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Surface deformation, along National Highway 213 at the epicenter of Wenchuan M8 earthquake, at Yingxiu Town of Sichuan Province, China, is surveyed and measured in detail. The results show two distinct characteristics. One is that no horizontal displacement displays, or dextral strike-slip component at the observation point can not be found basically, the other is that uplift amount is 2.72 m, and the shortening amount is 0.38 m, which reflects thrust shortening deformation is not obvious. The crust uplift amount of 2.71 m is distributed in a belt with width of 60 m. The model of lower crustal flow proposed by Royden et al. (1997) about the dynamic process in eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau seems more suitable to explain the seismic surface deformation characteristics at Yingxiu Town, the epicenter of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan M8 Earthquake.


Surface deformation,along National Highway 213 at the epicenter of Wenchuan M8 earthquake,at Yingxiu Town of Sichuan Province,China,is surveyed and measured in detail.The results show two distinct characteristics.One is that no horizontal displacement displays,or dextral strike-slip component at the observation point can not be found basically,the other is that uplift amount is 2.72 m,and the short-ening amount is 0.38 m,which reflects thrust shortening deformation is not obvious.The crust uplift amount of ...  相似文献   

在野外地震地质科学考察的基础上,围绕汶川地震发震断层的特征、发震机制、地表破裂带的分段性与分带性、南北构造带地震危险性、地震地质灾害的多发性及链生性、工程建(构)筑物的破坏特征与安全性、地震烈度区划问题及极端自然灾害的预测与应对等进行了分析和讨论,并就有关问题提出了一些新的思考。结果表明,低速滑动断层、晚更新世断层或中央活动断裂也可以发生强震;汶川地震同时具有深部构造的控震作用;地表破裂沿走向可分为映秀—安县段、北川—关口段及青川段;地表破裂可分为主破裂、牵动破裂与感应破裂3种类型;青川段的深部破裂与浅部破裂没有几何上的连续关系或继承关系;贺兰—川滇南北构造带是中国大陆强震多发带,尤其是其北段的六盘山—天水—武都—青川一带未来的强震危险性不容忽视;汶川地震地质灾害具有灾害类型多、成因机理复杂、灾害链长、规模大、范围广、灾害程度深、危害对象广、持续时间长等特点;高烈度区和活断层沿线的地质灾害危险性区划与预测评价对防灾减灾极为重要;活动断裂沿线应注意破裂影响带宽度与建筑物安全避让距离;应对地震等极端自然灾害,应以预防为主,综合减灾;地震烈度区划应同时考虑活动断层的复发周期、地震的离逝时间乃至地形地貌条件;重大工程应提高设防烈度;应当加强极端自然灾害预测评估,完善应对对策和提高应对水平。  相似文献   

5·12汶川地震绵阳市区房屋震害统计与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
历次大地震的经验总结是推动建筑抗震技术发展的重要途径。通过绵阳市区房屋在汶川大地震后的震害应急评估和调查,对市区各类房屋结构的震害进行了统计,总结分析各类房屋的震害特征和经验教训。得到一些启示和建议:绵阳市区按现行抗震规范设计的房屋基本经受住了地震考验;不同的结构体系表现出的抗震性能差别较大;老旧房屋始终是抗震薄弱环节,应有选择地进行抗震鉴定加固,开展砖混结构墙体抗震防裂措施研究,采取措施有效减轻框架结构中填充墙等非结构构件的震害,开展楼梯抗震设计计算与构造措施的研究。  相似文献   

特大地震诱发了大量滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、堰塞湖和不稳定斜坡等次生地质灾害,水土流失非常严重,造成震区江河严重破坏.地震灾区河道修复是灾后恢复重建主要任务之一.四川大学水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室经过对震区的现场考察、结合灾区河道修复工程开展了相关的水沙动力学物理模型、数学模型与历史模型相结合的复合模型研究,取得了阶段性成果.作者结合国内外有关河道修复问题的研究进展,综述了河流修复在汶川地震灾后重建的重要性、河道修复的一般原则与地震灾后河道修复特殊原则、地震灾区河道修复的稳定性问题、地震灾后河流修复研究方法与案例.通过总结两年来抢险救灾与灾后重建的河流修复科学研究与工程实践,提出了灾后河道修复继续完善的建议.  相似文献   

