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提出一种基于模糊决策树的软件成本估计模型。该模型能够把决策树的归纳学习能力和模糊集合所具有的表达能力相结合,在软件成本估计过程中以模糊集的形式预测相对误差范围,并利用决策树的判定规则分析误差源。最后,通过软件项目历史数据验证该软件成本估计模型的有效性。  相似文献   

Abstract: Understanding and adapting to changes in customer behavior is an important aspect for survival in a continuously changing environment. This paper develops a methodology based on decision tree analysis to detect the change in classified customer segments automatically between two data sets collected over time. We first define three types of changes as the emerging pattern, the unexpected change and the added/perished rule. Then, similarity and difference measures are developed for rule matching to detect all types of change. Finally, the degree of change is developed to evaluate the amount of change. Our suggested methodology based on decision tree analysis in the change detection problem can be used in more structured situations in which the manager has a specific research question and it also detects the change of classification criteria in a dynamically changing environment. A Korean Internet shopping mall case is evaluated to represent the performance of our suggested methodology, and practical business implications for this methodology are also provided. We believe that the change detection problem and the suggested methodology will become increasingly important as more data mining applications are implemented.  相似文献   

基于值约简和决策树的最简规则提取算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
罗秋瑾  陈世联 《计算机应用》2005,25(8):1853-1855
粗糙集理论中的值约简和数据挖掘领域中的决策树都是有效的分类方法,但二者都有其局限性。将这两种方法结合起来,生成一种新的基于值核的极小化方法对决策树进行修剪,提出了约简规则的判定准则,缩小了约简的范围,最后再对生成的规则进行极大化处理,以保证规则覆盖信息的一致性,实验验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

陈峰 《计算机应用》2009,29(8):2250-2252
移动通信领域中的客户信息挖掘是数据挖掘和商务智能领域中典型应用之一,具有较高研究意义和商业应用价值。在基于决策树的数据分类算法基础上,采用相异度计算原理进行再次分类,以此对移动通信客户信息中的不同属性进行分析,重点对移动通信客户是否可能成长为高价值客户的分类进行了研究。测试结果表明,该组合分类算法在移动通信客户分类时的平均准确率达到了83.1%。  相似文献   

树形算法由于其对大量高维数据的有效处理、对噪声点的高容忍度和对知识的有效表示,是最常用的CRM客户细分技术。通过对几类树形算法,包括决策树C4.5算法、决策树CART算法和平衡随机森林BRF算法,在解决电信客户细分问题中的表现进行分析研究,并且选用BP神经网络算法作为树形算法的参照,最终研究得出:平衡随机森林在处理电信客户问题上具有最好的表现。  相似文献   

With the developments in the information technology, fraud is spreading all over the world, resulting in huge financial losses. Though fraud prevention mechanisms such as CHIP&PIN are developed for credit card systems, these mechanisms do not prevent the most common fraud types such as fraudulent credit card usages over virtual POS (Point Of Sale) terminals or mail orders so called online credit card fraud. As a result, fraud detection becomes the essential tool and probably the best way to stop such fraud types. In this study, a new cost-sensitive decision tree approach which minimizes the sum of misclassification costs while selecting the splitting attribute at each non-terminal node is developed and the performance of this approach is compared with the well-known traditional classification models on a real world credit card data set. In this approach, misclassification costs are taken as varying. The results show that this cost-sensitive decision tree algorithm outperforms the existing well-known methods on the given problem set with respect to the well-known performance metrics such as accuracy and true positive rate, but also a newly defined cost-sensitive metric specific to credit card fraud detection domain. Accordingly, financial losses due to fraudulent transactions can be decreased more by the implementation of this approach in fraud detection systems.  相似文献   

