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In rats, morphological and synaptic maturation of the striatum, a brain area involved in the control of movement and in cognitive behaviour, proceeds for several weeks postnatally. Little is known, however, about the molecular events associated with the final maturation of the striatum. In particular, there is little information on molecules playing a role in cell adhesion, a phenomenon of particular importance for neuronal development. We have examined the time course and topography of expression of the highly polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule in the rat striatum during postnatal development and in the adult, and compared it to growth-associated protein-43, a marker of axonal growth. As earlier during development [Aaron L. I. and Chesselet M.-F. (1989) Neuroscience 28, 701-710], immunolabelling for polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule was very intense in the entire striatum at postnatal days 17-19. At postnatal days 21 and 22, loss of polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule immunoreactivity in the caudal part of the striatum contrasted with the persistence of immunoreactivity at more rostral levels. Most of the striatum was devoid of polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule immunoreactivity by postnatal day 25. At this age, as well as in the striatum of adult rats, immunolabelling was only observed along the ventricular edge of the striatum. In contrast to polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule immunoreactivity, immunolabelling for growth-associated protein-43 had reached its adult pattern by postnatal day 17, indicating that polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule persists beyond the period of major axonal growth. In the adult, an area of stronger growth associated protein-43 immunoreactivity overlapped with the region which retained immunoreactivity to polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule. The results indicate that, in the developing rat striatum, the neural cell adhesion molecule remains highly sialylated not only during the ingrowth of cortical and nigral inputs but also during the formation of dendritic spine and synaptogenesis. Loss of polysialyated neural cell adhesion molecule occurs at the time of emerging spontaneous activity in cerebral cortex, and precedes the development of mature responses to cortical stimulation and adult membrane properties in a majority of striatal neurons.  相似文献   

Early in development, the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) is expressed by growth cones, neuronal processes, and neuronal cell bodies. In rat striatum, PSA-NCAM expression becomes progressively restricted to pre- and postsynaptic membranes and is undetectable by postnatal day 25 (P25), i.e., after corticostriatal synaptogenesis. This study examined the effects of cortical lesions performed on P14, when the corticostriatal projection is already primarily unilateral and cortical inputs have not yet formed asymmetric synapses on striatal neurons. Rats were killed on P25, and PSA-NCAM expression was examined by immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry with light and electron microscopy. In contrast to the case in controls, PSA-NCAM expression was maintained in the striatum of lesioned pups. Ultrastructural studies showed that PSA-NCAM was present 1) in growth cone-like structures and neuronal processes and 2) in striatal neurons. Together with the presence of growth cones, the observation that the number of asymmetric synapses was unchanged in the denervated striatum suggests that axonal sprouting occurred in response to the lesion. This was confirmed by axonal labeling in the denervated striatum after injection of Fluoro-Ruby in the contralateral cortex. The data indicate that P14 cortical lesions affect PSA-NCAM expression in the developing striatum 1) by inducing a robust axonal plasticity resulting in the presence of immature presynaptic elements that contain PSA-NCAM and 2) by delaying the loss of PSA-NCAM expression in striatal neurons, suggesting that the lesion affects the time course of striatal maturation.  相似文献   

The gyrus dentatus is one of the few areas of the brain that continues to produce neurons after birth. The newborn cells differentiate into granule cells which project axons to their postsynaptic targets. This step is accompanied by the transient expression of the polysialylated isoforms of neuronal cell adhesion molecules (PSA-NCAM) by the developing neurons. Glucocorticoid hormones have been shown to inhibit neurogenesis. We noted a functional correlation between PSA-NCAM expression and glucocorticoid action after manipulation of corticosterone levels in the adrenalectomized rat. Adrenalectomy increased neurogenesis, evaluated from the incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine in neuronal precursors, as well as PSA-NCAM expression. The increase in PSA-NCAM-immunoreactive (IR) cells in the gyrus dentatus, evidenced 72 h following adrenalectomy, persisted for at least a month. It was accompanied by enhanced dendritic arborization of PSA-NCAM-IR cells in the gyrus dentatus and by an increase in number of PSA-NCAM-IR fibres in the CA3 subfield. Neurogenesis was normalized by restitution of diurnal or nocturnal levels of corticosterone, whereas normalization of PSA-NCAM expression was only observed after simulation of the complete circadian fluctuation of the hormone. Our findings reveal the complex action of corticosterone in modulating the expression of PSA-NCAM in the gyrus dentatus of the hippocampal formation. They also highlight the importance of corticosterone fluctuations in the control of neurogenesis and plasticity in this structure.  相似文献   

