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Most surgical procedures involving the anterior segment of the eye disrupt the normal organization of corneal innervation. Since denervation of the cornea results in impaired epithelial wound healing, increased epithelial permeability, decreased epithelial metabolic activity, and loss of cytoskeletal structures associated with cellular adhesion, it is important to identify the factors that determine the extent of neural regeneration. Mechanisms of corneal nerve damage and studies of corneal nerve fiber loss and reinnervation after cataract and refractive surgery--epikeratophakia, cryokeratomileusis, keratomileusis in situ, photorefractive keratectomy, laser in situ keratomileusis, and phacoemulsification--are reviewed and the decrease in corneal sensitivity, as a measure of corneal destruction and corneal metabolism, after these surgical procedures is compared.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A study of the characteristics and the results obtained in 99 consecutive eyes operated on for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment associated with aphakia or pseudophakia in order to find the predictive factors of poor anatomical and functional results. METHODS: The authors retrospectively reviewed the files of 99 consecutive cases of aphakic and pseudophakic retinal detachment operated on by the same surgeon between January 1992 through July 1993 with a minimum follow-up of 6 months. Multivariate and chi square analysis were carried out. RESULTS: Of the pseudophakic eyes, 25 had an anterior chamber lens and 48 had a posterior chamber lens. The posterior capsule was disrupted using a Yag laser in 58% of those with an posterior chamber lens but only 14% of them developed detachment within 6 months. The rate of vitreous loss was 27% with 5% in case of intracapsular extraction, 31% in case of extracapsular extraction and 54% in case of phacoemulsification. PVR was present in 30% of the patients and 51% of detachments occurred more than 24 months as a mean after cataract surgery. The overall anatomic reattachment rate was 88% with no significant difference between the aphakic and the pseudophakic patients, either with an anterior chamber of posterior chamber lens. Visual results were significantly worse in the anterior chamber lens group and in the aphakic eyes (P < 0.02). Negative prognostic indicators for reattachment included poor preoperative vision, extension of the retinal detachment to the macula (P < 0.05) and grades B, C or D proliferative vitreoretinopathy (P < 0.01). In addition to the above factors, eyes with vitreous loss, anterior chamber lens, aphakia and a larger extent of the retinal detachment had a poor visual outcome. CONCLUSION: Most aphakic or pseudophakic retinal detachment can now be reattached with either scleral or vitreo retinal surgery. The main difficulties are the localisation of the breaks and the treatment of PVR. Indirect ophthalmoscopy associated with vitrectomy does well in cases of an opacified posterior capsule. In cases of severe PVR long term internal tamponade either with C3F8 or silicone oil improves anatomical results but the functional results remain inferior.  相似文献   

Ramsay Hunt's syndrome is an infectious cranial polyneuropathy caused by varicella zoster, the herpetic virus that also causes chickenpox and shingles. Its symptoms include facial paralysis, ear pain, and an auricular rash. Oral lesions are also present in most cases. This syndrome can affect any cranial nerve and usually affects multiple nerves, causing central, cervical, and peripheral effects. This article reports the case of a 35-year-old white female who was treated by the oral surgery service of a large urban hospital, after first reporting to the emergency clinic. Her reported symptoms of unilateral left-side facial paralysis, auricular pain, and trigeminal hyperesthesia were confirmed by clinical examination. An initial short low-dose steroid regimen was unsuccessful. A second daily dosage of 50 mg of prednisone was successful in 21 days. No permanent sequelae were evident or reported after treatment.  相似文献   