In recent years, firms have focused on how to enter markets and meet customer requirements by improving product attributes and processes to boost their market share and profits. Consequently, market-driven product design and development has become a popular topic in the literature. However, past research neither covers all of the major influencing factors that together drive customers to make purchase decisions, nor connects these various influencing factors to customer purchasing behavior. Past studies further fail to take the time value of money and customer value into consideration. This study proposes a decision support system to (a) predict customer purchasing behavior given certain product, customer, and marketing influencing factors, and (b) estimate the net customer lifetime value from customer purchasing behavior toward a specific product. This will not only enable decision-makers to compare alternatives and select competitive products to launch on the market, but will also improve the understanding of customer behavior toward particular products for the formulation of effective marketing strategies that increase customer loyalty and generate greater profits in the long term. Decision-makers can also make use of the system to build up confidence in new product development in terms of idea generation and product improvement. The application of the proposed system is illustrated and confirmed to be sensible and convincing through a case study.  相似文献   

赵晓峰  叶震 《计算机应用》2007,27(5):1041-1043
传统的决策树分类方法(如ID3和C4.5)对于相对小的数据集是很有效的。但是,当这些算法用于入侵检测这样的非常大的数据时,其有效性就显得不足。采用了一种基于随机模型的决策树算法, 在保证分类准确率的基础上,减少了对系统资源的占用,并设计了基于此算法的分布式入侵检测模型。最后通过对比试验表明该模型在对计算机入侵数据的分类上有着出色的表现。  相似文献   

Shuyu  Zhongying 《Knowledge》2006,19(8):675-680
This paper proposes an improved decision tree method for web information retrieval with self-map attributes. Our self-map tree has a value of self-map attribute in its internal node, and information based on dissimilarity between a pair of map sequences. Our method selects self-map which exists between data by exhaustive search based on relation and attribute information. Experimental results confirm that our improved method constructs comprehensive and accurate decision tree. Moreover, an example shows that our self-map decision tree is promising for data mining and knowledge discovery.  相似文献   

基于决策树模型的驾驶员期望车速   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微观交通流仿真是智能运输系统(ITS)研究与开发的重要手段.期望车速是微观交通流仿真研究的一个重要参数,受到驾驶员特性、车辆特性、道路条件、交通干扰、天气和承运任务急缓等多种因素的影响,准确地确定期望车速是驾驶员行为研究的难点.从研究驾驶员心理-物理特性的角度出发,利用决策树能融知识表示与获取于一身的优点,将决策树用于驾驶员期望车速的研究,以实现对驾驶员行为的模拟再现.仿真结果表明,该方法用于驾驶员期望车速的研究是可行的.  相似文献   

Web缓存技术是互联网提升访问性能的有效手段。构建了基于决策树的智能缓存数据挖掘模型,通过数据建模、NextAccess的离散化、构造决策树所用的观察属性集和权重,从而对数据进行缓存处理。实验证明其性能得到了优化。  相似文献   

将二叉决策机制融入到模糊支持向量机分类系统中,对图像进行情感语义层面的分类。其难点在于建立从图像的低阶特征到高层情感语义之间的映射关系,以及合理的参数选择问题。采用与决策树方法相结合,实现了多类分类。实验结果表明,本系统在图像情感分类中具有简单、快速、高效等特点。  相似文献   

Data from many real-world applications can be high dimensional and features of such data are usually highly redundant. Identifying informative features has become an important step for data mining to not only circumvent the curse of dimensionality but to reduce the amount of data for processing. In this paper, we propose a novel feature selection method based on bee colony and gradient boosting decision tree aiming at addressing problems such as efficiency and informative quality of the selected features. Our method achieves global optimization of the inputs of the decision tree using the bee colony algorithm to identify the informative features. The method initializes the feature space spanned by the dataset. Less relevant features are suppressed according to the information they contribute to the decision making using an artificial bee colony algorithm. Experiments are conducted with two breast cancer datasets and six datasets from the public data repository. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively reduces the dimensions of the dataset and achieves superior classification accuracy using the selected features.  相似文献   

刘栋  宋国杰 《计算机应用》2011,31(5):1374-1377
为解决多维时间序列的分类并获取易于理解的分类规则,引入了时序熵的概念及构造时序熵的方法,基于属性选择和属性值划分两方面扩展了决策树模型。并给出了两种构造多维时间序列分类的决策树模型算法。最后,采用移动客户流失的真实数据,对过程决策树进行测试,展示了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

