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In previous work we have developed a syntactic reduction of repeated reachability to reachability for finite state systems. This may lead to simpler and more uniform proofs for model checking of liveness properties, help to find shortest counterexamples, and overcome limitations of closed-source model-checking tools. In this paper we show that a similar reduction can be applied to a number of infinite state systems, namely, (ω−)regular model checking, push-down systems, and timed automata.  相似文献   

化志章  揭安全  薛锦云 《微计算机信息》2007,23(33):254-256,222
模型检测是针对有限状态系统行为的逻辑性质的一种自动验证技术,已有许多工业应用.其主要缺陷是空间爆炸问题.本文通过一简单实例介绍其基本思想、检测步骤和相关理论,给出一些处理状态空间爆炸问题的优化技术,并与其它验证方法进行了比较,最后简单介绍了软件模型检测的新进展.  相似文献   

基于场景规约的构件式系统设计分析与验证   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
使用接口自动机及接口自动机网络来描述构件式系统的行为设计模型,使用UML顺序图表示基于场景的需求规约,对系统设计阶段的构件交互行为的动态兼容性进行形式化分析和检验.通过对接口自动机网络状态空间的分析,给出了一系列算法以检验系统行为的存在一致性以及几种不同形式的强制一致性性质,包括前向强制一致性、逆向强制一致性以及双向强制一致性等.  相似文献   

Tableau-based automata construction for dynamic linear time temporal logic*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a tableau-based algorithm for obtaining a Büchi automaton from a formula in Dynamic Linear Time Temporal Logic (DLTL), a logic which extends LTL by indexing the until operator with regular programs. The construction of the states of the automaton is similar to the standard construction for LTL, but a different technique must be used to verify the fulfillment of until formulas. The resulting automaton is a Büchi automaton rather than a generalized one. The construction can be done on-the-fly, while checking for the emptiness of the automaton. We also extend the construction to the Product Version of DLTL.*This research has been partially supported by the project MIUR PRIN 2005 ‘Specification and verification of agent interaction protocols’.  相似文献   

葛徐骏  王玲  徐立华  郭建  朱惠彪 《软件学报》2016,27(7):1757-1771
在模型驱动软件开发过程中,基于模型的测试方法往往用于检验软件代码针对软件模型的一致性以确保软件质量.然而,随着当今软件系统规模的不断扩大,相应的软件开发过程也变得越来越灵活,代码有时会先于模型被修改,以更忠实地体现系统功能和实现机制.传统的基于模型的测试方法只能检测代码之于模型的一致性而不能反作用于模型层面,模型的修改者只能人为地评估修改的正确性,大大降低了效率并增加了系统的潜在隐患.为此,对传统基于模型的测试方法的一致性检验进行了扩展,实现了一致性检验框架ProMiner,通过抽取表达模型与代码的不一致的系统性质来自动定位模型中与实际运行系统不匹配的部分,并将其表示为可直接用于模型检测的线性时序逻辑(LTL)表达式,以支持软件模型和代码间双向的一致性检验.实验结果表明,ProMiner可有效查找软件模型和代码间的不一致并生成可直接检测模型的系统性质,从而实现了自动化的模型与代码间的双向一致性检测,不仅提高了一致性检测的有效性,而且大大减少了人力开销.  相似文献   

T-CBESD:一个构件化嵌入式软件设计模型验证工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代复杂嵌入式软件系统的高可靠性需要有效的基于模型的设计与分析技术.传统的嵌入式软件可靠性保障技术主要关注于系统开发后期.本文在Eclipse平台上设计并实现了一个基于接口自动机模型的构件化嵌入式软件设计的形式化验证原型工具T-CBESD(Tool for Component-Based Embedded Software Designs).工具直接使用UML顺序图模型作为系统规约,可以检验系统设计模型与场景式规约之间多种行为一致性问题;并使用消息事件的时间约束不等式,检验实时接口自动机网络与带时间约束的顺序图模型之间的实时行为一致性问题.工具设计与实现内容包括:输入输出接口、顺序图模型的预处理转换、状态空间数据结构设计、抽象验证算法的实现以及通信构件组合系统的实例应用分析.  相似文献   

The ability to generate a counter-example is an important feature of model checking tools, because a counter-example provides information to the user in the case that the formula being checked is found to be non-valid. In this paper, we turn our attention to providing similar feedback to the user in the case that the formula is found to be valid, because valid formulas can hide real problems in the model. For instance, propositional logic formulas containing implications can suffer from antecedent failure, in which the formula is trivially valid because the pre-condition of the implication is not satisfiable. We call this vacuity, and extend the definition to cover other kinds of trivial validity. For non-vacuously valid formulas, we define an interesting witness as a non-trivial example of the validity of the formula. We formalize the notions of vacuity and interesting witness, and show how to detect vacuity and generate interesting witnesses in temporal model checking. Finally, we provide a practical solution for a useful subset of ACTL formulas.  相似文献   