Since 1980, the authors have observed 56 cases of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery which they classify into three groups: A. 18 cases of forms confined to the anterior segment, which just received medical treatment; B. 37 cases of more serious forms with vitreous abscess, treated by vitrectomy; C. 1 case of fulminant form which was eviscerated. The results of group B are better than those of group A: organic: 2.7% versus 11.1% of phtisis; functional: 73% of calculable visual acuity versus 66.6%, although the initial forms had been more severe. Vitrectomy, however causes some complications such as initial detachment (16.2%) cysto?d macular oedema (11%) and vascular complications (11%). However that may be, vitrectomy has several advantages: to collect a larger amount of vitreous liquid; to mechanically eliminate the pus; a faster functional rehabilitation by lightening of the vitreous.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate macular thickness changes after uneventful cataract surgery using optical coherence tomography (OCT) and compare the findings with those of flare and cell measurements of the anterior chamber. SETTING: Clinique Sourdille, Nantes, France. METHODS: In this retrospective study, 41 eyes having uneventful cataract surgery with a clear corneal small incision and intracapsular fixation of a foldable intraocular lens were evaluated by OCT and laser flare and cell measurements preoperatively and 1, 8 to 12, and 30 to 60 days postoperatively. RESULTS: Some postoperative increase in macular thickness was noted in 11 eyes. This was not related to a higher postoperative flare. Visual consequences were proportional to the macular elevation. CONCLUSION: Clinical and subclinical thickness changes, without breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier, can be detected after cataract surgery. Most of these changes resolve spontaneously, but their mid- and long-term significance is unknown.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to report an outbreak of Aspergillus endophthalmitis after cataract extraction during hospital construction. DESIGN: The study design is a case series of an outbreak of Aspergillus endophthalmitis. PARTICIPANTS: Five patients in whom Aspergillus endophthalmitis developed during a period of hospital construction in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, participated. Severe postoperative uveitis occurred in all five patients and failed to subside with topical steroid therapy. The patients were referred to the King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital for treatment. The causative organism was identified as Aspergillus fumigatus in each case. INTERVENTION: All five patients were subjected to aqueous or vitreous tap. Three patients had vitrectomy. Patients were given systemic, periocular, and intravitreous antifungal agents. MAIN OUTCOME: The final outcome in each patient was evisceration or enucleation, despite an intensive course of antifungal therapy. RESULTS: There were five patients, three females and two males, ranging in age from 51 to 65 years. Postoperative signs of infection developed in the patients 4 to 15 days after surgery. In all five cases, cultures of aqueous or vitreous grew A. fumigatus. CONCLUSION: Aspergillus endophthalmitis is a serious and devastating complication of ocular surgery. The outbreak, herewith, may have been related to hospital construction. The infection can be prevented, notably, by proper maintenance of old, "sick" buildings and by following certain procedures during hospital construction.  相似文献   

A 42-year-old woman with myotonic dystrophy developed bilateral severe capsulorhexis contracture after uneventful phacoemulsification cataract surgery with implantation of 1-piece poly(methyl methacrylate) intraocular lenses (IOLs). The anterior capsular opening in her right eye constricted to a diameter of 0.7 mm, reducing visual acuity to counting fingers. Complete closure of the capsulorhexis with IOL encapsulation developed in her left eye, reducing visual acuity to hand movements. Surgical anterior capsulectomies restored visual acuity to 6/9 in both eyes. Myotonic dystrophy may predispose to the development of severe capsulorhexis contracture after cataract surgery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report results of secondary intraocular lens implantation after cataract surgery in children. METHODS: We reviewed clinical records for a 5-year period of patients who had cataract surgery in childhood and received a secondary intraocular lens implant. We studied indications for secondary intraocular lens placement; surgical procedures for intraocular lens implantation; preoperative and postoperative visual acuity, refractive error, and binocular status; and complications of the procedure. RESULTS: A secondary intraocular lens was placed in 28 eyes of 25 patients who had cataract surgery in childhood. In 20 eyes, the lenses were placed in the ciliary sulcus. The other eight eyes had insufficient capsular support for an intraocular lens; in two, the intraocular lens was placed in the anterior chamber and, in six, in the posterior chamber with suture fixation to the sclera. Twenty of 28 eyes (71%) had measurable improvement in visual acuity; only one eye had a decrease in visual acuity of 2 lines. Fifteen patients (54%) had a final refraction within 1.50 diopters of the fellow eye; 21 (75%) were within 3.00 diopters. During follow-up, two eyes developed glaucoma. One had transient pressure elevation; one required two filtration procedures. Three patients required Nd:YAG capsulotomy. Six patients demonstrated Worth fusion at distance and near; three demonstrated 200 seconds of arc or better stereo visual acuity. CONCLUSION: Secondary placement of an intraocular lens in the posterior chamber appears to be a safe, effective alternative for correction of aphakia in the contact lens- or spectacles-intolerant child or young adult.  相似文献   

