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求解具有长条型内边界的外问题的一种重叠型区域分解算法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以二维调和方程外问题为例,提出一种带椭圆型人工边界的重叠型区域分解算法,理论分析及数值实验表明,用该方法求解带长条型内边界的外问题是十分有效的。 相似文献
本文基于传递矩阵法(TMM)和虚拟边界元法(VBEM),提出了一种求解在谐激励作用下二维结构-声耦合问题的直接法。文中对任意形状的二维弹性环建立了一阶非齐次运动微分方程组,便于用齐次扩容精细积分法求解,对于含有任意形状孔穴的无穷域流体介质的Helmholtz外问题,采用复数形式的Burton-Miller型组合层势法建立了虚拟边界元方程,保证了声压在全波数域内存在唯一解。根据叠加原理并结合最小二乘法,提出了一种耦合方程的直接解法,由于该方法不存在迭代过程,因而具有较高的计算精度和效率。文中给出了二个典型弹性环在集中谐激励力作用下声辐射算例,计算结果表明本文方法较通常采用的混合FE/BE法更为有效。 相似文献
提出一种混合蚁群算法,并用其解决经典JSP问题.受转换瓶颈启发式算法的启示,将蚁群算法与禁忌搜索算法相结合,发现这种改进在防止早熟与加速收敛这对矛盾之间找到了一个比较好的结合点. 相似文献
目的 为实现大规模物料的快速剪裁切割,对考虑一刀切约束的二维装箱问题进行研究,并构建相应的改进优先度算法IPH(Improved Priority Algorithm,IPH).方法 IPH能够在不需要任何迭代搜索下,直接进行剩余空间分割与填充.为此,发展PH算法中的优先度放置规则,并以最大化生成大空间面积和最小化生成小空间面积为基础,设计改进砌砖式空间分割策略.结果 针对标准数据集的对比实验表明,IPH能够在较短时间内完成大规模算例的高效求解,并首次获得了多个算例的最优填装效果.结论 基于概率较优的启发式求解方法,能够实现无迭代优选下的一刀切二维装箱问题直接求解,且运算效果令人满意. 相似文献
针对混合互补问题,提出了一种在数值上具有稳健性质的内点算法,并证明了其收敛性定理,数值例子表明这一算法是有效的。 相似文献
旅行问题(Traveling Salesman Problem,简称TSP)是求一次遍访指定城市并返回出发城市的最短旅行路线的问题,它是图论中一个经典的NP完全问题,用电子计算机需要指数级的时间才能得到解决.尝试用粒子群算法来求解旅行商问题,结合遗传算法的思想,并且给出交叉和变异操作的设计.该算法符合组合优化问题的特点,在求解旅行商问题上有较高的搜索效率. 相似文献
针对 Helmholtz 类方程 Cauchy 问题的严重不适定性,提出了三维修正 Helmholtz 方程 Cauchy 问题基于精确解的修正核方法。通过构造软化算子,将不适定问题转化为适定问题,获得了稳定的数值逼近解。当波数 $k$ 和参数 $m$ 满足所需的条件时,分别给出了正则参数在先验选取规则之下的正则近似解与精确解之间的 $L^2$-误差估计和 Sobolev 型 $H^s$-误差估计,并通过数值算例对理论部分进行验证,结果表明所提出的正则化方法是稳定和有效性的。 相似文献
论Helmholtz方程的一类边界积分方程的合理性 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文导出了Helmholtz 方程超定边值问题有解的一个充要条件,和用非解析开拓法证明了文[1]中的Helmholtz 方程在外域中的解的边界积分表示式的合理性,并将此类边界积分表示式推广用于带空洞的有限域。这样就比较严密而又浅近地证明了基于该表示式建立起来的间接变量和直接变量边界积分方程的合理性。 相似文献
L. Marin L. Elliott P. J. Heggs D. B. Ingham D. Lesnic X. Wen 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2004,60(11):1933-1947
In this paper, several boundary element regularization methods, such as iterative, conjugate gradient, Tikhonov regularization and singular value decomposition methods, for solving the Cauchy problem associated to the Helmholtz equation are developed and compared. Regularizing stopping criteria are developed and the convergence, as well as the stability, of the numerical methods proposed are analysed. The Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation can be regularized by various methods, such as the general regularization methods presented in this paper, but more accurate results are obtained by classical methods, such as the singular value decomposition and the Tikhonov regularization methods. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Bangti Jin Yao Zheng 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2005,62(12):1636-1651
The boundary knot method is an inherently meshless, integration‐free, boundary‐type, radial basis function collocation technique for the solution of partial differential equations. In this paper, the method is applied to the solution of some inverse problems for the Helmholtz equation, including the highly ill‐posed Cauchy problem. Since the resulting matrix equation is badly ill‐conditioned, a regularized solution is obtained by employing truncated singular value decomposition, while the regularization parameter for the regularization method is provided by the L‐curve method. Numerical results are presented for both smooth and piecewise smooth geometry. The stability of the method with respect to the noise in the data is investigated by using simulated noisy data. The results show that the method is highly accurate, computationally efficient and stable, and can be a competitive alternative to existing methods for the numerical solution of the problems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The inverse boundary optimization problem, governed by the Helmholtz equation, is analyzed by the Trefftz method (TM) and the exponentially convergent scalar homotopy algorithm (ECSHA). In the inverse boundary optimization problem, the position for part of boundary with given boundary condition is unknown, and the position for the rest of boundary with additionally specified boundary conditions is given. Therefore, it is very difficult to handle the boundary optimization problem by any numerical scheme. In order to stably solve the boundary optimization problem, the TM, one kind of boundary-type meshless methods, is adopted in this study, since it can avoid the generation of mesh grid and numerical integration. In the boundary optimization problem governed by the Helmholtz equation, the numerical solution of TM is expressed as linear combination of the T-complete functions. When this problem is considered by TM, a system of nonlinear algebraic equations will be formed and solved by ECSHA which will converge exponentially. The evolutionary process of ECSHA can acquire the unknown coefficients in TM and the spatial position of the unknown boundary simultaneously. Some numerical examples will be provided to demonstrate the ability and accuracy of the proposed scheme. Besides, the stability of the proposed meshless method will be validated by adding some noise into the boundary conditions. 相似文献
