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加拿大电信的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟素艳 《世界电信》2003,16(10):9-14
加拿大1979年首先开放了数据和专线市场。在以后近20的时间内逐渐开放了其它市场。但目前电信市场上仍由主要的电信运营商主导,小公司只能在较小的程度上参与竞争。近年来,加拿大许多领域都受到全球经济不景气的影响,但电信行业却例外,依然保持了快速发展的态势。未来加拿大电信市场仍将快速发展:无线应用继续火爆,国家会发放新的无线业务许可证;电信融合的势头发生微妙的变化;互联网高速接入继续扩大。  相似文献   

Communication systems have become a fundamental utility for many facets of private and public life. Increasing system capabilities and advances in technology stimulate expectations of the public for new telecommunication services. Quite a variety of new services have been proposed which will have to be analyzed as to their utility, customer acceptance, and feasibility of implementation. In this paper an analytical approach is selected to assess these services by defining their communication structure and arranging them into classes corresponding to information flow, mode of information exchange, and communication pattern. Services requiring considerable technical expenditures and having a significant impact on future network configurations are pointed out. These services reqmre subscriber-individual and broad-band communication channels. For selected classes of services, a conceptual implementation in three types of networks is presented. It is recommended that several new services be implemented by using facilities of the existing public telecommunication network.  相似文献   

Amongst the many technological developments of the last few years, one in particular has been directly driven by the liberalisation of the telecommunication services sector and the entry of competition into once monopoly markets. That technology is fixed wireless access (FWA). While traditional telecommunication infrastructures have relied on the use of twisted pair copper wire to deliver services to subscribers-the local loop-FWA replaces this with point-to-multipoint digital wireless links. This paper examines the history of Nortel's involvement as market leader in this sector from its earliest days, the approaches the company has taken to the technologies involved and explores FWA's potential in the world's deregulating telecommunication services market  相似文献   

Both in developed and developing nations there is a clear need to discriminate among all the numerous choices of telecommunications technologies and services that have been, are, or can be developed. This discrimination should be based on a knowledge of the likely effects of each of those services on the community and its environment; discrimination can no longer be left open to the sole forces of the market and it is within the engineering function to provide value judgments on the technologies it produces. In developing nations where there is a strong shortage of capital, the telecommunication planner's problem is not one of satisfying demand indiscriminately at fair prices ensuring a reasonable financial return to the firm but rather to find a strategy of service growth that will be optimal for the country or parts thereof. The comparison of alternative investment plans in the telecommuncations sector should proceed, therefore, attending to the measure in which each one can contribute towards these general objectives. Inasmuch as progress towards the different national targets is unlikely to allow for a single measure common to all of them, investment plans that are optimal with regard to different targets will also not be comparable with one another and the choice between optimal plans escapes the sector and becomes a matter of subjective national policy. Telecommunication planners should be able to find such optimal strategies and to supply global planners with elements of judgment suitable to support the decision of allocation of resources to the telecommunication sector. A review of published material in this field shows that progress towards such a situation has been very small. The paper then discusses some ideas on how the study of interaction between telecommunications and society could be advanced within a frame of reference given by current knowledge in the social sciences and in telecommunication technology.  相似文献   

Rapid “take-up” in the use of advanced telecommunication technologies and services involves co-ordination between private and public interests in establishing the environment for private investment in new equipment and services to upgrade the existing infrastructure. Alternative scenarios are possible for these developments in Europe. The outcome of this process will depend upon the interaction between public policies and private decisionmaking in several producer and user communities. This paper rejects the consensus view that market forces will suffice in coordinating demand and supply to achieve a socially desirable scenario for future developments. Decisions about the use of technologies and services for addressing social exclusion and redefining the concept of “universal service”, for enhancing the usability of complementary technologies, for establishing technical compatibility standards and for assuring privacy and security will have major impacts on the outcomes. Three configurations of suppliers—Insurgents, Incumbents and Virtual Community service providers—as well as key user groups are identified. The interactions amoung these groups and the content of private and regulatory decisions provide a foundation for several possible scenarios of future developments. Major differences in the opportunities for European producers and consumers exist depending on which of these scenarios is realised and the role of policy decisions in shaping the outcome.  相似文献   

There is a particular tendency to identify the private household as a significant target group for technology and content providers. The high relevance of an interdisciplinary treatment of this subject for business, science and politics is obvious. The residential applications for the household can be subdivided into several main types, all of which are based on a common technological infrastructure. In the near future a huge market potential will arise from the converging markets of information processing, telecommunication and consumer electronics. This will have an impact in the home and will lead to an innovative supply of products and services restructuring and will change the matters of private life. The article emphazises the strategic importance of the “Computerized Information Processing in the Private Household” (CIPHo) for business administration and information technology.  相似文献   

