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For the classification of very large data sets with a mixture model approach a two-step strategy for the estimation of the mixture is proposed. In the first step data are scaled down using compression techniques. Data compression consists of clustering the single observations into a medium number of groups and the representation of each group by a prototype, i.e. a triple of sufficient statistics (mean vector, covariance matrix, number of observations compressed). In the second step the mixture is estimated by applying an adapted EM algorithm (called sufficient EM) to the sufficient statistics of the compressed data. The estimated mixture allows the classification of observations according to their maximum posterior probability of component membership. The performance of sufficient EM in clustering a real data set from a web-usage mining application is compared to standard EM and the TwoStep clustering algorithm as implemented in SPSS. It turns out that the algorithmic efficiency of the sufficient EM algorithm is much more higher than for standard EM. While the TwoStep algorithm is even faster the results show a lack of stability.  相似文献   

复杂背景下基于傅立叶描述子的手势识别   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
刘寅  滕晓龙  刘重庆 《计算机仿真》2005,22(12):158-161
人的手势是人们日常生活中最广泛使用的一种交流方式。由于在人机交互界面和虚拟现实环境中的应用,手势识别的研究受到了越来越广泛的关注。但是目前基于单目视觉的手势识别技术中,手势分割要求背景简单或者要求识别者戴着笨重的数据手套。而该文结合了运动信息和基于KL变换的肤色模型,在复杂背景下进行手势分割,与传统的基于RGB肤色模型的手势分割相比,在复杂背景环境下得到了很好的分割效果。在对分割的手势区域进行预处理后,该文使用了一种归一化的傅立叶描述子进行手势的特征提取,相比传统的傅立叶描述子更加准确,最后采用了传统的三层BP网络作为模式识别器,手势训练集和测试集的识别率分别达到了95.9%和95%。  相似文献   

张德喜  黄浩 《计算机应用》2006,26(8):1884-1887
EM算法的计算强度较大,且当数据集较大时,计算效率较低。为此,提出了基于部分E步的混合EM算法,降低了算法的计算强度,提高了算法对数据集大小的适应能力,并且保持了EM算法的收敛特性。最后通过将算法应用于大的数据集,验证了该算法能减少计算强度。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework for industrial and collaborative robot programming based on the integration of hand gestures and poses. The framework allows operators to control the robot via both End-Effector (EE) and joint movements and to transfer compound shapes accurately to the robot. Seventeen hand gestures, which cover the position and orientation controls of the robotic EE and other auxiliary operations, are designed according to cognitive psychology. Gestures are classified by a deep neural network, which is pre-trained for two-hand pose estimation and fine-tuned on a custom dataset, achieving a test accuracy of 99%. The index finger’s pointing direction and the hand’s orientation are extracted via 3D hand pose estimation to indicate the robotic EE’s moving direction and orientation, respectively. The number of stretched fingers is detected via two-hand pose estimation to represent decimal digits for selecting robot joints and inputting numbers. Finally, we integrate these three manners seamlessly to form a programming framework.We conducted two interaction experiments. The reaction time of the proposed hand gestures in indicating randomly given instructions is significantly less than that of other gesture sets, such as American Sign Language (ASL). The accuracy of our method in compound shape reconstruction is much better than that of hand movement trajectory-based methods, and the operating time is comparable with that of teach pendants.  相似文献   

