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The paper makes an indepth analysis of the excitation of shaft torsional vibrations in steam turbine-generator-exciter shafts by variable-frequency ripple currents superimposed on DC currents in asynchronous links using the finite element and reduced models of the machine shafts. Frequencies at which sympathetic shaft torsional vibrations would be excited by modulation product harmonics in 50 Hz/50 Hz and 50 Hz/60 Hz asynchronous links as a function of deviation in system frequency are illustrated. It is shown that amplitude of shaft torque due to steady resonant torque excitation is a function of initial rate of increase of vibrations at adjacent cells, the time constant for decay of the vibration, and stiffness between adjacent shaft cells  相似文献   

Phenomena that affects the performance of transducers that measure torque at positions along a turbine-generator shaft are reviewed, and the design of a transducer for precise measurement of torque at positions on a steam turbine-generator shaft that results from severe disturbances of the electrical supply system is discussed. Torque at shaft couplings following severe supply system events predicted using continuum models of turbine-generator shafts are analyzed and compared with that obtained over a section of the shaft by shaft twist and overall stiffness of the section. Algorithms for processing torque deduced from twist over a section to estimate true torque at specific shaft locations are discussed. Studies are performed for severe L-L-L short circuits with clearance. The design of a transient shaft torque transducer which uses disks with slits which are secured to the rotating shaft is described  相似文献   

The paper first summarises the advantages of steam turbine-driven induction generators over conventional generators such as low cost, less maintenance, rugged and brushless rotors (squirrel cage type, no need for synchronisation, etc.), together with problems concerning excitation (VAr compensation at loads etc). A mathematical model of the induction generator simulated in direct-phase quantities where saturation of the magnetising reactances is simulated and saturation of stator and rotor leakage reactances is ignored is developed and employed for detailed simulation of the machine. Discrete-mass models of the machine shaft where both steam and electrical viscous damping is simulated are employed in comparing transient shaft torsional response evaluated by time domain simulation and frequency domain analysis following incidence and clearance of severe system faults. The paper then investigates torsional response following incidence and clearance of severe supply system disturbances, when the rotor is stationary and when running at close to synchronous speed unexcited, and following malsynchronisation when excited by a controlled VAr source, together with torsional response following bolted stator-terminal short-circuits at full-load and no-load following switching in of the induction generator onto the system supply. It examines precision of predicting torque in turbine-generator shafts by frequency domain analysis not analyzed for induction generators in the literature heretofore following incidence and clearance of worst-case disturbances on the supply. Effect of steam and electrical damping on maximum shaft torques predicted by frequency domain analysis is also illustrated. The results illustrate there is no tendency for shaft torques to become more onerous as the fault clearing time is increased as is the case for shaft torques in large synchronous machines. Three large two-pole machines of rating of up to a few hundred MWs are analysed  相似文献   

针对燃料电池输出端电压低且变化范围宽,需较高的直流电压增益才能实现并网发电的特点,文章研究了一种基于交错控制和平均电流控制的新型高增益直流变换器,该变换器不仅具有较高的电压增益、合适的占空比、脉动较小的输入输出电流纹波,开关管承受的电压电流应力远远低于传统的二次型Boost变换器,而且控制电路简单等特点。文章详细分析了该变换器的工作原理、稳态性能,并对其进行了小信号的建模分析,通过仿真验证了所研究的拓扑电路和控制方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes rectifier ripple current superimposed on the direct current of a 600 MW asynchronous bipolar link between Lithuania and Poland and a 600 MW asynchronous monopolar link between Poland and Sweden in evaluating possible torsional vibrations in steam turbine-generator-exciter shafts. The studies are performed for machines in Northeastern Poland and in Southern Sweden close to the inverter station which are most at risk. Analyses are performed for the generators in Poland for the Lithuania/Poland link and for the generators in Sweden for the Poland/Sweden link. The paper examines system scaling factors for the Lithuania/Poland Link. It then examines AC system scaling factors and generator scaling factors for modulation product harmonic currents impressed on generators connected to the Swedish Grid Network by the inverter. Amplitude of shaft torsional torque due to resonant excitation imposed by the link on the generators in Sweden is evaluated for different scenarios of system and generator load. First, theory which relates magnitude of harmonic AC current injected into the AC system by the inverter is summarized. Dispersion of the injected harmonic AC current to proportion the current to individual generators is then reviewed, considering impedance of the generators, loads, and other system elements. Significance of simple and detailed shaft train models of machine shafts as well as approximate (Id, Iq) and detailed (2d, 3q) generator damper models on resonant torques is reviewed. Then, effects of both power factor and generator load on generator scaling factors is illustrated  相似文献   

