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正2月20日,在ANSYS公司与安世亚太合作十八年之际,新任ANSYS亚太区副总裁Tom Kindermans到访安世亚太。访问期间,Tom Kindermans与安世亚太总裁张国明共同就中国CAE市场的前景和发展趋势进行了交流。Tom Kindermans认为:"ANSYS的发展离不开合作伙伴的全力支持,安世亚太是ANSYS全球最优秀的合作伙伴之一,拥有优秀的CAE技术团队和销售团队,ANSYS与安世亚太的  相似文献   

记者:CIMATRON公司来自以色列,对许多中国的用户来说多少有些神秘,能否请Natan先生简要介绍一TCIMATRON的背景。 Natan:CIMATRON成立于1982年,创始人Arie Feldman原本在以色列的航空部门工作,从事  相似文献   

对于中国的制造业目前所面对的压力,自然不用过多地渲染,严重性大家都很清楚。同样,对于很多以制造业企业为用户群的信息化系统提供商来讲,2009年无疑也是倍感压力和机会的一年。PTC从15年前进入中国市场以来,无论是在产品还是服务上。都应该讲是取得了很好的成绩,尤其是其渠道建设,也成为坊间学习的榜样之一。当下,如何发挥自己的优势,如何才能帮助中国企业尽快走出逆境?《CAD/CAM与制造业信息化》记者日前采访了PTC公司亚太区渠道销售副总裁John Condon,其对中国市场的信心和谋定而后动的策略,应该具有相当的推广意义。  相似文献   

对于中国的制造业目前所面对的压力,自然不用过多地渲染,严重性大家都很清楚。同样,对于很多以制造业企业为用户群的信息化系统提供商来讲,2009年无疑也是倍感压力和机会的一年。PTC从15年前进入中国市场以来,无论是在产品还是服务上。都应该讲是取得了很好的成绩,尤其是其渠道建设,也成为坊间学习的榜样之一。当下,如何发挥自己的优势,如何才能帮助中国企业尽快走出逆境?《CAD/CAM与制造业信息化》记者日前采访了PTC公司亚太区渠道销售副总裁John Condon,其对中国市场的信心和谋定而后动的策略,应该具有相当的推广意义。  相似文献   

SCM系统,从全球一体化经济格局形成之日起,就越来越受到重视。但在中国市场上,与ERP、PLM等在制造业信息化领域的红红火火相比,SCM显得更加边缘。当然,其中很大一部分原因是国内企业自身的业务模式和管理体系还不成熟,加之产业链本身并不完善,因此SCM能够发挥的空间并  相似文献   

提起佳能,大家想到是那充满活力和绚烂色彩的照片,"感动"佳能带给我们的是对生活的热爱和憧憬。这是我们对传统佳能的认识,其实佳能还有属于它的另外的风采。对佳能而言,中国市场已经成为佳能全球强劲的增长驱动之一。2010年佳能开始把更多的战略中心转移至中国,深度开拓中国市场,增强与中国消费者的沟通。未来,相信中国消费者会看到更多更优质的佳能产品在市场出现。佳能(中国)1997年成立,短短10年的时间,佳能(中国)的销售额就达到10亿美金。如此快速的成长表明中国市场有更大的空间值得  相似文献   

<正>在物联网技术迅速改变着全球电子信息产业的当下,全球半导体企业同样面临着再次适者生存的又一轮回。日前,笔者有幸采访到了ADI公司全球销售与市场高级副总裁Thomas Wessel先生,在他的领导下,一场全方位的改革与布局正在紧锣密鼓中有序进行着。着力提倡"市场导向"一直以来,ADI公司以技术创新在业界令人极其称道,也正是在技术创新方面的突出表现成就了ADI公司50年来的影响力。然而,来到  相似文献   

美名软件于1987年在德国成立,从开始,便以向中小型客户提供独特出众的解决方案闻名,在企业增值服务方面做出了巨大贡献。如今,美名软件向世界范围内的大中型公司提供产品和服务,不断更新自身产品的开发,在市场战略方面更能迅速抓住中国市场作为走向亚洲的跳板,在行动上领先一步,在战略上更具长远的发展眼光。  相似文献   

石林才 《软件》2009,(5):12-12
当前形势下的逆市增长企业并非罕见。葆德电气就是这样一家电机自动化供应商,借全球业务转型之势,结合优势行业和后来者的优势,在中国市场反而进入增长的快车道。葆德电气,原为美国保德电机(BALDOR),曾一度叫做巴杜电机,从2009年4月起,改名为葆德电气(上海)有限公司。从公司名称中“电机”到“电气”的转变预示着,  相似文献   

