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三元乙丙橡胶的热老化行为及其BP神经网络预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)橡胶在70℃、80℃和90℃3个温度下的高温加速老化实验,测试其拉伸强度,断裂伸长率和压缩永久变形的物性值的保持率。建立了EPDM的热老化时间与其3种物性值之间的热老化行为规律关系。结果表明:以3种物性为基础,利用Arrhenius作图法推算出23℃下EPDM橡胶材料的使用寿命分别为316年、158.5年、78.5年。同时,利用BP神经网络预测EPDM橡胶在3个温度下的热老化行为,预测结果误差分别为10-3、10-4、10-5。  相似文献   

异氰酸酯对EPDM橡胶与金属粘接性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了三种异氰酸酯TDI(2,4/2,6-甲苯二异氰酸酯,摩尔比80:20)、MDI(二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯MDI-50)、PAPI(多次甲基多苯基多异氰酸酯)对EPDM橡胶与金属粘接性能的影响.结果表明:异氰酸酯能明显地提高粘合剂粘接EPDM橡胶与金属的强度,粘合剂中应同时加入助剂,MDI对粘合剂的粘接强度提高最大.在加入白碳黑、硫磺、促进剂、氧化锌的情况下,w(TDI)为0.4%粘合强度达到1.664 MPa,w(MDI)为0.8%时粘合强度达到1.882 MPa,w(PAPI)为0.4%粘合强度达到1.826 MPa.  相似文献   

研究了ZnO晶须、纳米氧化锌对白炭黑填充三元乙丙橡胶力学性能和形态的影响。结果表明,四针状氧化锌晶须的引入,在小体积分数(2.3%)下使乙丙橡胶的强度升高、定伸应力增加,伸长率和硬度变化较小,晶须的补强作用强于纳米氧化锌、晶须的刺状结构在补强方面有重要作用。  相似文献   

PTC effect of carbon fiber filled EPDM rubber composite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conductive ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM) rubber composites filled with carbon fiber (CF) and carbon black (CB) were prepared by the conventional melt-mixing method. Optical microscope was used to observe the formation of the conductive pathways in the CF-filled composite. A model based on thermal expansion and electron tunneling theory was proposed to explain the PTC effect of CF-filled composite. The resistivity-temperature behavior of filled EPDM composites depended on the shape of carbonaceous fillers, CF/EPDM composite showed a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) effect, while CB/EPDM composite showed a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) effect.  相似文献   

综述了新一代热塑性EPDM橡胶(SANTOPRENE)性能,并介绍其在建筑上的应用。  相似文献   

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the morphology and interfacial properties of unaged and aged Ethylene Propylene Diene (EPDM) rubber-melamine fiber composites. Interfacial adhesion between the fiber and the matrix was weak in the absence of a dry bonding system consisting of hexamethylene tetramine, resorcinol and hydrated silica (HRH). AFM images revealed the formation of an interface between the fiber and the matrix with the addition of the bonding agents. Ageing of the composites improved the adhesion between the fiber and the matrix, which was evident from the topographic images of the aged composites. It was found that two-dimensional and three-dimensional topographic images from AFM could be used to determine fiber geometry, fiber diameter and fiber-matrix adhesion in short fiber-rubber composites.  相似文献   

A water reclamation plant (WRP) uses a fine bubble-diffuser system to treat biological sewage waste. The process involves pumping air through slits in rubber membranes to feed bacteria in the waste stream. This case study deals with problems encountered with shrinking and hardening of the EPDM rubber membranes. Several factors affecting the performance of the rubber were investigated, including “leaching” of plasticizers, accelerated cross-linking due to the effects of temperature, and vulcanization effects on rubber flexibility. Different rubber materials were evaluated (i.e. silicone, Hypalon, Viton, neoprene, and a different formulation of the EPDM rubber). The investigation found that EPDM compound 7195 provided superior performance and met the required parameters for the wastewater treatment application. Additional investigations revolved around improving pumping losses in membrane through optimized perforation sizes and the inclusion of a cooling system (water misting or heat-exchanger) to cool the air before it reaches the membrane.  相似文献   

In this research, vetiver grass was used as a filler in polypropylene (PP) composite. Chemical treatment was done to modify fiber surface. Natural rubber (NR) and Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) rubber at various contents were used as an impact modifier for the composites. The composites were prepared by using an injection molding. Rheological, morphological and mechanical properties of PP and PP composites with and without NR or EPDM were studied. Adding NR or EPDM to PP composites, a significant increase in the impact strength and elongation at break is observed in the PP composite with rubber content more than 20% by weight. However, the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the PP composites decrease with increasing rubber contents. Nevertheless, the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the composites with rubber contents up to 10% are still higher than those of PP. Moreover, comparisons between NR and EPDM rubber on the mechanical properties of the PP composites were elucidated. The PP composites with EPDM rubber show slightly higher tensile strength and impact strength than the PP composites with NR.  相似文献   

Charpy impact tests in the temperature range ?100 to +20° C have been carried out on two isotactic polypropylenes (PP) having different molecular weight and their blends containing as rubbery phase an ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer (EPDM). For fractures of brittle nature the impact data were analysed in terms of the linear elastic fracture mechanics andK c andG c were determined. This behaviour was observed for the homopolymers over the temperature range investigated, and for the blends only up to ?20° C. At higher temperatures such materials showed fracture of a semiductile type with visible evidence of craze whitening around the crack tip, followed by brittle type fracture. In this case the results were analysed in terms of a ductile contribution (energy required to form the crazed area) and of a brittle one (relative to the crack propagation area) from whichG c could be derived according to a procedure proposed in the literature. Tentative interpretations of the results also on a molecular and structural basis have been given. A critical discussion of the elaboration of the semiductile fracture data proposed in the literature has also been provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to study elastomer powder from crushed used tires (CUTs). In particular, the behavior of the green density of elastomeric powder was analyzed by varying compaction pressure. In the Anglo‐saxon bibliography, this powder is known as ground tire rubber: ground tire rubber (GTR). The density of the tyre was made using a hydrostatic balance, the analysis of grain size using cribbing sieves, and the measures of compression parameters by means of a Universal Testing Machine. The main goal was to obtain a behavior model of ground tire rubber along different compaction pressures. This model was used to predict optimum compaction pressures in order to achieve the highest density. This was the first step to obtain recycled products when sintering processes are applied, evidently if thermal compression was used as a manufacturing process. This established model predicted the evolution of green density versus compaction pressures very accurately.  相似文献   

Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials - Uniaxial tension tests were performed on the Kevlar-filled EPDM rubber sheet. The short Kevlar fibers are found to align approximately in a single direction....  相似文献   

为提高纤维增强聚合物复合材料(FRP)筋混凝土梁抗裂性能,改善其脆性破坏特征,将玻璃纤维增强聚合物复合材料(GFRP)筋与橡胶集料混凝土共同应用于梁构件中。采用ABAQUS对GFRP筋橡胶集料混凝土梁的受弯性能进行有限元模拟及参数分析,探究了橡胶掺量、GFRP筋配筋率、混凝土强度等级及截面高度对梁受弯性能的影响。结果表明:增加混凝土中橡胶颗粒的掺量可提高梁的开裂荷载,当橡胶掺量为15%时,开裂荷载提高了29%;增加配筋率可提高梁的开裂荷载和承载力,当受拉筋直径由10 mm增加至18 mm时,橡胶掺量为10%的GFRP筋橡胶混凝土梁开裂荷载提高了约15%,承载力提高了约85%,但配筋率增加至一定数值后,其影响不再明显;提高橡胶混凝土强度等级,可提高梁的开裂荷载及承载力,当橡胶混凝土强度等级由C25提高至C40时,开裂荷载提了高约53.7%,承载力提高了约23%;为更好地满足正常使用极限状态,GFRP筋橡胶混凝土梁的截面高度宜适当增加。   相似文献   

This work explores multiaxial stress effects on fatigue crack nucleation and growth in filled natural rubber based on experiments using short thin-walled cylindrical specimens subjected to axial and twist displacements. Cyclic stress–strain response exhibits significant initial softening relative to the monotonic response, followed by a more gradual additional softening. Irreversible breakage of various types of bonds is believed to cause the initial softening, while the presence of fillers and their influence on network chain breakage is believed to cause the additional softening. Crack nucleation planes and crack growth paths were monitored and cracks were observed to form on specific plane(s). Correlations of crack nucleation lives and growth rates with respect to the peak maximum principal strain were obtained and are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between internal fracture due to high-pressure hydrogen decompression and microstructure of ethylene–propylene–diene–methylene linkage (EPDM) rubber was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Nanoscale line-like structures were observed in an unexposed specimen, and their number and length increased with hydrogen exposure. This result implies that the structure of the unfilled EPDM rubber is inhomogeneous at a nanoscale level, and nanoscale fracture caused by the bubbles that are formed from dissolved hydrogen molecules after decompression occurs even though no cracks are observed by optical microscopy. Since this nanoscale fracture occurred at a threshold tearing energy lower than that obtained from static crack growth tests of macroscopic cracks (T s,th), it is supposed that nanoscale structures that fractured at a lower threshold tearing energy (T nano,th) than T s,th existed in the rubber matrix, and these low-strength structures were the origin of the nanoscale fracture. From these results, it is inferred that the fracture of the EPDM rubber by high-pressure hydrogen decompression consists of two fracture processes that differ in terms of size scale, i.e., bubble formation at a submicrometer level and crack initiation at a micrometer level. The hydrogen pressures at bubble formation and crack initiation were also estimated by assuming two threshold tearing energies, T nano,th for the bubble formation and T s,th for the crack initiation, in terms of fracture mechanics. As a result, the experimental hydrogen pressures were successfully estimated.  相似文献   

采用部分动态预硫化工艺制备三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)发泡材料,即通过在哈克中动态预硫化来控制橡胶预交联,然后混入相同的硫化和发泡剂体系并制得发泡材料。研究了部分动态预硫化对EPDM凝胶含量及发泡行为的影响。结果表明,动态预硫化过程中,随硫磺用量增加,其最终平衡扭矩升高,预硫化混炼胶的凝胶含量增加;硫化和发泡行为测量表明,动态预硫化并未影响EPDM混炼胶二次硫化速度以及发泡剂分解速度;扫描电镜(SEM)显示,预硫化阶段硫磺用量为0.0125phr时的试样,能获得较好的泡孔结构和较低的密度,表明适量的预硫化能明显改善EPDM混炼胶的发泡行为。  相似文献   

硅烷偶联剂对EPDM/MVQ共混胶性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于可欢  邓金飞  吴明虎  张巧莲 《材料导报》2011,(Z1):421-424,441
三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)为非极性高分子材料,硅橡胶(MVQ)为半无机高分子材料。要获得性能优异的EPDM/MVQ共混胶,提高EPDM和MVQ的相容性是关键。研究了不同种类硅烷偶联剂作为相容剂对EPDM/MVQ共混胶性能的影响,并对偶联剂的并用进行了研究。实验结果表明:加入硅烷偶联剂Si-69或KH-550均能使EPDM/MVQ共混胶的力学性能得到改善;适量的硅烷偶联剂A-172与炭黑反应,使得炭黑成为体系的交联点,因此炭黑在共混体系中分散更均匀,从而使EPDM/MVQ共混胶达到较好的力学性能。  相似文献   

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