5.12汶川地震中多层房屋典型震害规律研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据汶川地震房屋震害现场调查资料,总结了地震中多层房屋典型震害规律:砌体房屋主要为墙体发生剪切破坏;对底框架房屋,刚度比不同,导致房屋不同部位发生破坏;砌体-木屋架房屋,屋面破坏严重;混凝土框架房屋,破坏集中在填充墙以及混凝土柱头、柱脚;经过抗震设计的多层房屋震害明显轻于未经抗震设计的房屋。对如何提高建筑的抗震性能提出了若干建议,为今后房屋建筑抗震积累了经验。  相似文献   

After the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake which took place on May 12, 2008, aerial remote sensing has rapidly covered all the influence sites of the earthquake, emergency aero-photo interpretation has revealed the disaster distribution limitation, and captured the information of location, dimension of the destroyed houses, roads and other structures, blocked rivers, etc, which provided destroying conditions of the time for rescuing lives, rebuilding traffic lines and estimating disaster situation. The further interpretation and analysis indicate that large scale second growth geological disasters mainly distribute in the distance of 0–300 km and 45°–50° orientation from the epicenter. About 137 latent large-scale landslides and debris-flows will occur in this rain season and coming several years, so how to avoid current geological disasters as well as the latent large disasters should be considered in making rebuilding and developing plan.  相似文献   

震后北川县泥石流灾害具有暴发频率高,规模大,潜在危害严重等特点,已经成为灾后恢复重建的关键制约因素.震后潜在泥石流发育度的评价,对灾后重建具有重要意义.在野外调查和遥感解译的基础上,利用Arc-GIS技术,采用多因子叠加法对震后北川县潜在泥石流发育度进行了评价.依据评价结果,把北川县分为泥石流高发育区、中等发育区和低发育区.高发育区集中于擂鼓镇-曲山镇-陈家坝乡一带,沿发震断裂上盘分布,占县域面积的6.6%;中等发育区位于高发育区两侧,以断裂上盘为主,占县域面积的22.5%;其余属低发育区,占县域而积的70.9%.在泥石流高发育区必须规避泥石流灾害;在中等发育区,应进行泥石流危险性评估,确保没有灾害威胁,否则也必须进行规避.  相似文献   

为探究引起汶川地震的外因,分析了三峡水库的蓄水重心与龙门山断裂带的距离和几何关系、水库的大体量蓄水作用效果、四川盆地坚硬板块对由三峡库区蓄水所引起的水平力的传递效能、以及蓄水高程与构造型强地震的时间关系.针对汶川地震与三峡库区蓄水的关系,提出若干观点以供商榷.  相似文献   

"5·12"汶川地震形成了大量颗粒松散物质,导致河道大幅淤积、抬升等剧烈地貌变化,从而在相当长时间内改变原有的河道行洪特征,诱发次生洪水灾害.论文对唐家山至北川县城一线的通口河河道进行洪水数值模拟,定量分析该河段由于河床地貌突变所导致的汛期洪水威胁增强效应及其对北川县城地震遗址防洪能力的影响.计算表明:由于唐家山堰塞湖泄洪和魏家沟泥石流的影响,该河段沿程大幅淤积抬升,现状行洪能力大大低于震前20年一遇洪水的水平,远低于国家地震遗址保护要求的防洪标准;计算的水位和冲深对河道糙率较为敏感,但是由于河床地貌和床沙组成剧烈变化,糙率变化需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

5.12汶川地震中山区公路桥梁震害及启示   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过对5.12汶川地震强震区桥梁震害调查,总结了此次地震中桥梁、特别是山区公路桥梁在地震中破坏形态和特点,初步揭示此次地震造成桥梁(特别是山区公路桥梁)的破坏原因和特点,为灾区地震损伤桥梁的抗震加固和重新建造桥梁提供一些参考,同时初步分析了震害原因和应从中吸起的一些教训,为今后桥梁抗震设计提供合理建议.  相似文献   