组件技术,倍受青睐 随着传统CAD系统在工业界的应用普及,现代设计问题的复杂化、智能化,以及随之而来的CAD软件复杂程度的增加和各个不同应用系统间相互操作的现实需要,人们希望CAD系统具有极佳的开放性同时又能"搭积木"似地自由拼装形成不同的功能配置,软件工程技术特别是组件开发技术的研究应用和逐渐成熟为解决这一问题提供了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

Abstract: While the idea of developing 'true' expert systems in the current microcomputer environment continues to be a subject of derision among serious AI researchers, undaunted developers and designers of microcomputer-based systems continue to make progress on the personal computer front. This article presents an overview of the current state of expert systems in a microcomputer environment and then offers some prognostications about the near-term future of expert systems on desktop and personal computers. It is suggested that the history of software developments on the small computers indicates that a pattern of growth exists. If this same pattern is applied to expert systems, the author contends, the near-term future of micro-based knowledge-based systems is at least forecastable if not predictable.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews research studies of interest to environmental ergonomists. It includes some recent work on the health effects of office lighting, especially the effects of daylighting, fluorescent lighting and full-spectrum lighting. It also covers studies of indoor air quality in offices, especially investigations of localized air filtration and the sick building syndrome. It argues the value of a systematic, ergonomics approach to designing the built environment.  相似文献   

After over a half century of development, radio-frequency identification (RFID) is beginning to move into mainstream applications for automatic identification. RFID is widely seen today as one of the key enabling technologies of the “Internet of Things”. However, many challenges still need to be addressed before we can fully benefit from this nascent and ubiquitous technology. In this paper, we present the state of the art of RFID technology and discuss the challenges and open issues in developing next generation RFID applications.  相似文献   

Zeller  A. 《Computer》2001,34(11):26-31
Although software engineers have enjoyed tremendous productivity increases as more of their tasks have become automated, debugging remains as labor-intensive and painful as it. was 50 years ago. An engineer or programmer must still set up hypotheses to use in identifying and correcting a failure's root cause. The author describes a new algorithm that promises to relieve programmers of the hit-or-miss approach to debugging. Delta Debugging uses the results of automated testing to systematically narrow the set of failure-inducing circumstances. Programmers supply a test function for each bug and hardcode it into any imperative language. The test function checks a set of changes to determine if the failure is present or if the outcome is unresolved, then feeds that information to the Delta Debugging code. As we discover more about the structure of these circumstances and the resulting causality chain, we come closer to passing much of the boredom and monotony of debugging onto machines. Debugging can be just as disciplined, systematic, and quantifiable as any other area of software engineering-which means that we should eventually be able to automate at least part of it. Ultimately, debugging may become as automated as testing-not only detecting failures, but also revealing how they came to be  相似文献   

Protocols for multimedia communication are needed to integrate into a single network services intended to satisfy the different requirements of multiple types of traffic. An essential prerequisite for designing these protocols is that the services to be offered by the network must be selected and specified in detail. We present the service models proposed, or being developed, by the Internet community, by the ATM community, and by the Tenet Group. We compare their common characteristics, which reveal the characteristics of the first integrated services networks are likely to offer. The services referred to in this paper are those at the network and transport layers, which support the services to be offered to the system's end users.  相似文献   

The fact that several web accessibility metrics exist may be evidence of a lack of a comparison framework that highlights how well they work and for what purposes they are appropriate. In this paper we aim at formulating such a framework, demonstrating that it is feasible, and showing the findings we obtained when we applied it to seven existing automatic accessibility metrics. The framework encompasses validity, reliability, sensitivity, adequacy and complexity of metrics in the context of four scenarios where the metrics can be used. The experimental demonstration of the viability of the framework is based on applying seven published metrics to more than 1500 web pages and then operationalizing the notions of validity-as-conformance, adequacy and complexity. Our findings lead us to conclude that the Web Accessibility Quantitative Metric, Page Measure and Web Accessibility Barrier are the metrics that achieve the highest levels of quality (out of the seven that we examined). Finally, since we did not analyse reliability, sensitivity and validity-in-use, this paper provides guidance to address them in what are new research avenues.  相似文献   

Sometimes it seems that the whole field of IP-based network technology is moving at a pace that will out-distance even its most ardent and enthusiastic followers. Trying to keep up with all the new ideas, acronyms, vendor announcements, IETF happenings and conferences can create strong feelings of inadequacy. At times, buried under piles of industry literature and staring at hundreds of unread e-mails, I ask myself, “How did the simple process of forwarding an IP packet from one device to another become so complicated?” Before embarking on an earnest attempt to answer that question, I first step back and reflect on where this field has been and what has been accomplished. From there, we can look at where it might be going  相似文献   

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