used to monitor the flame position along the horizontal direction, thereby the flame displacements are determined by image analyses. It is found that during each test the flame displacements at different heights vary synchronously, suggesting that the flame is wandering as a whole. The flame displacements at different heights involve different variation ranges. By using the flame displacement data, the appearance probabilities of flame along the horizontal direction are calculated for small- and medium-scale fire whirls. The results show that the probabilities follow the Gaussian distribution, suggesting that a fire whirl almost always wanders at the very vicinity of the pool center. Finally, it is verified that the frequency of flame wander linearly depends on the circulation of fire whirl, while the correlation formulations differ between small-scale and medium-scale fire whirls.  相似文献   

以采矿产生的固体废弃物——尾矿砂的综合利用为研究背景,配制了以膨润土、不同尾矿砂砂率、不同水泥掺量为原料的塑性混凝土,并对尾矿砂塑性混凝土试件进行了冻融循环试验和渗透性能试验,研究了砂率、水泥掺量以及冻融循环次数对尾矿砂塑性混凝土渗透性能的影响,并得到了相对渗透系数随砂率、水泥掺量以及冻融循环次数的变化规律。研究结果表明,无论哪种水泥掺量,相对渗透系数均随着砂率的增加,呈现出U型的变化规律,U底的位置大约在砂率50%左右;随着水泥掺量的增加相对渗透系数逐步增大,其抗渗性能越来越好;随着冻融循环次数的增加,尾矿砂塑性混凝土的表面破损越来越严重,相对渗透系数逐步增大,其抗渗性能逐步降低。  相似文献   

国内外大量的火灾案例表明,隧道内一旦发生火灾,除了会对隧道内的人员、设备造成损害外,也会对衬砌结构产生不同程度的损伤,进而影响衬砌结构的力学性能,严重降低衬砌结构的安全性。借助缩尺及足尺火灾试验、理论分析等手段,对衬砌结构防火涉及到的火灾场景、衬砌结构高温力学行为及安全性评估方法开展了研究,系统得到了衬砌结构管片、接头及衬砌环在火灾高温时(高温后)的力学行为,并建立了能全面反映温度随时间、空间变化的火灾场景及其设计方法与衬砌结构火灾安全性的模糊综合评估方法。  相似文献   

木柱是西南民居的主要受力构件,其性能直接决定了西南民居的安全.为了对受火后木柱剩余承载力进行研究,以黔东南本地生长的杉木和松木为原材料,制作了 一批短木柱,对其进行轴心压缩试验.通过对不同温度后木柱压缩性能进行试验,分析了加温温度、防火涂料对碳化速度、压缩曲线、剩余极限强度的影响.试验表明,木柱碳化速度随着温度的增加而...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the potential fire performance of alcohol resistant foams using a new additive developed by DuPont. The main intention of the new additive is to allow a lower amount of polysaccharide in the formulation of AFFF/AR concentrates thereby reducing their viscosity. A comparative study was performed using two similar formulations of AFFF/AR-concentrates, one traditional concentrate (designated F1) and a novel concentrate (designated F2), which contains the new additive and half the traditional amount of polysaccharide. The study, performed at SP Fire Technology, comprised small scale fire tests in combination with a series of additional tests aimed to provide detailed information about expansion and drainage characteristics, foam spread properties, the influence of heat exposure and vapour suppression capability.The study confirms the desired reduction of the viscosity of an AFFF/AR foam concentrate, using a lower amount of polysaccharide in its formulation, while with the use of the new additive, the fire performance has the potential to be similar or even better than a traditional AFFF/AR foam.  相似文献   

南沙软土固结变形特性试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在一系列室内固结试验的基础上 ,探讨了南沙软土的固结变形特性。试验结果表明 ,南沙软土的次固结效应显著 ,主、次固结的划分与固结压力有关。随着固结压力的变化 ,次固结系数表现出与当前应力状态有关的变化规律。当处于正常固结状态时 ,次固结系数近似为一常数。同时 ,固结系数和固结压力、次固结系数和压缩指数之间均有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

通过三轴试验,本文针对邓肯—张模型对砂卵石土的适用性进行了分析研究。试验结果表明,砂卵石土的体变在经历初始的体缩段后,随着轴向应变增加变为以体胀为主,并且随着围压增大,体胀逐渐减弱;砂卵石土的强度和切线弹性模量可以根据邓肯—张模型来较合理地确定;邓肯—张模型不能够较好地描述砂卵石土的体变特性与泊松比参数,切线泊松比应优选本文所拟合公式。  相似文献   

通过动三轴试验,对饱和砂卵石土在循环荷载下的液化特性进行了系统研究.在饱和砂卵石土的振动时程曲线分析基础上,得到饱和砂卵石土的动应力幅值随振动时间推移有衰减且衰减速率逐渐增大的规律特性;依据孔压演化理论,结合试验结果,对饱和砂卵石土的液化规律进行了系统分析,归纳出砂卵石土发生液化时含水量限制条件,与液化状态中的土样动应变状态的规律.此结论可为基础工程等土工构筑物抗液化措施提供参考.  相似文献   