It is an important research issue to deal with mixture models when missing values occur in the data. In this paper, computational strategies using auxiliary indicator matrices are introduced for efficiently handling mixtures of multivariate normal distributions when the data are missing at random and have an arbitrary missing data pattern, meaning that missing data can occur anywhere. We develop a novel EM algorithm that can dramatically save computation time and be exploited in many applications, such as density estimation, supervised clustering and prediction of missing values. In the aspect of multiple imputations for missing data, we also offer a data augmentation scheme using the Gibbs sampler. Our proposed methodologies are illustrated through some real data sets with varying proportions of missing values.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov models have been found very useful for a wide range of applications in machine learning and pattern recognition. The wavelet transform has emerged as a new tool for signal and image analysis. Learning models for wavelet coefficients have been mainly based on fixed-length sequences, but real applications often require to model variable-length, very long or real-time sequences. In this paper, we propose a new learning architecture for sequences analyzed on short-term basis, but not assuming stationarity within each frame. Long-term dependencies will be modeled with a hidden Markov model which, in each internal state, will deal with the local dynamics in the wavelet domain, using a hidden Markov tree. The training algorithms for all the parameters in the composite model are developed using the expectation-maximization framework. This novel learning architecture could be useful for a wide range of applications. We detail two experiments with artificial and real data: model-based denoising and speech recognition. Denoising results indicate that the proposed model and learning algorithm are more effective than previous approaches based on isolated hidden Markov trees. In the case of the ‘Doppler’ benchmark sequence, with 1024 samples and additive white noise, the new method reduced the mean squared error from 1.0 to 0.0842. The proposed methods for feature extraction, modeling and learning, increased the phoneme recognition rates in 28.13%, with better convergence than models based on Gaussian mixtures.  相似文献   

Nonlinear mixed-effects (NLME) models are widely used for longitudinal data analyses. Time-dependent covariates are often introduced to partially explain inter-individual variation. These covariates often have missing data, and the missingness may be nonignorable. Likelihood inference for NLME models with nonignorable missing data in time-varying covariates can be computationally very intensive and may even offer computational difficulties such as nonconvergence. We propose a computationally very efficient method for approximate likelihood inference. The method is illustrated using a real data example.  相似文献   

黄卓  王文峰  郭波 《控制与决策》2008,23(2):133-139
针对目前连续PH分布数据拟合EM(Expectation-Maximization)算法存在的初值敏感问题,提出运用确定性退火EM算法进行连续PH分布数据拟合,给出了详细的理论推导,并通过两个拟合实例与标准EM算法进行了对比.对比结果表明所提出的方法可以有效地避免初值选择的不同对EM算法结果的影响,减小陷入局部最优的可能性,能得到比标准EM算法更好的结果.  相似文献   

Hand signs are considered as one of the important ways to enter information into computers for certain tasks. Computers receive sensor data of hand signs for recognition. When using hand signs as computer inputs, we need to (1) train computer users in the sign language so that their hand signs can be easily recognized by computers, and (2) design the computer interface to avoid the use of confusing signs for improving user input performance and user satisfaction. For user training and computer interface design, it is important to have a knowledge of which signs can be easily recognized by computers and which signs are not distinguishable by computers. This paper presents a data mining technique to discover distinct patterns of hand signs from sensor data. Based on these patterns, we derive a group of indistinguishable signs by computers. Such information can in turn assist in user training and computer interface design.  相似文献   

This study focuses on clustering algorithms for data on the unit hypersphere. This type of directional data lain on the surface of a unit hypersphere is used in geology, biology, meteorology, medicine and oceanography. The EM algorithm with mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions is often used for model-based clustering for data on the unit hypersphere. However, the EM algorithm is sensitive to initial values and outliers and a number of clusters must be assigned a priori. In this paper, we propose an effective approach, called a learning-based EM algorithm with von Mises-Fisher distributions, to cluster this type of hyper-spherical data. The proposed clustering method is robust to outliers, without the need for initialization, and automatically determines the number of clusters. Thus, it becomes a fully-unsupervised model-based clustering method for data on the unit hypersphere. Some numerical and real examples with comparisons are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method. We also apply the proposed learning-based EM algorithm to cluster exoplanet data in extrasolar planets. The clustering results have several important implications for exoplanet data and allow an interpretation of exoplanet migration.  相似文献   

