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A relational database of protein structure has been developedto enable rapid and flexible enquiries about the occurrenceof many aspects of protein architecture. The coordinates of294 proteins from the Brookhaven Data Bank have been processedby standard computer programs to generate many additional termsthat quantify aspects of protein structure. These terms includesolvent accessibility, main-chain and side-chain dihedral angles,and secondary structure. In a relational database, the informationis stored in tables with columns holding the different termsand rows holding the different entries for the terms. The differentrelational base tables store the information about the proteincoordinate set, the different chains in the protein, the aminoacid residues and ligands, the atomic coordinates, the saltbridges, the hydrogen bonds, the disulphide bridges and theclose tertiary contacts. The database was established underORACLE management system. Enquiries are constructed in ORACLEusing SQL (structured query language) which is simple to useand alleviates the need for extensive computer programs. A singletable can be searched for entries that meet various criteria,e.g. all protein solved to better than a given resolution. Thepower of the database occurs when several tables, or the entriesin a single table, are cross-correlated. For example the dihedralangles of proline in the fourth position in an -helix in highresolution structures can be rapidly obtained. The structuraldatabase provides a powerful tool to obtain empirical rulesabout protein conformation. This database of protein structuresis part of a joint project between Birkbeck College and LeedsUniversity to establish an integrated data resource of proteinsequences and structures (ISIS) that encodes the complex patternsof residues and coordinates that define protein conformation.The entire data resource (ISIS) will provide a system to guideall areas of protein modelling including structure prediction,site-directed mutagenesis and de novo protein design. The availabilityof ISIS is described in the paper.  相似文献   

Analysis of protein conformational characteristics related to thermostability   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The thermal stability of proteins was studied, 195 single aminoacid residue replacements reported elsewhere being analysedfor several protein conformational characteristics: type ofresidue replacement; conservative versus nonconservative substitution;replacement being in a homologous stretch of amino acid residues;change in hydrogen bond, van der Waals and secondary structurepropensities; solvent-accessible versus inaccessible replacement;type of secondary structure involved in the substitution; thephysico-chemical characteristics to which the thermostabilityenhancement can be attributed; and the relationship of the replacementsite to the folding intermediates of the protein, when known.From the above analyses, some general rules arise which suggestwhere amino acid substitutions can be made to enhance proteinthermostability: substitutions are conservative according tothe Dayhoff matrix; mainly occur on conserved stretches of residues;preferentially occur on solvent-accessible residues; maintainor enhance the secondary structure propensity upon substitution;contribute to neutralize the dipole moment of the caps of helicesand strands; and tend to increase the number of potential hydrogenbonding or van der Waals contacts or improve hydrophobic packing.  相似文献   

Two principal methods of determining the conformation of shortpieces of polypeptide backbone in proteins have been developed:using a database of known structures and systematicallygeneratingall conformations. In this paper, we compare the effectivenessof these two techniques. The completeness of the database forsegments of different lengths is examined and it is found tocontain most conformations for segments seven residues long,but to deteriorate rapidly for longer regions. When the databasesegment is to be incorporated into the rest of a structure,at least seven residues are required to build four new residues,because of the need to positionthe segment relative to the restof the structure.It is found that such positioning using flankingresidues results in large errors in the inserted region. Weconclude that the database method is currently not effectivefor comparative modeling, even for short segments. The systematicsearchprocedure is found to generate almost all structures of shortsegments found in proteinsIn contrast to the database method,low root mean square error structures are obtained for a setof trial segments embedded in the rest of a protein structure.Thus, it should be considered the method of choice.  相似文献   

Loops are structurally variable regions, but the secondary structuralelements bracing loops are often conserved. Motifs with similarsecondary structures exist in the same and different proteinfamilies. In this study, we made an all-PDB-based analysis andproduced 495 motif families accessible from the Internet. Everymotif family contains some variable loops spanning a commonframework (a pair of secondary structures). The diversity ofloops and the convergence of frameworks were examined. In addition,we also identified 119 loops with conformational changes indifferent PDB files. These materials can give some directionsfor functional loop design and flexible docking.  相似文献   

