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春游期间照了一些照片,用PPT制作了一个双面翻书的效果,简单易行,一点也不逊于专业软件制作的动画效果。实例描述:一个记录春游的PPT演示文稿,以6张照片为例来说明。播放时首先显示封面,单击照片区域,伴随着相机的咔嚓声,图片实现翻页,直到最后显示封底。同时任何一张照片都可以翻回。添加自定义动画首先用绘图工具栏里的矩形工具在窗口左侧绘制一个矩形,复制一个  相似文献   

在数码照片的后期处理中,不管使用什么手段,将照片中的主体突出,让照片传情达意才是最主要的工作。但也有一些照片存在很大的问题,诸如过曝、欠曝、反差过大等,通过传统后期方法调整,操作起来相当麻烦,所以很多发生这种错误的照片都被宣布了死刑。比如这张阴天的婚纱照,因为要把教堂纳入背景,在没有外拍灯和补光措施下,只有硬着头皮拍摄侧逆光的照片,再加上婚纱礼服以浅色调为主,自动测光后两位新人的面孔则过暗。如果不负责任地整体调整亮度或曲线,就很容易出现天空或衣服过曝,变得卡白,而稳妥的传统PS方法,则需要慢慢勾勒出人像选区,然后调整曲线提高亮度,才能实现婚纱照要求的唯美、温馨、浪漫氛围。假如照片使用的是RAW格式,这种局部图像的调整将变得极为简单。用PS CS5或安装了Camera Raw插件的PS打开RAW照片,首先调整照片的基本色调,将右侧面板中白平衡模式改为阴天,或者直接拖动色温滑块到6500,让照片整体色调偏暖。  相似文献   

很多影友都是因为爱好旅游而开始接触摄影的,城市的风光照片便成为不可缺少的拍摄题材。本期的新手起步栏目就以一张入门级数码单反相机和套头拍摄的城市风光为例,为你讲解如何进行常规的调整和润饰。  相似文献   

刘景云 《电脑爱好者》2012,(13):106-106
正不管摄影技巧有多高,在光线暗淡的条件下拍摄的照片质量总会大打折扣。本文就通过一款软件来为照片营造完美真实的光照效果。今天介绍一款叫UrbanLightscape(简称UL)的独特软件,它可以为照片精确补光,并营造出更加完美真实的光照效果(下载地址:http://www.indii.org/files/urbanlightscape/releases/urbanlightscape-latest.exe)。创建亮度控制点为了充分说明UL的独特"功效",我们通过具体的实例加以详细介绍。在UL主界面工具栏中点击第一个按钮,打开一张实例图片。该图片是在博物馆拍摄的,其中摆放着桌椅、花瓶等物品。拍摄者想突出花瓶这一主体,因此  相似文献   

好友在开心网上创建了多个相册,并上传了近200张照片。后来她电脑出现故障,导致备份的照片都丢失了,于是想从开心网上重新下载照片保存。但是照片较多,一张张保存太麻烦,于是我想到了利用迅雷的下载全部链接的方式帮助她下载所有照片。  相似文献   

不知什么时候开始,网络上出现了许多“透明”显示器的照片。除了工具栏,鼠杆指针,“我的电脑”等图标外,根本没有桌面壁纸,显示器后面的东西看得一清二楚!第一次看,笔者和大家一样吃惊,还以为是007的道具。但仔细一研究,原涞只是利用Photoshop玩的一个小把戏而已。今天,就让笔者与大家分享一下制作这种“灵异”照片的技巧。  相似文献   

《新概念电脑》的照片打印机打印质量测试样张有3张.第1张是含有细小文字、表格.线条.色块的图文混排文档.主要用于评价照片打印机的打印精度与文本打印质量。第2张测试样张是由四幅具有代表性的图片组成.用来评价照片打印机打印照片的色彩、层次以及光影效果等。第3张测试样张是一幅人物照片.用于评价打印机打印精度与色彩表现。  相似文献   

我们面对一张长长的Excel表格时,有些重要的单元格需要反复使用,翻来覆去地找,让人头晕眼花效率差。能否开个窗口,把这几个重要的单元格“拴“在附近,监视它的一举一动呢?  相似文献   

世界上第一张照片诞生于200年前近日,英国摄影专家们对外界表示,一张曝光于赭色感光纸上的树叶照片被认为是世界上第一张照片,其历史可以追溯到200年前。这张照片拍摄的是一片普通的树叶,当时摄影师将树叶放在一张感光纸上,随后将感光纸拿到阳光下曝光,最终,感光纸上清晰地显示出一个和树叶大小相同的图片,并  相似文献   

飞利浦数码相框是一款突破了传统相框概念的全新产品,它能将数码照片直接显示在LCD显示屏上,免去了打印照片的不便。同时相对于传统相框只能搭配一张照片,数码相框能存储多张照片并更方便的随时更换照片。值得一提的是,数码相框还具备传统相框完全无法比拟的优势,即用幻灯片方式来浏览照片,因此,一个数码相框便能满足用户欣赏多张照片的需要。  相似文献   

The paper considers some of the reasons advanced by commercial and industrial institutions in order to avoid using analysis and test tools. These insights serve to explain why so few tools are currently in use in such organisations. There is clearly a challenge for the testing community to meet, and this paper is a faltering step towards formulating the goals.  相似文献   