田庆 《水电能源科学》2011,29(12):147-150
针对天广直流控制保护系统改造完成后发生的3次双极线路保护动作事故,剖析了直流线路突变量保护误动的原因,并基于天生桥换流站和广州换流站的实际录波和过程,结合突变量保护定值和整定原则,分析了导致突变量保护误动的影响因素,提出了防范措施和建议.实例验证结果表明,该措施行之有效,为直流控制保护系统国产化改造提供了参考.  相似文献   

介绍了南汇柔性直流输电系统的直流接地电阻、安装位置、电气参数及相应作用.通过排查隐患,分析了自2011年7月25日投运以来柔性直流输电系统出现的直流接地电阻问题.针对直流接地电阻设备的固有缺陷做了技术分析.尤其是对直流接地电阻的日常巡视、定期保养维护等问题,提出了治理措施和整改建议,为柔性直流输电技术的推广应用,提供技术支撑和运行经验.  相似文献   

The study of harmonic instabilities in an AC/DC power system is presented in this letter. An existing frequency domain methodology is modified to assess the phenomena produced by this harmonic interaction. A set of analytical equations is derived to compute the commutation time taking place in the single-phase converter. Suitable guidelines are suggested for effective overlap angle initializations. Test results are presented that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Instabilities are shown to take place for given operating conditions  相似文献   

HVDC逆变侧典型故障暂态响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于PSCAD/EMTDC建立±500 kV直流输电系统的详细模型,仿真分析逆变侧典型故障,包括交流系统单相接地故障、阀控系统误开通故障和不开通故障3种,对故障引起的暂态响应特性和控制策略进行统计分析。研究结果表明,故障会引起直流电压、直流电流和直流功率等电气量的剧烈变化,且会导致换相失败,换相失败发生次数和持续时间与故障类型有关;故障切除后,良好的控制策略使系统快速恢复  相似文献   

In this paper, a new sensorless interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) drives method with extended Kalman filter (EKF) for speed, rotor position and load torque estimation is proposed. The direct torque control (DTC) technique for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is receiving increasing attention due to the important advantages of the low dependence on motor parameters when compared with other motor control techniques. The Kalman filter is an observer for linear and non-linear systems and is based on the stochastic intromission, in others words, noise. The PMSM is fed by an indirect power electronic converter which is controlled by a sliding mode technique. The simulation tests performed for different operating conditions have confirmed the robustness of the overall system; and it is shown that the sliding mode technique has successfully minimized the different harmonics introduced by the line converter.  相似文献   

We demonstrated the possibility of improving the energy efficiency of hydropower stations at irrigation reservoirs based on the energy use of mountain-valley wind flows of surface layers of the atmosphere through the establishment of wind power generation superstructures to the hydroelectric power station that work with them.  相似文献   

由我国风力资源的分布特点所决定,很多双馈风电机组都建在一些电网比较薄弱的偏远地区,这些地区经常发生电网电压和电流不对称的情况。如果在控制中对该情况不予考虑,会引起直流母线电压波动和纹波电流。三相电压和电流的不平衡可以从正序和负序分量中得到体现。文章基于三相三序变换理论,结合RC相移电路,提出了一种硬件电路来进行三相电压和电流的正序和负序的检测,通过仿真以及在实际控制策略中的应用,证明了该电路的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

This study focuses on two types of hydrogen-gasoline hybrid refueling stations, and a risk assessment study on thermal radiation is carried out with a fire at each hybrid station. One of the hybrid stations has bare hydrogen storage cylinders, and the other has container walls around the cylinders. We calculate radiative flux to the cylinders from the fire occurring at the gasoline refueling machines in each hybrid station. Additionally, we calculate the temperature rise of the cylinders based on the obtained radiative flux. To evaluate a dangerous case for hybrid stations, we calculate the radiative flux and temperature rise using a large scale and high temperature fire. Based on our analysis, we find that the container walls can greatly insulate the radiative flux. Therefore, we show that we are able to keep the temperature of the cylinders below the hazardous temperature of 358 K by installing container walls around them.  相似文献   

