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The current rapid urbanization leads to a degeneration in natural ecosystems whose regulating, purification, and production services have been seriously damaged. Landscape architecture focusing more on landscape functions and processes in this context is significant to urban environment improvement, by creating more urban parks and green spaces to provide ecological services as benefits rather than cities' burdens. Therefore, Yu Kongjian defined Designed Ecology as a constructed ecosystem or a system of interactions between living creatures (including human beings) and nature by human design, also ecological processes formed by landscape architecture and planning, and an interdisciplinary, cross-scale, and empirical research in a form of landscape. This research examined the landscape performance of saline-alkali soil amelioration in Qiaoyuan Park designed with the Designed Ecology principles by ecological experiments. The results prove that through micro-topography design, the park's constructed ecosystem significantly drains away salt and alkali to the lower areas of the site, both within the pond and across the whole pond system, achieving its design goal. This case study provides models for similar ecological landscape design of urban parks and green spaces.  相似文献   

崇明东滩国际湿地公园规划设计   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过崇明东滩湿地公园建设的实践,在基地环境质量优、劣势分析的基础上,总结湿地公园的功能定位、规划内容以及水体与土壤、种植设计、引鸟设计等生境设计与创造方法等,以期对正在进行和将要进行的湿地建设提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

The multi-functional landscapes for sustainable stormwater management play a significant role in providing various benefits on the environment, aesthetics, education, economy, etc. through the cultural ecosystem services, which have been underestimated by both the professionals and the public, due to the difficulty in their interpretation and quantification. The Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA) makes it easier by evaluating the cultural ecosystem services with human’s perception, and was tested with the multi-functional landscapes for stormwater management in this research. The results show that aesthetic value, recreational / eco-tourism, and sense of place are the most valued cultural ecosystem services. Those cultural ecosystem services with a gap between their perceived importance and the public satisfaction with their delivery are also identified. ISA can discover the public’s perception and expectation of the stormwater management landscapes, which helps the decision-making about their improvement a lot.  相似文献   

By reviewing the structure of the book Illustrated Principles of Landscape Ecological Planning and Design, this article reexamines the relationship between theoretical study, teaching, and practice in landscape ecological planning and design. It first explores how to apply the principles of ecological sciences (and other relevant disciplines) into related research, teaching, and practice of landscape ecological planning and design. The authors put forward a multi-level research system that integrates fundamental theories, application bases, and practice, in order to bridge ecological principles with planning and design practice. In addition, based on this landscape ecological planning and design system, the authors developed a T-P-C Approach, a universal operating procedure that links up Theories, Patterns or Principles, and Practice Cases and centers in spatial principles. Through a reader sampling survey, the research system of landscape ecological planning and design is refined and improved based on audience’s comments.  相似文献   

闫荣  闫莉 《中国园林》2003,19(10):59-61
环境工程的成功与否,其规划构思、设计深化、施工养护同等重要,不可偏废,如果能实现各环节的一条龙服务,则能更好地贯彻设计意图,体现设计精髓,并将成为日后的一种发展趋势。  相似文献   

郭湧  张杨 《中国园林》2007,23(9):11-13
介绍在2007年第44届IFLA国际风景园林学生设计竞赛中获得荣誉奖的作品的构思创作过程和主要的方案内容。该方案以温州杨府山垃圾处理场这个在城市化条件下面临突出生态灾难和社会问题的场所为规划设计对象,综合运用风景园林规划设计方法和环境保护的技术手段,以一种规划设计对象与周围城市发展相得益彰的过程实现了垃圾场向高密度城市环境中具有生物多样性的可持续发展的自然生态系统的转化。以这种戏剧性的转化实践了人类追求更加美好的人居环境的重归伊甸之梦。  相似文献   

在住区停车与景观之间矛盾激化的背景下,针对山地城市住区生态环境敏感度高的特点,论证了将生态视角引入山地城市住区停车景观研究的必要性,并从生态视角研究了山地城市住区停车景观的特征及影响因素。进而通过调研,总结目前山地城市住区停车景观存在的问题。最后结合研究与现状问题,从宏观城市住区层面和微观景观要素层面提出了山地城市住区停车景观的营造策略,以期为山地城市住区停车景观营造提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

立足景观生态原理,面向LA专业培养,在论证以整体人文生态系统为对象的生态规划NPH体系的基础上,提出了以理论教学、类型教学、案例教学、生态设计理论和生态概念设计实践以及生态性评价教学六大环节为主体的景观生态教学体系,倡导形成生态原理教学、生态设计理论教学与生态规划设计教学实践三者有机统一的"理论 案例 概念设计"的创新模式,构建与LA专业培养相匹配的景观生态教学改革体系。  相似文献   

针对城市双修背景下河流生态修复 工作存在的3大误区与困境,通过荟萃分析 的文献定量研究,厘清了城市河流修复的生 态效应,指出河流生态修复对水生态系统服 务有着积极的提升作用,丰富物种多样性, 增加物种数量与分布密度,对调节性生态系 统服务有显著的正面影响。研究构建了城市 河流生态修复方面,水生态系统服务综合效 能提升的概念模型,包括以水质净化为基 础、生境多样性为核心、文化性服务为关键 的3个方面。  相似文献   

