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CD8+ T cells are effective mediators of immunity against Listeria monocytogenes, but the mechanisms by which they provide antilisterial immunity are poorly understood. CD8+ T cells efficiently lyse target cells in vitro by at least two independent pathways. To test the hypothesis that CD8+ T cell-mediated immunity to L. monocytogenes is dependent on perforin or CD95 (Fas, Apo-1), we used C57BI/6 (B6) and perforin-deficient (PO) mice to generate CD8+ T cell lines specific for the L. mono cytogenes-encoded Ag listeriolysin O (LLO). Both lines specifically produce IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, and mediate target cell lysis in vitro. Cytolysis mediated by the PO-derived CD8+ T cell line is delayed relative to the B6-derived line and is completely inhibited by anti-CD95 Abs. In vivo, PO-derived CD8+ T cells provide specific antilisterial immunity in B6 hosts, CD95-deficient hosts, and IFN-gamma-depleted hosts. However, PO-derived CD8+ T cells fail to provide antilisterial immunity in hosts depleted of TNF-alpha. These results indicate that single Ag-specific CD8+ T cells derived from PO mice can mediate antilisterial immunity by a mechanism that is independent of CD95 or IFN-gamma, but requires TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of an apoptosis-associated antigen (Fas) (CD95) on hematopoietic progenitor cells in the presence or absence of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and/or tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). CD34+ cells freshly isolated from bone marrow did not express Fas. However, IFN-gamma and/or TNF-alpha induced the expression of both the mRNA of Fas and Fas itself in a dose-dependent fashion on the surface of CD34+ cells after 48 hours of serum-free culture. IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha had a synergistic effect on the induction of Fas, when both cytokines were added to the culture. The TNF-alpha-induced Fas expression is mediated by p55 TNF-alpha receptor. CD34+ cells cultured in medium alone or with stem cell factor (SCF) showed some slight expression of Fas. When anti-Fas antibody (IgM) was added to CD34+ cells after the induction of Fas expression, CD34+ cells underwent apoptosis, as shown by a decrease in the number of viable cells, morphologic changes, the induction of DNA fragmentation, and a decrease in the number of colony-forming cells (CFC) including colony-forming unit granulocytes/macrophages (CFU-GM) and burst-forming unit erythroids (BFU-E). These observations indicate that IFN-gamma and/or TNF-alpha, well known as negative hematopoietic regulators, induce functional Fas on hematopoietic progenitor cells. The suppression of hematopoiesis by negative hematopoietic regulators may be mediated in part by Fas induction.  相似文献   

Both extracellular and intracellular calcium (Ca2+) play important roles in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) and the vasoconstrictor responses to endogenous pulmonary vasoconstrictor substances, as evidenced by the effect of calcium-channel blockers on these vasoconstrictor responses and the measurement of changes in Ca2+ flux or intracellular Ca2+ concentrations in isolated cells. The more vasoselective the calcium-channel blocker, the greater its effect on pulmonary vasoconstriction. However, these drugs are not selective for the pulmonary vascular bed and are not as potent as pulmonary vasodilators when compared with other vasodilator drugs, including prostaglandin E1, isoproterenol, prostacyclin, or nitroglycerin. Moreover, the primary effect of vasoselective calcium-channel blockers on pulmonary vascular resistance is secondary to the effects of these agents on systemic vascular resistance and cardiac output. Although there is improvement in oxygen delivery, exercise tolerance, and survival in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension who respond to calcium-channel blockers, the response of individual patients to these drugs is difficult to predict because the extent of reversible versus irreversible changes in the pulmonary vasculature is not known. The use of these drugs in patients with chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction may be associated with a worsening of ventilation-perfusion mismatching secondary to inhibition of HPV.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of the cytoplasmic domains of LFA-1 in binding to ICAM-1 and in postadhesion events. Various truncated and chimeric forms of LFA-1 alpha (CD11a) and beta (CD18) chains were generated and transfected into murine fibroblast TNR-2 cells. Transfected fibroblasts expressing wild-type LFA-1 adhered only weakly to ICAM-1 immobilized on plastic, and phorbol ester pretreatment enhanced this adhesion significantly. In contrast, transfected cells expressing LFA-1 lacking both the alpha and the beta cytoplasmic domains, the beta cytoplasmic domain alone, or GPI-anchored LFA-1 adhered to immobilized ICAM-1 without prior activation. Truncation of the alpha cytoplasmic domain alone resulted in much reduced cell adhesion which could be only weakly upregulated by PMA. The presence of manganese dramatically enhanced the binding to ICAM-1 of LFA-1 lacking the alpha cytoplasmic domain or both cytoplasmic domains, whereas it had relatively little effect on wild-type LFA-1 or the mutant lacking the beta cytoplasmic domain. Soluble LFA-1, generated by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase-C treatment of GPI-anchored LFA-1, was capable of binding ICAM-1+ cells. Although doubly truncated or GPI-anchored LFA-1 mediated cell adhesion to immobilized ICAM-1, cells expressing these mutants, as well as those expressing individual alpha and beta chain truncations, failed to spread out following this adhesion, whereas the wild-type transfectants did so readily. Manganese had no effect on cell spreading. Fluorescent staining of these cells indicated no significant variation in the distribution of LFA-1 on the cell surface. From these results we conclude that (1) cells expressing LFA-1 lacking both the alpha and the beta cytoplasmic domains adhere to ICAM-1 without prior stimulation, indicating the importance of LFA-1 cytoplasmic domains in inside-out signaling, (2) truncation of the alpha cytoplasmic domain alone inhibits cell adhesion by making LFA-1 nonresponsive to inside-out signaling, and (3) both cytoplasmic domains are required for cell spreading following adhesion to immobilized ICAM-1.  相似文献   