Tremendous advances in different areas of knowledge are producing vast volumes of data, a quantity so large that it has made necessary the development of new computational algorithms. Among the algorithms developed, we find Machine Learning models and specific data mining techniques that might be useful for all areas of knowledge. The use of computational tools for data analysis is increasingly required, given the need to extract meaningful information from such large volumes of data. However, there are no free access libraries, modules, or web services that comprise a vast array of analytical techniques in a user-friendly environment for non-specific users. Those that exist raise high usability barriers for those untrained in the field as they usually have specific installation requirements and require in-depth programming knowledge, or may result expensive. As an alternative, we have developed DMAKit, a user-friendly web platform powered by DMAKit-lib, a new library implemented in Python, which facilitates the analysis of data of different kind and origins. Our tool implements a wide array of state-of-the-art data mining and pattern recognition techniques, allowing the user to quickly implement classification, prediction or clustering models, statistical evaluation, and feature analysis of different attributes in diverse datasets without requiring any specific programming knowledge. DMAKit is especially useful for users who have large volumes of data to be analyzed but do not have the informatics, mathematical, or statistical knowledge to implement models. We expect this platform to provide a way to extract information and analyze patterns through data mining techniques for anyone interested in applying them with no specific knowledge required. Particularly, we present several cases of study in the areas of biology, biotechnology, and biomedicine, where we highlight the applicability of our tool to ease the labor of non-specialist users to apply data analysis and pattern recognition techniques. DMAKit is available for non-commercial use as an open-access library, licensed under the GNU General Public License, version GPL 3.0. The web platform is publicly available at https://pesb2.cl/dmakitWeb. Demonstrative and tutorial videos for the web platform are available in https://pesb2.cl/dmakittutorials/. Complete urls for relevant content are listed in the Data Availability section.  相似文献   

手势识别作为一种自然和谐的人机交互方式,具有广泛的应用前景,而传统手势识别方法准确率不高、实时性较差。为此,在DSSD网络模型的基础上,提出一种静态手势实时识别方法。自制手势数据集,通过K-means算法及手肘法选取先验框的宽高比,采用迁移学习的方法解决数据量小导致的检测精度低的问题,同时根据识别精度选择ResNet101为DSSD模型的基础网络,经DSSD模型的反卷积模块融合各个特征提取层的语义信息,加强对小手势目标的检测能力。实验结果表明,该方法识别静态手势的识别率达到95.6%,较基于Faster R-CNN、YOLO和SSD的手势识别方法分别提高了3.6%、4.5%及2.3%,其检测速度为8 frame/s,能够满足实时检测要求。  相似文献   

This paper presents a handwriting recognition system that deals with unconstrained handwriting and large vocabularies. The system is based on the segmentation-recognition paradigm where words are first loosely segmented into characters or pseudocharacters and the final segmentation is obtained during the recognition process, which is carried out with a lexicon. Characters are modeled by multiple hidden Markov models (HMMs), which are concatenated to build up word models. The lexicon is organized as a tree structure, and during the decoding words with similar prefixes share the same computation steps. To avoid an explosion of the search space due to the presence of multiple character models, a lexicon-driven level building algorithm (LDLBA) is used to decode the lexical tree and to choose at each level the more likely models. Bigram probabilities related to the variation of writing styles within the words are inserted between the levels of the LDLBA to improve the recognition accuracy. To further speed up the recognition process, some constraints are added to limit the search efforts to the more likely parts of the search space. Experimental results on a dataset of 4674 unconstrained words show that the proposed recognition system achieves recognition rates from 98% for a 10-word vocabulary to 71% for a 30,000-word vocabulary and recognition times from 9 ms to 18.4 s, respectively.Received: 8 July 2002, Accepted: 1 July 2003, Published online: 12 September 2003 Correspondence to: Alessandro L. Koerich  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a simple but effective method of modeling hand gestures based on the angles and angular change rates of the hand trajectories. Each hand motion trajectory is composed of a unique series of straight and curved segments. In our Hidden Markov Model (HMM) implementation, these trajectories are modeled as a connected series of states analogous to the series of phonemes in speech recognition. The novelty of the work presented herein is that it provides an automated process of segmenting gesture trajectories based on a simple set of threshold values in the angular change measure. In order to represent the angular distribution of each separated state, the von Mises distribution is used. A likelihood based state segmentation was implemented in addition to the threshold based method to ensure that the gesture sets are segmented consistently. The proposed method can separate each angular state of the training data at the initialization step, thus providing a solution to mitigate the ambiguities on initializing the HMM. The effectiveness of the proposed method was demonstrated by the higher recognition rates in the experiments compared to the conventional methods.  相似文献   

