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在电力企业中,员工的培养是人力资源管理工作中的一项重要内容。关注人才的教育培训与评价工作,建立科学规范、合理完善的教育培训与评价体系,高效正常地运作可以使电力企业员工的技术实践能力、知识储备、学习态度等均得到全面改善与提升。对员工个人而言,教育培训与评价工作能够为员工的综合素质、技术能力、知识拓展等方面提供支持,增强员工的职业责任感;对电力企业整体而言,教育培训与评价工作间接地为电力安全生产、调度、信息化等核心部门提供了知识保障,巩固了电力企业的正常运作能力。然而,现有电力企业在教育培训与评价方面仍存在多种问题与不足,更重要的是没有形成一个适用于电力企业特定情况的、全面完善的、科学合理的教育培训与评价体系。  相似文献   

企业教育培训体系的建设是电力企业人力资源工作的重要组成部分,是一项复杂而艰巨的系统工程。作为一个体系,它涉及人资工作的方方面面。一个好的教育培训体系的建设,首先是要立足于企业自身实际需要,既善于总结企业自身工作的长处与不足,又善于学习其它先进模式,及时吸收最新专业科研成果。只有适合企业自身的才是最好的,一切经验与理论必须要与企业实际相结合,实事求是,自我创新。  相似文献   

合力打造行业培训"连锁超市"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代企业制度的建立,企业员工教育培训工作得到企业的充分重视,企业对员工的教育培训已不再局限在岗前培训、在岗培训、适应性培训等基础性教育上,也不仅仅是为了完成或适应工作的再教育,而是将企业员工的职业生涯发展、企业人力资源开发、企业职工队伍素质提高看作与企业可持续发展、  相似文献   

员工培训是企业最高效的战略投资,通过员工培训,可使员工明确自己的工作职责、任务和目标,提高知识和技能,具备与实现企业目标相适应的自身素质与业务能力,为企业创造更大的效益与价值。企业中如何通过培训,持续提升员工素质,为实现企业战略目标提供人力资源保障,是我们从事培训开发工作者多年苦苦思考和探索的课题。  相似文献   

培训部门无疑是电力企业的一个重要部门,企业之间的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,从某种意义上来说也是培训的竞争。企业培训的重要性已是不争的事实。然而大形势的好转和培训意识的深入人心,并不意味着培训工作一帆风顺。在实际工作中,一些电力企业抓培训的观念和思路还未跳出旧有的模式,直接制约着培训效率和质量的提高。如果我们能反弹琵琶,逆向思维,许多问题就会迎刃而解。  相似文献   

为改进生产技能人员培训工作,加强技能人员队伍建设,促进生产技能人员岗位能力提升,江苏省电力公司决定从2006年起在生产技能人员中推行单元制等级工能力培训。单元制培训是为了适应一线工作人员培训与工作的需要,将各个工种培训内容系统地按模块划分,便于学员选择学习。其中的技能类培训按可操作性划分为四个单元模块。如变电,划分为“运行管理”、“正常操作”、“异常与缺陷处理”、“事故处理”四个单元。学员可根据需要有选择性地参加,灵活性极大。  相似文献   

1 目前焊工培训工作中存在的问题 许多企业没有一套行之有效的焊工培训计划,也不具备对焊工培训的条件,在实际工作中焊工往往凭自己的习惯和感觉施焊,不能做到按规范操作。 现在不少锅炉压力容器制造、安装和检修企业也开展了一些焊工培训工作,一般采用以理论培训为重点、以师傅带徒弟为主要形式的培训方式。但苦于没有称职的焊工教师并存在培训内容不尽合理和培训质量不高的问题,导致培训效果欠佳。 笔者在与焊工交流中发现,只要提到焊工培训,他们往往想到理论培训。而且,一般而言的理论培训,就是将那些焊工培训教科书…  相似文献   

周健真 《广东电力》2002,15(3):41-44
变电培训仿真系统是对上岗人员进行培训的一种新有效的手段,是变电站上岗培训工作的重要组成部分,它含有大量的数据与图形,真实、全面反映电力系统的实际情况,为此,介绍了该系统的功能、软硬件配置、开发环境、现状,并对系统的开发应用与发展趋势进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

《安规》是《电力安全工作规程》的简称。《安规》知识培训、考试,已成为电力系统年度重要工作惯例。前者习惯于组织员工在教室里集中授课,宣贯《安规》条款,培训效果不理想;后者因社会因素的影响,引起学风不正,导致考风不正,使某些员工形成“《安规》考试年年搞,看看资料,抄一抄”的错误观念。实践证明,结合员工现场作业的安全需要,改革培训方法,有针对性的开展安全作业现场培训,是《安规》培训工作的有效途径。  相似文献   