In the tobamovirus coat protein family, amino acid residuesat some spatially close positions are found to be substitutedin a coordinated manner [Altschuh et al. (1987) J. Mol. Biol.,193,693]. Therefore, these positions show an identical patternof amino acid substitutions when amino acid sequences of thesehomologous proteins are aligned. Based on this principle, coordinatedsubstitutions have been searched for in three additional proteinfamilies: serine proteases, cysteine proteases and the haemoglobins.Coordinated changes have been found in all three protein familiesmostly within structurally constrained regions. This methodworks with a varying degree of success depending on the functionof the proteins, the range of sequence similarities and thenumber of sequences considered. By relaxing the criteria forresidue selection, the method was adapted to cover a broaderrange of protein families and to study regions of the proteinshaving weaker structural constraints. The information derivedby these methods provides a general guide for engineering ofa large variety of proteins to analyse structure–functionrelationships.  相似文献   

An analysis of the geometry and the orientation of metal ionsbound to histidine residues in proteins is presented. Cationsare found to lie in the imidazole plane along the lone pairon the nitrogen atom. Out of the two tautomeric forms of theimidazole ring, the NE2-protonated form is normally preferred.However, when bound to a metal ion the ND1-protonated form ispredominant and NE2 is the ligand atom. When the metal coordinationis through ND1, steric interactions shift the side chain torsionalangle, X2 from its preferred value of 90 or 270. The orientationof histidine residues is usually stabilized through hydrogenbonding; ND1-protonated form of a helical residue can form ahydrogen bond with the carbonyl oxygen atom in the precedingturn of the helix. A considerable number of ligands are foundin helices and ß-sheets. A helical residue hound toa heme group is usually found near the C-terminus of the helix.Two ligand groups four residues apart in a helix, or two residuesapart in a ß-strand are used in many proteins to bindmetal ions.  相似文献   

Here we present an investigation of the contacts that cysteinesmake with residues in their three-dimensional environment anda comprehensive analysis of the conformational features of 351disulphide bridges in 131 non-homologous single-chain proteinstructures. Upstream half-cystines preferentially have downstreamneighbours, whereas downstream half-cystines have mainly upstreamneighbours. Non-disulphide bridged cysteines (free cysteines)have no preference for upstream or downstream neighbours. Freecysteines have more contacts to non-polar residues and fewercontacts to polar/charged residues than half-cystines, whichcorrelates with our observation that free cysteines are moreburied than half-cystines. Free cysteines prefer to be locatedin -helices while no clear preference is observed for half-cystines.Histidine and methionine are preferentially seen nearby freecysteines. Tryptophan is found preferentially nearby half-cystines.We have merged sequential and spatial information, and highlyinteresting novel patterns have been discovered. The numberof cysteines per protein is typically an even number, peakingat four. The number of residues separating two half-cystinesis preferentially 11 and 16. Left-handed and right-handed disulphidebridges display different conformational parameters. Here wepresent side chain torsion angle information based on a 5–12times larger number of disulphide bridges than has previouslybeen published. Considering the importance of cysteines formaintaining the 3D-structural scaffold of proteins, it is essentialto have as accurate information as possible concerning the packingand conformational preferences. The present work may providekey information for engineering the protein environment aroundcysteines.  相似文献   

To eludicate the role in conformational stability of Cys residuesburied in the interior of a protein, the thermodynamic propertiesof denaturation of mutant subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophansynthase, in which Ser, Ala, Val or Gly was substituted foreach of the three Cys residues, were analyzed using calorimetry.The mutants were less stable than the wild type, indicatingthat Cys residues contribute greatly to the stability of the subunit. In most cases, a large decrease in denaturation enthalpywas observed, compensated for by the denaturation entropy toa major extent. The extent of changes in the denaturation Gibbsenergy and denaturation enthalpy varied greatly depending onboth substituting residues and positions. Of all the mutantproteins, the Cys154Ser mutant showed the greatest decreasein denaturation enthalpy; its denaturation enthalpy was halfthat of the wild type, and was considerably repaired by addinga ligand of the subunit. Because the enthalpy of ligand bindingto Cys154Ser in the native state did not change. it seems thatthe decrease in the denaturation enthalpy of Cys154Ser and itsrecovery by ligand binding are caused by conformational changesin the denatured state due to the mutation.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the 38 amino acid C-terminal regionof the precursor for the HPLC-6 antifreeze protein from winterflounder has been investigated with molecular dynamics usingthe AMBER software. The simulation for the peptide in aqueoussolution was carried out at a constant temperature of 0°Cand at atmospheric pressure. The simulation covered 120 ps andthe results were analyzed based on data sampled upon reachinga stable equilibrium phase. Information has been obtained onthe quality of constant temperature and pressure simulations,the solution structure and dynamics, the hydrogen bonding network,the helix-stabilizing role of terminal charges and the interactionwith the surrounding water molecules. The Lys18–Glu22interactions and the terminal charged residues are found tostabilize a helical structure with the side chains of Thr2,Thr13, Thr24 and Thr35 equally spaced on one side of the helix.The spacing between oxygen atoms in the hydroxyl group of thethreonine side chains exhibits fluctuations of the order of2–3 Å during the 120 ps of simulation, but valuessimultaneously close to the repeat distance of 16.6 Åbetween oxygen atoms along the [0112] direction in ice are observed.Furthermore, two engineered variants were studied using thesame simulation protocol.  相似文献   