The uptake of digital photos vs. print photos has altered the practice of photo-sharing. Print photos are easy to share within the home, but much harder to share outside of it. The opposite is true of digital photos. People easily share digital photos outside the home, e.g., to family and friends by e-mail gift-giving, and to social networks and the broader public by web publishing. Yet within the home, collocated digital photo-sharing is harder, primarily because digital photos are typically stored on personal accounts in desktop computers located in home offices. This leads to several consequences. (1) The invisibility of digital photos implies few opportunities for serendipitous photo-sharing. (2) Access control and navigation issues inhibit family members from retrieving photo collections. (3) Photo viewing is compromised as digital photos are displayed on small screens in an uncomfortable viewing setting.To mitigate some of these difficulties, we explore how physical memorabilia collected by family members can create opportunities that encourage social and collocated digital photo-sharing. First, we studied (via contextual interviews with 20 households) how families currently practice photo-sharing and how they keep memorabilia. We identified classes of memorabilia that can serve as memory triggers to family events, trips, and times when people took photos. Second, we designed Souvenirs, a photo-viewing system that exploits memorabilia as a social instrument. Using Souvenirs, a family member can meaningfully associate physical memorabilia with particular photo-sets. Later, any family member can begin their story-telling with others through the physical memento, and then enrich the story by displaying its associated photos simply by moving the memento close to the home's large-format television screen. Third, we re-examined our design premises by evoking household reactions to an early version of Souvenirs. Based on these interviews, we redesigned Souvenirs to better reflect the preferences and real practices of photo and memorabilia use in the home.  相似文献   

介绍了基于VB、FastReport Studiot和数据库制作电子照准考证的方法,对VB开发者运用FastReport Stu-dio开发报表具有一定的借鉴作用,同时提供了完整的电子照准考证制作应用实例。  相似文献   

Social network services have become widely used as an important tool to share rich information; in such networks, making new friends is the most basic functionality to enable users to take advantage of their social networks. In this paper we look into personal photos as an additional source for social network analysis and analyze the potential of people tags in the photos for friend recommendations. We also propose a new compact data structure, collectively called Face Co-Occurrence Networks (FCON), which stores crucial and quantitative information about people’s appearance in photos. We discover strong associative relationships among people and recommend reliable social friends by utilizing FCON. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method for recommending friends in social network services.  相似文献   

目前许多管理信息系统中都有照片信息,大量的照片信息如何存入数据库中,便成了一个问题.目前已有许多文章介绍了交互式选择单张导入照片的方法,效率不高,而且采用的是较高深的ADODB方法,本着用最简单的方法解决问题原则,采用最简单易用的VB中的DATA控件对象与IMAGE控件对象绑定的方法,通过循环巧妙地实现了将大量照片数据的成批导入Access数据库中.  相似文献   

Experiments on the use of the creation machine of the syntactic-semantic approach to locate airplanes on aerial photos is presented. The basic concepts and formulations of the syntactic-semantic approach are reviewed. The peculiarity of locating airplanes from aerial photos is discussed. Experimental results are shown. The creation machine is a procedure which can assemble the desired objects-from a chaos of fragments of the desired object and the noise object.  相似文献   

不论从什么渠道获得的数码照片,绝大部分需要进行后期加工和处理后才能使用,将欠缺的图像变的完美。而Adobe Photo-shop是目前最流行的图像处理软件。该文就Photoshop CS2中对色阶调整命令的使用和色阶直方图进行了分析和概括。  相似文献   

林慕婵 《办公自动化》2010,(8):53-54,62
本文介绍一种word和Excel结合实现数码照片批量整理的方法,该方法简单、经济实用,可实现图文在同一界面上著录和多幅照片图文在同一页面上的打印,不懂编程的普通电脑操作人员一学就会,适合批量整理数码照片档案。  相似文献   

Stylizing photos, to give them an antique or artistic look, has become popular in recent years. The available stylization filters, however, are usually created manually by artists, resulting in a narrow set of choices. Moreover, it can be difficult for the user to select a desired filter, since the filters’ names often do not convey their functions. We investigate an approach to photo filtering in which the user provides one or more keywords, and the desired style is defined by the set of images returned by searching the web for those keywords. Our method clusters the returned images, allows the user to select a cluster, then stylizes the user's photos by transferring vignetting, color, and local contrast from that cluster. This approach vastly expands the range of available styles, and gives each filter a meaningful name by default. We demonstrate that our method is able to robustly transfer a wide range of styles from image collections to users’ photos.  相似文献   

Reputation scores and seller photos are regarded as two types of signals promoting trust in e-commerce. Little is known about their differential impact when co-occurring in online transactions. Using a computer-mediated trust game, the current study combined three photo conditions (trustworthy, untrustworthy and no seller photo) with three reputation conditions (positive, negative and no seller reputation) in a 3×3 within-subject design. Buyers' ratings of trust and number of purchases served as dependent variables. Significant main effects were found for reputation scores and photos on both dependent variables and there was no interaction effect. Trustworthy photos and positive reputation contributed towards buyers' trust and higher purchase rates. Surprisingly, neither untrustworthy photos nor negative reputation performed worse than missing information. On the contrary, completely missing information (no reputation, no photo) led to distrust and differed significantly from completely negative information (low reputation, untrustworthy photo), which resulted in a neutral trust level. Overall, the data suggest that not only does positive information increase trust, but mere uncertainty reduction regarding a seller can also contribute towards trust in online transactions.  相似文献   

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