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This paper presents a smart house-based power system for thermal unit commitment programme. The proposed power system consists of smart houses, renewable energy plants and conventional thermal units. The transmission constraints are considered for the proposed system. The generated power of the large capacity renewable energy plant leads to the violated transmission constraints in the thermal unit commitment programme, therefore, the transmission constraint should be considered. This paper focuses on the optimal operation of the thermal units incorporated with controllable loads such as Electrical Vehicle and Heat Pump water heater of the smart houses. The proposed method is compared with the power flow in thermal units operation without controllable loads and the optimal operation without the transmission constraints. Simulation results show the validation of the proposed method.  相似文献   

采用风能、太阳能、燃料电池等清洁能源发电的分布式电源是智能电网的重要组成部分。质子交换膜燃料电池PEMFC作为分布式发电的一种,具有能量密度高,环境污染小,噪音低,启动快,工作温度低等优点。文中建立了PEMFC燃料电池的数学模型,采用Simulink软件搭建了仿真模型,并对PEMFC燃料电池在不同温度及气体压力下的发电效率进行了分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new energy management algorithm has been suggested for the ships connected with alternative energies considering the smart electricity grid features. The algorithm focuses on the use of optimum energy source on the shipboard based on the priorities of authorities such as the most economic, environmental, or both criteria at the ports. The algorithm is performed in MATLAB, and several case studies are simulated to validate the results. The 5 maritime nations, which are at different regions: United States, Belgium, Turkey, China, and Australia, are taken into account in the case studies. The actual data of a bulk carrier ship have been used to achieve tangible results in the simulations. The results of the case studies are compared to determine the changes of energy cost and released emission to meet demand of electricity on the ships. Capital cost of the proposed concept is also given to make an economic evaluation. The results show that the ship energy management algorithm provides the significant economic and environmental advantages. This paper aims to contribute to the importance of the ships in the smart electricity grid concept for the maritime and electricity sector representatives.  相似文献   

A smart grid is an electricity network, which deals with electronic power conditioning and control of production, transmission, and distribution of electrical power by employing digital communication technologies to monitor and manage local changes in electricity usage. In the traditional power grid, energy consumers remain oblivious to their power consumption patterns, resulting in wasted energy as well as money. This issue is severely pronounced in the developing countries where there is a huge gap between demand and supply, resulting in frequent power outages and load‐shedding. For electrical energy savings, the smart grid employs demand side management (DSM), which refers to adaptation in consumer's demand for energy through various approaches such as financial incentives and awareness. The DSM in future smart grid must exploit automated energy management systems (EMS) built upon the state‐of‐the‐art technologies such as the internet of things (IoT) and cloud and/or fog computing. In this paper, we present the architecture framework, design, and implementation of an IoT and cloud computing‐based EMS, which generates load profile of consumer to be accessed remotely by utility company or by the consumer. The consumers' load profiles enable utility companies to regulate and disseminate their incentives and incite the consumers to adapt their energy consumption. Our designed EMS is implemented on a Project Circuit Board (PCB) to be easily installed at the consumer premises where it performs the following tasks: (a) monitors energy consumption of electrical appliances by means of our designed current and voltage sensors, (b) uploads sensed data to Google Firebase cloud over many‐to‐many IoT communication protocol Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) where consumer's load profile is generated, which can be accessed via a web portal. These load profiles serve as input for implementing the various DSM approaches. Our results demonstrate generated load profiles of consumer load in terms of current, voltage, energy, and power accessible via a web portal.  相似文献   

近年来分布式电源不断接入电网,其输出功率的不确定性严重影响了系统的频率和电压水平。与此同时,电网用户侧智能终端设备数量逐年增加,各节点的功率控制能力得到明显提高。因此,为使系统频率和电压幅值保持在额定值附近,本文提出了一种基于可控负荷的电压频率控制多目标优化模型。为了克服传统多目标求解方法主观性强的缺点,将所提多目标优...  相似文献   