以二维弹性问题为研究背景, 提出了一种二维新型快速多极虚边界元配点法的求解思想, 即采用新型的快速多极展开和运用广义极小残值法来求解传统的虚边界元配点法方程。相对常规快速多极展开技术, 该文针对二维弹性问题在原有的快速多极虚边界元法展开格式的基础上, 通过引入对角化的概念, 以更新展开传递格式, 欲达到进一步提高计算效率的目的。数值算例说明了该方法的可行性, 计算效率和计算精度。此外, 该文方法的思想具有一般性, 应用上具有扩展性。 相似文献
Toru Takahashi 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2012,91(5):531-551
This article presents a wideband fast multipole method (FMM) to accelerate the boundary integral equation method for two‐dimensional elastodynamics in frequency domain. The present wideband FMM is established by coupling the low‐frequency FMM and the high‐frequency FMM that are formulated on the ingenious decomposition of the elastodynamic fundamental solution developed by Nishimura's group. For each of the two FMMs, we estimated the approximation parameters, that is, the expansion order for the low‐frequency FMM and the quadrature order for the high‐frequency FMM according to the requested accuracy, considering the coexistence of the derivatives of the Helmholtz kernels for the longitudinal and transcendental waves in the Burton–Muller type boundary integral equation of interest. In the numerical tests, the error resulting from the fast multipole approximation was monotonically decreased as the requested accuracy level was raised. Also, the computational complexity of the present fast boundary integral equation method agreed with the theory, that is, Nlog N, where N is the number of boundary elements in a series of scattering problems. The present fast boundary integral equation method is promising for simulations of the elastic systems with subwavelength structures. As an example, the wave propagation along a waveguide fabricated in a finite‐size phononic crystal was demonstrated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Vaishali Shrivastava N. R. Aluru 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2004,59(15):2019-2046
An accelerated boundary cloud method (BCM) for boundary‐only analysis of 3D electrostatic problems is presented here. BCM uses scattered points unlike the classical boundary element method (BEM) which uses boundary elements to discretize the surface of the conductors. BCM combines the weighted least‐squares approach for the construction of approximation functions with a boundary integral formulation for the governing equations. A linear base interpolating polynomial that can vary from cloud to cloud is employed. The boundary integrals are computed by using a cell structure and different schemes have been used to evaluate the weakly singular and non‐singular integrals. A singular value decomposition (SVD) based acceleration technique is employed to solve the dense linear system of equations arising in BCM. The performance of BCM is compared with BEM for several 3D examples. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Liviu Marin 《计算机、材料和连续体(英文)》2010,17(3):233-274
We investigate two algorithms involving the relaxation of either the given boundary temperatures (Dirichlet data) or the prescribed normal heat fluxes (Neumann data) on the over-specified boundary in the case of the iterative algorithm of Kozlov91 applied to Cauchy problems for two-dimensional steady-state anisotropic heat conduction (the Laplace-Beltrami equation). The two mixed, well-posed and direct problems corresponding to every iteration of the numerical procedure are solved using the method of fundamental solutions (MFS), in conjunction with the Tikhonov regularization method. For each direct problem considered, the optimal value of the regularization parameter is chosen according to the generalized cross-validation (GCV) criterion. The iterative MFS algorithms with relaxation are tested for over-, equally and under-determined Cauchy problems associated with the steady-state anisotropic heat conduction in various two-dimensional geometries to confirm the numerical convergence, stability, accuracy and computational efficiency of the method. 相似文献
Chein-Shan Liu 《计算机、材料和连续体(英文)》2013,33(2):175-198
An optimal m-vector descent iterative algorithm in a Krylov subspace is developed, of which the m weighting parameters are optimized from a properly defined objective function to accelerate the convergence rate in solving an ill-posed linear problem. The optimal multi-vector iterative algorithm (OMVIA) is convergent fast and accurate, which is verified by numerical tests of several linear inverse problems, including the backward heat conduction problem, the heat source identification problem, the inverse Cauchy problem, and the external force recovery problem. Because the OMVIA has a good filtering effect, the numerical results recovered are quite smooth with small error, even under a large noise up to 10%. 相似文献