The highly sialylated isoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule is thought to be expressed predominantly in the developing nervous system, where it is implicated in a variety of dynamic events linked to neural morphogenesis. It has become increasingly evident, however, that this "embryonic" neural cell adhesion molecule isoform continues to be expressed in certain adult neuronal systems, and in particular, in those that can undergo structural plasticity. In the present study, we performed light microscopic immunocytochemistry with an antibody specific for polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule and confirmed our earlier observations [Bonfanti L. et al. (1992) Neuroscience 49, 419-436] showing polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule-immunoreactive cells in the subependymal layer of the lateral ventricle of the adult rat, a region where cell proliferation continues into the postnatal period. In addition, we used an antibody raised against the proliferating cell nuclear antigen and found that proliferating cells continue to be visible in this area, even in the adult. Double immunolabeling showed that many of these newly generated cells displayed high polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule immunoreactivity. Cells from a portion of the subependymal layer migrate to the olfactory bulb and contribute to the continual replacement of its granule neurons [Luskin M. B. (1993) Neuron 11, 173-189]. We found polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule-immunoreactive cells all along the pathway purported to be followed by the newly generated cells to their final destination and in neurons corresponding to granular and periglomerular cells in the olfactory bulb. Our present observations thus support the contention that polysialylation is a feature of neurons capable of dynamic change and may contribute to the molecular mechanisms permitting cell proliferation and migration not only during development but also in the adult.  相似文献   

Striatal development proceeds during a protracted postnatal period in rats. In the dorsolateral striatum, the number of asymmetric synapses, formed mostly by glutamatergic afferents innervating the dendritic spines of medium-sized striatal neurons, increases during the 3rd postnatal week and then rapidly declines before reaching adult levels. The polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM), which is widely expressed along neuronal membranes early in development, becomes progressively localized to synapses, and is no longer detectable in remaining synapses after synaptic pruning has occurred. Administration of MK-801, an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, on day 20, either peripherally or locally into the striatum, decreases asymmetric synapse number by 30% and totally abolishes immunolabelling for PSA-NCAM in the dorsolateral striatum.  相似文献   

Neuronal loss and axonal sprouting are the most typical histopathological findings in the hippocampus of patients with drug-refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). It is under dispute, however, whether remodeling of neuronal circuits is a continuous process or whether it occurs only during epileptogenesis. Also, little is known about the plasticity outside of the hippocampus. We investigated the immunoreactivity of the highly polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) in the surgically removed hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex of patients with drug-refractory TLE (n=25) and autopsy controls (n=7). Previous studies have shown that the expression of PSA-NCAM is associated with the induction of synaptic plasticity, neurite outgrowth, neuronal migration, and events requiring remodeling or repair of tissue. In patients with TLE, the optical density (OD) of punctate PSA-NCAM immunoreactivity was increased both in the inner and outer molecular layers of the dentate gyrus, compared with controls. The intensity of PSA-NCAM immunoreactivity in the inner molecular layer correlated with the duration of epilepsy, severity of hippocampal neuronal loss, density of mossy fiber sprouting, and astrogliosis. In TLE patients with only mild neuronal loss in the hippocampus, the density of infragranular immunopositive neurons was increased twofold compared with controls, whereas in TLE patients with severe neuronal loss, the infragranular PSA-NCAM-positive cells were not present. In the hilus, the somata and tortuous dendrites of some surviving neurons were intensely stained in TLE. PSA-NCAM immunoreactivity was also increased in CA1 and in layer II of the rostral entorhinal cortex, where immunopositive neurons were surrounded by PSA-NCAM-positive fibers and puncta. Our data provide evidence that synaptic reorganization is an active process in human drug-refractory TLE. Moreover, remodeling is not limited to the dentate gyrus, but also occurs in the CA1 subfield and the entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

The concentrations of different polypeptide isoforms of the neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM were examined in telencephalic and brainstem-cerebellar tissue from groups of young (3 months) and old (25 months) mice. Antibodies against chick brain NCAM were used in immunoblot analyses to quantify 180 (NCAM180) and 140 (NCAM140) kDa NCAM forms in mouse brain samples containing equal amounts of protein. Telencephalic homogenates from the older group exhibited 37% and 31% less NCAM180 and NCAM140 immunoreactivity, respectively, when compared with homogenates from the younger animals. Brainstem-cerebellar homogenates, however, did not express such age-related changes in the two NCAM isoforms. Age-related changes in isoforms labeled by the anti-NCAM antibodies were not evident in synaptic plasma membranes. NCAM180:NCAM140 ratios were 2- to 3-fold greater in the synaptic membranes vs. homogenates for both age groups. These data suggest that expression levels of NCAM180 and NCAM140 are selectively impaired with aging in the telencephalon, whereas the synaptic contents of these molecules appear to be stably regulated.  相似文献   

