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判别近邻嵌入算法(discriminant neighborhood embedding,DNE)通过构造邻接图,使得在投影子空间中能够保持原始数据的局部结构,能有效地发现最佳判别方向。但是它有两方面的不足:一方面不能标识样本点的近邻样本点位置信息,从而不能更好地保持邻域结构;另一方面当数据不均衡时,不能实现子空间中类内聚合或者类间分离的目的,这不利于分类。为此提出了一种新的有监督子空间学习算法--局部平衡的判别近邻嵌入算法(locality-balanced DNE,LBDNE)。在构建邻接图时,局部平衡的判别近邻嵌入算法分别建立同类邻接图和异类邻接图,并通过引入一个控制参数,有效地平衡了类内与类间的关系。该算法与其他经典算法相比,在人脸识别问题上具有较高的识别率,充分说明了局部平衡的判别近邻嵌入算法能够有效地处理识别问题。  相似文献   

Graph embedding based learning method plays an increasingly significant role on dimensionality reduction (DR). However, the selection to neighbor parameters of graph is intractable. In this paper, we present a novel DR method called adaptive graph embedding discriminant projections (AGEDP). Compared with most existing DR methods based on graph embedding, such as marginal Fisher analysis which usually predefines the intraclass and interclass neighbor parameters, AGEDP applies all the homogeneous samples for constructing the intrinsic graph, and simultaneously selects heterogeneous samples within the neighborhood generated by the farthest homogeneous sample for constructing the penalty graph. Therefore, AGEDP not only greatly enhances the intraclass compactness and interclass separability, but also adaptively performs neighbor parameter selection which considers the fact that local manifold structure of each sample is generally different. Experiments on AR and COIL-20 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for face recognition and object categorization, and especially under the interference of occlusion, noise and poses, it is superior to other graph embedding based methods with three different classifiers: nearest neighbor classifier, sparse representation classifier and linear regression classifier.  相似文献   

There has been a recent line of work to automatically detect the emotions of posts in social media. In literature, studies treat posts independently and detect their emotions separately. Different from previous studies, we explore the dependence among relevant posts via authors' backgrounds, since the authors with similar backgrounds, e.g., gender, location, tend to express similar emotions. However, personal attributes are not easy to obtain in most social media websites. Accordingly, we propose two approaches to determine personal attributes and capture personal attributes between different posts for emotion detection: the Joint Model with Personal Attention Mechanism (JPA) model is used to detect emotion and personal attributes jointly, and capture the attributes-aware words to connect similar people; the Neural Personal Discrimination (NPD) model is employed to determine the personal attributes from posts and connect the relevant posts with similar attributes for emotion detection. Experimental results show the usefulness of personal attributes in emotion detection, and the effectiveness of the proposed JPA and NPD approaches in capturing personal attributes over the state-of-the-art statistic and neural models.  相似文献   

局部判别嵌入算法寻求最高的正确识别率时假设所有的错误分类具有相同的错分代价,然而这个假设在现实的人脸识别系统中往往是不成立的,因为不同的错误分类将会导致不同的错分代价.为此,提出一种代价敏感的局部判别嵌入算法.首先通过构造代价矩阵将代价敏感理念融入到特征提取阶段,以提高算法判别不同错误分类的能力;然后最大化异类近邻样本点之间的错分代价,同时最小化同类近邻样本点之间的距离;最后利用迭代算法求得最佳的正交投影向量,以更好地维持数据的度量架构.在Yale,ORL,AR和Extended Yale B人脸数据库上的实验结果表明,文中算法是有效的.  相似文献   

标准的LDA方法通常有3个问题:1)为了确保类内散度矩阵的非奇异性,必须首先通过PCA进行维数约简,这限制了对更多维数空间的使用;2)当每人只有单个训练样本时,类内散度矩阵必然奇异,此时LDA无法工作;3)缺乏对像素间的局部相关性的考虑。为了解决这些问题,提出一种基于拉普拉斯方向的差值线性判别分析方法。该方法通过拉普拉斯方向实现更鲁棒的图像相异性测度,通过引入差值散度矩阵来避免类内散度矩阵的奇异性。实验结果显示,该算法对表情变化、光照改变及不同遮挡情况获得了更高的识别率,尤其针对光照变化,效果更加显著。  相似文献   