本文应用“范式”理论,对城市 规划中协调城市与自然关系的生态思想 与方法体系进行了分析,将其总结为朴素 的自然保育生态范式、绿地系统范式、自 然适宜度范式、复合系统生态范式以及 景观生态范式。5种生态范式各有不同的 起源、亟待重点解决的问题以及内在的 不足,文章认为未来生态范式可能向“格 局—功能—过程”综合生态范式转换。  相似文献   

A true understanding of Ecological Civilization Construction is key to comprehend the connotation and goals of China’s territorial spatial planning, which echoes the ideological keynote of the country’s upgrade of socio-economic development mode. Missioned as a means to public policy making, territorial spatial planning develops roadmaps for Ecological Civilization Construction by addressing macro spatial governance problems such as the shortage of resources, severe environmental pollution, and ecosystem degradation. Furthermore, the author interprets the relationship between ecological restoration and territorial spatial planning system, and argues that the territorial spatial planning system should employ a macro-medium-micro hierarchy in scale while focusing on life-circle ecological restoration planning and implementation. In addition to the necessity of developing crossadministrative border plans, the author emphasizes the importance of multi-disciplinary cooperation. Then, he points out that The Two Assessment Standards should value regional characteristics and avoid to indiscriminately apply planning and design patterns in different cases. Finally, the author puts forward suggestions to practitioners in Landscape Architecture and other allied professions to prepare themselves by selfretraining with new concepts, methodologies, and technologies to be more competent for the contemporary needs of territorial spatial planning.  相似文献   

王文洪  张焕 《建筑与文化》2016,(12):197-199
实现文化生态系统和人居环境系统的融合涉及到大量的工作。本课题研究的目的在于,从文化生态角度着手,解决舟山群岛新区建设给人居环境带来的破坏,实现人地关系的和谐发展。笔者在结合新区所处区位现状的基础上,充分利用文化生态以及人居环境方面的理论成果,从实用性科学角度出发,对舟山群岛城市建设的过去、现在和将来进行全面且细致的分析,以提高该地域人居环境整体质量。  相似文献   

李树华 《中国园林》2005,21(11):59-64
在介绍生态恢复的生态学原则、对策目标、途径、构成要素、方法与步骤的基础上,以日本兵库县淡路岛"故乡之森"的营造为例,具体说明了利用绿化技术进行生态与景观恢复的原理与手法.  相似文献   

Most of the pressing challenges in the Anthropocene era are ecological, such as climate change and environmental degradation, all with profound impacts on socio-economics and equity. While ecology and resilience are among the most salient topics in contemporary landscape architecture, their inherent relationship and differences have deep implications on practice. The authors argue that ecology is all-encompassing and has a strong focus on system complexity without biasing or favoring any specific species or parts of the ecosystem. Resilience, when discussed in the context of planning and design, however, embodies a strong human-centric element. Ecocentric vs. anthropocentric perspectives provoke further discussion around an evolving relationship between ecological function and aesthetic forms that have been heavily informed by cultural and societal contexts. By translating environmental policies and social preferences, landscape architects command tremendous power to connect with the primary users of the built environment — the general public. Collaboration and integrated research are required to make significant progress on the complex environmental challenges the world faces today.  相似文献   

提出以生态健康为导向的城市设计理念,其核心思想可以概括为4E,即以自然生态为导向的设计(NE)、以人工生态为导向的设计(AE)、以环境舒适性为导向的设计(CE)、以节约能源为导向的设计(EC)。基于4E理念总结出四项议题和四个目标,提出了四方面的设计策略与模式。其中,NE策略包含适应性对策、保护性对策和补偿性对策;AE策略包括VOD与OOD、AOD与NOD、COD与IOD、HOD与WOD、EOD与SOD等五类模式和对策。在此基础上,对八种分析方法进行了概括。  相似文献   

郭巍  侯晓蕾 《风景园林》2010,(4):102-105
从繁衍生息到宜居生活,皖南古村落居民规划与设计了许多杰出的小型农业水利工程,在合理改造和利用水资源的同时,创造出了极为优美的人居环境,体现了实用与美丽的完美统一,引发出在今天依然深刻的思考和有益的启示。  相似文献   

环境要素是指构成人类环境整体的各个独立的、性质不同而又服从整体演化规律的基本因素,本文以简要介绍广州麓湖公园的环境要素的改造为例,阐明了麓湖公园的改造是在极力营造一个高品位的城市景观亮点,使其成为广州乃至全国休闲型城市公园的典范。  相似文献   

回顾了园林学院在生态和环境方面的本科与研究生的教学课程的沿革过程,并且重点阐述了20世纪90年代以来,园林学院所开展和承担的有关园林生态、园林环境等方面的科研工作和课题,以及取得的主要成就。最后,展望了园林生态领域在未来的园林学院中的发展。  相似文献   

现代环境设计浅谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任梦非 《中国园林》2004,20(3):60-63
从历史变迁的角度,不同地域文化背景的角度,着重谈了现代环境设计的地方性原则,设计观念的更新、设计要素的创新,对场所精神、文脉主义和园林意境的理解,以及生态理论在环境设计中的应用.  相似文献   

饶戎  董翔 《风景园林》2011,(1):52-57
昌平东沙河湿地作为国家"十一五"科技支撑计划的示范项目,从生态湿地规划与设计的内涵出发,探讨了东沙河生态湿地的内涵、定位、规划设计的目标和方法,在现状信息的基础上,通过生态分析,开展了生态湿地规划及水环境规划、绿地系统规划、光环境规划、声环境规划、能源规划等专项规划.  相似文献   

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