Renal transplant rejection is characterized by an influx of mononuclear cells in the tubulointerstitial area. Recent studies indicate that tubular damage during graft rejection is dependent, at least in part, on apoptosis. It is thought that apoptosis may be induced by the mononuclear cell infiltrate via the perforin/granzyme or the Fas/Fas ligand pathway. Fas is a 43-kD member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, and ligation results in apoptosis of the Fas-bearing cell. The present study analyzes whether Fas is expressed on human tubular epithelial cells in situ and in vitro. It was found that 50 to 70% of the tubules in renal tissue exhibited a positive staining for Fas. To further study the occurrence of Fas on tubular cells, eight different primary proximal tubular epithelial cell (PTEC) lines were analyzed for Fas expression. More than 90% of the PTEC were positive for Fas, and treatment with IFN-gamma resulted in an even higher expression. To determine whether Fas ligation resulted in apoptosis of PTEC in culture, PTEC were incubated with two different anti-Fas antibodies, which were able to induce apoptosis in Jurkat cells. No apoptotic PTEC were observed after Fas ligation, as determined by morphological staining and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling analysis. Simultaneous CD40 and Fas ligation, or treatment with IFN-gamma before Fas ligation, also did not result in the induction of apoptosis. Fas ligation did not result in proliferation or activation of PTEC, as measured by interleukin-8 production. Apoptotic PTEC could only be detected when the cells were incubated with both anti-Fas antibodies and cycloheximide, resulting in up to 92% apoptotic cells. This study demonstrates that although renal tubular epithelial cells express Fas, they appear to be resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis, suggesting that Fas-mediated apoptosis does not play a role in the induction of apoptosis during renal transplant rejection.  相似文献   

The delta-type phospholipase C (PLC) is thought to be evolutionally the most basal form in the mammalian PLC family. One of the delta-type isoforms, PLC-delta 1, binds to both phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins(1,4,5)P3) with a high affinity via its pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. We report here a missense mutation in the region encoding the C-terminal PH domain of the human PLC-delta 1. This is also the first report of a mutation in the human PLC genes. A single base substitution (G to A) causes the amino acid replacement, Arg105 to His. Site-directed mutagenesis of the glutathione-S-transferase (GST)/PLC-delta 1 fusion protein changing Arg105 to His resulted in a fourfold decrease in the affinity of specific Ins(1,4,5)P3 binding and a reduction in PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysing activity to about 40% of that of the wild-type enzyme. This remarkable loss of function can be interpreted in terms of a conformational change in the PH domain.  相似文献   