基于鉴别稀疏保持嵌入的人脸识别算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鉴于近年来稀疏表示(Sparse representation,SR)在高维数据例如人脸图像的特征提取与降维领域的快速发展,对原始的稀疏保持投影(Sparsity preserving projection,SPP)算法进行了改进,提出了一种叫做鉴别稀疏保持嵌入(Discriminant sparsity preserving embedding,DSPE)的算法. 通过求解一个最小二乘问题来更新SPP中的稀疏权重并得到一个更能真实反映鉴别信息的鉴别稀疏权重,最后以最优保持这个稀疏权重关系为目标来计算高维数据的低维特征子空间.该算法是一个线性的监督学习算法,通过引入鉴别信息,能够有效地对高维数据进行降维. 在ORL库、Yale库、扩展Yale B库和CMU PIE库上的大量实验结果验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

赵辉  王红军  彭博  龙治国  李天瑞 《软件学报》2022,33(4):1326-1337
特征学习是机器学习中的一项重要技术,研究从原始数据中学习后置任务所需的数据表示.目前,多数特征学习算法侧重于学习原始数据中的拓扑结构,忽略了数据中的判别信息.基于此,提出了基于随机近邻嵌入的判别性特征学习模型.该模型将对判别信息的学习与对拓扑结构的学习融合在一起,通过迭代求解的方式,同时完成对这两者的学习,从而得到原始...  相似文献   

提出二维邻域保持判别嵌入(2DNPDE)算法,该算法是一种有监督的基于二维图像矩阵的特征提取算法.为表示样本的类内邻域结构和类间距离关系,分别构建类内邻接矩阵和类间相似度矩阵.2DNPDE所获得的投影空间不但使不同类数据点的低维嵌入相互分离,而且保留同类样本的邻域结构和不同类样本的距离关系.在ORL和AR人脸数据库上的实验表明,该算法具有更好的识别效果.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel LDA-based dimensionality reduction method called fractional-order embedding direct LDA (FEDLDA) is proposed. More specifically, we redefine the fractional-order between-class and within-class scatter matrices which can significantly reduce the deviation of sample covariance matrices caused by the noise disturbance and limited number of training samples; then the novel feature extraction criterion based on the direct LDA (DLDA) and the idea of fractional-order embedding is applied. Experiments on AT&T, Yale and AR face image databases are performed to test and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. Extensive experimental results show that FEDLDA outperforms DLDA and other closely related methods in terms of classification accuracy and efficiency.  相似文献   

王燕  白万荣 《计算机工程》2012,38(1):163-164,167
为更有效地进行数据降维,将核映射思想引入到邻域保持判别嵌入中,提出一种核邻域保持判别嵌入的流形学习算法。以类内相似度矩阵与类间散度矩阵之差作为鉴别准则,使类间散度矩阵不受满秩的约束,从而解决人脸数据的非线性和小样本问题。在ORL和Yale人脸库上的实验结果表明,该算法具有较好的人脸识别性能。  相似文献   

杨安平  陈松乔  胡鹏 《计算机工程》2011,37(12):164-165
提出一种基于图嵌入正则化的人脸线性判别分析方法。构造非监督最优类可分准则,基于图嵌入理论,求解该最优类可分准则下的最优投影向量,在非监督的图嵌入框架下利用样本局部类别信息提高人脸识别率,降低矩阵计算复杂度。在典型的人脸数据库上的实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

主要介绍边拉普拉斯方法在多个体系统(队形控制)中的应用,以两种子图的形式(回路和生成树)为出发点,讨论了边拉普拉斯在队形控制中的重要作用.同时文中还把队形控制问题转化成由单积分器组成的网状系统问题,把队形的闭环动态误差问题简化成边一致性问题,从而可以通过底层互连的拓扑结构的生成树来描绘系统,判断系统是否达到一致.  相似文献   

针对基于自适应近邻图嵌入的局部鉴别投影算法(Neighborhood graph embedding based local adaptive discriminant analysis, LADP )仅仅利用局部类内离差矩阵主元空间的鉴别信息而丢失了其零空间内大量鉴别信息的不足,结合全空间的基本思想提出了完备的基于自适应近邻图嵌入的局部鉴别投影算法( Complete LADP,CLADP)。在局部类内离差矩阵的零空间内,通过最大化局部类间离差矩阵提取不规则鉴别特征,在局部类间离差矩阵的主元空间内,通过最大化局部类间离差矩阵的同时最小化局部类 内离差矩阵提取规则鉴别特征,最后将不规则鉴别特征和规则鉴别特征串联形成CLADP特征。在ORL,Yale以及PIE人脸库上的人脸识别实验结果证明了CLADP的有效性。  相似文献   