The study deals with the techno-enviro-economic aspects of hydrogen production using polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysers powered by a hybrid grid-connected tidal-wind energy system. System modelling is presented initially. The energy management strategies for hydrogen production are then analysed as rule-based approach and as optimised approach. An objective function to maximise the operating profit under optimal system operation is formulated considering the variable energy costs, capital and maintenance expenditure, and real system constraints. A comprehensive cost analysis of the system is obtained by comparing two different optimisation approaches based on fixed cost and levelised cost factors, respectively. Towards reaching this goal, the use of mixed integer genetic algorithm optimisation is investigated. The operation of electrolyser in terms of its different operating modes, namely stop, running, and stand-by is presented. The dynamic optimisation of an electrolyser capable of working at up to twice its nominal rating for a limited duration is also analysed in the study. The results of the optimisation approach are 41.5% and 47% higher than the rule-based approach in terms of the annualised profit and carbon emission savings, respectively. In addition, the recurrent switching of electrolyser unit operating modes is avoided with the optimisation approach, reducing the associated energy consumption of about 27.2 MWh annually. The proposed model can be used as a generic tool for hydrogen production analysis under different contexts and it is especially applicable in high green energy potential sites with constrained grid facilities.  相似文献   

陈双  陈卫民  严虹 《水电能源科学》2012,30(8):184-186,12
针对传统集中式光伏发电系统结构存在的问题,介绍了直流模块式光伏发电结构,并利用反激变换器作为直流模块式光伏发电系统的前级直流模块,采用变步长的滞环比较法实现光伏电池的最大功率跟踪控制,采用带有输入电压前馈控制的电压闭环控制策略实现直流母线的稳压控制。试验结果表明,该方案可行。  相似文献   

文章提出一种改进型功率分层协调控制策略,该策略利用荷源功率差信号代替母线电压信号作为切换条件,使孤岛型光储直流微网系统能够在不同运行模式间平滑切换,从而实现微网内部功率的动态平衡,保证不同工况下均存在以电压特性运行的松弛终端给直流母线提供电压支撑。通过下垂控制实现并联型储能系统按照实时功率调节能力决定自身出力,有效避免储能系统的过充过放,并引入二次运行控制环节解决了储能单元功率分配超过最大充放电功率引起的系统失衡问题。最后通过Matlab/Simulink平台在不同工况下实现该策略,仿真结果验证了所提出控制策略的有效性与优越性。  相似文献   

In today's world striving for efficiency in every sector, especially power generation and distribution, smart grids emerge as the solution for efficiently meeting the increasing demand. They adjust themselves to optimally deliver energy at the lowest cost and highest quality possible. The grid successfully makes use of renewable energy resources, electric vehicles, and smart pricing techniques in its attempt to achieve energy efficiency. It also promotes a greener environment by striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Information communication technology (ICT) helps the grid in collecting consumption data from the consumers and in sharing tariff information. ICT also helps to gather information about the status of the grid with regard to aspects like power quality, faults etc. The purpose of this paper is to review recent literature with a view to comprehensively present the technologies employed in the smart grid for achieving energy efficiency and the challenges involved therein.  相似文献   

A fuel cell powered system is regarded as a high current and low voltage source. To boost the output voltage of a fuel cell, a DC/DC converter is employed. Since these two systems show different dynamics, they need to be coordinated to meet the demand of a load. This paper proposes models for the two systems with associated controls, which take into account a PEM fuel cell stack with air supply and thermal systems, and a PWM DC/DC converter. The integrated simulation facilitates optimization of the power control strategy, and analyses of interrelated effects between the electric load and the temperature of cell components. In addition, the results show that the proposed power control can coordinate the two sources with improved dynamics and efficiency at a given dynamic load.  相似文献   

直流联网工程对电网暂态稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为满足山东省用电的需要,计划2010年、2012年实施西北(宁东)-华北(山东)直流联网工程。该联网工程有利于优化资源配置、水火电互补运行,预计可取得显著的送电效益和诸多联网效益。但还要考虑到直流故障对山东电网带来的冲击。通过详细的潮流计算、暂态稳定计算,分析了2012年山东电网在有无交流特高压2种方式下直流故障的适应性。  相似文献   

综合能源系统作为实现智慧能源的关键技术形式,其优化运行问题是一门重要课题。针对综合能源系统优化运行问题,考虑到系统多能互补协调,基于主从博弈理论进行建模。其中:主体博弈模型以多能互补协调计划为博弈策略,以综合能源系统综合运行成本最小化为博弈支付,计及多能互补协调约束等必要约束条件;从体博弈模型以各个形式能源子网的运行计划为博弈策略,以能源子网运行收益最大化为博弈支付,计及分布式供能设备运行约束等必要约束条件。分析得到主从博弈模型的纳什均衡,基于混沌粒子群算法设计模型求解流程。最后通过仿真算法表明,所建立的模型适用于综合能源系统优化运行方案制定,能够显著降低系统运行成本。  相似文献   

