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朱匡宁 《供用电》1998,15(6):53-55
电力设备预防性试验是电力设备运行和维护工作中的一个重要环节,是保证电力系统安全运行的有效手段之一。1997年原电力部新颁布的《电力设备预防性试验规程》(以下简称《规程》),已在全国贯彻执行。该《规程》40年来经历了多次修订,作者曾参加过修订工作。现特请作者将《规程》的内容概要、主要规定的由来、技术要求如何判定、新增项目及其原理、修订依据和特殊情况的处理等方面,围绕供电部门可能遇到的问题撰文介绍。这些内容将有助于技术人员提高对《规程》的理解程度,从而能提高分析能力,以便更好地贯彻执行《规程》.达到及时发现和消除设备缺陷的目的,保证电力系统安全运行。  相似文献   

避雷器是电力系统重要的电气设备之一,它对电力系统的安全运行起着十分重要的作用[1]。避雷器具有反应时间快、通流量大、无弱续流的特点,是保护电力系统安全运行的重要设备。为了较好的保证电力设备运行的稳定性,我们将从电力设备中避雷器的作用入手,通过分析电力设备中避雷器试验的相关指标、正常使用条件及常见问题,介绍电力系统中避雷器的试验,希望对我国电力设备的科学性运行起到一定的借鉴性作用,为我国国民经济的又好又快发展提供良好的契机。  相似文献   

朱匡宇 《供用电》1999,16(3):53-55
1 工频耐压试验电压标准的制定 电力设备工频耐压试验电压标准,是以雷电过电压水平和操作过电压水平作为基础,经过计算而得的。并经长期实践、验证,证明是适用的。 变压器的工频耐受电压确定的步骤如下:其中β_1、β_2、分别是操作波冲击系数(内绝缘抗操作过电压的强度与抗1min工频电压的强度之比)和雷电全波冲击系数(内绝缘抗雷电全波的强度与抗1min工频电压幅值的强度之比)。 写成公式可表示如下: 与操作冲击耐受电压近似等效的工频耐受电压表达式:  相似文献   

针对新的《电力设备预防性试验规程》(DL/T596-1996)在实施中遇到的问题,提出了对试验结果垢判断应结合历史性的数据进行,对试验周期和标准限值的规定和应用应视情况而定,通过实例说明对新规程的理解和执行要有一定的灵活性,只要判断准确,就可以收到较好的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

张煜 《电工技术》2020,(14):23-24
光伏电站运行期间,针对电缆和电力设备开展预防性试验至关重要。文章首先概述了我国光伏电站的发展现状,然后介绍了电缆及电力设备的预防性试验内容,最后结合工程实例进行分析。  相似文献   

栗薇 《电气技术》2012,(1):85-88
对电力设备运行状态的及时、准确的掌握,离不开电力设备状态监测装置检测性能的准确和可靠。本文介绍了已有电气设备状态监测装置性能检测试验技术与方法,提出了状态监测装置检测试验面临的问题,指出今后状态检测设备性能测试试验将成为电力系统不可或缺的常态化工作之一。  相似文献   

电力设备预防性试验对于电力设备的安全运行起到了至关重要的作用。本文结合实际工作经验,对预防性试验过程中存在的主要问题进行了探讨,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   

针对DL/T 596—1996《电力设备预防性试验规程》的要求,提出了1种基于完全B/S结构体系开放式的新型电力设备预防性试验信息管理系统软件包的模块化设计思想。软件实现采用面向对象的方法,使得该系统具有标准化、独立化、工具化和开放性等特点。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法和模糊逻辑的油浸式电力设备故障诊断方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对电力设备的故障诊断应用最广泛的油中溶解特征气体分析方法是IEC三比值法,但是,IEC三比值法因编码边界条件过于绝对而降低了故障诊断的准确性.该文研究应用改进遗传算法来优化模糊逻辑模糊隶属度函数的参数,并用来提高改良IEC三比值法故障诊断的准确度.该故障诊断方法实现了故障特征气体比值边界和故障编码的模糊处理,并通过模糊推理得到故障诊断结果.通过文中方法与改良IEC三比值法比较表明,该方法有效地提高了电力变压器故障诊断的准确度.  相似文献   

基于现有的电力设备环境试验平台,建设多功能人工气候模拟试验室,进一步完善、提升平台功能。介绍该平台规划设计与主要功能,分析多功能人工气候模拟试验室建设过程存在的技术难点,有针对性地提出了恒温恒湿箱外形尺寸设计为可调整等解决方案。通过该平台开展环境影响仿真试验,可真实评价环境因素对电力设备的影响,有助于掌握电力设备的安全性与可靠性。  相似文献   