A major goal of agricultural biotechnology is to increase thenutritional value of maize seed through the expression of heterologousproteins enriched in lysine. One promising candidate is barleychymotrypsin inhibitor-2 (CI-2), a plant protein that has beenextensively characterized with respect to structure and function.Based on the tertiary structure of wild-type (WT) CI-2, fivemutants with lysine contents ranging from 20 to 25 mol percentwere designed, expressed in Escherichia coli and purified byion exchange and gel permeation chromatography. Inasmuch asprevious transgenic experiments suggested that proper foldingand stability may be essential for in vivo accumulation of theengineered proteins in plant cells, we first undertook an invitro study of the conformation and thermodynamic stabilityof the CI-2 mutants in order to select an ideal candidate forplant expression. Mutant and WT CI-2 proteins had similar circulardichroism spectra, suggesting similar secondary structures.However, differences in the accessibility of the sole tryptophanresidue, Trp24, indicated that the local conformation differedamong the mutants. The thermodynamic stability of the mutantsranged from <2 to 4.9 kcal/mol compared with ~7 kcal/molfor the wild-type protein. In conjunction with proteolytic stabilitystudies, we have identified one mutant that has the potentialto be expressed in a stable manner in plant cells.  相似文献   

Finding a new vaccine in the ricin protein fold   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Previous attempts to produce a vaccine for ricin toxin have been hampered by safety concerns arising from residual toxicity and the undesirable aggregation or precipitation caused by exposure of hydrophobic surfaces on the ricin A-chain (RTA) in the absence of its natural B-chain partner. We undertook a structure-based solution to this problem by reversing evolutionary selection on the 'ribosome inactivating protein' fold of RTA to arrive at a non-functional, compacted single-domain scaffold (sequence RTA1-198) for presentation of a specific protective epitope (RTA loop 95-110). An optimized protein based upon our modeling design (RTA1-33/44-198) showed greater resistance to thermal denaturation, less precipitation under physiological conditions and a reduction in toxic activity of at least three orders of magnitude compared with RTA. Most importantly, RTA1-198 or RTA1-33/44-198 protected 100% of vaccinated animals against supra-lethal challenge with aerosolized ricin. We conclude that comparative protein analysis and engineering yielded a superior vaccine by exploiting a component of the toxin that is inherently more stable than is the parent RTA molecule.  相似文献   

Recently some heat-shock proteins have been linked to functionsof ‘chaperoning’ protein folding in vivo. Here currentexperimental evidence is reviewed and possible requirementsfor such an activity are discussed. It is proposed that onemode of chaperone action is to actively unfold misfolded orbadly aggregated proteins to a conformation from whkh they couldrefold spontaneously; that improperly folded proteins are recognizedby excessive stretches of solvent-exposed backbone, rather thanby exposed hydrophobic patches; and that the molecular mechanismfor unfolding is either repeated binding and dissociation (‘plucking’)or translocation of the protein backbone through a binding cleft(‘threading’), allowing the threaded chain to refoldspontaneously. The observed hydrolysis of ATP would providethe energy for active unfolding. These hypotheses can be appliedto both monomeric folding and oligomeric assembly and are sufficientlydetailed to be open to directed experimental verification.  相似文献   