为了对高维数据进行降维处理,提出了半监督学习的边缘判别嵌入与局部保持的维度约简算法.通过最小化样本与其所属类别的中心点之间的距离,使得样本在投影子空间中能够保持其领域的拓扑结构;再通过最大化不同类别边缘间的距离,使得类别间的分离度在投影子空间中得到增强.实验结果表明:半监督边缘判别嵌入与局部保持的维度约简算法能够获得初始特征空间的较好的投影子空间.  相似文献   

针对高维数据容易对噪声敏感及容易造成维数灾难问题,文中提出基于随机子空间的局部鉴别投影算法(RSLDP).利用随机子空间方法对高维的原始数据进行特征选择,在生成的低维特征子空间构造近邻图,降低噪声影响.RSLDP通过最大化局部类间加权散度和最小化局部类内加权散度,同时最小化样本的总体局部散度,改进局部最大间距鉴别嵌入算法,较好刻画样本与其类间类内近邻中心点的关系,有利于鉴别特征的提取.在CMU PIE和AR这2个人脸数据库上的实验表明文中算法的有效性.  相似文献   

线性判别分析中两种空间信息嵌入方法之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由"没有免费午餐定理(NFL)"可知:只有充分利用了与问题相关的先验知识的学习器才会拥有好的学习性能,而常用的线性判别分析(LDA)在为图像提取判别特征时对图像向量化的处理导致了空间结构的破坏,以致结构信息未被利用,从而限制了学习性能的进一步提升。空间平滑的LDA(SLDA)通过对LDA目标的空间正则化弥补了此不足,同时图像欧氏距离(IMED)则通过空间平滑欧氏距离实现对空间结构的利用,而后将其用于LDA(IMEDA)。对这两种LDA间的内在联系进行了尝试探究:理论上证明了对于中心化样本,SLDA是IMEDA的特例;分析了算法的时间和空间复杂度;经验上通过Yale、AR和FERET人脸集比较了SLDA和IMEDA的识别性能和运行时间,同时分析了参数对模型性能的影响。  相似文献   

针对边界费舍尔分析在特征提取过程中存在的不足,提出中心线邻域鉴别嵌入(CLNDE)算法,并应用于人脸识别中.CLNDE首先利用样本到类中心线的距离分别构造类内相似矩阵与类间相似矩阵;然后利用构造的相似矩阵计算样本的类间局部散度与类内局部散度;最后在最大化样本的类间局部散度的同时最小化类内局部散度,寻求最优投影矩阵.在人脸数据库上实验验证算法的优越性.  相似文献   

Versatile surface detail editing via Laplacian coordinates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a versatile detail editing approach for triangular meshes based on filtering the Laplacian coordinates. More specifically, we first compute the Laplacian coordinates of the mesh vertices, then filter the Laplacian coordinates, and finally reconstruct the mesh from the filtered Laplacian coordinates by solving a linear least square system. The proposed detail editing method includes not only feature preserving smoothing but also enhancing. Furthermore, the proposed approach allows interactive editing of some user-specified frequencies and regions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method is much more versatile and faster than the existing methods.  相似文献   

Realistic talking heads have important use in interactive multimedia applications. This paper presents a novel framework to synthesize realistic facial animations driven by motion capture data using Laplacian deformation. We first capture the facial expression from a performer, then decompose the motion data into two components: the rigid movement of the head and the change of the facial expression. By making use of the local-detail preserving property of the Laplacian coordinate, we clone the captured facial expression onto a neutral 3D facial model using Laplacian deformation. We choose some expression “independent points” in the facial model as the fixed points when solving the Laplacian deformation equations. Experimental results show that our approach can synthesize realistic facial expressions in real time while preserving the facial details. We compare our method with the state-of-the-art facial expression synthesis methods to verify the advantages of our method. Our approach can be applied in real-time multimedia systems.  相似文献   

Multiple instance learning attempts to learn from a training set consists of labeled bags each containing many unlabeled instances. In previous works, most existing algorithms mainly pay attention to the ‘most positive’ instance in each positive bag, but ignore the other instances. For utilizing these unlabeled instances in positive bags, we present a new multiple instance learning algorithm via semi-supervised laplacian twin support vector machines (called Miss-LTSVM). In Miss-LTSVM, all instances in positive bags are used in the manifold regularization terms for improving the performance of classifier. For verifying the effectiveness of the presented method, a series of comparative experiments are performed on seven multiple instance data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed method has better classification accuracy than other methods in most cases.  相似文献   

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