On the main railways in Russia, two types of current in the contact wire are used: dc voltage of 3 kV and ac voltage of 25 kV with a frequency of 50 Hz. Therefore, prospective electric rolling stock should have double the power. Improving the capacity and structural speed of locomotives is based on the use of asynchronous traction motors (ATDs) with a squirrel-cage rotor allowing increasing the tractive force and the weight of the train and the capacity and speed of cargo delivery, increasing reliability and reducing life cycle costs, and increasing service life. Electrical equipment for such rolling stock should be used when working from either contact system, dc or ac. In this article, the scheme of power circuits is considered using the example of a module of a traction drive in one bogie of dual-system electric locomotives. It is proposed to use the secondary winding of the traction transformer as a choke of the input filter when powered from a dc contact system. Regulation of operation modes of asynchronous traction motors is carried out from static semiconductor converters with a two-tier structure. Input transducers provide the exchange of electric energy between the contact system and the intermediate link of dc voltage, and the output converters regulate the traction motors by changing the magnitude and frequency of voltage on the stator windings of ATD depending on the speed of the locomotive and its operating mode. 4QS input converters and output converters are autonomous voltage inverters of the intermediate ac: in the case of single-phase input and output, they are three-phase. The basic ratios are given to determine voltages and currents of 4QS converters, to determine the variable component of a rectified current 4QS converter, and to formulate requirements for a resonant L2C2 filter configured for a frequency of 100 Hz. Expressions are given for determining the ratio of the input power of the converter, as well as recommendations for determining the basic parameters of electrical equipment.  相似文献   

电气设备失效会严重威胁电网安全。为了确保电网安全可靠运行,也为了给电气设备的状态检测评价和预测评估及故障诊断提供科学依据,对电气设备进行系统深入地失效分折显得尤为重要。分析了电气设备失效的成因、特征及发展过程。  相似文献   

基于模糊逻辑的电子设备故障诊断   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了基于模糊逻辑故障诊断的基本原理,给出了故障诊断模型和算法过程,说明了模糊关系矩阵的构造方法和判定判断准则,并以一电子设备为诊断实例,详细介绍了具体诊断过程,并对其两组样本进行测试,诊断结果符合实际情况,表明基于模糊逻辑故障诊断方法是可行的,且简单实用,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

本文介绍即热式电热水器控制电路的设计思路、基本组成和工作原理.  相似文献   

介绍了用高压电缆制作的发电机不经变压器直接与高压电网相联的高电压设备。它包括高压水轮发电机、汽轮发电机、风力发电机及电动机,具有很好的经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了几种设备状态的分析和评估方法,希望有助于今后在这些方面更深入的研究,使得这种资产管理的方式在各个行业得到更为广泛的应用。  相似文献   

A brief survey is presented of the potential applications of superconductive devices to electric power systems. Areas of principal interest include high-capacity transmission, energy storage, and power generation by rotating machinery, magneto-hydrodynamics and nuclear fusion. Some elements of superconductivity are discussed, including the properties of appropriate materials; these superconductive devices vis-à-vis the conventional counterparts in terms of reduction of power losses, decreased weight and size, and increased current capacity. An assessment is made of the time frame and the possibilities for introduction of superconductive devices into power systems.  相似文献   

周鹤良 《电器工业》2006,(12):24-26
一我国电力工业发展现状1.1电源结构状况(以2005年为基数)(1)火电:3.89亿kW,占75.5%(美国占52%);(2)水电:1.15亿kW,占22.3%(美国占8%);(3)核电:1000万kW,占2%(美国占21%);(4)新能源:130万kW,占0.2%(美国占1%)。1.2电网建设状况220kV以上输电线路约25万km,(1)变电容量:8.7亿kVA;  相似文献   

Some aspects of the technology of operating electrotechnical equipment based on the rules of fuzzy logic are considered. The experimental part of the article includes testing of a specific model of making managerial decisions.  相似文献   

The possibilities and prospects of using fuzzy logic in control systems for electro-technological equipment are analyzed based on a comparative study of standard temperature controllers of resistance furnaces and fuzzy logic controllers. It is shown that it is effective to use fuzzy logic control systems for different kinds of technological equipment. The development of fuzzy logic control systems and characteristics of their application are analyzed. The basic structures of systems constructed using fuzzy logic control are considered, is the way in which they are classified. The simulation models of temperature controllers for resistance furnaces are studied using the Matlab/Simulink software including the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox application. It is shown that a use of fuzzy controllers for simple deterministic control systems like temperature controllers of resistance furnaces does not lead to any substantial improvement in accuracy and control quality, but needs a sophisticated algorithm for control and response speed of the control system. It is assumed that a use of fuzzy logic controllers to control more sophisticated equipment characterized by the multifactor processes with a high degree of uncertainty and difficulties in determination of output parameters will allow one to obtain better results than do conventional systems.  相似文献   

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