As the Wenchuan Earthquake was of high magnitude and shallow seismic focus, it caused great damage and serious geohazards. By the field investigation and the interpretation of remote-sensing information after the earthquake and by using means of GIS technology, the distribution of geohazards triggered by the earthquake are analyzed and the conclusions are as follows: (1) The earthquake geohazards showed the feature of zonal distribution along the earthquake fault zone and linear distribution along the rivers; (2) the distribution of earthquake geohazards had a marked hanging wall effect, for the development density of geohazards in the hanging wall of earthquake fault zone was obviously higher than that in the foot wall and the width of strong development zone in the hanging wall was about 10 km; (3) the topographical slope was a main factor which controlled the development of earthquake geohazards and a vast majority of hazards were distributed on the slopes of 20° to 50°; (4) the earthquake geohazards had a corresponding relationship with the elevation and micro-landform, for most hazards happened in the river valleys and canyon sections below the elevation of 1500 to 2000 m, particularly in the upper segment of canyon sections (namely, the turning point from the dale to the canyon). Thin ridge, isolated or full-face space mountains were most sensitive to the seismic wave, and had a striking amplifying effect. In these areas, collapses and landslides were most likely to develop; (5) the study also showed that different lithologies determined the types of geohazards, and usually, landslides occurred in soft rocks, while collapses occurred in hard rocks. Supported by the Key Basic Research Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2008CB425800)  相似文献   

从批评话语分析框架下的互文性角度分析了美国媒体对中国汶川地震的新闻报道,除了说明主观性同样存在于貌似"中性"的灾难性新闻语篇中,也揭示了美国媒体意图塑造中国负面形象的意识形态及其形成原因,并再一次论证了权力、话语与意识形态之间密不可分的关系.  相似文献   

A multi-block model and a corresponding computer program have been developed which predict the kinematics of landslides.Furthermore,a unique event for studying different models simulating the triggering and movement of landslides is the 2008Wenchuan earthquake in the mountainous region in Sichuan Province of China,which caused a large number of rapid landslides.The purpose of the paper is two-fold:(a)to propose and incorporate into the multi-block model constitutive relations predicting soil response along slip surfaces,and(b)to apply the multi-block model with the constitutive relations at landslides triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake.The proposed constitutive equations predict the shape of the shear stress-displacement response measured in ring shear tests.In the application,four landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake were considered.Only in one of these landslides the shear resistance-displacement response along the slip surface has been measured in laboratory tests.At this landslide,the triggering and movement of the landslide was predicted.In the other landslides,back analyses were performed and it was observed that the multi-block model predicted reasonably well the final configuration of all slides.In addition,as the measured and back-estimated total friction angle of all landslides was less than 180,and the materials along the slip surface were sandy,it is inferred that some,or all of the slip surface during these slides was sheared in an undrained manner and excess pore pressures generated during sliding played a key role in the triggering and movement of these landslides.Concluding,the paper(A)proposed and validated a multi-block constitutive model which can be applied to predict the triggering and movement of earthquake-induced slides and(B)by analyzing four landslides of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,it concludes that some,or all of the slip surface during these slides,was sheared in an undrained manner and excess pore pressures generated during sliding played a key role in the triggering and movement of these landslides.  相似文献   

云南鹤庆5.3级地震震害分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提供对1986年云南省鹤庆县5.3级地震震害调查结果并对某些典型震害进行分析。  相似文献   

基于汶川地震期间大量地震加速度记录,利用直接拟合方法得到我国黄土地区土层加速度峰值衰减关系.借用美国西部相关研究成果,得到美国西部土层放大公式,并利用本文提出的修正方法对其进行最小方差的回归修正,得出我国西部黄土区土层放大公式,进而在少基岩加速度记录情况下,得到我国黄土地区基岩加速度峰值衰减关系.  相似文献   

