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China’s current catchment planning often focuses on formulating overall strategies for flood control and water resource distribution from a perspective of water conservancy. Usually, such plans are developed at large scales, covering a huge territory. However, city-scaled analyses, technical strategies, or roadmaps responding to issues of urban flooding, water pollution, etc. are less integrated into the current catchment planning; there is also an absence of comprehensive management methods for medium- or small-scaled urban water bodies. Combing with a case study on integrated catchment management plans (ICMP) for the Hamilton City, New Zealand, this paper reviews and summarizes the idea, role, objectives, key sections, and implementation of ICMPs in New Zealand, including a series of core tasks ranging from the trans-administrative catchment management mechanism, comprehensive and operational objectives and the technical system to the integration with long-term urban planning and Resource Consent requirements. In view of the status quo and major problems in China's comprehensive management of urban water systems, as well as the gaps in the existing formulation and implementation of catchment planning, especially the absence of integrated planning methods for medium- or smallscaled catchments that have a more direct and stronger relation with urban development, New Zealand’s experience in ICMP preparation and implementation reflects a paradigm significance.  相似文献   

在新中国成立后的城市发展过程中,单位是计划经济时代社会空间最基本的细胞单元,承载着社会主义的意识形态和履行国家制度政策的职能。这一社会空间组织,保证了社会秩序的稳定和经济的正常运转,成为中国政治和社会叙事中不可分割的组成部分。改革开放后,随着管制放宽、市场经济以及快速城市化的发展,单位空间景观开始解体。随着个人主义泛滥、社会多元化的发展以及贫富差距的悬殊,社会结构中出现离心力加速的趋势,这对社会结构整合、社会凝聚力和政治稳定提出了严峻挑战。本文通过梳理单位空间的演变过程,试图理解与阐释中国当前城市社会空间转型的发展特征、地方政府的行动实践以及城市社区的建设。  相似文献   

The current reform of China’s territorial spatial planning system is with profound expectation. Key to the implementation of spatial plans, regulatory detailed planning needs an improvement in preparation methods, indicator systems, coordination, and feasibility, etc. More work is urgently needed to make up the deficiencies of land use regulation and ecological restoration of territorial spaces. This paper devises methods for the ecological extension of regulatory planning with the theory of ecological security pattern. With Mentougou District in Beijing as a case study, this paper demonstrates the methods and roadmaps for ecological extension through land use control and community control and management. By analyzing the conflicts of ecological security and construction activities with a balancing mechanism, this study improves ecological control zoning and formulates regulatory principles and indicators. A thoughtful paradigm of preparation methods for the ecological extension of regulatory planning thus comes into being, which would offer references for the implementation and precise regulation of territorial spatial planning in China’s era of Ecological Civilization.  相似文献   

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