骆翔宇  苏开乐  杨晋吉 《软件学报》2006,17(12):2485-2498
提出在同步的多智体系统中验证时态认知逻辑的有界模型检测(bounded model checking,简称BMC)算法.基于同步解释系统语义,在时态逻辑CTL*的语言中引入认知模态词,从而得到一个新的时态认知逻辑ECKLn.通过引入状态位置函数的方法获得同步系统的智能体知识,避免了为时间域而扩展通常的时态认知模型的状态及迁移关系编码.ECKLn的时态认知表达能力强于另一个逻辑CTLK.给出该算法的技术细节及正确性证明,并用火车控制系统实例解释算法的执行过程.  相似文献   

The Ravenscar tasking profile for Ada 95 has been designed to allow implementation of highly safety critical systems. Ravenscar defines a tasking system with deterministic behavior and low complexity. We provide a formal model using UPPAAL of the primitives provided by Ravenscar including exceptions. This formal model is used to verify the correctness of the Ravenscar model and can be used to verify safety properties of applications using the Ravenscar profile. As an illustration of this, we model a sample application using all features of Ravenscar and formally verify its correctness. Furthermore, an introduction to the Ravenscar model is given.  相似文献   

王海洋  段振华  田聪 《软件学报》2019,30(2):231-243
由于经典的线性时序逻辑表达能力有限,设计并开发了基于交替投影时序逻辑(alternating projection temporal logic,简称APTL)的模型检测工具.根据王海洋等人提出的APTL符号模型检测方法,设计并实现了APTL模型检测器MCMAS_APTL.该工具可用于多智能体系统(multi-agent system,简称MAS)的性质验证.MCMAS_APTL检查MAS是否满足具体性质的过程如下:首先,用解释系统编程语言(interpreted system programming language,简称ISPL)描述要验证的系统IS,用APTL公式P描述要验证的性质;然后,符号化表示系统IS,并将非P转化为范式;最后,计算所有满足非P的路径的起始状态集合.如果得到的状态集合中包含系统的初始状态,则说明系统不满足公式P;反之,则说明系统满足公式P.详细阐述了实现MCMAS_APTL的过程,并且通过验证机器人足球赛的例子展示了MCMAS_APTL的性能.  相似文献   

LOTOS is a formal specification language for concurrent and distributed systems. Basic LOTOS is the version of LOTOS without value‐passing. A widely used approach to the verification of temporal properties is model checking. Often, in this approach the formal specification is translated into a labeled transition system on which formulae expressing properties are checked. A problem with this verification technique is state explosion: concurrent systems are often represented by automata with a prohibitive number of states. In this paper we show how, given a set ρ of actions, it is possible to automatically obtain for a Basic LOTOS program a reduced transition system to which only the arcs labeled by actions in ρ belong. The set ρ of actions plays a fundamental role in conjunction with a temporal logic defined by the authors in a previous paper: selective mu‐calculus. The reduced system with respect to ρ preserves the truth value of all selective mu‐calculus formulae with actions from the set ρ. We act at both syntactic and semantic levels. From a syntactic point of view, we define a set of transformation rules obtaining a smaller program. On the semantic side, we define a non‐standard semantics which dynamically reduces the transition system during generation. We present a tool implementing both the syntactic and the semantic reduction. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Constraint automata have been introduced to provide a uniform operational model for specifying service interfaces of components, the network that yields the glue code for the components, and the operational behavior of the composite system. Constraint automata have been used as the basis for equivalence checking and model checking temporal logical properties. This paper presents a multi-player semantics for constraint automata which serves to reason about controllability, interaction and cooperation facilities of individual components or coalitions of components in a given network. We introduce a temporal logic framework, called alternating-time stream logic, that combines classical features of alternating-time logic (ATL) for concurrent games with special operators for specifying regular conditions on the data streams in the network and on the write and read operations at the I/O-ports of the components. Since constraint automata support any kind of synchronous and asynchronous peer-to-peer communication, the resulting game structure is non-standard and requires a series of nontrivial adaptations to the semantics and verification algorithms for classical alternating-time approaches.  相似文献   

Model Checking for Combined Logics with an Application to Mobile Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we develop model checking procedures for three ways of combining (temporal) logics: temporalization, independent combination, and join. We prove that they are terminating, sound, and complete, we analyze their computational complexity, and we report on experiments with implementations. We take a close look at mobile systems and show how the proposed combined model checking framework can be successfully applied to the specification and verification of their properties.  相似文献   

