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在保持换热效果不变的情况下,用相应的直翅片替换环形翅片,推导出了环形翅片效率的简化计算公式。该计算方法与直翅片效率的计算式相近。借助这一简化计算方法可以直接求解出环形翅片的翅片效率,而无需查取图表和曲线,为翅片管换热器的程序设计和工程计算带来很大方便。通过实例和比较计算证明了这一方法是可靠的和准确的。 相似文献
介绍了烟气换热领域常用的两类高频焊钢质螺旋翅片管.指出目前存在多种连续型与锯齿型高频焊螺旋翅片管翅片效率计算方法,不便于同类换热实验结果的相互比较.通过深入分析与计算比较,对连续型与锯齿型高频焊螺旋翅片管分别给出了建议的翅片效率计算方法,供相关的工程设计及实验研究选用.两种管型的翅片效率比较表明,锯齿翅片的翅片效率较高,提高的幅度随翅片高度增大而增大. 相似文献
本文对正六边形翅片圆管的翅片效率进行了理论分析,建立了物理模型及数学模型,用数学方法计算出了翅片上的温度分布及翅片效率,并绘制了翅片效率的计算图线,分析了按环肋近似计算的误差。 相似文献
本文建立了作者研制的三维内肋管换热器的Yong效率计算模型,并通过实例计算,分析了各运行参数对三内肋管Yong效率的影响。 相似文献
在最近几年,由于金属材料的发展、软件的开发和叶片几何形状的改善以及先进生产工艺方法的推广,使得汽轮机组的运行效率得以稳步的提高。随着上述先进技术的实施,装有ABB汽轮机组电站的运行效率已超过了45%。目前ABB公司生产的汽轮机组其单机功率最大已达到了1000MW,其主蒸汽压力和温度分别为250~300巴和580℃、再热温度为600℃。实践证明该机组具有较高的经济性和可靠性,并能适应各种不同的运行要求。提高电站运行效率可以通过提高机组主蒸汽及再热蒸汽参数和采用高效率、低损失的叶片来达到。首先,在高温高压区域工作的零部件必须选用耐高温高压的材料,保证机组在设计主蒸汽和再热蒸汽条件下能够稳定可靠的运行。目前欧洲联合组织已经开发并鉴定了一种高性能的钢材料,在600℃温度下,该钢材料具有较好的蠕变性能,能够满足汽轮机关键零部件的要求。另外,可以对叶片型线及几何形状优化来提高机组运行效率。采用理论和试验相结合的方法,并借助于流体力学的分析技术进行模化计算和全尺寸试验验证设计效果。 相似文献
运用有限时间热力学理论建立存在传热损失的空气标准内可逆Rallis循环模型,导出循环功率(P)和效率(η)的解析式;以P和η为优化目标,将等温过程膨胀比作为优化变量,对循环性能进行优化;分析传热损失(B)、压缩比(ε)、增压比(λ)和预胀比(ρ)对P、η特性的影响。结果表明:内可逆Rallis循环的P、η与等温过程膨胀比的关系曲线均呈类抛物线形,存在最佳膨胀比(σP和ση)使循环P、η分别达到最大值(Pmax和ηmax);循环过程的P-η关系曲线呈现过原点的扭叶形;随着ε、λ和ρ的增加,Pmax、σP、ηmax和ση均增加;随着B的增加,ηP和ηmax均减小。 相似文献
对不同翅片间距Sf、管束横向节距St和管束纵向节距Sl的9组螺旋翅片管束的换热和流动过程进行了试验研究.分析了换热过程的熵产,研究了雷诺数(RP)、翅片间距、管束横向节距和管束纵向节距对管束换热熵产数NsH、流动熵产数NsF和总熵产数Ns的影响.结果表明:对不同布置方式的管束,随着Re的增加,NsH迅速减小,NsF逐渐增加,Ns先减小后增加;翅片间距对NsH影响较小,在高Re下,翅片间距增大时,NsF和Ns均明显降低;横向节距对NsH几乎没影响,但随着横向节距的增加,NsF和Ns均明显降低;管束纵向节距对NsH、NsF和Ns的影响都很小. 相似文献
风力发电在风能资源丰富的沿海和山区大力发展,受机组间尾流效应的影响,风力发电机组间的相对位置对风能利用效率有较大影响,进而影响风电场的发电效率。通过分析机组间尾流效应的一般规律,得到风电场内部风电机组布局的基本原则,以降低机组间的相互影响,使得风电场发电效率最优。根据沿海、戈壁滩等开阔地带的地理特点,结合尾流效应影响,总结规则分布的风电场布局的一般规则和电气接线方式。最后,针对山区等特殊地理区域不规则分布的风电场,结合地理和电气两方面的影响,给出不规则分布风电场布局的指导性原则。 相似文献
对椭圆芯管矩形翅片和大功率晶闸管用热管散热器偏心圆芯管矩形翅片的传热进行了分析和数值模拟,获得了相应的肋效率曲线,并与已有的近似解作了比较。初步考查了偏心度、材料变物性和翅基温度的不均匀性对偏心圆芯管矩形翅片传热的影响。 相似文献
In this paper, heat transfer in a straight fin with a step change in thickness and variable thermal conductivity which is losing heat by radiation to its surroundings is analyzed. The calculations are carried out by using the differential transformation method (DTM) and variational iteration method (VIM) that can be applied to various types of differential equations. The results obtained employing the DTM and VIM are compared with a finite difference technique with Richardson extrapolation which is an accurate numerical solution to verify the accuracy of the proposed methods. As an important result, it is depicted that the DTM results are more accurate in comparison with those obtained by VIM. After these verifications the effects of parameters such as thickness parameter α, dimensionless fin semi‐thickness δ, length ratio λ, thermal conductivity parameter β, and radiation–conduction parameter Nr, on the temperature distribution and fin efficiency are illustrated and explained. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj) . DOI 10.1002/htj.21000 相似文献
Thermal stress distributions in an annular fin with rectangular profile made of functionally graded material (FGM) are considered. The material properties of annular fin are assumed to be graded along the fin radius as a power-law function while the Poisson’s ratio is taken to be constant. The governing equations are solved analytically for specific value of inhomogeneity parameter of thermal conductivity and all numerical values of inhomogeneity parameters of modulus of elasticity and linear thermal expansion coefficient. The effect of the inhomogeneity parameters on temperature distribution and thermal stresses are presented in graphical form. The formulation is validated with benchmark results in the literature. It is also shown that functionally graded annular fin is subject to lower stresses, although it has higher tip temperature than the homogeneous one. 相似文献
Jiin-Yuh Jang Chien-Nan LinDepartment of Mechanical Engineering National Cheng-Kung University Tainan Taiwan China E-mail: jangjim@mail.ncku.edu.tw 《热科学学报(英文版)》2002,11(3):249-254
This paper presents the two-dimensional analysis for the efficiency of continuous plate fin-tube heat exchangers in staggered and in-lined arrangements under the dry, partially wet, and fully wet conditions for different heat transfer coefficient (h = 20 W/m2K to h = 80 W/m2K) and air relative humidity over the full range from φ= 0 % to φ= 100%. It is shown that the fin efficiencies of the staggered arrangement are higher than those for the in-lined arrangement, and the fully wet fin efficiency is 10~20% lower than that for a dry fin. The conventional 1-D sector method underestimates the fin efficiency up to 4 % as compared to the 2-D analysis. 相似文献
IntroductionSeveral books had summarized inveshgationsanalyzing fins with a consent heat tusfer coefficient(e.g., see Kem and Kraus[']). When boiling occurs on a fin,the heat transfer coefficient along the fin is definitely notconstant. Inveshgated by the Pioneering works of Haleyand Westwatefv and Lai and Hsu['l, fin boiling ProCesshas received extensive attention. ~sl41 and Liaw andYehul reviewed the related lit~. BOth the heattransfer rate from the fin base, as well as the feasibleoper… 相似文献
