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指出王彩芬等人的基于离散对数的多消息多接收者混合签密方案存在着密钥泄露问题。为了克服该私钥泄漏问题,结合双线性对和基于身份密钥机制提出了一个改进的多消息多接收者混合签密方案。利用双线性对的对称性和基于身份密钥机制的密钥生成方式避免了原方案中存在的密钥泄露问题。最后,基于DBDH难题和CDH难题,在随机预言机模型下证明了改进方案的机密性和不可伪造性。 相似文献
针对现有基于身份的多接收者签密方案中存在的接收者身份泄露以及解密不公平性等问题,提出一种具有解密公平性的基于身份的多接收者匿名签密方案。新方案不仅能够解决现有方案中不能保护接收者身份隐私性的问题,并且满足解密公平性,从而有效地防止了发送者可能的欺骗行为。接着,基于双线性Diffie-Hellman假设和计算Diffie-Hellman假设,对所提方案的保密性和不可伪造性进行了证明。同时,对方案的正确性及性能进行了分析。分析发现,该方案是一个安全、有效的公钥签密方案,能够解决现有方案中存在的接收者身份暴露和解密不公平性等问题。这使得该方案具有非常重要的应用,尤其是可以用来实现安全广播,以便在不安全和开放的网络环境中安全地广播敏感信息。 相似文献
针对现有的多签密算法当中存在的效率不高以及无法同时保证发送者和接收者匿名性的问题,通过拉格朗日插值法和避免使用双线性对运算构造出一种多消息多接收者匿名签密方案。发送者将所有接收者的身份信息通过拉格朗日插值变换添加到密文消息中,通过广播的形式发送给每一位接收者,密文不再列出接收者的身份信息,保证接收者匿名性;在签密和解签密过程中不使用双线性对运算,提高签密和解签密的计算效率,缩短签密之后的密文长度,降低密文传输的通信开销。 相似文献
利用双线性对提出一种基于身份的多接收者的签密方案,为同时有多名接收者的签密问题提供了解决途径。该方案既保持了基于身份加密的优点,又具有可公开验证性,且安全性好。该方案具有很高的执行效率,签密过程只需一次双线性对运算,接收者人数越多,其效率的优势会越加明显。 相似文献
针对现有签密方案存在的可能泄漏接收者隐私、解签密不公平和无公开验证性等问题,采用拉格朗日插值函数方法对其进行改进,提出了一个新的基于身份的多接收者签密方案.新方案将接收者解签密所需的身份信息揉合在一起,实现对接收者隐私的保护,具有解签密匿名性;每一个接收者解密所需密文信息相同,满足解签密公平性;任何第三方在仅拥有密文时就可验证密文发送方的身份,满足公开可验证性.与现有签密方案相比,新方案具有更小的计算量和密文长度.在随机预言模型下,给出了新方案基于双线性Diffie-Hellman(bilinear Diffie-Hellman, BDH)问题假设和计算Diffie-Hellman(computational Diffie-Hellman, CDH)问题假设的安全性证明. 相似文献
针对广播通信环境下存在的接收方身份信息泄露以及发送方身份信息模糊等问题,提出了一种可公开验证的多接收者匿名签密方案。该方案利用安全参数完成系统初始化,生成系统的主密钥和公开参数,利用用户身份和哈希函数相结合的密钥生成方法,提取出用户的公私钥对,并在签密过程中将接收者的身份集合采用拉格朗日插值隐藏在多项式里,生成具有接收者身份匿名性的密文,将此密文发送给接收者,对收到的密文验证发送和接收两方身份合法性,通过后解密输出正确明文。在随机预言模型下,基于离散对数问题和计算性Diffie-Hellman困难问题证明了方案的机密性、不可伪造性、匿名性和公开验证性。与几种经典的多接收者签密算法在计算量和安全属性上进行比较,实验结果表明该方案计算开销适中、安全性好。 相似文献
陈明 《计算机工程与科学》2015,37(4):719-725
签密密钥封装机制能同时实现封装密钥的机密性和认证性。以Wa-IBE加密方案和PS-IBS签名机制为基础,提出一种标准模型下的身份基签密密钥封装机制(IBSC-KEM)和多接收者签密密钥封装机制(mIBSC-KEM)。新方案中的签名算法直接采用了PS-IBS签名,密钥封装算法采用了变形的WaIBE加密方案。因此,新方案的不可伪造性和机密性在标准模型下分别被规约为破解PS-IBS签名与WaIBE加密,具有可证明安全性。新方案可用于构建标准模型下安全的一对一和多对一认证与密钥交换方案。 相似文献
Seamless roaming over wireless network is highly desirable to mobile users, and security such as authentication of mobile users is challenging. Recently, due to tamper-resistance and convenience in managing a password file, some smart card based secure authentication schemes have been proposed. This paper shows some security weaknesses in those schemes. As the main contribution of this paper, a secure and light-weight authentication scheme with user anonymity is presented. It is simple to implement for mobile user since it only performs a symmetric encryption/decryption operation. Having this feature, it is more suitable for the low-power and resource-limited mobile devices. In addition, it requires four message exchanges between mobile user, foreign agent and home agent. Thus, this protocol enjoys both computation and communication efficiency as compared to the well-known authentication schemes. As a special case, we consider the authentication protocol when a user is located in his/her home network. Also, the session key will be used only once between the mobile user and the visited network. Besides, security analysis demonstrates that our scheme enjoys important security attributes such as preventing the various kinds of attacks, single registration, user anonymity, no password/verifier table, and high efficiency in password authentication, etc. Moreover, one of the new features in our proposal is: it is secure in the case that the information stored in the smart card is disclosed but the user password of the smart card owner is unknown to the attacker. To the best of our knowledge, until now no user authentication scheme for wireless communications has been proposed to prevent from smart card breach. Finally, performance analysis shows that compared with known smart card based authentication protocols, our proposed scheme is more simple, secure and efficient. 相似文献