In human serum, at least two molecular species of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) with molecular weights of 110,000-130,000 and 150,000-180,000, respectively, can be identified by Western blotting. Both are characterized by the absence of epitopes for monoclonal antibodies KD11 and MG5, which specifically recognize intracellular domains of the human NCAM transmembrane isoforms, NCAM-140 and NCAM-180. In contrast to the M(r) 110,000-130,000 molecule also detectable in serum samples from healthy blood donors, the M(r) 150,000-180,000 molecule appears to be tumor associated. The only difference between these two species is shown to be the presence of long chains of alpha-(2,8)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acids, which are characteristic for the so-called embryonic NCAM form. After treatment with endoneuraminidase N, the M(r) 150,000-180,000 molecule can no longer be discriminated from the M(r) 110,000-130,000 molecule in Western blotting as well as gel and anion exchange chromatography experiments. The experimental data clearly show that only the embryonic NCAM molecule carrying the poly-alpha-(2,8)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid moiety can be regarded as a specific serum marker for small cell lung cancer.  相似文献   

L1, a neural cell adhesion molecule, is involved in neurite outgrowth, migration and fasciculation. Although L1 is a membrane glycoprotein expressed on neural cells, the soluble form of L1 is generated in vivo by proteolysis. In the present study, a stable transfectant of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells secreting human L1 without cytoplasmic and membrane spanning domains was generated, and the function of the secreted L1 was examined. Explants from embryonic chick brain stem were cultured on a substrate coated with polyethylenimine (PEI) alone, on substrate-bound L1 or in medium containing soluble L1. The neurites induced by L1, both the substrate-bound form and the soluble form, were 2-3 times longer than those cultured on PEI. The ability of the soluble L1 to induce neurite formation was slightly greater than that of the substrate L1. The present results demonstrated that neurite outgrowth was induced not only by substrate-bound L1 but also by soluble L1. Soluble L1 could be a pharmaceutical candidate for the promotion of nerve regeneration.  相似文献   

To assess the cellular and molecular substrates for cholinergic axon growth in the adult central nervous system (CNS), we implanted grafts of control and nerve growth factor (NGF)-producing genetically modified fibroblasts within the striatum of rats. Sprouting cholinergic axonal processes that grew into grafts of NGF-producing fibroblasts were fasciculated and followed the surface of astrocytic processes for long distances within the grafts. The close and long distance anatomical relationship between the sprouted axons and the astrocytes supported previous ultrastructural evidence that astrocytes may serve as a cellular substrate for sprouting cholinergic axons in vivo. The sprouted axon processes were associated with the expression of nerve growth factor-inducible large external (NILE) glycoprotein on their surfaces. NILE expression was not seen in control grafts where there was an absence of cholinergic ingrowth. NILE has been demonstrated to play a role in axon fasciculation in a number of other neural systems. The astrocytic processes in both control and NGF-producing fibroblast grafts expressed neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), suggesting that NCAM-mediated adhesion may be responsible for the close relationship between the axons and astrocytes within the grafts. NGF-induced heterotypic interactions between neuronal NILE and astroglial NCAM may also be required for adult cholinergic axonal sprouting.  相似文献   

Sixteen phases in the microenvironments were defined for the structural development and innervation of the cochleo-vestibular ganglion and its targets. In each phase the cell adhesion molecules, neural cell adhesion molecule, neural cell adhesion molecule-polysialic acid, and L1-cell adhesion molecule, were expressed differentially by cochleo-vestibular ganglion cells, their precursors, and the target cells on which they synapse. Detected by immunocytochemistry in staged chicken embryos, in the otocyst, neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule, was localized to the ganglion and hair cell precursors. Ganglionic precursors, migrating from the otocyst, only weakly expressed neural cell adhesion molecule. Epithelial hair cell precursors, remaining in the otocyst, expressed neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule. Post-migratory ganglion cell processes expressed both molecules in all stages. The cell adhesion molecules were most heavily expressed by axons penetrating the otic epithelium and accumulated in large amounts in the basal lamina. In the basilar papilla (cochlea), cell adhesion molecule expression followed the innervation gradient. Neural cell adhesion molecule and L1 were heavily concentrated on axonal endings peripherally and centrally. In the rhombencephalon, primitive epithelial cells expressed neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule, except in the floorplate. The neuroblasts and their axons expressed L1-cell adhesion molecule, but not neural cell adhesion molecule, when they began to migrate and form the dorsal commissure. There was a stage-dependent, differential distribution of the cell adhesion molecules in the floorplate. Commissural axons expressed both cell adhesion molecules, but their polysialic acid disappeared within the floorplate at later stages. In conclusion, the cell adhesion molecules are expressed by the same cells at different times and places during their development. They are positioned to play different roles in migration, target penetration, and synapse formation by sensory neurons. A multiphasic model provides a morphological basis for experimental analyses of the molecules critical for the changing roles of the microenvironment in neuronal specification.  相似文献   

Neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is involved in cell-cell interactions during synaptogenesis, morphogenesis, and plasticity of the nervous system. Disturbances in synaptic restructuring and neural plasticity may be related to the pathogenesis of several neuropsychiatric diseases, including mood disorders and schizophrenia. Disturbances in brain cellular function may alter concentrations of N-CAM in the CSF. Soluble human N-CAM proteins are detectable in the CSF but are minor constituents of serum. We have recently found an increase in N-CAM content in the CSF of patients with schizophrenia. Although the pathogenesis of both schizophrenia and mood disorders is unknown, ventriculomegaly, decreased temporal lobe volume, and subcortical structural abnormalities have been reported for both disorders. We have therefore measured N-CAM concentrations in the CSF of patients with mood disorder. There were significant increases in amounts of N-CAM immunoreactive proteins, primarily the 120-kDa band, in the CSF of psychiatric inpatients with bipolar mood disorder type I and recurrent unipolar major depression. There were no differences in bipolar mood disorder type II patients as compared with normals. There were no significant effects of medication treatment on N-CAM concentrations. It is possible that the 120-kDa N-CAM band present in the CSF is derived from CNS cells as a secreted soluble N-CAM isoform. Our results suggest the possibility of latent state-related disturbances in N-CAM cellular function, i.e., residue from a previous episode, or abnormal N-CAM turnover in the CNS of patients with mood disorder.  相似文献   

To explore the role of cell adhesion molecules in the innervation of the inner ear, antibody perturbation was used on histotypic co-cultures of the ganglionic and epithelial anlagen derived from the otocyst. When unperturbed, these tissues survived and differentiated in this culture system with outgrowth of fasciculated neuronal fibers which expressed neural cell adhesion molecule and L1. The fibers exhibited target choice and penetration, then branching and spreading within the otic epithelium as individual axons. Treatment of the co-cultures, or of the ganglionic anlagen alone, with anti-neural cell adhesion molecule or anti-L1 Fab fragments produced a defasciculation of fibers but did not affect neurite outgrowth. In the co-cultures this defasciculation was accompanied by a small increase in the number of fibers found in inappropriate tissues. However, the antibodies did not prevent fiber entry to the otic epithelium. In contrast, removal of polysialic acid from neural cell adhesion molecule with endoneuraminadase-N, while producing a similar fiber defasciculation, also increased the incidence of fibers entering the epithelium. Nevertheless, once within the target tissue, the individual fibers responded to either Fab or to desialylation by spreading out more rapidly, branching, and growing farther into the epithelium. The findings suggest that fasciculation is not essential for specific sensory fibers to seek out and penetrate the appropriate target, although it may improve their tracking efficiency. Polysialic acid on neural cell adhesion molecule appears to limit initial penetration of the target epithelium. Polysialic acid as well as neural cell adhesion molecule and L1 function are involved in fiber-target interactions that influence the arborization of sensory axons within the otic epithelium.  相似文献   