地震诱发崩塌滑坡敏感性评价 ——以北川县为例   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以汶川地震重灾区四川省北川县为例,对研究区进行崩塌滑坡敏感性评价,并探究地震诱发的崩塌滑坡的分布规律。研究建立研究区崩塌滑坡空间数据库,选取距断裂带距离、坡度、坡型、高差、地层岩性等5个因素作为评价指标,采用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)对指标的权重定量,使用因子加权相加模型对北川县的由地震引发的崩塌滑坡敏感性进行评价。研究发现,距断裂带距离和坡度对崩塌滑坡影响较强。研究结果将北川县划分为崩塌滑坡极度敏感区、高度敏感区、中度敏感区、轻度敏感区和不敏感区五个区域。其中,极度敏感区主要分布在北川县东部的龙门山断裂带上,并沿断裂带延伸,在西部河流两岸也有少量分布,高度敏感和中度敏感区在极敏感区外围辐射分布,轻度敏感区和不敏感区主要分布在研究区的西部地区。  相似文献   

A multi-block model and a corresponding computer program have been developed which predict the kinematics of landslides. Furthermore, a unique event for studying different models simulating the triggering and movement of landslides is the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in the mountainous region in Sichuan Province of China, which caused a large number of rapid landslides. The purpose of the paper is two-fold:(a) to propose and incorporate into the multi-block model constitutive relations predicting soil response along slip surfaces, and (b) to apply the multi-block model with the constitutive relations at landslides triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake. The proposed constitutive equations predict the shape of the shear stress-displacement response measured in ring shear tests. In the application, four landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake were considered. Only in one of these landslides the shear resistance-displacement response along the slip surface has been measured in laboratory tests. At this landslide, the triggering and movement of the landslide was predicted. In the other landslides, back analyses were performed and it was observed that the multi-block model predicted reasonably well the final configuration of all slides. In addition, as the measured and back-estimated total friction angle of all landslides was less than 18°, and the materials along the slip surface were sandy, it is inferred that some, or all of the slip surface during these slides was sheared in an undrained manner and excess pore pressures generated during sliding played a key role in the triggering and movement of these landslides. Concluding, the paper (A) proposed and validated a multi-block constitutive model which can be applied to predict the triggering and movement of earthquake-induced slides and (B) by analyzing four landslides of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, it concludes that some, or all of the slip surface during these slides, was sheared in an undrained manner and excess pore pressures generated during sliding played a key role in the triggering and movement of these landslides.  相似文献   

汶川大地震后,根据中央指示精神,上海市对口援建都江堰重灾区,市领导提出了援建目标,成立对口援建指挥部具体负责实施该项工作。从全市各部门选派的各路精英快速反应,以最快的速度来到都江堰。满载着黄浦江两岸  相似文献   

四川珙县Ms 5.4级地震是长宁Ms 6.0级地震第三大余震,在震中区诱发了多处滑坡和崩塌,研究坡体不同部位地震动响应特征对地震地质灾害预测和防治意义重大。通过在距离震源近的斜坡不同位置布置监测点,获取地震动参数及相关变化规律,对研究区域的坡体进行稳定性分析和研究。结果表明:地震在南北向的放大效应大于东西向,覆盖层土体最大位移达到了7.42 mm,与地震时南北向晃动强烈吻合; 对比分析各个监测点的峰值加速度(PGA)、阿里亚斯(Arias)强度,覆盖层土体比高位基岩的放大效应显著; 基岩地震波以低频为主,卓越频率为2~5 Hz,随着高程的增加对高频的地震波有过滤作用,在山顶3#监测点的阿里亚斯强度比山脚1#监测点(参考点)放大数倍,地震动能量强; 通过该区域的抗震设计反应谱与监测反应谱对比分析,可以得出覆盖层土体和高位基岩地震动强烈,前者的宏观表现为覆盖层土体上老旧房屋毁坏严重,后者为高位基岩坡体滑坡和崩塌。  相似文献   

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