Although the conformational states of protein side chains canbe described using a library of rotamers, the determinationof the global minimum energy conformation (GMEC) of a largecollection of side chains, given fixed backbone coordinates,represents a challenging combinatorial problem with importantapplications in the field of homology modelling. Recently, wehave developed a theoretical framework, called the dead-endelimination method, which allows us to identify efficientlyrotamers that cannot be members of the GMEC. Such dead-endingrotamers can be iteratively removed from the system under studythereby tracking down the size of the combinatorial problem.Here we present new developments to the dead-end eliminationmethod that allow us to handle larger proteins and more extensiverotamer libraries. These developments encompass (i) a procedureto determine weight factors in the generalized dead-end eliminationtheorem thereby enhancing the elimination of dead-ending rotamersand (ii) a novel strategy, mainly based on logical argumentsderived from the logic pairs theorem, to use dead-ending rotamerpairs in the efficient elimination of single rotamers. Thesedevelopments are illustrated for proteins of various sizes andthe flow of the current method is discussed in detail. The effectivenessof dead-end elimination is increased by two orders of magnitudeas compared with previous work. In addition, it now becomesfeasible to use extremely detailed libraries. We also providean appendix in which the validity of the generalized dead-endcriterion is shown. Finally, perspectives for further applicationswhich may now become within reach are discussed.  相似文献   

In the -complementation of -galactosidase, a defective ß-galactosidaseprotein interacts with an autologous peptide fragment (-peptide)to restore enzymatic activity. Within a specific site of a defective-peptide we have previously isolated a large number of mutations,many of which suppress the functional defect. The -peptide wasoriginally defective due to both insertional and substitutionalsequence alteration near its N-terminus, which provided an increasein the sensitivity of detection of (suppressor) secondary mutationswhich conferred improved function. We have now studied the effectsof the suppressor mutations when the primary deleterious mutationsare sequentially reversed. This was done in intact ß-galactosidase,as we have shown that mutations in the -peptide have relatedfunctional effects in the whole protein. Evidence was obtainedshowing that the effects of at least some suppressor mutationswere not simply additive when the mutations are placed intothe original wild-type protein environment. One suppressor appearedto function less effectively in the normal environment, whileanother when tested in the same manner functioned at a relativelyincreased level. This failure to show simple additivity maybe attributable to the physical proximity of the original defectivemutations and the introduced suppressors. Nevertheless, evenin such cases it may be feasible to use a defective proteinas a sensitive starting point for the identification of mutationswhich improve the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Two mutants of human lysozyme were synthesized. Mutant A92D,in which Ala92 was substituted by Asp, contains a partial Ca2+-bindingsite and mutant M4, in which Ala83, Gm86, Asn88 and Ala92 werereplaced by Lys, Asp, Asp and Asp respectively, contains thecomplete Ca -binding site of bovine a-lactalbumin. The Ca2+-bindingconstants of wild type human lysozyme and of mutants A92D andM4, measured at 25C and pH 7.5, were 2(1) x 102 M"1, 8(2)x l^M"1 and 9(0.5) x 10* M"1 respectively. Information gatheredfrom mkrocalorimetrk and CD spectro-scopic measurements indicatesthat the conformational changes of the M4 mutant lysozyme, inducedby Ca2+ binding, are smaller than those observed for bovinea-lactalbumin and for the Ca2+-binding equine lysozyme. At pH4.5, the thermostability of both the apo and Ca2+ forms of theA92D human was decreased in comparison with that of native humanlysozyme. In particular, within the apo form of this mutantan a-helix-containing sequence was destabilized. In contrast,at the same pH the thermostability of the apo and Ca2+ formsof the M4 mutant lysozyme was increased. The e-ammonium groupof the Lys83 side chain is assumed to be responsible for thestabilization of the apo form of this mutant.  相似文献   