Approximately 15% of patients with mitral valve disease will experience left atrial thrombosis and its consequences. The etiology and diagnosis of left atrial thrombosis are reviewed, stressing the importance of blood stagnation as the most important etiologic factor. Atrial fibrillation, a left atrial diameter greater than 60 mm and absence of significant mitral regurgitation are predictors of left atrial thrombosis in mitral stenosis. Left atrial thrombus can be detected in 50% of patients with all three factors; all influence blood stagnation. Smoke-like echoes in the left atrium, detected by echocardiography, provide a semi-quantitative assessment of left atrial blood stagnation. The incidence of thrombi in patients with well marked smoke-like echoes is 60%, while in those without this echocardiographic finding it is only 9%. Smoke-like echoes provide an early warning system of conditions in the left atrium likely to lead to thrombosis unless the patient is anticoagulated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We determined the types and distribution of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and collagens, in anterior capsular opacification after endocapsular phacoemulsification and aspiration (ECPEA) and intraocular lens implantation. METHODS: Opacified anterior capsules were removed from human eyes after ECPEA. Immunohistochemical staining was performed to determine GAGs with monoclonal antibodies to chondroitin, chondroitin-4-sulfate (C4S), chondroitin-6-sulfate (C6S), dermatan sulfate (DS), and keratan sulfate (KS); collagens with monoclonal antibodies to types I, II, and III collagens; and cellular characteristics with monoclonal antibodies to vimentin, desmin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and cytokeratin. Decorin mRNA and type I collagen mRNA were detected by in situ hybridization. RESULTS: In the capsules, the C6S, DS, KS, and types I and III collagens were similar to the chemical components found at the adhesion site of the anterior and posterior capsules after extracapsular cataract extraction, and cellular components contained vimentin, desmin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, cytokeratin, decorin mRNA, and type I collagen mRNA. CONCLUSIONS: The GAGs and collagens in opacified anterior capsule after ECPEA were similar to those found during wound healing, although KS is present in normal anterior segment tissue during development and only in the cornea postnatally. These chemical components may be produced by myofibroblast-like cells presumably transformed from lens epithelial cells.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To measure anterior capsule opening (ACO) size after acrylic intraocular lens (IOL) implantation and study the natural course of ACO reduction. SETTING: Kimura Eye and Internal Medicine Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan. METHODS: This study comprised 32 patients (38 eyes) having continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis, phacoemulsification, acrylic IOL implantation, and a self-sealing incision performed by 1 surgeon. A retroillumination photograph of the ACO was obtained with the Anterior Eye Segment Analysis System and converted to a computer image. The images were used to measure ACO size postoperatively and calculate the reduction ratio. Follow-up was 6 months. RESULTS: The postoperative reduction ratio in ACO size was 2.14% at 1 week, 3.83% at 1 month, 4.29% at 3 months, and 5.03% at 6 months. In a few cases, the reduction was progressively severe throughout the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The anterior capsule opening shrank rapidly during the first month after acrylic IOL implantation, followed by a slower progressive reduction in the subsequent 6 months. When severe, progressive shrinkage occurs, an anterior neodymium:YAG laser capsulotomy should be performed within 2 months postoperatively.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the incidence rate of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) after phacoemulsification and standard extracapsular cataract extraction (P/ECCE) in eyes with antecedent uveitis with the incidence rate in eyes without any history of intraocular inflammation. DESIGN: Review of records of 108 eyes of 78 patients with uveitis and 122 eyes of 106 patients with no uveitis who underwent P/ECCE. Rates of PCO were compared by the log-rank test of differences in the Kaplan-Meier survival curves. Proportional hazards regression models provided estimates of the relative risks of PCO among uveitic compared to nonuveitic eyes. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Performance of neodymium: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy was used as a proxy measure for the main outcome of visually significant PCO. RESULTS: Study patients ranged in age from 6 to 81 years (median, 44.5 years) among those with uveitis and 27 to 96 years (median, 68.5 years) among those without uveitis (P = 0.0001). Crude incidence rates for visually significant PCO were 54% over a mean follow-up of 4.3 years in uveitic cases and 40% over a mean follow-up of 3.9 years among nonuveitic cases (P = 0.02). Estimates of PCO incidence (95% confidence interval) in uveitic eyes derived from the Kaplan-Meier models were 38.5% (range, 28.9%-48.2%) at 1 year and 56% (range, 45.8%-66.3%) at 3 years, and estimates among nonuveitic eyes were 11.5% (range, 6.2%-16.8%) at 1 year and 38.4% (range, 29%-47.8%) at 3 years. These rates of PCO among patients with uveitis and those patients without uveitis differed significantly by the log-rank test (P = 0.004). However, after adjusting for the younger age of patients with uveitis, the rates of PCO were no longer statistically different. CONCLUSIONS: The apparent higher rate of PCO in patients with uveitis is primarily due to their younger age at the time of surgery. A moderately increased independent risk of PCO from uveitis cannot, however, be ruled out by this study.  相似文献   

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