逄涛  段振华  刘晓芳 《软件学报》2015,26(8):1968-1982
现有模型检测工具的形式化规范语言,如计算树逻辑(computation tree logic,简称CTL)和线性时序逻辑(linear temporal logic,简称LTL)等的描述能力不足,无法验证ω正则性质.提出了一个命题投影时序逻辑(propositional projection temporal logic,简称PPTL)符号模型检测工具——PLSMC(PPTL symbolic model checker)的设计与实现过程.该工具基于著名的符号模型检测系统NuSMV,实现了PPTL的符号模型检测算法.PLSMC的规范语言PPTL具有完全正则表达能力,这使得定性性质和定量性质均可被验证.此外,PLSMC可以有效地缓解模型检测工具中容易发生的状态空间爆炸问题.最后,利用PLSMC对铁路公路交叉道口护栏控制系统的安全性质和周期性性质进行验证.实验结果表明,PPTL符号模型检测工具扩充了NuSMV系统的验证能力,使得时间敏感、并发性和周期性等实时性质可以被描述和验证.  相似文献   

基于场景构件式实时软件设计的一致性检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在复杂的实时软件系统中使用构件式设计方法,已成为目前软件工程中的研究热点.如何有效地验证实时软件的设计是否满足给定的时间规约,是实时计算领域中的主要挑战之一.通过在接口自动机模型中添加时间区间标记,来扩展其对实时系统接口行为的表达能力;使用实时接口自动机网络来描述实时软件系统的构件式设计模型;使用带布尔不等式时间约束的UML顺序图表示基于场景的需求规约,对系统设计阶段实时软件构件的动态行为进行形式化分析与检验.通过对实时接口自动机网络状态空间的分析,构造了其可兼容的整型状态等价类空间的可达图,并在此基础上给出了验证算法,以检验构件式实时软件系统的设计与带时间约束的场景式规约之间的一致性.  相似文献   

反应式系统通常是不终止的,其行为定义为系统状态的无限序列的集合.形式化验证时,检验需求一般使用时序逻辑给出.当使用诸如LTL(linear temporal logic)这样的逻辑时,由于这类逻辑的模型同样是无限序列,系统与需求之间的满足性关系可以简单定义为集合的包含关系.但是,当使用时段时序逻辑(interval temporal logic)作为说明逻辑时,由于逻辑模型的有限性,使得上面的满足关系不再适用.称这类有限序列集合表达的性质为有限性性质.对于不同的有限性性质,它们对应的满足性关系是有区别的.针对两类有限性定义了它们各自的满足性关系,并将这两种关系统一为一个更一般的满足性关系.在此基础上,提出模型检验这两类性质的算法,并将其实现为一个针对时段时序逻辑QRDC(quantified RDC (restricted duration calculus))的检验工具QRDChecker.QRDChecker可以检验QRDC公式在连续时间模型和离散时间模型下的有效性.在离散时间条件下,它还可以将QRDC公式转换成模型检验系统Spin能够接受的自动机的形式,从而可以检查反应式系统是否满足用QRDC公式表达的性质.  相似文献   

安全协议认证的形式化方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
安全协议认证是网络安全领域中重大课题之一。形式化方法多种多样。该文首先论述了模型检测技术及其在安全协议验证中的应用,然后介绍了各种定理证明方法和定理证明工具,接着讨论其它形式化验证方法,最后论述形式化方法的一些研究方向。  相似文献   

A Formal Verification Environment for Railway Signaling System Design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A fundamental problem in the design and development of embedded control systems is the verification of safety requirements. Formal methods, offering a mathematical way to specify and analyze the behavior of a system, together with the related support tools can successfully be applied in the formal proof that a system is safe. However, the complexity of real systems is such that automated tools often fail to formally validate such systems.This paper outlines an experience on formal specification and verification carried out in a pilot project aiming at the validation of a railway computer based interlocking system. Both the specification and the verification phases were carried out in the JACK (Just Another Concurrency Kit) integrated environment. The formal specification of the system was done by means of process algebra terms. The formal verification of the safety requirements was done first by giving a logical specification of such safety requirements, and then by means of model checking algorithms. Abstraction techniques were defined to make the problem of safety requirements validation tractable by the JACK environment.  相似文献   

交互时态逻辑已被广泛应用于开放系统的规范描述,交互时态逻辑的模型检测技术是一个比较重要的验证方法。为了形式化描述和验证具有模糊不确定性信息的开放系统的性质,提出了一种模糊交互时态逻辑,并讨论了它的模型检测问题。首先,引入了模糊交互时态逻辑的基于路径和基于不动点的两种语义,证明了其等价性。然后,基于其等价性,给出了模糊交互时态逻辑的模型检测算法和复杂性分析。  相似文献   

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