继续教育是职工教育的重要组成部分,在电力企业管理和科技进步方面加强对专业技术人员的继续教育是必不可少的。但是由于涉及的人员、专业比较广泛和复杂,培训与深造的方式也多种多样,这给继续教育工作带来一定的难度,也始终是我们整个培训工作的难点和重点。近年来,...  相似文献   

董勤伟 《电力设备》2006,7(2):50-52
文章结合应用在南京、苏州的2套仿真培训系统的研制,阐述了变电运行仿真培训系统的开发方向、基本功能和重要需求。并指出了变电运行培训软件仿真系统开发要以220kV及以下变电站监控中心和500kV变电站为仿真对象;仿真要细腻逼真,充分反映现场设备的逻辑关联;系统还要具备远程培训功能。  相似文献   

The authors focus industry attention on various tools and techniques used to develop and implement effective bulk power system restoration training programs. The need to continue developing improved training tools is highlighted. Six short note reports are presented. The first two reports focus on the preparation which should take place as a precursor to the development of a formal system restoration training program; this includes identification of the operating issues which should be addressed in a system restoration plan/training program and an analysis of how operators should recognize and respond to these conditions. Three reports describe the wide variety of training methods currently used in existing system restoration training programs; the methods described range from simple classroom lectures to the use of advanced power system simulators. The last short note provides a synopsis of the emergency preparedness training programs used in other industries  相似文献   

Electrical-safety training should be discussed and taught to people from early childhood throughout their careers. Effective electrical-safety training is a "soft" technology that is never complete. As knowledge is generated, the new information should be offered to the entire community for acceptance or rejection. Effective electrical-safety training is a critical element of an effective electrical-safety program. One of the most effective learning processes is emulation-watching someone else and then imitating the observed practice. Emulation serves as the basic principle upon which apprentice programs are based. When a "student" observes an unsafe practice, the "teacher" has some responsibility for any injury that might result. This article offers experience-based thoughts related to breaking that chain.  相似文献   

国内现有的变电站仿真系统大多数只提供操作票的开票功能,但是往往新学员对重点线路的操作或者是在处理复杂的倒闸操作任务上缺乏经验,记忆强度也不够。因此有必要在提高培训强度的同时以扩充新功能优化软件的方法来增强培训效果,针对以上问题,在基于自主研发的变电站操作票开票系统基础上提出了统计受训人员操作步骤、完整性评估、正确性评估、操作顺序评估四个方面的校验层次,围绕着这四个校验层次搭建了操作票评价系统的总体设计平台。  相似文献   

文章分为三篇,分别论述了电业职工智能培训系统的功能和结构、知识的表示及智能培训系统的建模和软件设计等三个方面的技术问题。在采用计算机辅助培训系统对电业职工进行培训时,由于培训对象具有“知识水平不同、学习目标各异”的特点,因此对不同学员应采取相应的教学培训策略。文中的第一篇首先介绍智能教学系统的基本原理、系统的功能和结构,进而提出电业职工智能化知识培训系统的总体设计。  相似文献   

制定人力资源配置计划,用人机制、薪酬水平和培训上着手,进行员工的绩效评估,建立新的人力资源管理机制,完善人力资源信息化基础管理系统。  相似文献   

Across the European Union, education and training in information technology (IT) is seen as a way to move people experiencing disadvantage - such as the unemployed, people with disabilities, immigrants, marginalized women, and disadvantaged youth - into sustainable employment. All the EU member countries and the European Commission have invested heavily in IT education and training programs for these groups. This article discusses the study took place in five European countries, and concluded that for students experiencing disadvantage, IT training and education should be only one element of a much broader pedagogy. Successful programs in the countries studied - Ireland, the U.K., Finland, Italy, and Spain - used a pathway approach of interventions.  相似文献   

Ideally, engineers and scientists should be taught to write and speak about their own specialties in terms that another professional will approve of and an educated layman can understand. Further, they should be taught to understand and to use argument and persuasion. Such skills cannot be effectively taught in the freshman year. Courses providing such training should be scheduled in the senior year.  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition that less developed countries (LDCs) should be more discriminating in their choices of technologies to meet their needs. To exercise these choices, the LDC engineers are challenged to be innovative in adapting existing modern technologies to their own circumstances. To be able to meet this challenge, their professional training should account for the fact that when technology is transferred between cultures, non-technical considerations play a crucial role in determining whether or not the transfer successfully meets its goals. It is alleged in this position paper that the educational program of our international graduate students in engineering should prepare them for this challenging task. Needed changes are suggested, and existing opportunities at Iowa State University are discussed.  相似文献   

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