To explore the pathway of p53 dependent cell death, we investigated if p53 dependent apoptosis following DNA damage is mediated by the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) receptor/ligand system. We investigated cell lines of solid human tumors upon treatment with clinically relevant chemotherapeutic drugs known to act via p53 accumulation. Treatment with these cytotoxic drugs led to an upregulation of both, the CD95 receptor (CD95) and the CD95L (CD95L). Induction of the CD95L occurred in p53 wild-type (wt), p53 mutant (mt) and in cell lines lacking p53 altogether (p53-/-). Thus, the regulation of the CD95L in response to chemotherapeutic drugs clearly involves p53 independent mechanisms. Most importantly, upregulation of CD95 occurred only in cell lines with wild-type p53, thereby strongly increasing the responsiveness towards CD95 mediated apoptosis. Thus, upregulation of the CD95 receptor seems to be dependent on intact wild-type p53. Apoptosis was mediated by cleavage of the receptor proximal caspase, caspase-8 (FLICE/MACH). Caspase-8 cleavage was observed, independent of the p53 status of the tumor cells and irrespective whether or not apoptosis was dependent on the CD95 system. Hence, additional effector pathways besides CD95/CD95L signaling are likely to contribute to drug-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Polyclonal horse antilymphocyte and rabbit antithymocyte globulins (ATGs) are currently used in severe aplastic anemia and for the treatment of organ allograft acute rejection and graft-versus-host disease. ATG treatment induces a major depletion of peripheral blood lymphocytes, which contributes to its overall immunosuppressive effects. Several mechanisms that may account for lymphocyte lysis were investigated in vitro. At high concentrations (.1 to 1 mg/mL) ATGs activate the human classic complement pathway and induce lysis of both resting and phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. At low, submitogenic, concentration ATGs induce antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity of PHA-activated cells, but not resting cells. They also trigger surface Fas (Apo-1, CD95) expression in naive T cells and Fas-ligand gene and protein expression in both naive and primed T cells, resulting in Fas/Fas-L interaction-mediated cell death. ATG-induced apoptosis and Fas-L expression were not observed with an ATG preparation lacking CD2 and CD3 antibodies. Susceptibility to ATG-induced apoptosis was restricted to activated cells, dependent on IL-2, and prevented by Cyclosporin A, FK506, and rapamycin. The data suggest that low doses of ATGs could be clinically evaluated in treatments aiming at the selective deletion of in vivo activated T cells in order to avoid massive lymphocyte depletion and subsequent immunodeficiency.  相似文献   

Genetic predisposition and androgen dependence are important characteristics of the common patterned loss of scalp hair known as male pattern baldness. The involvement of the 5alpha-reductase enzyme in male pattern baldness has been postulated due to its role in the metabolism of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. There are two known isozymes of 5alpha-reductase. Type I has been predominantly localized to the skin and scalp. Type II, also present on the scalp, is the target of finasteride, a promising treatment for male pattern baldness. We conducted genetic association studies of the 5alpha-reductase enzyme genes (SRD5A1 on chromosome 5 and SRD5A2 on chromosome 2) using dimorphic intragenic restriction fragment length polymorphisms. From a population survey of 828 healthy families comprising 3000 individuals, we identified 58 young bald men (aged 18-30 y) and 114 older nonbald men (aged 50-70 y) for a case control comparison. No significant differences were found between cases and controls in allele, genotype, or haplotype frequencies for restriction fragment length polymorphisms of either gene. These findings suggest that the genes encoding the two 5alpha-reductase isoenzymes are not associated with male pattern baldness. Finally, no clear inheritance pattern of male pattern baldness was observed. The relatively strong concordance for baldness between fathers and sons in this study was not consistent with a simple Mendelian autosomal dominant inheritance. A polygenic etiology should be considered.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO), an important effector molecule involved in immune regulation and host defense, was shown to induce apoptosis in lymphoma cells. In the present report the NO donor glycerol trinitrate was found to induce apoptosis in Jurkat cells that are sensitive to CD95-mediated kill. In contrast, a CD95-resistant Jurkat subclone showed substantial protection from apoptosis after exposure to NO. NO induced mRNA expression of CD95 (APO-1/Fas) and TRAIL/APO-2 ligands. Moreover, NO triggered apoptosis in freshly isolated human leukemic lymphocytes which were also sensitive to anti-CD95 treatment. The ability of NO to induce apoptosis was completely blocked by a broad-spectrum ICE (interleukin-1beta converting enzyme)-protease/caspase inhibitor and correlated with FLICE/caspase-8 activation. This activation was abrogated in some neoplastic lymphoid cells but not in others by the inhibitor of protein synthesis cycloheximide. Our results were confirmed using an in vitro experimental model of coculture of human lymphoid target cells with activated bovine endothelial cells generating NO as effectors. Furthermore, the inhibition of endogenous NO production with the inducible NO synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine caused a complete abrogation of the apoptotic effect. Our data provide evidence that NO-induced apoptosis in human neoplastic lymphoid cells strictly requires activation of caspases, in particular FLICE, the most CD95 receptor-proximal caspase. Depending on the cell line tested this activation required or was independent of the CD95 receptor/ligand system.  相似文献   