In this study, a high accuracy fingerprint classification method is proposed to enhance the performance in terms of efficiency for fingerprint recognition system. The recognition system has been considered as a reliable mechanism for criminal identification and forensic for its invariance property, yet the huge database is the key issue to make the system obtuse. In former works, the pre-classifying manner is an effective way to speed up the process, yet the accuracy of the classification dominates the further recognition rate and processing speed. In this paper, a rule-based fingerprint classification method is proposed, wherein the two features, including the types of singular points and the number of each type of point are adopted to distinguish different fingerprints. Moreover, when fingerprints are indistinguishable, the proposed Center-to-Delta Flow (CDF) and Balance Arm Flow (BAF) are catered for further classification. As documented in the experimental results, a good accuracy rate can be achieved, which endorses the effectiveness of the fingerprint classification scheme for the further fingerprint recognition system.  相似文献   

针对传统审计记录模型中由于记录信息不充分、各条记录相关性不强而产生的定位和分析目标比较困难的问题,在审计日志中增加对客体对象值变化信息的记录;在审计日志记录方式上用树记录会话过程以表示相关操作和会话的关联性.改进的模型可以提高定位责任人的效率和准确性,发现大时间跨度的安全事件和隐式角色冲突问题的效率.  相似文献   

姚潍  王娟  张胜利 《计算机应用》2015,35(10):2883-2885
入侵检测要求系统能够快速准确地找出网络中的入侵行为,因此对检测算法的效率有较高的要求。针对入侵检测系统效率和准确率偏低,系统的误报率和漏报率偏高的问题,在充分分析C4.5算法和朴素贝叶斯(NB)算法后,提出一种二者相结合的H-C4.5-NB入侵检测模型。该模型以概率的形式来描述决策类别的分布,并由C4.5和NB概率加权和的形式给出最终的决策结果,最后使用KDD 99数据集测试模型性能。实验结果表明,与传统的C4.5、NB和NBTree方法相比,在H-C4.5-NB中对拒绝服务(DoS)攻击的分类准确率提高了约9%,对U2R和R2L攻击的准确率提高约20%~30%。  相似文献   

一种健壮有效的决策树改进模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种健壮有效的决策树改进模型AJD3.该决策树模型基于经典的ID3决策树模型,在属性的选取上进行了改进.利用引入属性优先关联度参数计算节点的修正信息增益,并选择具有最高修正增益的属性作为当前节点的测试属性.实验表明,AID3决策树模型在提高分类准确率的同时,有效地增强了模型的健壮性.  相似文献   

针对以往时间序列分类技术忽略了数据间自相关性对算法影响的不足,通过对传统决策树算法进行扩展,提出了序列熵和序列对信息增益的概念,并以此构建针对时间序列的决策树(Time Series Decision Tree,简称TSDT)。在此基础上,以TSDT为基分类器,通过动态分类器集成技术,提出了时间序列动态集成分类算法(En-TSDT)。在UCR数据集上的实验表明,与目前应用最广泛的1NN-DTW分类器相比,En-TSDT克服了时间序列数据的自相关性对分类算法的影响,具有更好的分类性能和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

由于电力营销(EPM)领域的数据海量、庞杂而且质量差,如何构造出精确性高的预测模型成为亟待解决的问题.采用智能决策树分类算法,按照数据中的属性值进行分类.对属性值,取缺损数据所属类别中所有属性值的算术平均值取代,对于非属性值,取同一属性中非属性值出现频率最高的值来替代.从而对需进入EPM模型的缺损数据进行补齐,保证了进入模型的数据最优化.在此基础上,提出了一种将BP神经网络应用于EPM中的新方法,通过改进BP神经网络中隐层的节点数目,降低了神经网络的计算复杂度.结果表明,该模型具有良好的预测效果.  相似文献   

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