New efficient user identification and key distribution scheme providing enhanced security 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Apart from user identification and key distribution, it is very useful for the login process to achieve user anonymity. Recently, Wu and Hsu proposed an efficient user identification scheme with key distribution while preserving user anonymity by extending an earlier work of Lee and Chang. We however find out that the Wu and Hsu scheme has a serious weakness, which can be exploited by the service provider to learn the secret token of the user who requests services from the service provider. We further propose a scheme to overcome this limitation while attaining the same set of objectives as the previous works. Performance analyses have shown that efficiency in terms of both computation and communication is not sacrificed in our scheme. 相似文献
An efficient mutual authentication and key agreement protocol preserving user anonymity in mobile networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We address the problem of mutual authentication and key agreement with user anonymity for mobile networks. Recently, Lee et al. proposed such a scheme, which is claimed to be a slight modification of, but a security enhancement on Zhu et al.’s scheme based on the smart card. In this paper, however, we reveal that both schemes still suffer from certain weaknesses which have been previously overlooked, and thus are far from the desired security. We then propose a new protocol which is immune to various known types of attacks. Analysis shows that, while achieving identity anonymity, key agreement fairness, and user friendliness, our scheme is still cost-efficient for a general mobile node. 相似文献
Due to the potential wide deployment of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), the security of RFID systems has drawn extensive attention from both academia and industry, and the RFID authentication protocol is an important mechanism in the security of RFID systems. The desired security requirements of RFID authentication protocols include privacy, integrity, authentication, anonymity/untraceability, and even availability. To design an efficient protocol that satisfies all the requirements with limited resources is a challenge. This paper proposes a new RFID authentication protocol based on Error Correction Codes (ECC). The proposed scheme has excellent performance in terms of security, efficiency, server’s maintenance, robustness, and cost. The tag only performs simple operations, such as random number generation and simple bitwise computations. The lightweight feature makes it attractive to those low-cost RFIDs that support only simple operations. 相似文献
在物联网中的认证和密钥协商过程中,如果用户的身份信息以明文的形式传输,攻击者可能追踪用户的行动轨迹,从而造成信息泄漏。针对大多数基于身份的认证和密钥协商协议不能保护用户隐私的问题,提出一个基于身份的匿名认证和密钥协商协议。在设计的认证和密钥协商方案中,用户的身份信息以密文的形式传输,解决了用户的隐私问题。 相似文献
对两种新提出的无证书混合签密方案进行密码学分析,指出它们各自存在的正确性和安全性缺陷,进而提出一种更加安全和高效的无证书混合签密方案。通过引入vBNN-IBS签名算法,从而避免使用幂指数运算,进一步降低新方案的计算开销。在随机预言机模型下,新方案被证明是安全的,满足不可伪造性和机密性。对比分析表明,新方案在确保强安全性的同时具有更低的计算开销。 相似文献