Fas-mediated apoptosis is a form of cell death that operates through a Fas-Fas ligand (FasL) interaction. In this study we investigated the role of the Fas system during development of normal and Fas-mutated lymphocytes. Irradiated RAG2-/-recipients were reconstituted with bone marrow cells from B6 and lpr mice (Fas defective) or from B6 and gld mice (FasL defective), and analyzed for long-term development. The results showed a primary role of the Fas system in peripheral cell death and thymic colonization. In the periphery, the interaction in vivo between Fas+ and Fas-T cell populations indicated that cellular homeostasis was defective. Indeed, we observed a FasL-mediated cytotoxic effect on normal-derived T cells, explaining the dominance of lpr T cells in the mixed chimeras. The Fas mutation affected neither cell activation nor cell proliferation, as the effector (Fas-) and target (Fas+) cells behaved similarly with regard to activation marker expression and cell cycle status. However, Fas-T cells failed to seed the periphery and the thymus in the long term. We suggest that this could be due to the fact that FasL is involved in the structural organization of the lymphoid compartment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most catalytic RNAs depend on divalent metal ions for folding and catalysis. A thorough structure-function analysis of catalytic RNA therefore requires the identification of the metal-ion-binding sites. Here, we probed the binding sites using Fenton chemistry, which makes use of the ability of Fe2+ to functionally or structurally replace Mg2+ at ion-binding sites and to generate short-lived and highly reactive hydroxyl radicals that can cleave nucleic acid and protein backbones in spatial proximity of these ion-binding sites. RESULTS: Incubation of group I intron RNA with Fe2+, sodium ascorbate and hydrogen peroxide yields distinctly cleaved regions that occur only in the correctly folded RNA in the presence of Mg2+ and can be competed by additional Mg2+, suggesting that Fe2+ and Mg2+ interact with the same sites. Cleaved regions in the catalytic core are conserved for three different group I introns, and there is good correlation between metal-ion-binding sites determined using our method and those determined using other techniques. In a model of the T4 phage-derived td intron, cleaved regions separated in the secondary structure come together in three-dimensional space to form several metal-ion-binding pockets. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to structural probing with Fe2+/EDTA, cleavage with Fe2+ detects metal-ion-binding sites located primarily in the inside of the RNA. Essentially all metal-ion-binding pockets detected are formed by tertiary structure elements. Using this method, we confirmed proposed metal-ion-binding sites and identified new ones in group I intron RNAs. This approach should allow the localization of metal-ion-binding sites in RNAs of interest.  相似文献   

Prior studies have implicated CD30 as a marker for Th2 cells, but the mechanism that underlies this correlation was unknown. We show here that CD30 was expressed on activated CD4+ T cells in the presence of IL-4. In the absence of endogenously produced IL-4, however, even Th2 lineage cells lost CD30 expression. Thus, CD30 is not an intrinsic marker of Th2 cells, but is inducible by IL-4. CD30 was also found to be down-regulated by IFN-gamma. Committed Th1 effector cells do not express CD30, although differentiating Th1 lineage cells temporarily express CD30. The transient expression of CD30 on differentiating Th1 lineage cells was mainly the result of endogenously produced IL-4 induced by IL-12. Culture of IL-12-primed cells under conditions that reverse the phenotype (Ag plus IL-4) resulted in two cell populations based upon their ability to express CD30. One population responded to IL-4 upon restimulation and became a CD30-positive, Th0-like cell population, while the other remained CD30 negative and synthesized only IFN-gamma. Thus, CD30 expressed on CD4+ T cells reflected the ability of CD4+ T cells to respond to IL-4.  相似文献   