The inner ear forms by a series of folds within an ectodermal placode. Previous work has shown that changes in surrounding tissues play a more prominent role in invagination than changes in the cytoskeleton of the primordium. Interference with the integrity of the extracellular matrix causes abnormalities in the folding process, primarily related to abnormalities in the paraxial mesoderm which lies ventral to the placode. In this study, the role of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) was investigated, based on the expression of this component of the plasmalemma at the time the otic placode begins to fold. Microinjection of blocking antibodies to N-CAM into the paraxial mesoderm adjacent to the otic placode resulted in two major classes of defects, detachment of the primordium from the neural tube and interference with formation of the folds. Microinjection of saline, control immunoglobulin, or antibody against cytoplasmic domain had no effect. These defects correlate with the pattern of N-CAM expression at the time of injection, along the neural ectoderm and otic epithelium and the mesenchyme cells ventral to the primordium. It seems likely that N-CAM is playing a role in heterophilic associations rather than through the homophilic binding domain during formation of the otic vesicle.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) express the highly polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) that has been proposed to promote plasticity in the adult brain. To investigate a role for NCAM in SCN circadian clock function, we examined the daily locomotor rhythm of mice homozygous for a mutation, Ncamtm1Cwr, which results in deletion of the NCAM-180 isoform that in brain carries polysialic acid (PSA). Mutant mice entrained well to a 12 hr light/dark cycle but exhibited a significantly shortened free-running period and longer activity duration under constant darkness (DD) than did wild-type mice. By the third week of DD treatment, circadian rhythmicity in the mutant was abolished. Immunocytochemical analyses of the mutant SCN revealed an abnormal number and distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-producing neurons, suggesting a developmental effect of the mutant phenotype; however, a direct physiological effect of the mutation on clock function was indicated by the fact that removal of PSA from adult wild-type SCN by microinjection of endoneuraminidase shortened the free-running period to a similar extent as in the mutant. Together, these data indicate critical roles for NCAM and PSA in the development and physiology of the mammalian SCN circadian clock.  相似文献   

The results of the study of Enterovirus as viral meningoencephalitis producing agents, carried out from 1990 to 1994, are described, 546 feces samples, 95 cerebrospinal fluids and 1,058 matched sera were studied and obtained from 1,388 patients clinically diagnosed with this disease. Samples for viral isolation were inoculated into two different cellular systems. The highest number of isolation was found in diploid cells from human fibroblast. Antibody determinations were carried out by a neutralization test (micromethod) with 11 Enterovirus antigens (Echo 4, 6, 9, 11 and 30; and Coxsackie B1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) and in epidemic periods with the isolated virus. During the years under study, 2 epidemic outbreaks took place: on caused by Coxsackie A9 (1990-1991) and the other one by Echo 30 (1994). A greater positivity to Echo 6 and 11 was found among the matched sera.  相似文献   

The expression of polysialylated neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation of young (postnatal day 40), mature (postnatal day 80) and aged (postnatal day 540) male Wistar rats has been investigated by immunohistochemical techniques employing a monoclonal antibody specific for neural cell adhesion molecule-linked alpha 2,8 polysialic acid. A strong immunoreactivity was found on the cell bodies, dendrites and axons of granule-like neuronal cells at the border between the hilar region and the granule cell layer of the young rat. In the mature animal the number of immunoreactive neurons declined dramatically and were virtually absent in the aged group. Using an alternative fixation procedure, glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive and polysialylated astroglia processes were found in close proximity to the dendrites of the polysialylated granule-like cells. The number of astroglial processes traversing the granule cell layer showed a similar age-dependent decline to that observed with the polysialylated neurons. Glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive and polysialylated stellate astroglia were present throughout the hippocampal formation, but did not show the marked age-dependent decline observed with the astroglial processes in the granule cell layer. The neuronal dendrites and astroglial processes exhibited a strict numerical ratio in the young and mature animal and, in double immunofluorescence studies with anti-polysialic acid and anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein, the astroglial processes exhibited apparent points of cell and/or dendritic contact. These findings suggest that loss of polysialylated astroglial processes precedes the decline in polysialylated dentate neurons.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily and is strongly expressed in the nervous system. NCAM is found in three major forms, of which two--NCAM-140 and NCAM-180--are transmembrane proteins, while the third--NCAM-120--is attached to the membrane via a glycosylphosphatidyl inositol anchor. In addition, soluble NCAM forms exist in brain, cerebrospinal fluid, and plasma. NCAM mediates cell adhesion through homophilic as well as through heterophilic interactions. Following NCAM binding, transmembrane signalling is believed to be activated, resulting in increased intracellular calcium. By mediating cell adhesion to other cells and to the extracellular matrix and by activating intracellular signaling pathways, NCAM influences cell migration, neurite extension, and fasciculation, and possibly formation of synapses in the brain. From studies on NCAM knock-out mice, NCAM have been shown to be crucial for the formation of the olfactory bulb and the mossy fiber system in the hippocampus. In addition, NCAM is important for neuronal plasticity in the adult brain associated with learning and regeneration.  相似文献   

This article presents a simple, inexpensive method for precisely locating the floor of the maxillary sinus, as well as the presence of any septa, at the time of sinus augmentation surgery. Using an anesthesia light wand placed transnasally to illuminate the sinus, the surgeon can reliably elevate the lateral maxillary wall overlying the sinus with relative ease without fear of placing the osteotomy cuts too far from the sinus floor. The same procedure can be used postoperatively to evaluate the density of the bone graft placed into the sinus prior to closure.  相似文献   

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