对NGN的再思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
公共因特网的优点是分布、开放和自治性,使其能够在全球广泛普及、无处不在,而其基本服务免费、增值服务收费的模式符合以人为本的思想,代表未来发展方向.NGN强调考虑电信运营商的要求,需要建立全网的统一控制,将导致成为运营商的专网,从而失去因特网的基本优点.因特网生态系统的建立,性能的提高,开始能够提供可以和NGN竞争的业务,将挤压NGN的生存空间.NGN不应该将自己置身于无所不在、无所不能的下一代因特网之外.NGN应该扩大内涵,实现和NGI的融合统一,未来网络基础设施很可能仍然保持因特网分布自治的基本形态以具有无处不在的渗透能力,而同时并行存在具有目前NGN定义的集中控制QoS能力的专网,以满足特殊需求.  相似文献   

The impact of Hugo on state government communications in South Carolina and activities in the wake of the disaster are discussed. The state of South Carolina has been chosen, along with California, as a model state for development of the National Communications System/Telecommunications Services Priority (NCS/TSP) model plan for emergency restoration of telecommunications services. This effort is being undertaken in conjunction with the National Communications System Organization in Washington, DC. They are assisting the state in development of the telecommunications services priority (TSP) plan, to be used in the future for coordinating restoration of critical federal, state, and local telecommunication services. A private sector partnership has been initiated with the telecommunications and utility companies in South Carolina to provide fiber-optic alternate routing and other communications backup capability to each of the emergency preparedness offices in South Carolina counties in future disasters. An exchange of disaster recovery plans with other states has been undertaken. Information regarding each of these efforts is provided  相似文献   

Article 21, paragraph XI of the Brazilian Federal Constitution determines that telecommunication services must be exploited through a government controlled monopoly. Accordingly, all public telecommunication services are exploited by the Brazilian Telecommunications Company (Telebras). Telebras is the holding company of the so-called Sistema Telebras (Telebras System) consisting of 27 state based operating companies (OCs) and of EMBRATEL (Brazilian Telecom Enterprise), in charge of interstate connections and of the international gateway. The Federal law of 1972 that created Telebras also granted it power to exploit the services through its controlled or associate companies. Telebras owns over 97 percent of all telephone lines in the country. The remaining 3 percent are exploited by a private company (an exception foreseen in the Constitution) and two municipal companies. The newly inaugurated federal administration has submitted to the Congress a revised institutional model for the country, which includes the breakup of the state monopoly in telecommunications. The article discusses particularities regarding the future trends of the new approach to be enforced for the exploitation of telecommunication services and technology, and the evolution of the country's telecommunication networks  相似文献   

Following the successful deployment of basic telecommunications networks and services in the 1970s and 1980s, Korea's telecommunications sector has undergone significant environmental and technical changes. Among these are the introduction of competition in the telecommunications market, the allowance of foreign ownership of telecommunication services, and the deployment of new networks and services, all within a new legal framework. As demands for more diversified and high-quality telecommunications increase, Korea is now preparing for a major communication infrastructure that can serve as a common network foundation. Named the Korea Information Infrastructure, it is planned to provide a new network foundation that will serve as the core of the information society in the 21st century. This article describes the current status of and future perspectives on the Korean telecommunications markets, industry, and infrastructure  相似文献   

张余 《数字通信》2012,39(2):14-17
云计算所具有的虚拟性、动态可扩展性、按需部署、高灵活性以及高可靠性等特点,与电信业“5W原则”发展目标相吻合。介绍了云计算关键技术在当前电信业务中的应用,指出云计算的出现为电信运营商从管理提供商向服务提供商的转变提供了机遇。电信运营商应提升自身的标准化能力、业务融合和开发能力、运营模式转变能力、云终端开发能力和云安全维护能力。  相似文献   

The telecommunication sector is creating and developing new uses for information and communications technologies. In a context of services, it has become important to take into account the diversity of potential uses of telecommunication technology. The purpose of this paper is to understand how are the users built up in the case of Internet in Mexico in the frame of social diversity and the construction of a democracy.The focus will be:
  • 1.To analyse the main economic and political actors that are defining the social uses of Internet in Mexico.
  • 2.To describe the main services that Internet is providing to users.
  • 3.To select a small sample of users in Mexico in order to apply them a questionnaire that could let us know the new patterns of behaviour and emergence of new practices.
Are these services responding to social demands in order to increase the plurality of voices and freedom of expression?  相似文献   

In addition to narrowband services, future broadband networks will also include broadband services for applications like: high-speed communication of data, text and graphics person-to-person video communication, access to video information as well as broadcast of programs and data. Low terminal costs and service charges are essential with respect to a growing demand for new services, especially in the home. Broadband ISDN, to be developed on the basis of ISDN and using glass-fiber subscriber lines, will enable a wide range of applications satisfying the needs and requirements of the business and private sectors. The best technical solution from the aspect of user-friendliness and economy is to implement this broadband ISDN for all services with an evolutionary and flexible design. The broadband ISDN concept is not restricted to the public network and terminal equipment but also comprises private networks, information and program centers, etc. Many countries are pursuing the goal of this universal network for the future "information society". However, the approaches for setting up the broadband ISDN differ from country to country, depending on the particular technical and political situation. Standardization plays an important role with regard to "open broadband telecommunication", the worldwide trouble-free communication and information exchange of one party with any other.  相似文献   