The interleukin-3 (IL-3)-dependent murine bone marrow-derived cell line FDC-P2/185-4 (185-4) undergoes apoptosis when IL-3 is withdrawn from culture medium. Previous results from our studies indicated that a high concentration of aggregated mouse IgG prevented apoptosis of 185-4 cells through Fc gammaRIII by an autocrine mechanism, producing IL-3. But after 24 hours, 185-4 cells expressed CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) on their surfaces on stimulation via Fc gammaRIII. In addition, this CD95 was functional and apoptosis was induced by anti-CD95 monoclonal antibody (MoAb). We investigated how these conflicting effects were induced by Fc gammaRIII stimulation within the context of cell survival and death. The results showed that IL-3 was induced by calcium ionophore and that the IL-3 induced by Fc gammaRIII stimulation was blocked by EGTA or FK506, but not by staurosporine (protein kinase C [PKC] inhibitor), indicating the important role of calcium-calcineurin in this system. On the other hand, the CD95 expression induced by Fc gammaRIII stimulation was blocked by staurosporine, but not by EGTA or FK506, and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) induced CD95 expression in the same manner as Fc gammaRIII, indicating the involvement of PKC in the CD95 expression induced by Fc gammaRIII stimulation. Thus, Fc gammaRIII-mediated stimulation even while promoting immediate survival of the bone marrow cells, also triggers mechanisms that will facilitate their eventual deletion at the end of the response. These results suggest that a balance between cell survival and death is maintained to avoid unlimited cell growth caused by Fc gammaRIII-ligand interaction in hematopoiesis during inflammation.  相似文献   

Human rhinoviruses (HRV) are a major cause of upper respiratory tract infections in man, and can exacerbate existing pulmonary disease. The major group of HRV attach to ICAM-1, which is expressed on nasal and bronchial epithelial cells. To study the influence of biological mediators on ICAM-1 expression, and consequently HRV attachment and infection, we compared the effects of various cytokines, alone and in combination, on ICAM-1 expression by an uninfected and HRV-infected bronchial epithelial cell line H292. Cytokines known to be released soon after viral infection, such as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-1beta and the chemokine IL-8 increase ICAM-1 expression on uninfected cells. Epithelial cells infected with live HRV-14 displayed marked up-regulation of ICAM-1 compared with baseline. TNF-alpha further enhanced the HRV-induced increase in ICAM-1 expression on epithelial cells, peaking at day 4 after infection, whilst IL-8 exhibited a steady increase in ICAM-1 expression over 14 days. In contrast, IFN-gamma, a known Th1 antiviral lymphokine, whilst increasing the level of ICAM-1 on uninfected cells, induced a significant persistent down-regulation of ICAM-1 expression on HRV-infected epithelial cells. With combinations of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, ICAM-1 expression on HRV-infected cells was reduced to basal levels. The effects of IFN-gamma were paralleled by a reduction in viral titres. Our in vitro model has provided useful insights into the early pathogenic events of HRV infection at the level of the host cell-virus interaction. Our data confirm that biological mediators play a crucial role in the pathogenesis as well as the course of HRV infection which is modulated by the types, and time kinetics of inflammatory cytokines in the immediate microenvironment.  相似文献   

We report here that anticancer drugs such as doxorubicin lead to induction of the CD95 (APO-1/Fas) system of apoptosis and the cellular stress pathway which includes JNK/SAPKs. Ceramide, which accumulates in response to different types of cellular stress such as chemo- and radiotherapy, strongly induced expression of CD95-L, cleavage of caspases and apoptosis. Antisense CD95-L as well as dominant-negative FADD inhibited ceramide- and cellular stress-induced apoptosis. Fibroblasts from type A Niemann-Pick patients (NPA), genetically deficient in ceramide synthesis, failed to up-regulate CD95-L expression and to undergo apoptosis after gamma-irradiation or doxorubicin treatment. In contrast, JNK/SAPK activity was still inducible by doxorubicin in the NPA cells, suggesting that activation of JNK/SAPKs alone is not sufficient for induction of the CD95 system and apoptosis. CD95-L expression and apoptosis in NPA fibroblasts were restorable by exogenously added ceramide. In addition, NPA fibroblasts undergo apoptosis after triggering of CD95 with an agonistic antibody. These data demonstrate that ceramide links cellular stress responses induced by gamma-irradiation or anticancer drugs to the CD95 pathway of apoptosis.  相似文献   

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