Because it operates under a strict time constraint, query processing for data streams should be continuous and rapid. To guarantee this constraint, most previous researches optimize the evaluation order of multiple join operations in a set of continuous queries using a greedy optimization strategy so that the order is re-optimized dynamically in run-time due to the time-varying characteristics of data streams. However, this method often results in a sub-optimal plan because the greedy strategy traces only the first promising plan. This paper proposes a new multiple query optimization approach, Adaptive Sharing-based Extended Greedy Optimization Approach (A-SEGO), that traces multiple promising partial plans simultaneously. A-SEGO presents a novel method for sharing the results of common sub-expressions in a set of queries cost-effectively. The number of partial plans can be flexibly controlled according to the query processing workload. In addition, to avoid invoking the optimization process too frequently, optimization is performed only when the current execution plan is relatively no longer efficient. A series of experiments are comparatively analyzed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method in various stream environments.  相似文献   

All 3D hand models employed for hand gesture recognition so far use kinematic models of the hand. We propose to use computer vision models of the hand, and recover hand gestures using 3D reconstruction techniques. In this paper, we present a new method to estimate the epipolar geometry between two uncalibrated cameras from stereo hand images. We first segmented hand images using the RCE neural network based color segmentation algorithm and extracted edge points of fingers as points of interest, then match them based on the topological features of the hand. The fundamental matrix is estimated using a combination of techniques such as input data normalization, rank-2 constraint, linear criterion, nonlinear criterion as well as M-estimator. This method has been tested with real calibrated and uncalibrated images. The experimental comparison demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the method.  相似文献   

On the use of Bernoulli mixture models for text classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A.  E.   《Pattern recognition》2002,35(12):2705-2710
Mixture modelling of class-conditional densities is a standard pattern recognition technique. Although most research on mixture models has concentrated on mixtures for continuous data, emerging pattern recognition applications demand extending research efforts to other data types. This paper focuses on the application of mixtures of multivariate Bernoulli distributions to binary data. More concretely, a text classification task aimed at improving language modelling for machine translation is considered.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays make it possible to study simultaneously the expression of thousands of genes in a biological sample. Univariate clustering techniques have been used to discover target genes with differential expression between two experimental conditions. Because of possible loss of information due to use of univariate summary statistics, it may be more effective to use multivariate statistics. We present multivariate normal mixture model based clustering analyses to detect differential gene expression between two conditions.Deviating from the general mixture model and model-based clustering, we propose mixture models with specific mean and covariance structures that account for special features of two-condition microarray experiments. Explicit updating formulas in the EM algorithm for three such models are derived. The methods are applied to a real dataset to compare the expression levels of 1176 genes of rats with and without pneumococcal middle-ear infection to illustrate the performance and usefulness of this approach. About 10 genes and 20 genes are found to be differentially expressed in a six-dimensional modeling and a bivariate modeling, respectively. Two simulation studies are conducted to compare the performance of univariate and multivariate methods. Depending on data, neither method can always dominate the other. The results suggest that multivariate normal mixture models can be useful alternatives to univariate methods to detect differential gene expression in exploratory data analysis.  相似文献   

Hand gesture recognition has been intensively applied in various human-computer interaction (HCI) systems. Different hand gesture recognition methods were developed based on particular features, e.g., gesture trajectories and acceleration signals. However, it has been noticed that the limitation of either features can lead to flaws of a HCI system. In this paper, to overcome the limitations but combine the merits of both features, we propose a novel feature fusion approach for 3D hand gesture recognition. In our approach, gesture trajectories are represented by the intersection numbers with randomly generated line segments on their 2D principal planes, acceleration signals are represented by the coefficients of discrete cosine transformation (DCT). Then, a hidden space shared by the two features is learned by using penalized maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). An iterative algorithm, composed of two steps per iteration, is derived to for this penalized MLE, in which the first step is to solve a standard least square problem and the second step is to solve a Sylvester equation. We tested our hand gesture recognition approach on different hand gesture sets. Results confirm the effectiveness of the feature fusion method.  相似文献   

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