A method for comparison of protein sequences based on theirprimary and secondary structure is described. Protein sequencesare annotated with predicted secondary structures (using a modifiedChou and Fasman method). Two lettered code sequences are generated(Xx, where X is the amino acid and x is its annotated secondarystructure). Sequences are compared with a dynamic programmingmethod (STRALIGN) that includes a similarity matrix for boththe amino acids and secondary structures. The similarity valuefor each paired two-lettered code is a linear combination ofsimilarity values for the paired amino acids and their annotatedsecondary structures. The method has been applied to eight globinproteins (28 pairs) for which the X-ray structure is known.For protein pairs with high primary sequence similarity (>45%),STRALIGN alignment is identical to that obtained by a dynamicprogramming method using only primary sequence information.However, alignment of protein pairs with lower primary sequencesimilarity improves significantly with the addition of secondarystructure annotation. Alignment of the pair with the least primarysequence similarity of 16% was improved from 0 to 37% ‘correct’alignment using this method. In addition, STRALIGN was successfullyapplied to seven pairs of distantly related cytochrome c proteins,and three pairs of distantly related picornavirus proteins.  相似文献   

Secondary structures of histones H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4 and H5have been calculated by the computer program ALB based on amolecular theory of protein secondary structure. The predictedsecondary structures of all histones are predominantly -helical.The calculated secondary structure of linker histones H1 andH5 is close to that previously obtained from two-dimensionalNMR data. For each of the core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) onelong -helix and several short ones have been predicted. Theselong helices can be identified with rods in the low-resolutionelectron density map.  相似文献   

The L-arabinose binding protein (ABP) of Escherichia coli naturallybinds L-arabinose and D-galactose with very high affinity and,with reduced affinity, a variety of other sugars that differonly at the C5 position of the pyranose ring.However, thereare stringent specificity requirements at the 1, 2, 3 and 4positions. Based on the high resolution crystallographic structureof the Ugand-protein complex, remodelling of the binding pocketwas attempted to shift the specificity towards Cl-substitutedgalactosides. To create space in the vicinity of the reducingend of bound galactose, four residues, LyslO, Asp90, Thrl47and Leul45, have been mutated for residues with smaller sidechains. Forty-seven mutants containing different combinationsof these mutations were tested by fluorometry for their abilityto bind methylß-D-galactoside (met-ß-Gal)or iso-propyl-ß-D-thio-galactoside (IPTG). Two double-residuemutants carrying Ser at position 147 and Ala or Gly at position90 appeared of particular interest for being able to bind met-ß-Galor IPTG, respectively, and no longer galactose. Fluorescenceexperiments and molecular modelling indicate that the mode ofbinding of the new substrates to the mutant proteins might besimilar to that of the natural ligands to wild-type ABP.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce and test two new sequence-based protein scoring systems (i.e. S1, S2) for assessing the likelihood that a given protein hybrid will be functional. By binning together amino acids with similar properties (i.e. volume, hydrophobicity and charge) the scoring systems S1 and S2 allow for the quantification of the severity of mismatched interactions in the hybrids. The S2 scoring system is found to be able to significantly functionally enrich a cytochrome P450 library over other scoring methods. Given this scoring base, we subsequently constructed two separate optimization formulations (i.e. OPTCOMB and OPTOLIGO) for optimally designing protein combinatorial libraries involving recombination or mutations, respectively. Notably, two separate versions of OPTCOMB are generated (i.e. model M1, M2) with the latter allowing for position-dependent parental fragment skipping. Computational benchmarking results demonstrate the efficacy of models OPTCOMB and OPTOLIGO to generate high scoring libraries of a prespecified size.  相似文献   

Using discriminant analysis, three types of protein secondarystructure segments—helices, ß-strands and coils—arediscriminated by amino acid sequence information alone. A variablein the discriminant analysis is defined by the amino acid indexused to represent the sequence data and by the calculation methodused to extract a feature in this representation. Thus, thethree types of secondary structure segments derived from a setof non-homologous proteins from the Protein Data Bank are analyzedby 888 variables, which correspond to the mean, standard deviation,3.6-residue periodicity and 2-residue periodicity for the numericalprofiles determined from 222 published amino acid indices. Thesevariables are combined to obtain best discrimination of thethree types of segments. When up to three variables are combined,the best discrimination rate was 75%. The variables selectedconsist of the mean of propensity (or turn propensity), themean of ß propensity, and the 3.6-residue periodicityof hydrophobicity. This variable selection procedure can alsobe applied to other types of discrimination problem, once groupsof sequence data are properly organized.  相似文献   

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