As the popularity of fuel cell vehicles continues to rise in the global market, production and supply of low-carbon hydrogen are important to mitigate CO2 emissions. We propose a design for a hydrogen refueling station with a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer (PEM-EL)-based electrolysis system (EL-System) and photovoltaic generation (PV) to supply low-carbon hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced by the EL-System using electricity from PV and the power grid. The system was formulated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model to allow analysis of optimal operational strategies. Case studies with different objective functions, CO2 emission targets, and capacity utilization of the EL-System were evaluated. Efficiency characteristics of the EL-System were obtained through measurements. The optimized operational strategies were evaluated with reference to three evaluation indices: CO2 emissions, capacity utilization, and operational cost of the system. The results were as follows: 1) Regardless of the objective function, the EL-System generally operated in highest efficiency state, and optimal operation depended on the efficiency characteristics of the EL-System; 2) mitigation of CO2 emissions and increase in capacity utilization of the EL-System required trade-offs; and 3) increased capacity utilization of the EL-System showed two opposing effects on hydrogen retail price.  相似文献   

基于直流潮流计算的风电接入能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据电力系统分析中采用的直流潮流算法,研究了风电功率在静态安全约束下的传输功率能力,建立了传输功率约束的详细数学模型以及基于直流潮流的简化模型并给出了求解方法,对大规模互联电网建立了交流潮流与有功功率约束相结合的实用模型。通过系统中的算例表明,该方法简捷、可靠,能够满足实际分析计算需要。  相似文献   

青藏直流联网后藏中电网安全稳定控制系统的重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏直流联网初期,作为青藏直流受端的藏中电网短路容量较小,电网网架较薄弱,导致交直流系统安全稳定问题较为突出,给青藏直流以及藏中电网的安全稳定运行带来诸多挑战。针对青藏直流联网后电网存在的各种稳定问题进行了深入分析,提出了相应的控制对策;提出建设分层分区的藏中电网安全稳定控制系统来保障青藏直流工程和藏中电网安全稳定运行。  相似文献   

为有预见性地防御直流偏磁危害,在新建直流接地极初期应对直流接地极进行优化选址。考虑母线电压、发电机功率以及变压器因直流电流额外消耗的无功功率等参数,提出了基于人工蜂群算法的直流接地极优化选址方法,并量化了直流电流对交流电网的影响,最终通过IEEE 118节点及某实际电网两个工程算例验证了人工蜂群优化选址方法的可行性。研究结果为直流接地极优化选址、防御直流偏磁危害、降低直流电流对交流系统的影响提供了可能。  相似文献   

随着智能电网的建设,大规模新能源机组并网运行,使电力系统运行更加复杂,对电网的稳定性提出更高的要求。先导节点的选择及其电压的控制是电力系统稳定性研究的重要方面,节点类型和状态变量扩展潮流计算能为经济调度、参数整定、在线分析估计等提供更全面可靠的参考。以此为目的,建立了一种拓展潮流计算模型。提出通过标准粒子群优化算法在电压控制分区中选择先导节点。提出含P、PV、PQ、PQV、Vθ等多节点类型及拓展变量的潮流计算模型,计及发电机机端电势变量,将已选中枢点设为PQV节点,选择等量的发电机组为P节点。利用IEEE 39节点输电网络选择先导节点和潮流计算仿真,结果验证了该模型的有效性。常规潮流模型与该模型仿真比较表明该模型在今后智能电网背景下离线和在线实时潮流计算中将有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the potential of power generation resources for hydrogen production and electric grid load balancing in large scale management scenarios like the Spanish power system; much of which is currently underutilized and could deliver substantial amounts of energy, with great advantages for the reliability of the system at the same time. In this context, the production of hydrogen by electrolysis using the power grid mix is a promising option as an alternative to other operational procedures or exporting the electricity.  相似文献   

Many governments offer subsidies for renewable power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the power sector. However, most support schemes for renewable power do not take into account that emissions depend on the location of renewable and conventional power plants within an electricity grid. I simulate optimal power flow in a test grid when 4 renewable power plants connect to the grid across 24 potential sites, amounting to over 10,000 configurations. Each configuration is associated with different levels of emissions and renewable power output. I find that emission reductions vary by a factor of 7 and that curtailment due to transmission congestion is more likely when renewable power plants are concentrated in an area of the grid with low demand. Large cost savings could be obtained by allowing subsidies for renewable power to vary across locations according to abatement potential or by replacing subsidies with a price on emissions.  相似文献   

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