An experimental plasma chemical reactor, equipped with a novel water plasma torch, was used for reforming methane and carbon dioxide mixture to produce synthesis gas (syngas). Water plasma is generated by the torch at atmospheric pressure, in the absence of carrier gases, water cooling system and special steam supply system. The influence of the ratio of CO2 to CH4 and total feed gas rate on syngas production, composition and energy conversion efficiency were investigated. Compared to other plasma technologies, the higher reaction performance was obtained by the novel water plasma process. The results show that, under optimum experimental conditions, the energy conversion efficiency reaches up to maximum value of 1.87 mmol/kJ and the highest energy efficiency of 74.63% is achieved, which is higher than that of other plasma processes. Furthermore, the obtained syngas with high mole ratio of H2 to CO (close to 2) is suitable for the direct industrial application.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is becoming more popular as a fuel for vehicles. It is stored and dispensed at hydrogen refueling stations. Once the hydrogen in hydrogen refueling stations leaks, it easily forms a combustible cloud, and can explode by encountering a spark. It is therefore important for the safe and stable operation of hydrogen refueling stations to analyze the evolution of a leakage and explosion accident, clarify the causes and processes of the accident, and prevent the spread of risks. This paper proposes a model using multi-level variable weight fuzzy Petri net. On the basis of hierarchical consideration of the development of the accident, it adds a variable weight factor, which can quantify information in the development of the accident. According to the calculated results, the evolutionary path of risk and the most likely initial cause of the accident are deduced. Finally, taking the leakage and explosion accident of an urban hydrogen refueling station as an example, the usability and effectiveness of the model are verified.  相似文献   

直流电网技术对设备提出了新的要求,具有快速开断能力的高压直流断路器是直流电网的核心设备,现有试验技术在功率方面不能满足直流断路器短时电流耐受试验的要求。为解决该问题,该文分析了在直流电网中直流断路器耐受的短时电流应力,提出了基于损耗及结温等效的试验方法及试验电路拓扑,搭建了PSCAD/EMTDC电磁暂态仿真模型。并以张北工程康宝站为例,对直流断路器短时电流耐受试验进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明:该试验电路能够有效地实现短时电流对直流断路器的应力考核,为试验平台的设计提供指导作用。  相似文献   

在剖析风力发电励磁系统中矩阵式变换器空间矢量调制算法基本原理的基础上,指出传统的直接反正切算法在扇区划分及扇区角判定中存在两大缺陷,揭示了该缺陷形成的根本原因。针对该算法在用DSP等处理器进行算法实现中存在扇区划分及扇区角判定数据处理量大、精度低、编程实现复杂等缺点,提出了二倍角反正切算法,论述了该算法的基本原理,并通过构建SIMULINK仿真模型对两种算法进行了对比分析。结果表明,二倍角反正切算法编程实现简单、系统数据处理量减少50%。  相似文献   

目的  为了减小高压直流换流站阀厅占地面积并降低投资成本,提出了一种适用于高压直流换流站阀厅的双层屏蔽巡视走道方案。 方法  在借鉴1100kV昌吉—古泉特高压直流输电工程首次应用双层屏蔽巡视走道的成功经验,以及国内科研单位开展的试验结果基础上,针对阀厅内不同巡视走道方案开展经济性对比,验证本方案的经济性。 结果  结果证明文章提出的双层屏蔽巡视走道方案具备一定的优势。 结论  文章提出的一种高压直流换流站阀厅采用双层屏蔽巡视走道的具体实施方案,并在某工程的阀厅中得以成功应用,具备推广价值。  相似文献   

This book succeeds in providing a comprehensive textbook on HVDC system design, planning, and application issues. A wide range of subjects including power electronics, power systems, substation design, and control system design are covered. A second edition of the book could benefit from an increased number of references, the quotation of the references in the body text, the provision of time-domain plots for power system integration performance of the HVDC, and the inclusion of a more detailed discussion on power system integration performance of VSC HVDC.  相似文献   

M.R. Sonne  J. Thorborg  J.H. Hattel 《风能》2017,20(9):1635-1643
The purpose of the present work is to quantify the effect of the inside coating on chills for casting of large wind turbine main shafts with respect to the evolution of internal stresses. These are known to affect the lifetime of the chills, and this is a major cost for the foundries today. Simulations of the casting process are performed with four different heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) between the casting and the chill, and the resulting transient stress fields are reported in the chill. The microstructural evolution in the casting in terms of the nodule count is also modelled in the simulations. The outcome is validated by comparisons with samples taken out from a critical region of main shafts cast in sand and in chills. The results reveal minor reductions in the maximum principal stresses on the inner and outer surfaces of the chill of 3.1% and 18.5%, respectively, from changing the HTC from 2000 to 500 W m?2 K?1. These results indicate that the lifetime of the chill will not be significantly improved by adding a thicker layer of coating. The microstructure evolution is not very much affected by the HTC value with a maximum reduction in nodule count of 6.5%. Therefore, it is concluded that the material quality obtained from casting the main shafts in chills (and hence the performance of the part) is still much better than for sand casting, even though a very thick layer of coating is applied. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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