为了研究化学植筋构件的耐火极限,进行了6个化学植筋连接构件在ISO834标准升温曲线下的耐火极限试验.本次试验中考虑植筋深度(15 d、20 d)和保护层厚度(25 mm、40 mm和60 mm)两种影响因素.试验中施加的荷载约为常温下化学植筋构件设计承载力的80%,且在试验过程中荷载保持恒定不变.试验中,记录钢筋温度、植筋胶温度和构件受火时间.试验结果表明:当保护厚度小于40 mm时,植筋深度和保护层厚度对耐火极限均有重要影响;当保护层厚度大于40 mm时,植筋深度对耐火极限的影响大于保护层厚度对耐火极限的影响.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土梁抗弯性能尺寸效应试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现阶段钢筋混凝土结构分析方法与计算理论主要基于小尺寸构件试验结果,对大尺寸构件开展尺寸效应的试验研究还不多,相关理论验证尚不充分。文章针对13个钢筋混凝土梁开展尺寸效应试验研究,详细测试并采集不同加载阶段构件的承载力、挠度、钢筋与混凝土应变等试验数据,最大试验梁截面高度1 000 mm。研究结果表明:随受弯试件截面尺寸增大,受压区混凝土材料的强度和极限变形能力均呈减小趋势,混凝土材料抗压性能尺寸效应反映到正截面承载性能中,对受弯承载力产生负面尺寸效应;而内力臂和钢筋等影响因素对受弯承载力产生显著的正面尺寸效应。随试件尺寸增大,受弯构件强度和延性储备整体呈现增长趋势,从而间接验证了现阶段受弯承载力计算理论的安全性。  相似文献   

Zhu  Luqing  Yuan  Xiangyong  Gao  Zihe  Ji  Jie 《Fire Technology》2020,56(2):863-881

High-rise buildings are usually in a windy environment. The motion of fire-induced smoke and fire behaviors may be strongly affected by the external wind forces except by the stack effect. It turns out that wind with different directions and velocities can cause disparity in fire dynamics. Since most previous researches only focused on the cross wind conditions, this work investigated the effect of external side wind from 0 m/s to 1.21 m/s on the air flow behaviors, combustion characteristics of methanol pools and smoke temperature in a 1/6 scaled corridor connected to a 6-floor shaft. A remarkable observation is that the external side wind (parallel to top window, shown in Fig. 1) leads to pressure attenuation inside building and induces air to flow inside through bottom door. Therefore, the smoke spreads faster under the synergic effects of side wind and stack effect. At the steady stage, the supplement air flow velocity increases with wind velocity but remains proportional to 1/3 power of HRR. An equation incorporating the wind effect is proposed to predict the air flow velocity. Results also show that compared to cross wind conditions, the mass loss rates of methanol pools increase at high wind velocities. The wind effect on smoke temperature is obvious in cases with small pools. Here, the temperature first increases to a peak value and then decreases with increased wind velocity. However, the temperature remains the same in cases with large pools within our wind velocity range. The temperature in the shaft is also correlated with mass loss rate and wind velocity. This work shows that external side wind would increase the fire hazard of buildings by contributing to the combustion and spreading of smoke. Thus engineers should consider the effect of side wind carefully when designing smoke control system.


为了研究了基质吸力与干湿循环对非饱和重塑黏土压缩变形特性的影响,利用最新研制的全自动非饱和土固结仪,在控制基质吸力的条件下进行非饱和土压缩试验。研究结果表明,吸力越大,土体的压缩性越小,屈服应力越大,含水率减小的幅度也越小。试样经历干湿循环后,土体的压缩性增大,屈服应力减小,土体弹性变形的应力范围也减小。非饱和土的压缩变形以孔隙气体的压缩为主,土体中孔隙水的排出处于次要地位。干湿循环对非饱和土变形特性有重要影响,考虑其影响对于实际工程应用是十分必要的。  相似文献   

为研究钢筋混凝土吊车梁受火后力学性能,开展了足尺钢筋混凝土吊车梁受火后力学性能的对比试验研究。结果表明,受火后钢筋混凝土吊车梁极限承载力和极限挠度较未受火对比试件分别降低23.4%和7.8%,初始弯曲刚度无明显下降;钢筋混凝土吊车梁试件内部混凝土在停火后逐步达到最高温度,存在一定的温升滞后效应;采用有限条带法对受火后钢筋混凝土吊车梁试件的极限承载力进行计算,误差在8.6%以内,符合工程精度要求。  相似文献   

The use of lithium batteries requires understanding their fire and explosion hazards. In this paper, a report is given on an experimental study of the combustion characteristics of primary lithium batteries. Burning tests of single and bundles of primary lithium batteries were conducted in a calorimeter to measure their heat release rates when exposed to an irradiance of 20 kW m?2. Several variables including time to ignition, mass loss, heat release rate and plume temperature were measured to evaluate the ignition and combustion characteristics. The burning batteries were observed to have flame temperatures in excess of 1,200°C and to release corrosive compounds. The experimental results show that the combustion efficiency, carbon dioxide yield and mass loss are proportional to the number of batteries in the bundle. The total heat released by battery bundles was deduced empirically to be proportional to the number of batteries with a power of 1.26. The results provide experimental basis for the development of fire protection measures during the use, storage and distribution of primary lithium batteries.  相似文献   

通过2.9 m高拼合钢柱的轴压试验和偏压试验,得到极限荷载、位移、应变分布和破坏模式。试验结果表明,拼合钢柱具有良好的整体受力性能;试件的破坏形态为整体曲屈破坏。轴心受压时可按填板连接的实腹式截面计算极限承载力,偏心受压时可按格构式截面计算极限承载力;连接件在整个加载过程中发生明显变形,能起抗剪作用。  相似文献   

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