The Internet is the best practice of Next Generation Network (NGN). One goal of NGN is to change the telecommunication network from a "monopolized and closed" one into a "competitive and open" one. The network service providers will offer high-quality, low-cost and colorful services while the traditional telecommunication operators will gradually develop into the network access providers and not directly participate in any specific service. In the service-dominated future, the telecommunication industry will be horizontally integrated with other active industries, such as consumption, entertainment and shopping, into an open, distributed and operable win-win ecological chain. In the new win-win situation, the users will be the biggest beneficiary.  相似文献   

在奥运会中,媒体特别是广播电视媒体既是奥运会通信服务的主要用户,又通过购买转播权从而支持奥运会的举办,因此,如何为媒体提供更加成熟、安全、可靠的通信服务,是奥组委和通信合作伙伴的责任。在2008年奥运会上,以高清晰度电视(HDTV)技术为主的关键技术将会得到广泛的应用,中国网通作为北京奥运会的通信合作伙伴,将为此提供全部的通信服务支持。本文根据奥运会上即将广泛应用的HDTV技术的特点以及媒体对服务提出的需求,对中国网通广播电视媒体通信服务技术发展进行了全面阐述。  相似文献   

In this paper we propose to migrate the intelligence for telecommunication services from the network into the terminals. In the first three sections we elaborate on the approach taken. The descending cost of processing equipment and the increased flexibility offered by ATM networks open new perspectives for the terminal business. In addition, only limited services will be offered by early ATM networks. Terminal-based intelligence may overcome this initial gap. The physical configuration of such a terminal is presented in Section 4. In Section 5 the functional configuration of the terminal is proposed. The control module realizes a generic platform for the execution of telecommunication applications. This platform gives access both to local peripherals and to the telecommunication services offered by the network. The top layer consists of the telecommunication applications. In Section 6 a number of these applications are discussed. The remote execution application is of special interest since it gives remote access to telecommunication applications hosted on other IATs, so enlarging the capabilities of the local IAT.  相似文献   

The future evolution of telecommunication will be characterised by decentralised high-speed communication systems in distributed environments. These systems enable the dynamic provision of various information- and communication services, where information will be accessible any time, at any place, in any form. The development of a new technology, which customises the existing telecommunication services, is very significant for the competitiveness of network- and service providers. This article introduces the technology of intelligent agents, in particular mobile agents, and its application in telecommunications. The use of mobile agents enables dynamic provision of multimedia services, decentralisation of network management, and efficient resource management.  相似文献   

The growth and expansion of the telecommunications infrastructure has been given impetus through the vision articulated in the Philippines 2000 plan, with the stated goal to attain status as a newly industrialized country by the year 2000. As tangible evidence of the country's commitment to these goals, the government has issued two executive mandates that provide a policy framework and a level playing field for authorized private telecommunication service providers. The first mandate calls for mandatory interconnection of all authorized telecommunication service providers in order to create a universally accessible and fully integrated nationwide telecommunications network. The second mandate calls for the provisioning of local exchange services nationwide  相似文献   

IT839 Strategy: the Korean challenge toward a ubiquitous world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The South Korean government declared the IT839 Strategy as a new development strategy for the IT sector in 2004. Under this strategy, the introduction and development of eight (8) new IT services are expected to encourage investment in three (3) key network infrastructures, which in turn will promote the development of nine (9) new growth engines, including equipment, terminal, software, contents, and so on. Moreover, each of the 20 (8 + 3 + 9) sectors of the IT839 Strategy will reap synergistic effects as a result of concurrent growth through cooperation among the government, private sector, and research institutes. The IT839 Strategy is anchored on the belief that IT will bring about qualitative changes in the economic and social paradigm, ultimately aiming to realize a ubiquitous world by forming a virtual circle of developing new services, infrastructures, and growth engines.  相似文献   

The exploitation of data processing systems in the governmental finance sector in Poland requires designing and implementing modern data telecommunication networks. The key for success of data telecommunication enterprises is a clear understanding of the present customer's need, but also understanding what future customers will want. The goal of the paper is to analyze, on the basis of existing data-processing equipment and telecommunication interfaces, the potential alternatives for establishing efficient, cost-effective, manageable, and high QoS networks. The presently existing facilities, as well as initiatives that may be operational in the subsequent years, are reviewed. The analysis is aimed towards elaborating the general strategy for large modern data telecommunication investments in Poland  相似文献   

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