The fin efficiency of serrated fins was analyzed, and an analytical solution was derived as a function of modified Bessel functions. Two assumptions, i.e., thermal insulation at the end surfaces of segmented sections, and a uniform heat transfer coefficient over the fin surface, were employed in this analysis. To determine the effect of these assumptions, a heat transfer experiment was performed. From a comparison of the experimentally evaluated fin efficiencies with the analytical solution, a correction factor was obtained for a typical serrated fin configuration. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Heat Trans Asian Res, 28(6): 528–540, 1999 相似文献
In recent years the requirements for the reduction of energy consumption have been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example in the power generation field, as thermal power generation occupied 60% of the power generation demand, an improvement in thermal efficiency is greatly needed. This paper describes the clarification of heat transfer characteristics of finned tube banks used for a heat exchanger in thermal power generation by testing serrated finned tubes banks for a heat transfer improvement and conventional spiral finned tube banks under the same test conditions. The equations to predict the heat transfer coefficient necessary to design the heat exchanger are proposed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 34(2): 120–133, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20043 相似文献
In this study, fin efficiency, temperature distribution, and effectiveness of conductive, convective, and radiative straight fins with temperature dependent thermal conductivity are solved using the differential transformation method (DTM).The concept of differential transformation is briefly introduced, and then it is employed to derive the solutions of nonlinear governing equations of fins with highly nonlinear terms because of existing radiation in this study. The obtained results of DTM are compared with those of the Galerkin method (GM) and numerical boundary value problem method (BVP) to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. Furthermore, the effects of some physical appropriate parameters such as thermo‐geometric fin parameters and thermal parameters are analyzed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20341 相似文献
Hong-Sen Kou Ji-Jen Lee Chi-Yuan Lai 《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》2005,48(11):2266-2277
The present study supplies a new approach to calculate thermal performance of a singular fin with variable thermal properties. With discrete model, the singular fin can be divided into many sections. Then, each section can be combined together to obtain the whole solution of the fin by recursive numerical formulation. The recursive formulas for both conditions with and without heat transfer on fin tip are derived in the present study. Finally, several examples including composite and boiling mode of a fin have been successfully simulated to demonstrate the validity of the present approach. 相似文献
In recent years the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example, in the power generation field, as thermal power generation occupies 60% of the power generation demand, considerable improvement of thermal efficiency is required. This paper describes the heat transfer characteristics of finned tube banks used for the heat exchanger in thermal power generation that were clarified by testing serrated finned tube banks with different fin heights for improved higher heat transfer and conventional spiral finned tube banks with different fin height. Then an equation to predict the heat transfer coefficient which is necessary for the design of the heat exchanger was proposed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 35(3): 194–208, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20111 相似文献
In recent years the requirement for the reduction of energy consumption has been increasing to solve the problems of global warming and the shortage of petroleum resources. For example, in the power generation field, as thermal power generation occupied 60% of the power generation demand, considerable improvement of the thermal efficiency is required. This paper describes the pressure drop characteristics of finned tube banks used for heat exchangers in thermal power generation that were clarified by testing serrated finned tube banks with different fin heights for improved heat transfer and conventional spiral finned tube banks with different fin heights, and an equation to predict pressure drop which is necessary for the heat exchanger design is proposed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 35(3): 179–193, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20112 相似文献